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The CORONAS-F mission experiments and results have been reviewed. The observations with the DIFOS multi-channel photometer in a broad spectral range from 350 to 1500 nm have revealed the dependence of the relative amplitudes of p-modes of the global solar oscillations on the wavelength that agrees perfectly well with the earlier data obtained in a narrower spectral ranges. The SPIRIT EUV observations have enabled the study of various manifestations of solar activity and high-temperature events on the Sun. The data from the X-ray spectrometer RESIK, gamma spectrometer HELICON, flare spectrometer IRIS, amplitude–temporal spectrometer AVS-F, and X-ray spectrometer RPS-1 have been used to analyze the X- and gamma-ray emission from solar flares and for diagnostics of the flaring plasma. The absolute and relative content of various elements (such as potassium, argon, and sulfur) of solar plasma in flares has been determined for the first time with the X-ray spectrometer RESIK. The Solar Cosmic Ray Complex monitored the solar flare effects in the Earth’s environment. The UV emission variations recorded during solar flares in the vicinity of the 120-nm wavelength have been analyzed and the amplitude of relative variations has been determined.  相似文献   

The Langton Ultimate Cosmic ray Intensity Detector (LUCID) is a payload onboard the satellite TechDemoSat-1, used to study the radiation environment in Low Earth Orbit (635?km). LUCID operated from 2014 to 2017, collecting over 2.1 million frames of radiation data from its five Timepix detectors on board. LUCID is one of the first uses of the Timepix detector technology in open space, with the data providing useful insight into the performance of this technology in new environments. It provides high-sensitivity imaging measurements of the mixed radiation field, with a wide dynamic range in terms of spectral response, particle type and direction. The data has been analysed using computing resources provided by GridPP, with a new machine learning algorithm that uses the Tensorflow framework. This algorithm provides a new approach to processing Medipix data, using a training set of human labelled tracks, providing greater particle classification accuracy than other algorithms. For managing the LUCID data, we have developed an online platform called Timepix Analysis Platform at School (TAPAS). This provides a swift and simple way for users to analyse data that they collect using Timepix detectors from both LUCID and other experiments. We also present some possible future uses of the LUCID data and Medipix detectors in space.  相似文献   

The C.E.B.A.S.-Minimodule (Closed Equilibrated Biological Aquatic System) is a space qualified aquatic microcosm of 8.6 liters volume of water. Several aquatic species can be reared in parallel. Based on its characteristics (closed system, highly standardized, testruns longer than 4 weeks are possible, organisms of different trophic levels can be investigated) an improved module (C.B.R.U.=Closed Biological Research Unit) is under development for scientific and commercial use in ecotoxicology. In a two year project named AToxMss (Aquatic EcoToxicology in a Multispecies System) this goal can be reached. AToxMss is a R&D project of an industry team and two teams of the University of Bremen, funded by industry (OHB-System AG) and the state of Bremen, Germany. Three project phases are already completed: The parameter determination to indicate potential impact of chemicals on biological systems, the selection of test substances, as well as the manufacturing of 3 functional modules, each verified for use in ecotoxicological research. The next phase starts with a series of test runs calibrating the system by using well known toxic substances and chemicals.  相似文献   

Doppler and ranging measurements using the radio signal of the GIOTTO spacecraft were taken before, during, and after the encounter with Comet Halley on 1314 March 1986. The spacecraft velocity was found to decrease by a total of 23.3 cm s?1 due to impacting gas and (primarily) dust in the cometary atmosphere. A preliminary dust production rate Qd ? 10 × 103kg s?1 is found to be consistent with this deceleration. Power spectra of the carrier phase fluctuations reveal an increase in level and a flattening of the spectrum just prior to encounter, presumably associated with the enhanced dust impact rate. Finally, simulated Doppler time profiles are computed using the radial dependence of plasma density observed by the GIOTTO in situ investigations. It is shown that the cometary electron content profile would have been clearly seen if a dual-frequency downlink radio configuration had been available at encounter.  相似文献   

Launched from McMurdo (Antarctica) in December 2005, the balloon experiment CREAM (cosmic ray energetics and mass) collected about 15 million triggers during its second flight of 28 days. Redundant charge identification, by two pixelated silicon arrays and a time resolved pulse shaping technique from a scintillator system, allowed a clear signature of the primary nuclei. The energy was measured with a tungsten/SciFi calorimeter preceded by a graphite target. Preliminary results from the analysis of the data of the second flight are presented.  相似文献   

