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对目前低轨卫星实时定位的方法进行了研究,现在通常采用GPS定位,使用广播星历和普通晶振,实时定位精度一般在10m以内,不能满足高精度实时定位的需求。IGS组织在全球范围内对GPS跟踪分析,生成精密星历、精密钟差产品、按SSR格式的广播星历和钟差修正产品并在网上发布。对这些IGS产品进行了调查,提出在现有测控支持情况下,可以通过高密度上注SSR信息流实现在轨高精度定位。以某型号低轨微小卫星在轨导航增强载荷为应用背景,用IGS03产品中的1057和1058数据对双频GPS接收机的星历和钟差进行修正,采用递推最小二乘估计和LAMDA模糊度固定过对载波相位和伪距信息进行处理,在短时间内获得亚米级定位结果。  相似文献   

提出一种新的模糊度固定方法,并把算法应用到精密单点定位(Precise Point Positioning,PPP)中,将模糊度进行选择固定,以实现恶劣环境下快速、有效获得较高PPP固定解的目的。该方法以模糊度固定成功率和Ratio因子为约束条件,基于最小方差优先固定的模糊度子集选取方法实现PPP中模糊度的部分固定。算例从模糊度固定可靠性、收敛速度以及PPP固定解精度等方面对部分模糊度固定方法进行了分析。结果表明,该方法使得PPP模糊度固定的平均可靠性比传统固定方法提高了近一倍、参数解算的平均收敛时间缩短了1/4左右。因此,更适合在初始阶段观测信息较少或残余误差较大而难以固定全部模糊度的时候,快速获得较高精度的PPP固定解。  相似文献   

采用CNES发布的实时相位偏差数据,实现包含模糊度固定的实时精密单点定位.对全球10个IGS测站10天观测数据进行RTPPP解算,分别统计模糊度首次固定时间和定位精度,结果显示利用实时相位偏差数据能在平均30min内实现模糊度首次固定,模糊度固定时水平位置误差由6cm迅速降低至2cm左右,三维位置误差由10cm迅速降低至5cm左右,同时RTPPP模糊度固定在3h观测内可保持水平3cm、三维5cm左右的定位精度.通过分析得出,基于相位偏差的RTPPP模糊度固定技术具有较高的定位精度和定位稳定性,能够快速实现cm级定位.  相似文献   

传统动力学定轨法受制于动力学模型精度,传统几何定轨法精度受限,只能达到亚米级,而基于精密单点定位(PPP)模式的几何定轨法一般采用浮点解,定轨精度及可靠性较基于双差模式的相对定位较差。为提高PPP模式低轨定轨的定位性能,利用中国区域内外的IGS测站计算出当前所有卫星的宽巷和窄巷相位小数偏差产品,对经过中国大陆区域上空的国产低轨卫星海洋二号(HY-2)和资源三号 (ZY-3) 卫星进行固定模糊度PPP的定轨解算,与事后精密轨道结果进行比较,分析其外符合精度。结果表明:仅利用约10min弧段的HY-2和ZY-3卫星数据,切向与径向的定轨精度可达2cm左右,法向为5cm左右,较浮点解定轨精度大幅提升。基于固定模糊度PPP的定轨方法能够满足厘米级的实时精密定轨。  相似文献   

基于加拿大地区高纬度电离层观测网的电离层闪烁观测数据,分析了2018年8月26日地磁暴事件引发的北半球高纬度地区电离层总电子含量(TEC)异常变化、TEC变化率指数(ROTI)及电离层相位闪烁的变化特征.结果表明:加拿大地区最大异常值约6 TECU,磁暴引发全球电离层TEC异常峰值高达20 TECU;加拿大地区电离层相...  相似文献   

