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Mass transport has been investigated in the closed system Ge-Si-Br used for preparing germanium-silicon solid solution crystals by chemical transport reaction method in space. It has been shown that the experimental rate of mass transport may be analytically described in proposing a pure diffusion mechanism. In space, growth of needles and whiskers occured without practically formation of a polycrystalline layer characteristic of on-earth experiments.  相似文献   

Two sublimation experiments with PbTe were performed at 850°C and 750°C under microgravity conditions during the “Salyut-6”-“Soyuz-31” mission in 1978. The sublimation took place on the (100)-face of a PbTe crystal. The condensate grown at 850°C shows in the upper part the formation of a pyramidal habit. The bulk consists of parallel growth colums with [100]-boundary faces. The charge carrier concentration of the electrons (N=1,5·1019 cm?3) is higher than the homogeniety limit for 800°C should permit. This is in contrast to the result obtained on the PbTe crystal of the parallel experiment on the earth. At 750°C a laminated condensate is grown with a low growth rate. The microphotograph of the substrate shows the beginning whisker formation according to the VLS-mechanism.  相似文献   

Data are presented of a comparative analysis on rhizogenesis in the Arabidopsis thaliana tissue culture growing in a solid nutrient medium under stationary conditions, clinostatic conditions and microgravity. Tissue samples weighing 100 mg. were set in the Petri dishes and placed in a horizontal slow clinostat /2 revs/min/. After 14 days of growth they were analyzed. On clinostating the number of roots formed from the callus cells was approximately one half the control. The formed root cap manifested no essential differences, in comparison with the stationary control, in the number of layers and cell sizes in its layers. In callusogenic roots, formed from clinostated cells, differentiation including root cap cells, proceeds without noticeable deviations from the norm. At the same time, gravireceptor cells do not function under these conditions. This is clearly displayed at a structural level in the location of amyloplasts-statoliths throughout the cytoplasm. The callus cell cultures experienced microgravity for 8 days. The number of formed roots under the influence of this factor was 36% relative to the stationary control. Root cap formation was abnormal. Gravireceptor cells did not formed under microgravity.  相似文献   

A plant growth system for crop production under microgravity is part of a life supporting system designed for long-duration space missions. A plant growth in soil in space requires the understanding of water movement in soil void spaces under microgravity. Under 1G-force condition, on earth, water movement in porous media is driven by gradients of matric and gravitational potentials. Under microgravity condition, water movement in porous media is supposed to be driven only by a matric potential gradient, but it is still not well understood. We hypothesized that under microgravity water in void spaces of porous media hardly moved comparing in void spaces without obstacles because the concave surfaces of the porous media hindered water movement. The objective of this study was to investigate water movement on the convex surfaces of porous media under microgravity. We conducted parabolic flight experiments that provided 20–25?s of microgravity at the top of a parabolic flight. We observed water movement in void spaces in soil-like porous media made by glass beads and glass spheres (round-bottomed glass flasks) in the different conditions of water injection under microgravity. Without water injection, water did not move much in neither glass beads nor glass spheres. When water was injected during microgravity, water accumulated in contacts between the particles, and the water made thick fluid films on the particles surface. When the water injection was stopped under microgravity, water was held in the contacts between the particles. This study showed that water did not move upward in the void spaces with or without the water injection. In addition, our results suggested that the difficulty of water movement on the convex (i.e. particle surfaces) might result in slower water move in porous media under microgravity than at 1G-force.  相似文献   

The results of experiments aboard spacecraft demonstrated the dependence of the pattern of biological processes on microgravity and on the ability of biological objects to adapt themselves to new environmental conditions. This is of fundamental importance for solving theoretical and practical problems of space biology, or elaborating the theory of organism's behavior in weightlessness, and for elucidating the global mechanisms of the action of microgravity on living systems.  相似文献   

The influence of microgravity on the repair of radiation induced genetic damage in a temperature-conditional repair mutant of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (rad 54-3) was investigated onboard the IML-1 mission (January 22nd-30th 1992, STS-42). Cells were irradiated before the flight, incubated under microgravity at the permissive (22 degrees C) and restrictive (36 degrees C) temperature and afterwards tested for survival. The results suggest that repair may be reduced under microgravity.  相似文献   

Fish exhibit looping and rolling behaviors when subjected to short periods of microgravity during parabolic flight. Strain-differences in the behavioral response of adult Medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) were reported previously, however, there have been few studies of larval fish behavior under microgravity. In the present study, we investigated whether microgravity affects the swimming behavior of larvae at various ages (0 to 20 days after hatching), using different strains: HNI-II, HO5, ha strain, and variety of different strains (variety). The preliminary experiments were done in the ground laboratory: the development of eyesight was examined using optokinetic response for the different strains. The visual acuity of larvae improved drastically during 20 days after hatching. Strain differences of response were noted for the development of their visual acuity. In microgravity, the results were significantly different from those of adult Medaka. The larval fish appeared to maintain their orientation, except that a few of them exhibited looping and rolling behavior. Further, most larvae swam normally with their backs turning toward the light source (dorsal light response, DLR), and the rest of them stayed with their abdomen touching the surface of the container (ventral substrate response, VSR). For larval stages, strain-differences and age-differences in behavior were observed, but less pronounced than with adult fish under microgravity. Our observations suggest that adaptability of larval fish to the gravitational change and the mechanism of their postural control in microgravity are more variable than in adult fish.  相似文献   

The experimental results obtained in experiment “STACO” made on board the Spacelab D-2 are re-visited, with image-analysis tools not then available. The configuration consisted of a liquid bridge between two solid supporting discs. An expected breakage occurred during the experiment. The recorded images are analysed and the measured behaviour compared with the results of a three dimensional model of the liquid dynamics, obtaining a much better fit than with linear models.  相似文献   

The submicroscopic organization of Chlorella vulgaris cells (strain LARG-1) growing over 30 days on a solid agarized medium aboard the orbital station "Mir" was studied. A number of differences in the ultrastructure of cells of the experimental population compared to the control has been revealed. Thus, changes in the membrane system of plastids, in particular, appearance of numerous vesicles of different diameter and outgrowths of the plastids and their contact with the plasmalemma as well as a considerable decrease of reserve polysaccharide number in the plastids. Moreover, an increase in the size of mitochondria, their cristae and lipid drops in cytoplasm, the formation of more complicated configuration folding of plasmalemma and appearance of small-granular material of mean electron density in the periplasmic space of Chlorella cells grown during space flight, are demonstrated. Comparative cytological analysis has revealed general regularities of rearrangements of the submicroscopic organization in Chlorella cells cultivated on both solid and semiliquid agarized nutrient media.  相似文献   

Lipid peroxidation of plants under microgravity and its simulation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In series of space experiments aboard the biosatellites "Cosmos 1887", "Bion 9", the orbital stations "Salut", "Mir" and under clinostating, changes of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and antioxidation activity (AOA) of Chlorella, Haplopappus tissue culture, wheat and pea roots were determined. The changes had a complex fluctuation character; three steps of response were established: LPO decreasing accompanied by AOA increase; stabilization LPO <==> AOA balance; secondary LPO activation. Most early and highly amplitude decreasing of LPO were fixed in mitochondria. The rate of response have been increased on multicellular level of plants organization.  相似文献   

Stem growth of Prunus trees under simulated microgravity conditions was examined using a three-dimensional clinostat. The stems elongated with bending under such conditions. Stem elongation and leaf expansion were both promoted, whereas the formation of xylem in the secondary thickening growth was inhibited under the simulated microgravity condition. In secondary xylem, sedimentable amyloplasts were observed in the 1g control. The present results suggest that stem elongation and leaf expansion may be inhibited at 1g, while growth direction and secondary xylem formation depend on a gravity stimulus. A space experiment is expected to advance research on thickening growth in trees.  相似文献   

Intensity of osteoclastic resorption and calcium content were investigated in intact limb bones of the newts flown on board of a biosatellite Cosmos-2229 after amputation of their forelimbs and tail. Using X-ray microanalysis it was shown an increase in calcium content in the bones on 20th day after operation. Histological study revealed an activation of osteoclastic resorption on endosteal surface of long bones. The newts exposed after surgery on a biosatellite had the same level of bone mineralisation as operated ground control ones, but the increase in number of polynuclear osteoclasts was lower.  相似文献   

Cellular solidification has been known and discussed since a long time. The appearance of cellular and dendritic microstructure closely resembles Benard cells known from fluid physics. Similar generation mechanismus may possibly be assumed. Both g-dependent and g-independent convective phenomena may probably be linked to the occurrence of instabilities at solidification fronts. It is to be expected that normal freezing of model alloys (advantageously such with no volume change at the freezing point) in a defined temperature gradient (gradient furnace) and quenching them may help to quantity g-influence on solidification.  相似文献   

