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Doppler and ranging measurements using the radio signal of the GIOTTO spacecraft were taken before, during, and after the encounter with Comet Halley on 1314 March 1986. The spacecraft velocity was found to decrease by a total of 23.3 cm s?1 due to impacting gas and (primarily) dust in the cometary atmosphere. A preliminary dust production rate Qd ? 10 × 103kg s?1 is found to be consistent with this deceleration. Power spectra of the carrier phase fluctuations reveal an increase in level and a flattening of the spectrum just prior to encounter, presumably associated with the enhanced dust impact rate. Finally, simulated Doppler time profiles are computed using the radial dependence of plasma density observed by the GIOTTO in situ investigations. It is shown that the cometary electron content profile would have been clearly seen if a dual-frequency downlink radio configuration had been available at encounter.  相似文献   

Power-law spectra f(E)∝E?2.7 of < 40 keV suprathermal ions within ~107 km of propagating interplanetary shocks are explained by diffusive scattering near a plane shock. The theory fits the 25 November 1977 event with a mean free path perpendicular to the shock with is 0.01 AU in front of the shock and less than .0003 AU behind it, for 1 keV ions. The theory predicts a steepening spectrum at higher energies, of the form f(v)∝v?4exp(??λdv/ur) where u = (ΔV)2/2VW depends on the plasma velocity jump ΔV and the plasma speed VW and mean free path λ in front of the shock  相似文献   

The VEGA-1 and VEGA-2 spacecraft made their closest approach to Comet Halley on 6 and 9 March, respectively. In this paper those results of the onboard imaging experiment which were obtained around closest approach are discussed. The nucleus of the comet was clearly identifiable as an irregularly shaped object, with overall dimensions of (16±1)×(8±1)×(8±1) km. The nucleus rotates in the prograde sense about an axis nearly perpendicular to the orbital plane with a period of 53±2 hours. Its albedo is only 0.04±0.020.01 Many of the jet features observed during the second fly-by have been spatially reconstructed. Their sources form a quasi-linear structure on the surface. The dust above the surface is shown to be generally optically thin with the exception of certain specific dust jets. Brightness features on the surface are clearly seen. Correlating our data with other measurements, we conclude that the dirty snow-ball model will probably need to be revised.  相似文献   

Force-free magnetic structures with cylindrical geometry appear under a variety of conditions in nature. Filamentary helical magnetic structures are observed to be associated with prominences and flares in the solar atmosphere, and can arise in superconductors and laboratory plasmas. Another example of cylindrical quasi-force-free configurations appears to exist in the Venus ionosphere. Magnetic flux ropes with diameters of ~20 – 30 km have been observed by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter to be a nearly ubiquitous feature of the dayside Venus ionosphere. Models of flux ropes suggest that many of these structures tend to be quasi-force-free, i.e., J×B~0, while others are correlated with pressure variations in the ambient thermal plasma, J×B=-?(nkT).  相似文献   

Experiments, which somewhat simulate the injection of monoenergetic (several keV) electron beams into the ionosphere, have been performed in the very large (17 m × 26 m) vacuum chamber at Johnson Space Center. Typical operating ranges were: Beam current, I (0–130 mA), beam energy, E (0.5–3 kV), magnetic field, (0.3–2 G), path length, L (10–20 m), and injection pitch angle, α(0–80°). Measurements were carried out in both steady state and pulsed modes. In steady state and for constant V, B, p, L, α, the beam plasma discharge (BPD) is abruptly ignited when the beam current is increased above a critical value; at currents below critical, the beam configuration appears grossly consistent with single particle behavior. If it is assumed that each of the experiment parameters can be varied independently, the critical current required for ignition obeys the empirical relationship at p < 2 × 10?5 torr:
The BPD is characterized by 1) a large increase in the plasma production rate manifested in corresponding increases in the 3914 Å light intensity and plasma density, 2) intense wave emissions in a broad band centered at the plasma frequency and a second band extending from a few kHz up to the electron cyclotron frequency, 3) scattering of the beam in velocity space and 4) radial expansion and pitch angle scattering of the primary beam leading to the disappearance of single particle trajectory features.Measurements of the BPD critical current have been carried out with an ion thruster (Kaufman engine) to provide a background plasma, and these indicate that the presence of an ambient plasma of typical ionospheric densities has little effect on the critical current relation.Measurements of wave amplitudes over a large frequency range show that the amplitude of waves near the plasma and electron cyclotron frequencies are too small to cause or sustain BPD, and that the important instabilities are at much lower frequency (~ 3 kHz in these measurements).  相似文献   