空间技术的快速发展使得利用空间卫星的编队飞行构建大型空间星座成为可能,在引力波探测、射电望远镜编队、星座组网等任务方面具有重要作用。超精度控制是实现卫星高精度编队飞行的关键技术。推进系统是实现卫星编队长期高度稳定飞行的保证,从而实现内部科学装置的正确运行。不同于常规的推进系统,卫星精密编队超精度控制对推进系统的推力可调范围、分辨率、响应时间、推力的一致性等有着极高的要求。根据卫星精密编队任务需求,对微牛级推进系统的功能及技术要求进行了分析,提出了基于M2微波离子推力器的卫星超精度控制推进系统。阐述了M2超精密微牛级推进系统的关键技术和研究进展,为后续M2推力器在无拖曳控制方面的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

基于实时解空间的三维声源定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种基于实时解空间库的快速三维声源定位算法。该算法使用来自四个声传感器 ,一个风速传感器和一个风向传感器的信号能够准确快速地计算出声源的位置。  相似文献   

从理论上讨论了起始点位置误差对GPS基线解算精度的影响,并对实测资料进行了模拟计算,得到了与理论计算值相吻合的结果。指出:GPS网中起始点的位置偏差不影响基线解的内部精度,但使GPS基线解产生系统性偏差,偏差的大小与起始点位置偏差的大小成正比,与基线平均纬度的正切函数值成正比。文章最后,对在“SA”和“AS”技术影响下,进行高精度GPS差分定位时,如何测定网中具有较高精度的WGS84坐标起始点问题,提出了建议。  相似文献   

Network based real-time precise point positioning system includes two stages, i.e. real-time estimation of satellite clocks based on a reference network and real-time precise point positioning thereafter. In this paper, a satellite- and epoch-differenced approach, adopted from what is introduced by Han et al. (2001), is presented for the determination of satellite clocks and for the precise point positioning. One important refinement of our approach is the implementation of the robust clock estimation. A prototype software system is developed, and data from the European Reference Frame Permanent Network on September 19, 2009 is used to evaluate the approach. Results show that our approach is 3 times and 90 times faster than the epoch-difference approach and the zero-difference approach, respectively, which demonstrates a significant improvement in the computation efficiency. The RMS of the estimated clocks is at the level of 0.1 ns (3 cm) compared to the IGS final clocks. The clocks estimates are then applied to the precise point positioning in both kinematic and static mode. In static mode, the 2-h estimated coordinates have a mean accuracy of 3.08, 5.79, 6.32 cm in the North, East and Up directions. In kinematic mode, the mean kinematic coordinates accuracy is of 4.63, 5.82, 9.20 cm.  相似文献   

Integer ambiguity resolution at a single station can be achieved by introducing predetermined uncalibrated phase delays (UPDs) into the float ambiguity estimates of precise point positioning (PPP). This integer resolution technique has the potential of leading to a PPP-RTK (real-time kinematic) model where PPP provides rapid convergence to a reliable centimeter-level positioning accuracy based on an RTK reference network. Nonetheless, implementing this model is technically subject to how rapidly we can fix wide-lane ambiguities, stabilize narrow-lane UPD estimates, and achieve the first ambiguity-fixed solution. To investigate these issues, we used 7 days of 1-Hz sampling GPS data at 91 stations across Europe. We find that at least 10 min of observations are required for most receiver types to reliably fix about 90% of wide-lane ambiguities corresponding to high elevations, and over 20 min to fix about 90% of those corresponding to low elevations. Moreover, several tens of minutes are usually required for a regional network before a narrow-lane UPD estimate stabilizes to an accuracy of far better than 0.1 cycles. Finally, for hourly data, ambiguity resolution can significantly improve the accuracy of epoch-wise position estimates from 13.7, 7.1 and 11.4 cm to 0.8, 0.9 and 2.5 cm for the East, North and Up components, respectively, but a few tens of minutes is required to achieve the first ambiguity-fixed solution. Therefore, from the timeliness aspect, our PPP-RTK model currently cannot satisfy the critical requirement of instantaneous precise positioning where ambiguity-fixed solutions have to be achieved within at most a few seconds. However, this model can still be potentially applied to some near-real-time remote sensing applications, such as the GPS meteorology.  相似文献   