降落伞伞衣载荷的性能试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在改变伞衣面积和透气量的情况下,在定常风洞中对小型平面圆形伞的开伞过程进行了动态试验,研究了开伞过程中伞衣形状和伞衣所受载荷之间的动态关系.伞衣载荷不仅受降落伞阻力和附加质量变化率产生的力影响,同时,不稳定性及伞衣(绳)的抖动也是产生伞衣载荷的一个重要因素.稳定型伞衣充满后的载荷平均值约为最大开伞动载的60%左右,伞衣投影直径变化引起的呼吸现象也会引起载荷波动.透气量越大,降落伞稳定性越好,但降落伞的充气性能将会变差.该实验研究可为降落伞的载荷分析提供一定的依据.   相似文献   

A dual frequency GPS receiver was installed in Guwahati, India (latitude 26.2°N, longitude 91.75°E, dip +35°) in January 2006 in the framework of an Indian–Russian project of seismo-ionospheric effects searching and investigation. It is quite clear that manifestations of such effects should be strongly dependent (among others) on regional features of ionosphere. In our case formation of the equatorial anomaly will affect the results. So, the data of half a year of observations were analyzed to establish the behavior of Total Electron Content (TEC) in a region of Northern crest of the equatorial anomaly in quiet helio-geophysical conditions as a background for detecting the impact of effects from below.  相似文献   

A method of nonlinear spectral analysis, named by the method of the global minimum (MGM) has been used to find periodicities in the annual Wolf sunspot numbers W, for the 295 year time period from 1700 to 1995. The normalised mean square error of the model fit to the data set . The main spectral peak is an unresolved (due to confluence of error bars) triplet at mean period 252 yr. We hypothesise that one of the triplet peaks is connected with the rotation period of a massive 10th planet, which has to be located at one of Pluto's Lagrange points. The solar magnetic cycle (22 yr) could be the 11th harmonic of this triplet (22.3×11=245 yr). The most powerful peak in vicinity of 11 years is an unresolved doublet with a mean period of T=10.8 yr. We have demonstrated that the magnetic cycle is non-stationary during the period 1700–1995 and described by doublet with a mean period of T=22.3 yr. Other nonstationary harmonics are discussed, also. The 11.87- yr spectral peak could be associated with the effect of Jupiter. Error bars and the statistical significances of the spectral peaks are presented. The study is ongoing, so that our results will be rendered more precise in the next future.  相似文献   

民用飞机系列商载航程匹配设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民用飞机产品开发的模式已从"单型飞机"的概念向"飞机系列"概念转化.根据模块化和通用性的策略,发展了飞机系列化设计方法,给出了飞机系列主要参数的设计原则和飞机系列经济性的描述方法,建立了飞机系列商载航程匹配设计模型.分析了商载和航程的匹配关系对飞机系列经济性的影响,利用Pareto多目标遗传算法,完成了某一民用飞机系列商载和航程的匹配设计,对不同设计方案的参数进行了比较分析,取得了较好的设计结果.  相似文献   

The investigation of the general properties of non-thermal (NT) X-ray shell supernova remnants (SNRs), of which SN 1006 is the prototype, is important to understand how electrons are accelerated in SNR shocks and what is the origin of cosmic rays. Using the XMM-Newton satellite, we are carrying on a survey of putative non-thermal SNR candidates previously unknown or little studied in the X-ray band, in order to investigate the different manifestations of NT emission in SNR shells. The SNRs we have selected are likely to expand in a low density medium, and therefore to have a low thermal X-ray emission, that usually outshines the non-thermal one. We report here preliminary results obtained on the SNR shell DA 530.  相似文献   

SIGMA - 3 gas chromatograph on board VEGA 1 and 2 landing probes has been operated successfully in the 60 - 50 km altitude range, providing several in - situ chemical analysis of the gas and the aerosols of Venus cloud layers. Post flight calibration required to derive atmospheric abundancies from gas chromatograms were carried out using the SIGMA - 3 spare model. A Venus atmospheric aerosol simulation chamber was used in which sulfuric acid droplets were generated. Preliminary results of these calibration experiments indicate that the concentration of sulfuric acid in the upper part of the clouds ( 60 to 55 km) is about 1 mg/m3 and suggest that an additional constituant must be present in noticeable amount in the aerosols. From these experiments the mixing ratio upper limits of SO2 is 100 ppmV and of H2S and COS is few 10 ppmV.  相似文献   