The rapid loss of bone mass is one of the serious problems which have to be solved before long-lasting manned spaceflights may be considered. In this paper we describe investigations in which we have checked whether the bone loss in astronauts as well as in osteoporotic patients may be related to abnormalities in a recently discovered calcium-binding protein, named osteocalcin. It was observed that in all subjects of a limited number of osteoporotic patients, the amount of calcium-binding groups (Gla-residues) in the circulating osteocalcin was substantially reduced. The Gla-content could be normalized, however, by the oral administration of vitamin K (1 mg/day). We also analyzed the Gla-content of plasma-osteocalcin from 4 astronauts before and after the D-1 mission. The amount of Gla-residues was reduced by more than 50% in the post-flight samples. It seems probable, that an increased vitamin K-intake by the astronauts will correct the observed abnormality, but whether this will lead to a decrease of the microgravity-induced bone-loss remains to be seen.  相似文献   

At equilibrium, aqueous fatty alcohol solutions presents a surface tension minimum versus temperature. The influence of such an extremum on the Marangoni convection is studied. Two experiments have been performed under microgravity conditions (Texus 8 (1983) and Texus 9 (1984) flights). The velocity fields are determined by following the paths of tracer particles and furthermore, in the Texus 9 experiment, differential interferograms have been recorded.  相似文献   

Linear stability analysis was performed to study the mechanism of transition of thermocapillary convection in liquid bridges with liquid volume ratios ranging from 0.4 to 1.2, aspect ratio of 0.75 and Prandtl number of 100. 2-D governing equations were solved to obtain the steady axi-symmetric basic flow and temperature distributions. 3-D perturbation equations were discretized at the collocation grid points using the Chebyshev-collocation method. Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions were obtained by using the Q–R method.The predicted critical Marangoni numbers and critical frequencies were compared with data from space experiments. The disturbance of the temperature distribution on the free surface causes the onset of oscillatory convection. It is shown that the origin of instability is related to the hydrothermal origin for convections in large-Prandtl-number liquid bridges.  相似文献   

Plant seedlings exhibit automorphogenesis on clinostats. The occurrence of automorphogenesis was confirmed under microgravity in Space Shuttle STS-95 flight. Rice coleoptiles showed an inclination toward the caryopsis in the basal region and a spontaneous curvature in the same adaxial direction in the elongating region both on a three-dimensional (3-D) clinostat and in space. Both rice roots and Arabidopsis hypocotyls also showed a similar morphology in space and on the 3-D clinostat. In rice coleoptiles, the mechanisms inducing such an automorphic curvature were studied. The faster-expanding convex side of rice coleoptiles showed a higher extensibility of the cell wall than the opposite side. Also, in the convex side, the cell wall thickness was smaller, the turnover of the matrix polysaccharides was more active, and the microtubules oriented more transversely than the concave side, and these differences appear to be causes of the curvature. When rice coleoptiles grown on the 3-D clinostat were placed horizontally, the gravitropic curvature was delayed as compared with control coleoptiles. In clinostatted coleoptiles, the corresponding suppression of the amyloplast development was also observed. Similar results were obtained in Arabidopsis hypocotyls. Thus, the induction of automorphogenesis and a concomitant decrease in graviresponsiveness occurred in plant shoots grown under microgravity conditions.  相似文献   

Stem growth of Prunus trees under simulated microgravity conditions was examined using a three-dimensional clinostat. The stems elongated with bending under such conditions. Stem elongation and leaf expansion were both promoted, whereas the formation of xylem in the secondary thickening growth was inhibited under the simulated microgravity condition. In secondary xylem, sedimentable amyloplasts were observed in the 1g control. The present results suggest that stem elongation and leaf expansion may be inhibited at 1g, while growth direction and secondary xylem formation depend on a gravity stimulus. A space experiment is expected to advance research on thickening growth in trees.  相似文献   

Aggregation mechanism of erythrocytes under normal and microgravity conditions is analyzed from their recorded images. The video data is analyzed by PC/AT based image processing system. The results show that the shape of individual erythrocytes and their formed aggregates changes significantly which may affect the formation process of aggregates under microgravity conditions.  相似文献   

The correlation between oscillations of flow and temperature of the Marangoni convection in a cylindric floating zone are studied. Photographs of the oscillating flow patterns are taken by triggering with a thermocouple signal of the temperature oscillation to reveal the frequency and phase correlations. Whilst both frequencies coincide, phase shift between temperature and flow oscillations exists.  相似文献   

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