The main challenge in real-time precise point positioning (PPP) is that the data outages or large time lags in receiving precise orbit and clock corrections greatly degrade the continuity and real-time performance of PPP positioning. To solve this problem, instead of directly predicting orbit and clock corrections in previous researches, this paper presents an alternative approach of generating combined corrections including orbit error, satellite clock and receiver-related error with broadcast ephemeris. Using ambiguities and satellite fractional-cycle biases (FCBs) of previous epoch and the short-term predicted tropospheric delay through linear extrapolation model (LEM), combined corrections at current epoch are retrieved and weighted with multiple reference stations, and further broadcast to user for continuous enhanced positioning during outages of orbit and clock corrections. To validate the proposed method, two reference station network with different inter-station distance from National Geodetic Survey (NGS) network are used for experiments with six different time lags (i.e., 5 s, 10 s, 15 s, 30 s, 45 s and 60 s), and one set of data collected by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is also used. The performance of LEM is investigated, and the troposphere prediction accuracy of low elevation (e.g., 10–20degrees) satellites has been improved by 44.1% to 79.0%. The average accuracy of combined corrections before and after LEM is used is improved by 12.5% to 77.3%. Without LEM, an accuracy of 2–3 cm can be maintained only in case of small time lags, while the accuracies with LEM are all better than 2 cm in case of different time lags. The performance of simulated kinematic PPP at user end is assessed in terms of positioning accuracy and epoch fix rate. In case of different time lags, after LEM is used, the average accuracy in horizontal direction is better than 3 cm, and the accuracy in up direction is better than 5 cm. At the same time, the epoch fix rate has also increased to varying degrees. The results of the UAV data show that in real kinematic environment, the proposed method can still maintain a positioning accuracy of several centimeters in case of 20 s time lag.  相似文献   

Continuous and timely real-time satellite orbit and clock products are mandatory for real-time precise point positioning (RT-PPP). Real-time high-precision satellite orbit and clock products should be predicted within a short time in case of communication delay or connection breakdown in practical applications. For prediction, historical data describing the characteristics of the real-time orbit and clock can be used as the basis for performing the prediction. When historical data are scarce, it is difficult for many existing models to perform precise predictions. In this paper, a linear regression model is used to predict clock products. Seven-day GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) final clock products sampled at 30 s are used to analyze the characteristics of GNSS clocks. It is shown that the linear regression model can be used as the prediction model for the satellite clock products. In addition, the accuracy of the clock prediction for different satellites are analyzed using historical data with different periods (such as 2 and 10 epochs). Experimental results show that the accuracy of the clock with the linear regression prediction model using historical data with 10 epochs is 1.0 ns within 900 s. This is higher accuracy than that achieved using historical data of 2 epochs. Finally, the performance analysis for real-time kinematic precise point positioning (PPP) is provided using GFZ final clock prediction results and state space representation (SSR) clock prediction results when communication delay or connection breakdown occur. Experimental results show that the positioning accuracy without prediction is better than that with prediction in general, whether using the final clock product or the SSR clock product. For the final clock product, the positioning accuracy in the north (N), east (E), and up (U) directions is better than 10.0 cm with all visible GNSS satellites with prediction. In comparison, the 3D positioning accuracy of N, E, and U directions with visible GNSS satellites whose prediction accuracy is better than 0.1 ns using historical data of 10 epochs is improved from 15.0 cm to 7.0 cm. For the SSR clock product, the positioning accuracy of N, E, and U directions is better than 12.0 cm with visible GNSS satellites with prediction. In comparison, the 3D positioning accuracy of N, E, and U directions with visible GNSS satellites whose prediction accuracy is better than 0.1 ns using historical data of 10 epochs is improved from 12.0 cm to 9.0 cm.  相似文献   