Water masers are well-known to be variable on a variety of time scales, but only three Galactic H2O masers are known to flare to the level of 105–106 Jy (TB1017 K): Orion KL, W49N, and the recently discovered G25.65+1.05. Recently detected flaring activity of H2O maser in the massive star-forming region G25.65+1.05 gave us a unique opportunity to study the fine structure of H2O maser emission in the bursting state with extremely high space VLBI angular resolution. Observation of the source was carried out with ∼9 Earth diameter space-ground baseline within the framework of the RadioAstron project. H2O maser emission from two spectral features, including the bursting one, was detected in the experiment. Only ∼1% of the bursting H2O maser emission was detected on the space-ground baselines: it indicates the presence of a very compact spatial structure with a size of ∼25 μas, which corresponds to 0.05 AU or ∼5 solar diameters at the distance to the source of 2.08 kpc, and the brightness temperature of ∼3 × 1016 K. Analysis of the flux density as a function of the baseline length for the bursting H2O maser feature in the source shows that most of the emission comes from an extended “halo” structure, while the core of emission is very compact and has an extreme brightness temperature. These results are in agreement with the model of interacting maser clouds considered as the likely explanation of the nature of the burst in the source. Under the assumption of such a model, the beam size of maser emission is reduced while the brightness temperatures similar to the highest observed values are produced.  相似文献   

We outline an analytical method for studying the motion of charged dust particles that orbit an oblate planet having a tilted, offset, dipolar magnetic field. Our computed trajectories closely mimic previous numerical results; equilibrium dust potentials must be less then 10 volts or the Jovian ring would be thicker than observed. We identify several Lorentz resonances, where the periods of components of the Lorentz force, as seen by a reference particle moving in the equatorial plane, match the particle's orbital period; several seem to be near observed features of the Jovian ring system.  相似文献   

The Rho Ophiuchi dark cloud region has been the subject of an extensive guest investigation using the Einstein Observatory. The set of observations comprise 14 IPC fields and 3 HRI fields. The densest part of the cloud has been observed 6 times. Forty seven sources were detected at a level > 3.5 σ and twenty more above 2 σ. The majority of these sources have optical, IR, or even radio continuum counterparts; nine are identified with known T Tauri stars, while several others are identified with stars showing H α in emission. All show a high degree of time variability; flux variations reach factors of 5 in a few hours, or 25 in a day. Apparent luminosities are in the range 10(30) – 10(31)(1) erg.s?1. The possibility that the X-ray variability is due to flares is examined. If this interpretation is correct, one source has been the seat of the largest stellar flare ever recorded in X rays [Lx = 10(32) erg.s?1, Ex ?10(36) ergs-].  相似文献   

Since its launch in 1978 the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite observatory has been used to record ultraviolet spectra of nearly two dozen comets. These observations have been applied principally to studies of the composition, chemistry and evolution of the gaseous coma and more recently, with the substantially increased data base, to comparative analyses. The observations of Comets Bowell (1982 I) and Cernis (1983?) at a heliocentric distance of ≈ 3.4 AU show these two comets to be virtually identical and pose problems for water ice vaporization models. The most significant recent result from IUE was the discovery of S2 in the Earth-approaching comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d) and the use of the S2 emission as a monitor of short-term variations in cometary activity. In early 1984, periodic comet Encke was observed for the second time by IUE, this time post-perihelion.  相似文献   

The observed magnetic field configuration in the Venus magnetosheath contains information about the solar wind mass-loading processes occurring as a result of the extension of the neutral atmosphere into the magnetosheath. In this paper, magnetic field signatures of various mass-loading processes are discussed and experimental results from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter magnetometer experiment are examined for evidence of these signatures. The data suggest that the ?VXB acceleration process, stochastic pickup of ionospheric ions, and JXB force “scavenging” at the ionopause all occur at various times.  相似文献   

An extensive program to study nearby normal galaxies was carried out by various observers using the imaging instruments on the Einstein Observatory; more than 50 such galaxies were detected with 0.5 – 3.0 keV luminosities ranging from 2 × 1038 ergs s?1 to 3 × 1041ergs s?1. The X-ray luminosity of normal galaxies is ~2 × 10?4 of the optical luminosity and shows no strong correlation with morphological type. For the nearest galaxies, (the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, M31 and M33,) studies, performed with the Observatory, were comparable to the Uhuru survey of the Galaxy. Approximately 30 new SNR were recognized in the Magellanic Clouds as a result. