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In this paper we study the charging process of small grain particles by anisotropic multi-component solar wind plasmas (electrons, protons and heavy ions), versus two-component (electron/proton) plasmas. We are focusing attention on the important characteristics of the charging process, namely the charging time, floating potential and current content as functions of plasma parameters such as He++/H+ (α/p) number density and Tα/Tp temperature ratios of alpha particles to protons, as well as plasma streaming velocity v0. Measured statistical properties of solar wind plasma parameters at 1 AU show considerable variations in α/p-temperature ratios from 1 to 10, in α/p-number density ratio from 0.01 to 0.35, as well as in values of streaming velocity v0 from 200 km/s to 1000 km/s and more. Periods of these variations could last for several days each, leading to significant variability in the charging process, according to newly derived general analytical expressions. Numerical calculations performed for protons/alphas plasmas showed large disparity in the charging characteristics. For example, in anisotropic plasma, grain charging time varies up to 90% depending on α/p-particles temperature and number density ratios, whereas changes in floating potential are up to 40%. In contrast, in isotropic plasma, charging characteristic for grains do not change very much for the same plasma parameters variations, with charging time varying about 12% and floating potential only varying about 4%. It is also shown that in highly anisotropic plasma, with all ballistic electrons and ions, dust grains could not hold their charges, and characteristic discharged time is calculated. We note that the analysis is equally applicable to any sized body immersed in solar wind plasma.  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of a Sun-pointing elliptical Earth ring comprised of dust grains to offset global warming. A new family of non-Keplerian periodic orbits, under the effects of solar radiation pressure and the Earth’s J2 oblateness perturbation, is used to increase the lifetime of the passive cloud of particles and, thus, increase the efficiency of this geoengineering strategy. An analytical model is used to predict the orbit evolution of the dust ring due to solar-radiation pressure and the J2 effect. The attenuation of the solar radiation can then be calculated from the ring model. In comparison to circular orbits, eccentric orbits yield a more stable environment for small grain sizes and therefore achieve higher efficiencies when the orbit decay of the material is considered. Moreover, the novel orbital dynamics experienced by high area-to-mass ratio objects, influenced by solar radiation pressure and the J2 effect, ensure the ring will maintain a permanent heliotropic shape, with dust spending the largest portion of time on the Sun facing side of the orbit. It is envisaged that small dust grains can be released from a circular generator orbit with an initial impulse to enter an eccentric orbit with Sun-facing apogee. Finally, a lowest estimate of 1 × 1012 kg of material is computed as the total mass required to offset the effects of global warming.  相似文献   

The Moon is immersed in plasma environment. The most interesting challenge of the lunar plasma– field environment is that it is alternatively dominated by the extended but variable outer atmosphere of the Earth – the magnetosphere – and by the extended but highly variable solar atmosphere – the solar wind. Understanding the plasma environment and its interaction with the lunar surface will be beneficial to both manned and robotic surface exploration activities and to scientific investigations. Presented is a preliminary map of variations of lunar surface electric potential over the day side and night side using probe equations and a discussion on dust dynamics in this E-field structure using the data from Electron Reflectometer in Lunar Prospector spacecraft during 1998–1999. On the day side, potential is around 5 V and on the night side it reaches up to −82 V. On the night side region, only highly energetic electrons can overcome this large negative potential. The variation at electron temperature (Te) strongly reflects in the surface potential. The potential reaches to a value of −82 V for Te = 58 eV. Surface charging causes the electrostatic transport of charged dust grains. Dust grain size of 0.1 μm shows a levitation height of 4.92 m on lunar day side, 748 m on terminator region and 3.7 km on the night side. The radius of maximum sized grain to be lofted, Rmax, peaks at the terminator region (Rmax = 0.83 μm). At the transition region dust levitation is almost absent. This region is most suited for exploration activities as the region is free from hazards caused by lunar dust.  相似文献   