To realize the smooth transition from regional BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS-2) to the global one (BDS-3), the integration of BDS-2 and BDS-3 is important for providing continuous, stable and reliable positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) services for global users. This work used 154 globally distributed multi-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) experiment stations spanning 30 days to analyze the satellite availability and positioning performance of uncombined precise point positioning (UC-PPP) under current BDS-2 and BDS-3 constellations. We focused on three issues: the influence of BDS-3 receiver tracking abilities, the positioning performance among different areas, and the benefit of multi-frequency observations. The results show that the elliptical zone caused by poor BDS-2 satellite visibility is disappeared when the evenly distributed BDS-3 medium earth orbit satellites are introduced. When BDS-3 are integrated with BDS-2, the area with the Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP) less than 2 can be expanded to 75° S-75° N and 30° E-150° W. The positioning performance of BDS-3 and BDS-2/BDS-3 UC-PPP are seriously affected by the receiver tracking abilities of BDS-3 signals. When the maximum pseudo-random noise sequences (PRNs) of BDS-3 satellites tracked by stations are within 30 or 37, the positioning accuracy of static UC-PPP can be improved by 22.94% or 8.27% due to the integration of BDS-2 and BDS-3. Besides, the most improvement of BDS-2 and BDS-3 integration is achieved in Asia-Pacific regions, especially for the kinematic UC-PPP or the poor receiver tracking abilities of BDS-3. Similar to the multi-frequency BDS-2 UC-PPP, the benefit of multi-frequency signals for BDS-3 or BDS-2/BDS-3 UC-PPP is also non-vital. The three-dimensional positioning accuracy of BDS-2/BDS-3 multi-frequency UC-PPP in static mode and kinematic mode are 2.24 cm and 5.39 cm, while the corresponding convergence time are 49.62 min and 73.80 min, respectively. Compared with BDS-2, both the positioning accuracy and the convergence time of BDS-2/BDS-3 joint UC-PPP are improved by approximately over 50%, which indicates that BDS-3 has a great potential to provide high-quality PNT services as other global navigation satellite systems.  相似文献   

Motivated by the IGS real-time Pilot Project, GFZ has been developing its own real-time precise positioning service for various applications. An operational system at GFZ is now broadcasting real-time orbits, clocks, global ionospheric model, uncalibrated phase delays and regional atmospheric corrections for standard PPP, PPP with ambiguity fixing, single-frequency PPP and regional augmented PPP. To avoid developing various algorithms for different applications, we proposed a uniform algorithm and implemented it into our real-time software. In the new processing scheme, we employed un-differenced raw observations with atmospheric delays as parameters, which are properly constrained by real-time derived global ionospheric model or regional atmospheric corrections and by the empirical characteristics of the atmospheric delay variation in time and space. The positioning performance in terms of convergence time and ambiguity fixing depends mainly on the quality of the received atmospheric information and the spatial and temporal constraints. The un-differenced raw observation model can not only integrate PPP and NRTK into a seamless positioning service, but also syncretize these two techniques into a unique model and algorithm. Furthermore, it is suitable for both dual-frequency and sing-frequency receivers. Based on the real-time data streams from IGS, EUREF and SAPOS reference networks, we can provide services of global precise point positioning (PPP) with 5–10 cm accuracy, PPP with ambiguity-fixing of 2–5 cm accuracy, PPP using single-frequency receiver with accuracy of better than 50 cm and PPP with regional augmentation for instantaneous ambiguity resolution of 1–3 cm accuracy. We adapted the system for current COMPASS to provide PPP service. COMPASS observations from a regional network of nine stations are used for precise orbit determination and clock estimation in simulated real-time mode, the orbit and clock products are applied for real-time precise point positioning. The simulated real-time PPP service confirms that real-time positioning services of accuracy at dm-level and even cm-level is achievable with COMPASS only.  相似文献   

Current precise point positioning (PPP) techniques are mainly based on GPS which has been extensively investigated. With the increase of available GLONASS satellites during its revitalization, GLONASS observations were increasingly integrated into GPS-based PPP. Now that GLONASS has reached its full constellation, there will be a wide interest in PPP systems based on only GLONASS since it provides a PPP implementation independent of GPS. An investigation of GLONASS-based PPP will also help the development of GPS and GLONASS combined PPP techniques for improved precision and reliability. This paper presents an observation model for GLONASS-based PPP in which the GLONASS hardware delay biases are addressed. In view of frequently changed frequency channel number (FCN) for GLONASS satellites, an algorithm has been developed to compute the FCN for GLONASS satellites using code and phase observations, which avoids the need to provide the GLONASS frequency channel information during data processing. The observation residuals from GLONASS-based PPP are analyzed and compared to those from GPS-based PPP. The performance of GLONASS-based PPP is assessed using data from 15 globally distributed stations.  相似文献   

