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Besides gravitational effects, interesting electrodynamical processes could also take place in the vicinity of the rings of Saturn. In part, this is because of the electrostatic charging of the ring particles by the magnetospheric and ionospheric plasma, and in part, the generation of impact plasma by meteoroid bombardment at the ring plane could lead to strong coupling between the rings and the ionosphere via a variety of current systems. The mass transport and angular momentum transfer in association with the ring-ionosphere coupling may cause quite large changes in the ring configuration over the age of the solar system. The presence of the sharp boundary between the B and the C rings perhaps is a good example. To highlight these new developments, we describe several of the electrodynamical mechanisms (with emphasis on their corresponding electric fields and current systems) which have been postulated to be of importance in determining the mass transport of the ring system. Further points are made that, besides mass exchange between the rings and the planetary atmosphere, the mass injection from the rings could also have significant effect on the mass and energy budget of the magnetosphere, maintenance of the E ring, the Titan hydrogen torus as well as aeronomic process in the upper atmosphere of Titan.  相似文献   

Dust rings have been observed around each of the giant planets and may also exist around Mars. The particles comprising these rings have short lifetimes due to a number of processes including exospheric and plasma drag, Poynting-Robertson drag, sputtering, collision with other circumplanetary particles, and the Lorentz force for charged grains. The supply of dust is maintained by collisions between macroscopic ring particles and bombardment of moons and ring particles by interplanetary impactors. All of the processes that act to remove or alter the circumplanetary dust grains are functions of particle size, so the initial size distribution of the grains released from an impact onto a moon or ring particle is modified. The size distribution of the impact ejecta can be described by a power-law of the form n(r)drrqdr where n(r)dr is the number of particles in the size range [r,r + dr] and q is the power-law index. For hypervelocity impact excavation, q ≈ 3.5. Drag acts more efficiently on smaller grains resulting in a reduction in q of 1. Other dynamical processes can lead to particle-size dependent collision rates with other circumplanetary objects. These processes can lead to local steepening of the size distribution (increase in q) and to truncation of the dust size distribution to a narrow range of sizes.  相似文献   

Saturn's E ring     
The E ring is a loose collection of debris orbiting Saturn well outside the classical ring system. Compared to the classical ring system, the E ring is extraordinarily tenuous but occupies an enormous volume. The optical depth has a pronounced maximum near the orbit of Enceladus, which is therefore widely assumed to be the source of ring material. Optical properties of the ring suggest a collection of micron-sized spheroids whose composition is generally supposed to be water ice in accordance with the assumed Enceladus source.Apart from its unusual physical properties, the very existence of the E ring as a permanent feature of the Saturn system is problematical. The particles of the ring are susceptible to erosion by ion sputtering and outward transport by ion drag. Lifetimes against either of these processes in the presence of observed ion populations are estimated to be no more than a few thousand years, and it is not clear that Enceladus can replenish the ring particles continuously on such a time scale. It has thus been suggested that the E ring is a transient feature of the Saturn system, resulting from an episodic disturbance of Enceladus (e.g., a sizeable meteoroid impact or tectonic event) in the recent past. In any case, the E ring presently provides a convenient natural probe of magnetospheric transport processes because it presents a marginally significant cross section for the absorption of magnetospherically-trapped particles traversing its volume.  相似文献   

The scattering properties of the spokes in Saturn's rings suggest that they consist of micron-sized dust particles. We suggest that these grains are elevated above the ring plane by electrostatic charging. We show that electrostatic levitation requires a sufficiently large plasma density near the rings. If the plasma density near the rings exceeds a few 102 cm?3 levitation may occur at significant rates in the strong electric fields which exist in the wall-sheaths at the ring. Once the dust particles are elevated they drift relative to the plasma (except at synchronous orbit). This relative motion constitutes a current which causes a polarization electric field if the plasma is azimuthally inhomogeneous. The dense plasma will drift radially in response to this electric field and cause levitation of more dust particles as it moves along. It leaves a radially aligned trail of elevated dust particles—the spokes. One way of producing dense plasma is by meteor impact on the rings. We discuss the mechanisms of ring charging, electrostatic levitation and the currents in the plasma-dust mixture. We show that for reasonable conditions spokes of more than 10,000 km radial length can be formed in less than five minutes. We also show that under the same conditions the electrostatic levitation model predicts a dust grain population which peaks at a size of 0.6 microns and can reach optical depths of 0.1.  相似文献   

Planetary rings     
The individual ring systems are described with dust/magnetosphere interactions high-lighted somewhat. Jupiter's main ring is tenuous and enveloped by the magnetosphere; it principally contains micron-sized silicate grains. A vertically-extended, radially-localized “halo” of submicron particles lies inward of the main ring while a newly-discovered very faint ring lies outside it. The classical Saturnian system is composed of water ice chunks with sizes principally between cm and meters. Satellite resonances determine some ring structure but most is not understood. The faint exterior rings (E, G, F and one just identified between the A and F rings) are intimately associated with magnetospheric particles and contain mainly small grains, which are also prominent in the “spokes” located in the dense, middle portion of the B ring. Most of the nine narrow Uranian rings are slightly inclined and eccentric, and presumably lie within the putative Uranian magnetosphere. Particles are likely carbonaceous; sizes are thought to be larger than microns.  相似文献   

In situ measurements by dust experiments on HEOS II showed significant enhancement of fluxes for submicron particles. Recent studies have shown that lunar ejecta in this size range can, in a highly simplified model, be trapped in the earth's magnetosphere. The present work is a more detailed study of the dynamics of lunar ejecta in the magnetosphere. The particle size ranges for which the guiding center approximation is valid, for which corotation is negligible, and for which electromagnetic forces dominate gravitational forces have been calculated. Temporal details of charge acquisition by ejecta in the plasmasphere are considered.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the stability of a ring of bodies of equal mass uniformly distributed around a large oblate central mass. The purpose of this and previous papers is to shed light on the stability of Saturn’s rings. Previous papers have been limited by the assumptions that (1) all ring bodies are at the same distance from the central body, (2) the central body acts like a point mass (i.e., is a perfect sphere), and (3) the ring bodies all have the same mass and are evenly spaced around the ring. The third limitation is probably the least important; as long as there are a large number of masses and the mass distribution is approximately uniform then the system should behave as a system of equally-spaced, equal-mass bodies. The first main purpose of this paper is to remove the second limitation. But, the paper also aims to address limitation (1). Recent computer simulations of single-ring systems have shown that the threshold for stability, as determined by a linear stability analysis, matches precisely the stability threshold predicted by simulation. In other words, a linear stability analysis while presumably just a mathematical abstraction actually tells us something quite real. Furthermore, simulations of multi-ring systems suggest that instability comes from azimuthal perturbations; small azimuthal changes are more destabilizing that small radial perturbations. Hence, in this paper, we also consider the situation where the central body consists not just of an oblate central mass but also incorporates a flat ring representing in aggregate all ring bodies at radii other than the one under consideration. The central oblate body together with a flat ring is modeled simply by introducing two oblateness terms to the gravitational potential associated with the central mass. The subsequent analysis is almost identical to the case of a single oblateness term. For Saturn, the oblateness of the central mass is six orders of magnitude more significant than the rings at other radii as a destabilizing influence.  相似文献   

Recent studies of the lunar ejecta from lunar impacts of interplanetary dust particles indicate that during favorable lunar phases, over 80% of the submicron ejecta enters the earth's magnetosphere. This “pulse” of lunar ejecta produced by the sporadic meteor background will follow the random variations of the sporadic flux. An additional enhancement of this flux can be related to major meteor showers. Since the annual periods of these showers occur during varying lunar phase angles, magnetosphere ejecta flux associated with major showers will vary depending on the coincidence of shower periods and favorable lunar phase angles. The results of an analysis of the “pulse” of ejecta flux in the magnetosphere during the Quadrantids, Geminids, Leonids, and Perseids meteor showers are presented. These results are compared to the satellite measurements of 1959 Eta and HEOS II.  相似文献   

Safe and efficient mission operations in space require an accurate understanding of the physical interactions of space radiation. As the primary space radiation interacts with intervening materials, the composition and spectrum of the radiation environment changes. The production of secondary particles can make a significant contribution to radiation exposure. In this work, the NASA space radiation transport code, HZETRN, is extended to include the transport of electrons, positrons, and photons. The production of these particles is coupled to the initial cosmic ray radiation environment through the decay of neutral pions, which produce high energy photons, and through the decay of muons, which produce electrons and positrons. The photons, electrons, and positrons interact with materials producing more photons, electrons and positrons generating an electromagnetic cascade. The relevant cross sections, transport equation, and solution method are introduced. Electron and positron production in Earth’s atmosphere is investigated and compared to experimental balloon-flight measurements. Reasonable agreement is seen between HZETRN and data.  相似文献   

Voyager 1 radio occultation study of Saturn's rings gives detailed information regarding the rings' radial structure and particle sizes. Structure within the rings is mapped to a radial resolution of few hundred m in the tenuous parts of ring C and the Cassini Division, and few km over ost of ring A. Fine resolution profiles reveal extremely sharp edges, very narrow gaps, and a host of wave phenomena. Particle size distributions obtained from occultation data within several ring regions are roughly consistent with an inverse cube power law with upper size cutoff in the 5 to 10 m radius range.  相似文献   

