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The Infrared thermal emission of the nucleus has been observed by the imaging channel of the infrared spectrometer IKS during the fly-by of Comet Halley by the VEGA 1 probe. An emissive region with a temperature in excess of 300 K has been detected. The results are compatible with a simplified model assuming a spherical nucleus covered by an insulating black material.  相似文献   

Results of the 2.5–5 micron spectroscopic channel of the IKS instrument on Vega are reported and the data reduction process is described. H2O and CO2 molecules have been detected with production rates of 1030 s−1 and 1.5 1028 s−1 respectively. Emission features between 3.3 and 3.7 microns are tentatively attributed to CH - bearing compounds - CO is marginally detected with a mixing ratio CO/H2O 0.2. OH emission and H2O - ice absorption might also be present in the spectra.  相似文献   

The wide field (7.5°), arc minute imaging, and spectroscopic capabilities of the Far Ultraviolet FAUST telescope which will be flown on Spacelab I can provide valuable information on Comet Halley. The use of the FAUST instrument in obtaining images of the hydrogen coma at 1216 Å, and in obtaining objective grating spectroscopy from 1300–3300 Å of the comet and tail, are described. The FAUST images would provide large field of view data that are required for model calculations of gas production rates and the determination of scale lengths and lifetimes of ion species.  相似文献   

The IKS infrared spectro-photometer will fly on board the VEGA platforms. It is designed to characterize the size, temperature and emissivity of the Comet Halley nucleus, to identify the major gaseous components of the inner coma and to detect the emission of the cometary grains. This paper presents the “calibration” experiments required to reduce the raw data: (i) absolute wavelength calibration of the filter wheels; (ii) modeling of the internal signal, as a function of the temperature of the different sub-systems; (iii) absolute and spectral responsivities of each of the spectrometric and photometric channels, as a function of the wavelength and position of the source in the field of view. Finally, we shall indicate the expected S/N ratios.  相似文献   

The observation of EUV emissions of comet Halley and its plasma-gas environment by means of rocket- or satellite-borne resonance absorption cell spectrophotometer devices is planned. The technical outlay of the payload, the estimated EUV intensities, and the scientific objectives of this mission are presented. Due to complete suppression of the geocoronal He I emissions by He I resonance absorption cells, a quantitative identification of the cometary object in the He I 58.4 nm line is possible, if the He/H abundance ratio in the evaporating cometary matter is higher than 4.0 E-4.  相似文献   

A comprehensive programme is proposed for optical observations of Comet Halley based on the wide range of available facilities such as photometers, monochromators, interferometers and a polarimeter. Feasibility study of the proposed investigations with reference to existing facilities is carried out for each technique and needs for additional instrumentation are established. Conclusions for optimum utilization of existing facilities are presented.  相似文献   

Preliminary results from the JPA instrument on Giotto indicate that Comet Halley, even on the flanks, has a bow shock which moves backwards and forwards over the spacecraft. To understand the structure properly will require more detailed investigation of the relationships between three particle populations, cometary ions, solar wind ions and electrons.  相似文献   

In order to prepare infrared sounding of comet Halley from the flyby VEGA probes, we have computed the synthetic spectrum between 2.5 and 15 μ of a typical comet at a heliocentric distance of ~ 0.8 AU. The present paper is particularly devoted to the contribution from the cometary gases. For a selection of 20 possible parent molecules, the most efficient excitation process is resonant fluorescence by the solar radiation field. The H2O, CO, CO2, CH4, NH3 and H2CO molecules are the best candidates for detection by the IKS infrared spectrometers aboard the VEGA probes. For the water molecule, collisions are too rare to ensure thermal equilibrium in the whole coma ; therefore a limited number of fluorescence lines are expected to be present in the H2O vibrational bands.  相似文献   

The motion of dust particles near Halley Comet is studied and the probability of dust impacts with the spacecraft in case of the VEGA (Venus-Halley)- project is determined. The formation of a crater due to a particle impact with the dust shield is considered and the necessity for using a dual-sheet bumper shield is substantiated. The thickness of a front sheet that plays a role of the particle evaporator is estimated theoretically. The numerical experiment is carried out that simulates the dynamics of collision and evaporation of a particle. Three factors causing perforations of the rear sheet are discussed, i.e. dust penetrated through holes in the front sheet, gas jets and spall fragments of the front-sheet. The consideration of these factors makes it possible to estimate basic parameters of the dual-sheet bumper shield. Flexural vibrations of the front sheet under action of the reverse gaseous jet from the rear sheet are discussed that can affect essentially the shield strength. The perturbing effect of the dust and gas fluxes on the spacecraft is studied.  相似文献   