Oxygen concentration and separation is an essential factor for air recycling in a CELSS. Furthermore, if the value of the plant assimilatory quotient is not coincident with that of the animal respiratory quotient, the recovery of O2 from the concentrated CO2 through chemical methods will become necessary to balance the gas contents in a CELSS. Therefore, oxygen concentration and separation equipment using Salcomine and O2 recovery equipment, such as Sabatier and Bosch reactors, were experimentally developed and tested.  相似文献   

This paper intends to summarize the main results and perspectives of several Chilean Programs developed by using low cost but accurate remote sensing techniques. Due to paper restrictions, three main applications will be shown : use of satellite data collection systems to measure meteorological data in Ant arctic Peninsula; study of geothermal resources in Los Andes Range by using multispectral and multitemporal Landsat images; and snowmelt runoff forecasting for Andean watersheds by using Landsat data. All these applications have allowed to obtain important and useful results and low cost, reliable and accurate methodologies have been obtained for these studies.  相似文献   

Experiment WL-FPM-08, or also: FLIM, has been executed in the FPM on the D-1 mission. The experiment is a continuation of an earlier one on Spacelab-1, and seeks to study capillary liquid flow in transparent models of spacecraft tanks. A typical dimension in a container is five centimeters.Six experiment runs have been conducted with liquid in a straight cylinder container with hemispherical ends. The flight results are recorded on cine film that is processed for photogrammetric data. The liquid, water, remained at one end of the container throughout the experiments and showed a stuck contact line with the wall (perspex). Since the liquid contained bubbles and the contact line was non-circular, interpretation of the results is not straightforward.For axisymmetric configurations a computer program, SAVOF, has been developed at NLR for numerical simulations of the liquid flow. The dependence of the lowest axisymmetric resonance of the liquid on the contact line (stuck) position has been calculated both for a non-rotating and a rotating tank. The flight results are generally in line with the numerical results.  相似文献   

The validation status of the LIMS (Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere) measurements in the water vapor channel is presented in a brief form. The agreement with other water vapor data taken in correlative balloon underflights is encouraging for this stage of the processing. Future efforts will be made to resolve remaining discrepancies so that operational reduction can begin. Preliminary maps for atmospheric layers between 50 mb and 1 mb show a fairly smooth water vapor field in the summer hemisphere.  相似文献   

The Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mission is more than just a return to Mars. It represents a qualitatively new type of planetary mission. This is true not only because of the capable instrumentation aboard the spacecraft and the choice of orbit and data rate, but also because of a major beneficial change in our understanding of the interplay between observation and modeling. The Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES), for example, is capable of taking thousands of infrared spectra per day. The 15 micrometer carbon dioxide band in these spectra can be inverted to obtain atmospheric temperature profiles, amounting to some 15,000–25,000 separate measurements each day. In addition, radio occultations produce fewer, but much higher resolution, temperature and pressure profiles. How is such a quantity of data to be handled? Clearly not in the old-fashioned manner in which a single profile is studied at great length and detail. The quantity of data does not allow this; and the quality of the data does not support it. (A single atmospheric profile is bound to contain small-scale spatial and temporal variation—e.g., gravity waves—that cannot be removed unambiguously, as well as possible errors due to noise in the observations or non-uniqueness of the inversions). Furthermore, much of the atmospheric science of interest (winds, for example) depends on quantities like horizontal temperature gradients that are not directly observed. Instead, the data should be examined collectively with the aid of a model that incorporates our knowledge of the governing physics. Described here are the first results of such a data assimilation exercise with TES observations during the aerobraking hiatus period at Ls ≈ 200.  相似文献   

The atmospheric electric Potential Gradient (PG) variation of fair-weather days at Muzaffarabad (MZF, Northern Pakistan) station is presented for the period of January 2015–October 2017. The present investigations focus on the diurnal variation of atmospheric PG on the seasonal and annual time scale. The fair-weather seasonal and annual average PG variation has revealed two peaks, i.e. a primary maximum peak and a secondary maximum peak. The average maximum PG value found is ~410?Vm?1. The results are then compared with the well-known standard oceanic Carnegie curve. The diurnal curve of PG is found to deviate from the Carnegie curve. The seasonal PG variation at MZF shows lower values during the summer (monsoon) and autumn (post-monsoon) as compared to the winter and spring (pre-monsoon) which could be due to local aerosol concentration. Global comparison of PG (%) values of the annual mean at different longitude, with MZF observatory, shows local morning and evening peaks depicting local sunrise and sunset effects on the PG. The overall outcomes will certainly contribute to further investigate the Global Electric Circuit (GEC).  相似文献   

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