The variability of the F2-layer even during magnetically quiet times are fairly complex owing to the effects of plasma transport. The vertical E × B drift velocities (estimated from simplified electron density continuity equation) were used to investigate the seasonal effects of the vertical ion drifts on the bottomside daytime ionospheric parameters over an equatorial latitude in West Africa, Ibadan, Nigeria (Geographic: 7.4°N, 3.9°E, dip angle: 6°S) using 1 year of ionsonde data during International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1958, that correspond to a period of high solar activity for quiet conditions. The variation patterns between the changes of the vertical ion drifts and the ionospheric F2-layer parameters, especially; foF2 and hmF2 are seen remarkable. On the other hand, we observed strong anti-correlation between vertical drift velocities and h′F in all the seasons. We found no clear trend between NmF2 and hmF2 variations. The yearly average value of upward daytime drift at 300 km altitude was a little less than the generally reported magnitude of 20 ms−1 for equatorial F-region in published literature, and the largest upward velocity was roughly 32 ms−1. Our results indicate that vertical plasma drifts; ionospheric F2-layer peak height, and the critical frequency of F2-layer appear to be somewhat interconnected.  相似文献   

While interplanetary dust constitutes a primary source of cosmic particulate matter in planetary magnetospheres, the debris produced by its impact with small satellites and ring material provides an important secondary source. Internal processes, such as volcanic activity, particularly in the smaller satellites, could result in a third source. In the case of the terrestrial magnetosphere there are also artificial (internal) sources: 1–10μ sized A?2O3 particles injected by solid rocket mortar burns between near earth and geosynchronous orbit constitute one such source, while the fragments of larger bodies (artificial satellites) due to explosions (e.g., “killer satellites”) and collisions constitute another. Finally, if we include the purely induced cometary magnetosphere among planetary magnetospheres, the injection of cometary dust into it due to entrainment by the outflowing gases constitutes another source.As a result of being immersed in a radiative and plasma environment these dust grains get electrically charged up to some potential (positive or negative). Particularly in those regions where the magnetospheric plasma is hot and dense and their own spatial density is low, the dust grains could get charged to numerically large negative potentials.While this charging may have physical consequences for the larger grains, such as electrostatic erosion (“chipping”) and disruption, it also can effect the dynamics of the smaller grains. Indeed, the small but finite capacitance of these grains, which leads to a phase lag in the gyrophase oscillation of the grain potential, could even lead to the permanent magneto-gravitational capture of interplanetary grains within planetary magnetospheres in certain situations. Here we will review the sources of dust in planetary magnetospheres and discuss their physics and their dynamics under the combined action of both planetary gravitational and magnetospheric electromagnetic forces.  相似文献   

In this paper a method of geoengineering is proposed involving clouds of dust placed in the vicinity of the L1 point as an alternative to the use of thin film reflectors. The aim of this scheme is to reduce the manufacturing requirement for space-based geoengineering. It has been concluded that the mass requirement for a cloud placed at the classical L1 point, to create an average solar insolation reduction of 1.7%, is 7.60 × 1010 kg yr−1 whilst a cloud placed at a displaced equilibrium point created by the inclusion of the effect of solar radiation pressure is 1.87 × 1010 kg yr−1. These mass ejection rates are considerably less than the mass required in other unprocessed dust cloud methods proposed and are comparable to thin film reflector geoengineering requirements. Importantly, unprocessed dust sourced in-situ is seen as an attractive scheme compared to highly engineered thin film reflectors. It is envisaged that the required mass of dust can be extracted from captured near Earth asteroids, whilst stabilised in the required position using the impulse provided by solar collectors or mass drivers used to eject material from the asteroid surface.  相似文献   

The scattering properties of the spokes in Saturn's rings suggest that they consist of micron-sized dust particles. We suggest that these grains are elevated above the ring plane by electrostatic charging. We show that electrostatic levitation requires a sufficiently large plasma density near the rings. If the plasma density near the rings exceeds a few 102 cm?3 levitation may occur at significant rates in the strong electric fields which exist in the wall-sheaths at the ring. Once the dust particles are elevated they drift relative to the plasma (except at synchronous orbit). This relative motion constitutes a current which causes a polarization electric field if the plasma is azimuthally inhomogeneous. The dense plasma will drift radially in response to this electric field and cause levitation of more dust particles as it moves along. It leaves a radially aligned trail of elevated dust particles—the spokes. One way of producing dense plasma is by meteor impact on the rings. We discuss the mechanisms of ring charging, electrostatic levitation and the currents in the plasma-dust mixture. We show that for reasonable conditions spokes of more than 10,000 km radial length can be formed in less than five minutes. We also show that under the same conditions the electrostatic levitation model predicts a dust grain population which peaks at a size of 0.6 microns and can reach optical depths of 0.1.  相似文献   