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) precise positioning can be significantly affected by severe multipath effects and outliers in harsh environments, and highly relies on quality control strategies. Previous studies mainly focus on the posterior residuals to check and exclude the outliers in GNSS observations, limited work emphasizes the combined quality control method considering both the prior and posterior knowledge simultaneously. This paper proposed a real-time combined quality control method to process the multipath effects and outliers in harsh environments simultaneously. Specifically, in the prior stage, a modified multipath processing strategy is proposed for both phase and code observations, then a modified detection, identification, and adaptation (DIA) method considering the maximum times of data snooping is studied in the posterior stage. Two dedicated experiments in real harsh environments were carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed combined quality control method. For the static experiment, the proposed method exhibits smaller positioning errors, the best positioning accuracy, and the highest availability in this study. Specifically, the proposed method exhibits an improved percentage of 55.4 %, 56.3 %, and 59.7 % for positioning accuracy compared to those without the quality control method in the E, N, and U directions, respectively. Besides, the proposed method can further improve the performance of ambiguity resolution with an improved percentage of 32.2 %. For the kinematic experiment, the three-dimensional positioning accuracy of the proposed method is 0.577 m, which exhibits a 40.0 % improvement compared to those without the quality control method. Also, the proposed method exhibits better performance under relatively strong multipath effects. In this sense, the proposed real-time combined quality control method is highly appreciated in terms of positioning availability, accuracy, and ambiguity resolution for GNSS precise positioning, especially in harsh environments.  相似文献   

Precise point positioning (PPP) usually takes about 30?min to obtain centimetre-level accuracy, which greatly limits its application. To address the drawbacks of convergence speed and positioning accuracy, we develop a PPP model with integrated GPS and BDS observations. Based on the method, stations with global coverage are selected to estimate the fractional cycle bias (FCB) of GPS and BDS. The short-term and long-term time series of wide-lane (WL) FCB, and the single day change of narrow-lane (NL) FCB are analysed. It is found that the range of GPS and BDS non-GEO (IGSO and MEO) WL FCB is stable at up to a 30-day-time frame. At times frame of up to 60?days, the stability is reduced a lot. Whether for short-term or long-term, the changes in the BDS GEO WL FCB are large. Moreover, BDS FCB sometimes undergoes a sudden jump. Besides, 17 and 10 stations were used respectively to investigate the convergence speed and positioning errors with six strategies: BDS ambiguity-float PPP (Bfloat), GPS ambiguity-float PPP (Gfloat), BDS/GPS ambiguity-float PPP (BGfloat), BDS ambiguity-fixed PPP (Bfix), GPS ambiguity-fixed (Gfix), and BDS/GPS ambiguity-fixed (BGfix). The average convergence speed of the ambiguity-fixed solution is greatly improved compared with the ambiguity-float solution. In terms of the average convergence time, the Bfloat is the longest and the BGfix is the shortest among these six strategies. Whether for ambiguity-float PPP or ambiguity-fixed PPP, the convergence reduction time in three directions for the combined system is the largest compared with the single BDS. The average RMS value of the Bfix in three directions (easting (E), northing (N), and up (U)) are 2.0?cm, 1.5?cm, and 5.9?cm respectively, while those of the Gfix are 0.8?cm, 0.5?cm, and 1.7?cm. Compared with single system, the BDS/GPS combined ambiguity-fixed system (BGfix) has the fastest convergence speed and the highest accuracy, with average RMS as 0.7?cm, 0.5?cm, and 1.9?cm for the E, N, U components, respectively.  相似文献   

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