Extensive studies have been conducted concerning individual mass, temporal and positional distribution of submicron rocky ejecta existing in the satellite-planetary gravitational sphere of influence. The transit time of the major portion of the ejecta that is transported from the satellite's gravitational sphere of influence to the planetary magnetopause is about one week and represents a mass loading pulse occurring each satellite orbit. The mass-flux distributions of lunar ejecta at the surface of the magnetopause for a complete lunar orbit are presented. Spatial mass densities of lunar ejecta in specific zones of the magnetosphere provide a means to compare sporadic interplanetary dust spatial mass densities in the same zones.  相似文献   

随着天文观测的深入,发现不仅土星、木星等气态巨行星环绕有光环,某些小天体也环绕有光环。针对目前发现环的半人马型小天体女凯龙星(10199 Chariklo),研究其引力场中粒子(视为质点)的轨道动力学,分析赤道椭率和小天体自转对环中粒子轨道运动的影响,通过庞加莱截面中的KAM环迭代,得到第一类周期轨道和1∶3共振周期轨道,并通过对比和分析得到小天体光环位置与小天体自转平运动共振的关系。研究结果表明:女凯龙星内环中的粒子最可能处在满足径向振荡幅值范围的第一类周期轨道及其附近的准周期轨道上,但不能排除处在1∶3共振周期轨道及其附近的准周期轨道上;外环中的粒子不可能处在1∶3共振周期轨道上,只可能处在第一类周期轨道及其附近的准周期轨道上。   相似文献   

Two small satellites of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, can be dust sources around Mars. Orbits of circummartian dust particles are controlled by solar radiation pressure as well as Martian oblateness. Their orbital eccentricity and inclination can be enhanced greatly by the orbital resonance. Particles from Phobos would form a thin dust ring where dust radius is dominant in 20–200μm. On the other hand, particles from Deimos would form an extended dust torus. Collisions of ring particles on Phobos and Deimos may be the most important dust source. The upper limit of dust production from this self-sustaining mechanism can be estimated from the erosion rate of Phobos. Japanese Mars mission NOZOMI (PLANET-B) could discover dust ring/torus through direct detection by MDC (Mars Dust Counter).  相似文献   

The asteroid and cometary impact hazard has long been recognised as an important issue requiring risk assessment and contingency planning. At the same time asteroids have also been acknowledged as possible sources of raw materials for future large-scale space engineering ventures. This paper explores possible synergies between these two apparently opposed views; planetary protection and space resource exploitation. In particular, the paper assumes a 5 tonne low-thrust spacecraft as a baseline for asteroid deflection and capture (or resource transport) missions. The system is assumed to land on the asteroid and provide a continuous thrust able to modify the orbit of the asteroid according to the mission objective. The paper analyses the capability of such a near-term system to provide both planetary protection and asteroid resources to Earth. Results show that a 5 tonne spacecraft could provide a high level of protection for modest impact hazards: airburst and local damage events (caused by 15–170 m diameter objects). At the same time, the same spacecraft could also be used to transport to bound Earth orbits significant quantities of material through judicious use of orbital dynamics and passively safe aero-capture manoeuvres or low energy ballistic capture. As will be shown, a 5 tonne low-thrust spacecraft could potentially transport between 12 and 350 times its own mass of asteroid resources by means of ballistic capture or aero-capture trajectories that pose very low dynamical pressures on the object.  相似文献   

The surface layer of the Moon preserves vital evidences of lunar impact and cratering processes due to the absence of any Aeolian and fluvial erosion processes acting on it. By examining these evidences, which are recorded throughout the evolutionary history of the Moon, several basic aspects of lunar science can be understood, and this has direct relevance to the surfaces of other airless bodies within the solar system. In this study, rock abundance data obtained from Thermal Infrared (TIR) observations and radar Circular Polarization Ratio (CPR) data sets obtained from polarimetric SAR observations were correlated at some sample sites on the lunar surface. Preliminary results yielded qualitative and quantitative estimates for surface rock abundances. Except at distal ejecta deposits of young, bright craters a general correlation was observed between the two datasets. Mixed results were observed from the impact melt flows where the situation is complex due to the possible subsurface-volume and volume-subsurface interactions of the radar waves. But the flow features were clearly separated from the interior and ejecta regions of their parent craters in terms of CPR and rock abundances. The extent and distributions of pyroclastic deposits and dark haloed regions could not be distinctly identified at the resolution of datasets utilized. Near Gerasimovich D crater, the Diviner Radiometer has provided the first TIR observations of a newly discovered impact melt flow which was not visible in the optical imagery. This facilitated the first ever quantitative comparisons of the radar CPR and rock abundance values near such a region. Also, significant differences in spatial patterns between the radar and rock concentration data sets were observed, owing to the differences in the sensitivity of the two observations.  相似文献   