Azolla shows high growth and propagation rates, strong photosynthetic O2-releasing ability and high nutritional value. It is suitable as a salad vegetable and can be cultured on a multi-layered wet bed. Hence, it possesses potential as a fresh vegetable, and to release O2 and absorb CO2 in a Controlled Ecological Life Support System in space. In this study, we investigated the O2-providing characteristics of Azolla in a closed chamber under manned, controlled conditions to lay a foundation for use of Azolla as a biological component in ground simulation experiments for space applications. A closed test chamber, representing a Controlled Ecological Life Support System including an Azolla wet-culture device, was built to measure the changes in atmospheric O2 and CO2 concentrations inside the chamber in the presence of coexisting Azolla, fish and men. The amount of O2 consumed by fish was 0.0805–0.0831 L kg−1 h−1 and the level of CO2 emission was 0.0705–0.0736 L kg−1 h−1; O2 consumption by the two trial volunteers was 19.71 L h−1 and the volume of respiration-released CO2 was 18.90 L h−1. Under 7000–8000 Lx artificial light and Azolla wet-culture conditions, human and fish respiration and Azolla photosynthesis were complementary, thus the atmospheric O2 and CO2 concentrations inside chamber were maintained in equilibrium. The increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration in the closed chamber enhanced the net photosynthesis efficiency of the Azolla colony. This study showed that Azolla has strong photosynthetic O2-releasing ability, which equilibrates the O2 and CO2 concentrations inside the chamber in favor of human survival and verifies the potential of Azolla for space applications.  相似文献   

Accelerated energetic particles in solar flares produced nuclear γ-lines in interactions with ambient solar atmosphere. Analysis of intensity of ratios between various γ-lines allows us to make estimations of abundance of elements, parameters of surrounding media and other solar characteristics. In this article we discuss the flux ratio between two lines from excited states of 12C (f15.11/f4.44) and our results of preliminary calculation of intensity ratio between two neutron capture lines at 3He and 1H (f20.58/f2.223). In particular we consider the opportunity to obtain n(3He)/n(1H) ratio during solar flares and using high-energy gamma-emission studying, based on the satellite data. Possible interpretation of spectral features observed during the January 20, 2005 solar flare is discussed. Preliminary analysis of energy spectrum in the band of 2–21 MeV gives n(3He)/n(1H) ∼ 8 × 10−4 for January 20, 2005 solar flare.  相似文献   

The question of whether there exists a large population of dust obscured QSOs is currently very controversial. In favour of this hypothesis are models for the origin of the X-ray Background (XRB) and also the Unified Model of AGN which both invoke large populations of obscured QSOs. For example, Madau et al. (1994) suggest a population of QSOs with NH ∼ 1024 cm−2 or AV = 1000m to improve the fit to the XRB between 1 < E < 100 keV. Arguments contradicting this theory include those of Boyle & di Matteo (1995) who claim that the tight X-ray/optical flux ratio relation for QSOs precludes the existence of a large population of objects obscured by significant amounts of intrinsic dust. Here, we follow Madau et al. (1994) and Comastri et al. (1995) to make fits to the XRB using obscured QSO populations and investigate whether selection effects may allow a tight distribution of X-ray/optical ratios to be maintained. We find that even for a flat distribution of absorbing columns, reasonable fits to the XRB can be obtained while both optical and X-ray absorption combine to produce the tight observed X-ray/optical correlation.  相似文献   

Effects of sub-atmospheric ambient pressure and oxygen content on irradiated ignition characteristics of solid combustibles were examined experimentally in order to elucidate the flammability and chance of fire in depressurized systems and give ideas for the fire safety and fire fighting strategies for such environments. Thin cellulosic paper was used as the solid combustible since cellulose is one of major organic compounds and flammables in the nature. Applied atmospheres consisted of inert gases (either CO2 or N2) and oxygen at various mixture ratios. Total ambient pressure (P) was varied from 101 kPa (standard atmospheric pressure, P0) to 20 kPa. Ignition was initiated by external thermal radiation with CO2 laser (10 W total; 21.3 W/cm2 of the corresponding peak flux) onto the solid surface. Thermal degradation of the solid produced combustible gaseous products (e.g. CO, H2, or other low weight of HCs) and these products mixed with ambient oxygen to form the combustible mixture over the solid. Heat transfer from the irradiated surface into the mixture accelerated the exothermic reaction in the gas phase and finally thermal runaway (ignition) was achieved. A digital video camera was used to analyze the ignition characteristics. Flammability maps in partial pressure of oxygen (ppO2) and normalized ambient pressure (P/P0) plane were made to reveal the fire hazard in depressurized environments. Results showed that a wider flammable range was obtained in sub-atmospherics conditions. In middle pressure range (101–40 kPa), the required ppO2 for ignition decreased almost linearly as the total pressure decreased, indicating that higher fire risk is expected. In lower pressure range (<40 kPa), the required partial pressure of oxygen increased dramatically, then ignition was eventually not achieved at pressures less than 20 kPa under the conditions studied here. The findings suggest that it might be difficult to satisfy safety in space agriculture since it has been reported that higher oxygen concentrations are preferable for plant growth in depressurized environments. Our results imply that there is an optimum pressure level to achieve less fire chance with acceptable plant growth. An increase of the flammable range in middle pressure level might be explained by following two effects: one is a physical effect, such as a weak convective thermal removal from ignitable domain (near the hot surface) to the ambient of atmosphere, and the other is chemical effect which causes so-called “explosion peninsula” as a result of depleting radical consumption due to third-body recombination reaction. Further studies are necessary to determine the controlling factor on the observed flammable trend in depressurized conditions.  相似文献   

Solar wind data is used to estimate the autocorrelation function for the stochastic process x(τ) = y(t + τ) − y(t), considered as a function of τ, where y(t) is any one of the quantities B2(t), np(t)V2(t), or np(t). This process has stationary increments and a variance that increases like a power law τ2γ where γ is the scaling exponent. For the kinetic energy density and the proton density the scaling exponent is close to the Kolmogorov value γ = 1/3, for the magnetic energy density it is slightly larger. In all three cases, it is shown that the autocorrelation function estimated from the data agrees with the theoretical autocorrelation function for a self-similar stochastic process with stationary increments and finite variance. This is far from proof, but it suggests that these stochastic processes may be self-similar for time scales in the small scale inertial range of the turbulence, that is, from approximately 10 to 103 s.  相似文献   

There is much observational data consistent with the hypothesis that the ionosphere-earth current density (Jz) in the global electric circuit, which is modulated by both solar activity and thunderstorm activity, affects atmospheric dynamics and cloud cover. One candidate mechanism involves Jz causing the accumulation of space charge on droplets and aerosol particles, that affects the rate of scavenging of the latter, notably those of Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) and Ice Forming Nuclei (IFN) (  and ). Space charge is the difference, per unit volume, between total positive and total negative electrical charge that is on droplets, aerosol particles (including the CCN and IFN) and air ions. The cumulative effects of the scavenging in stratiform clouds and aerosol layers in an air mass over the lifetime of the aerosol particles of 1–10 days affects the concentration and size distribution of the CCN, so that in subsequent episodes of cloud formation (including deep convective clouds) there can be effects on droplet size distribution, coagulation, precipitation processes, and even storm dynamics.  相似文献   

We investigated the diurnal, seasonal and latitudinal variations of ion density Ni over the Indian low and equatorial topside ionosphere within 17.5°S to 17.5°N magnetic latitudes by combining the data from SROSS C2 and ROCSAT 1 for the 9 year period from 1995 to 2003 during solar cycle 23. The diurnal maximum density is found in the local noon or in the afternoon hours and the minimum occurs in the pre sunrise hours. The density is higher during the equinoxes as compared to that in the June and December solstice. The local time spread of the daytime maximum ion density increases with increase in solar activity. A north south asymmetry with higher ion density over northern hemisphere in the June solstice and over southern hemisphere in December solstice has been observed in moderate and high solar activity years. The crest to crest distance increases with increase in solar flux. Ion density bears a nonlinear relationship with F10.7 cm solar flux and EUV flux in general. The density increases linearly with solar flux up to ∼150 sfu (1 sfu = 10−22Wm−2Hz−1) and EUV flux up to ∼50 units (109 photons cm−2 s−1). But beyond this the density saturates. Inverse saturation and linear relationship have been observed in some season or latitude also. Inter-comparison of the three solar activity indices F10.7 cm flux, EUV flux and F10.7P (= (F10.7 + F10.7A)/2, where F10.7A is the 81 day running average value of F10.7) shows that the ion density correlates better with F10.7P and F10.7 cm fluxes. The annual average daytime total ion density from 1995 to 2003 follows a hysteresis loop as the solar cycle reverses. The ion density at 500 km over the Indian longitude sector as obtained by the international reference ionosphere is in general lower than the measured densities during moderate and high solar activity years. In low solar activity years the model densities are equal or higher than measured densities. The IRI EIA peaks are symmetric (±10°) in equinox while densities are higher at 10°N in June solstice and at 10°S in the December solstice. The model density follows F10.7 linearly up to about F10.7 > ∼150 sfu and then saturates.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the numerical calculations thermosphere/ionosphere parameters which were executed with using of the Global Self-consistent Model of the Thermosphere, Ionosphere and Protonosphere (GSM TIP)and comparison of these results with empirically-based model IRI-2001. Model GSM TIP was developed in West Department of IZMIRAN and solves self-consistently the time-dependent, 3-D coupled equations of the momentum, energy and continuity for neutral particles (O2, N2, O), ions (O+, H+), molecular ions (M+) and electrons and largescale eletric field of the dynamo and magnetospheric origin in the range of height from 80 km to 15 Earth’s radii. The empirically derived IRI model describes the E and F regions of the ionosphere in terms of location, time, solar activity and season. Its output provides a global specification not only of Ne but also on the ion and electron temperatures and the ion composition. These two models represent a unique set of capabilities that reflect major differences in along with a substantial approaches of the first-principles model and global database model for the mapping ionosphere parameters. We focus on global distribution of the Ne, Ti, Te and TEC for the one moment UT and fixed altitudes: 110 km, hmF2, 300 km and 1000 km. The calculations were executed with using of GSM TIP and IRI models for August 1999, moderate solar activity and quiet geomagnetic conditions. Results present as the global differences between the IRI and GSM TIP models predictions. The discrepancies between model results are discussed.  相似文献   

We examine various observable signatures of the first generation of stars and low-luminosity quasars, including the metal enrichment, radiation background, and dust opacity/emission that they produce. We calculate the formation history of collapsed baryonic halos, based on an extension of the Press-Schechter formalism, incorporating the effects of pressure and H2-dissociation. We then use the observed C/H ratio at z=3 in the Lyman-α forest clouds to obtain an average the star formation efficiency in these halos. Similarly, we fit the efficiency of black-hole formation, and the shape of quasar light curves, to match the observed quasar luminosity function (LF) between z=2−4, and use this fit to extrapolate the quasar LF to faint magnitudes and high redshifts. To be consistent with the lack of faint point-sources in the Hubble Deep Field, we impose a lower limit of ∼ 75 km s−1 for the circular velocities of halos harboring central black holes.We find that in a ΛCDM model, stars reionize the IGM at zreion=9−13, and quasars at z=12. Observationally, zreion can be measured by the forthcoming MAP and Planck Surveyor satellites, via the damping of CMB anisotropies by ∼10% on small angular scales due to electron scattering. We show that if reionization occurs later, at 5 ≲ zreion ≲ 10, then it can be measured from the spectra of individual sources. We also find that the Next Generation Space Telescope will be able to directly image about 1–40 star clusters, and a few faint quasars, from z >10 per square arcminute. The amount of dust produced by the first supernovae has an optical depth of τ=0.1−1 towards high redshift sources, and the reprocessed UV flux of stars and quasars distorts the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) by a Compton y-parameter comparable to the COBE limit, y ∼ 1.5 × 10−5.  相似文献   

Lyman α and 58.4 nm HeI radiations resonantly scattered were observed with EUV spectrophotometers flown on Venera 11 and Venera 12. The altitude distribution of hydrogen was derived by limb observations from 250 km (exobase level) to 50,000 km. In the inner exosphere (up to ? 2,000 km of altitude) the distribution can be described by a classical exospheric distribution with TC = 275 ± 25 K and n = 4?2+3 × 104 atom. cm?3 at 250 km. The integrated number density from 250 to 110 km (the level of CO2 absorption) is 2.1 × 1012 atom. cm?2, a factor of 3 to 6 lower than that predicted by aeronomical models. This number density decreases from the morning side to the afternoon side, or alternately from equatorial to polar regions. Above 2,000 km a “hot” hydrogen population dominates, which can be simulated by T = 103K and n = 103 atom. cm?3 at the exobase level.The optical thickness of helium above 141 km (the level of CO2 absorption for 58.4 nm radiation) was determined to be τo = 3, corresponding to a density at 150 km of 1.6 × 106 cm?3. This is about 3 times less than what was obtained with the Bus Neutral Mass Spectrometer of Pioneer Venus, and about twice less than ONMS measurements, but is in agreement with earlier EUV measurement by Mariner 10 (2 ± 1 × 106 cm?3).  相似文献   