The VEGA-1 and VEGA-2 spacecraft made their closest approach to Comet Halley on 6 and 9 March, respectively. In this paper those results of the onboard imaging experiment which were obtained around closest approach are discussed. The nucleus of the comet was clearly identifiable as an irregularly shaped object, with overall dimensions of (16±1)×(8±1)×(8±1) km. The nucleus rotates in the prograde sense about an axis nearly perpendicular to the orbital plane with a period of 53±2 hours. Its albedo is only 0.04±0.020.01 Many of the jet features observed during the second fly-by have been spatially reconstructed. Their sources form a quasi-linear structure on the surface. The dust above the surface is shown to be generally optically thin with the exception of certain specific dust jets. Brightness features on the surface are clearly seen. Correlating our data with other measurements, we conclude that the dirty snow-ball model will probably need to be revised.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of the continuum radiation in the range of 0.95–1.9 μm presumes total dust production rate of the comet of 10ρ tonne s−1 (ρ is the dust material density) and its angular distribution proportional cos . Observations of the water vapor band at 1.38 μ m reveal strong jets, their time shift from the dust jet measured in situ is consistent with gas velocity of 0.82±0.1 km s−1 and dust velocity of 0.55±0.08 km s−1. The OH vibrational-rotational bands observed are excided directly via photolysis of water vapor. Water vapor production rate deduced from the H2O band and OH band intensities is 8×1029 s−1. Intensity of the CN(0,0) band result in the CN column density of 9×1012 cm−2, i.e. larger by a factor of 3 than given by the violet band.  相似文献   

An infrared sounder is being developed in France to observe in 1986 Comet Halley from the Soviet “VEGA” flyby probes. The instrument, called “I.K.S.”, has three measuring channels. Two of these channels will provide the spectrum of the comet emission in the spectral intervals 2.5–5.0 μ and 6–12 μ, at a constant resolution λ/Δλ = 50.The third channel analyzes the comet I.R. image at a spatial frequency of about 1 arc minute?1; two I.R. colours are used in this channel: 7–10 μ and 10–14 μ. From the results expected, it is hoped that (1) most primary simple molecules emitted by the nucleus will be identified; (2) the chemical composition and perhaps crystalline structure of the dust grains and ices released by the comet will be derived; and (3) the diameter of the nucleus and its brightness temperatures will be measured.  相似文献   

The PLANET-A spacecraft to fly by Comet Halley is equipped with a VUV imaging camera which will take pictures of the hydrogen coma of the comet. The camera is composed of a telescopic mirror lens, a VUV image intensifier, two dimensional CCD, and controlling electronic circuits with a microprocessor. In order to eliminate the blur in the image due to the spinning motion of the spacecraft, a special technique called “spinsynchronized charge swift” is used in the CCD driving.  相似文献   

Two deep-space probes of the Venera type for the encounter with Halley's comet are being prepared in the Intercosmos program. 150 kg of scientific equipment will be onboard each sonde, including two TV cameras and two spectrometers. These instruments need precise orientation during the fly-by of the comet. For this purpose a stabilised platform is being developed in Czechoslovakia which will be installed onboard both probes and will be able to point to the target with precision 5 minutes of arc and maximum angular velocity 1°/second. A system of position detectors and the working program during the start and the fly-by are described.  相似文献   

NICMOS (the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer) is a second generation scientific instrument for the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Three cryogenic cameras with 256x256 HgCdTe arrays provide diffraction limited imaging throughout the 0.8 – 2.5 μm spectral region. Grisms in one of the cameras produces multi-object spectroscopy for all objects in the field. Coronagraphic and polarization capabilities round out the NICMOS modes of operation. Scheduled for launch on the second HST maintenance mission in 1997, NICMOS has a five year on-orbit cryogenic lifetime.  相似文献   

A set of nominal model parameters for P/Halley is derived from its light curve and spectra. In those cases where Halley observations are not sufficient, the average value derived from a large set of other comets has been used, or data from comet Bennett, Halley's best analogue has been taken. The derived parameters include nucleus mass, size, density, albedo, rotation period, axial inclination, and surface temperature, the composition of the parent molecules, the total gas and dust production rates, distributions for the dust size and bulk density as well as various other parameters.  相似文献   

Shortwave infrared sensors were included on Thematic Mapper to observe vegetation reflected radiance patterns that are related to leaf water content. However, there was some uncertainty whether these measurements would increase the information content of multispectral measurements beyond that provided by visible and near infrared measurements. Analysis of field measurements for corn and soybeans observed throughout the growing season shows that shortwave infrared measurements enhance discrimination between these species, particularly in mid-season. Modeling the canopy reflectances shows that differential leaf absorptance can produce the observed pattern. Analysis of coincident aerial photography suggests that within canopy shadowing is also important. Too few studies of leaf optical properties have been conducted to permit generalization of the results to other vegetation species but the results do show that shortwave infrared measurements contribute new information about vegetation not previously available in visible and near infrared measurements.  相似文献   

本文报道利用红外热象仪 AGA780系统测量金属铝、铜和非金属石膏的平板及圆柱表面温度的准确度实验研究的结果。给出了表面形状不影响温度测量的“自由极角”范围,并且对影响测量准确性的其他因素也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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