We investigate the long-term evolution and observability of remnants originating from the merger of compact binary systems and discuss the differences to supernova remnants. Compact binary mergers expel much smaller amounts of mass at much higher velocities, as compared to supernovae, which will affect the dynamical evolution of their remnants. The ejecta of mergers consist of very neutron rich nuclei. Some of these neutron rich nuclei will produce observational signatures in form of gamma ray lines during their decay. The composition of the ejecta might even give interesting constraints about the internal structure of the neutron star. We further discuss the possibility that merger remnants appear as recently discovered ‘dark accelerators’ which are extended TeV sources which lack emission in other bands.  相似文献   

The properties of dust ejecta from Comet Halley are studied on the basis of (a) evidence from the comet's past apparitions and (b) analogy with recent, physically similar comets. Specifically discussed are the light curve and spectrum, discrete phenomena in the head, the physical properties of the nucleus (size, albedo, rotation, surface temperature, and morphology), and an interaction between the nucleus and dust atmosphere. Also reviewed are constraints on the size and mass distributions of dust particles, information on submicron-size and submillimeter-size grains from the comet's dust tail and antitail, and the apparent existence of more than one particle type. Similarities between the jet patterns of Halley and the parent comet of the Perseid meteor stream are depicted, and effects of the surface heterogeneity (discrete active regions) on the dust flow are assessed. Current dust models for Halley are summarized and the existence of short-term variations in the dust content in the comet's atmosphere is suggested.  相似文献   

Measurements of hypervelocity impact fluxes (in both thick and thin targets) detected by the University of Kent at Canterbury's Timeband Capture Cell Experiment (TiCCE) (flown on ESA's Eureca spacecraft) are presented. The foil perforations are used to derive the ballistic limit values, or the maximum thickness of A1 perforated, for the impacting particles. This data is then combined with the thick target data to derive a unified ballistic limit flux. A significant enhancement in the observed large particle flux compared with LDEF is found, possibly due to the pointing history of Eureca compared to the Earth's orbital direction. Comparisons are also made to predictions from ESABASE modelling. Preliminary results of a study of perforation morphology are also presented, providing insight into particle shape, density and directionality.  相似文献   

We have observed the Cygnus Loop from the northeast (NE) to the southwest (SW) with XMM-Newton. We extracted spectra from 3′-spaced annular regions across the Loop and fitted them either with a one-kTe-component non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) model or with two-kTe-component NEI model. We found that the two-kTe-component model yields significantly better fits in almost all the spectra than the one-kTe-component model. Judging from the abundances, the high-kTe-component in the two-temperature model must be fossil ejecta while the low-kTe-component comes from the swept-up interstellar medium (ISM). The distributions of Ne, Mg, Si, and S for fossil ejecta appear to retain the onion-skin structure at the time of a supernova explosion, suggesting that significant overturning of the ejecta has not occurred yet. Comparing the relative abundances of fossil ejecta estimated for the entire Cygnus Loop with those from theoretical calculations for Type-II SN, the mass of the progenitor star is likely to be ∼13 M. The trends of the radial profiles of kTe and emission integral for the swept-up ISM are adequately described by the Sedov model, suggesting that the swept-up ISM is concentrated in a shell-like structure. Comparing our data with the Sedov model, we found the ambient medium density to be ∼0.7 cm−3. Then, we estimated the total mass of the swept-up ISM and the age of the remnant to be ∼130 M and 13,000 years, respectively. Note that if the explosion occurred within a stellar wind cavity, then the density in the cavity, the total swept-up mass in the cavity, and the age of the remnant are estimated to be ∼0.14 cm−3, ∼25 M, and ∼10,000 years, respectively.  相似文献   

航空发动机气路和排放尾气中固体颗粒物的监测有助于提高相关设备故障的识别和预警能力。采用3种不同形式的静电传感器测量方形管道中固体颗粒质量流量,并对其测量准确度进行了对比分析。3种静电传感器在4种输送气流速度和4种固体颗粒质量流量组合成的16种工况下测量了稀相固体颗粒的静电信号,并利用静电信号强度和固体颗粒速度进行了全工况固体颗粒质量流量标定。实验结果表明:方环形静电电极的平均测量偏差最大,侵入式条状静电电极阵列在质量流量较低时的测量偏差最小,非侵入式条状静电电极阵列在质量流量较高时的测量偏差最小。   相似文献   

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