Some phytoplankton can be regarded as possible candidates in the establishment of Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS) for some intrinsic characteristics, the first characteristic is that they should grow rapidly, secondly, they should be able to endure some stress factors and develop some corresponding adaptive strategies; also it is very important that they could provide food rich in nutritious protein and vitamins for the crew; the last but not the least is they can also fulfill the other main functions of CELSS, including supplying oxygen, removing carbon dioxide and recycling the metabolic waste. According to these characteristics, Nostoc sphaeroides, a potential healthy food in China, was selected as the potential producer in CELSS. It was found that the oxygen average evolution rate of this algae is about 150 μmol O2 mg−1 h−1, and the size of them are ranged from 2 to 20 mm. Also it can be cultured with high population density, which indicated that the potential productivity of Nostoc sphaeroides is higher than other algae in limited volume. We measured the nutrient contents of the cyanobacterium and concluded it was a good food for the crew. Based on above advantages, Nostoc sphaeroides was assumed to a suitable phytoplankton for the establishment of Controlled Ecological Life Support System. We plan to develop suitable bioreactor with the cyanobacterium for supplying oxygen and food in future space missions.  相似文献   

This paper adopts a scale analysis technique to investigate the properties of intermediate-scale plasma structures observed by ROCSAT-1 in the equatorial F-region. A procedure of scale analysis that is developed via the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method of Hilbert–Huang transform (HHT) technique allows the mutually correlated components in velocity, density and relative density gradient to be identified and extracted. Comparing the three parameters, good match in wave form is found for density and velocity in the scales between kilometers and hundred meters (few kilometers to 300 m). It implies that there are electric fields proportional to density fluctuation −δn/n in the form similar to what is expected for the generalized Rayleigh–Taylor instability. We find that such a one-to-one match holds for various pre- and post-midnight ESF bubbles during quiet and storm times. It, therefore, means that spatial structures of electric field in the intermediate-scale (300 m to few kilometers) correlates to the density structures in a manner of δE ∝  −δn/n that is not necessarily depending on the driving mechanism of ESF bubbles, although it is known that ESF bubbles can be driven by different mechanisms under different space weather conditions. In smaller scales (300–50 m), fluctuation patterns of density and velocity do not correlate to each other any more, the good match is then found in the density gradient ∇xn/n and velocity. It is known as the manifestation of the Boltzmann relation. We note that the GRT instability related relationship δVz ∝  −δn/n for irregularities in scale of kilometers holds only for ESF bubbles that occur within ±5 dip latitude, while the Boltzmann relation (δVz proportional to ∇xn/n) holds for small-scale irregularities without such a limitation.  相似文献   

We have observed the Cygnus Loop from the northeast (NE) to the southwest (SW) with XMM-Newton. We extracted spectra from 3′-spaced annular regions across the Loop and fitted them either with a one-kTe-component non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) model or with two-kTe-component NEI model. We found that the two-kTe-component model yields significantly better fits in almost all the spectra than the one-kTe-component model. Judging from the abundances, the high-kTe-component in the two-temperature model must be fossil ejecta while the low-kTe-component comes from the swept-up interstellar medium (ISM). The distributions of Ne, Mg, Si, and S for fossil ejecta appear to retain the onion-skin structure at the time of a supernova explosion, suggesting that significant overturning of the ejecta has not occurred yet. Comparing the relative abundances of fossil ejecta estimated for the entire Cygnus Loop with those from theoretical calculations for Type-II SN, the mass of the progenitor star is likely to be ∼13 M. The trends of the radial profiles of kTe and emission integral for the swept-up ISM are adequately described by the Sedov model, suggesting that the swept-up ISM is concentrated in a shell-like structure. Comparing our data with the Sedov model, we found the ambient medium density to be ∼0.7 cm−3. Then, we estimated the total mass of the swept-up ISM and the age of the remnant to be ∼130 M and 13,000 years, respectively. Note that if the explosion occurred within a stellar wind cavity, then the density in the cavity, the total swept-up mass in the cavity, and the age of the remnant are estimated to be ∼0.14 cm−3, ∼25 M, and ∼10,000 years, respectively.  相似文献   

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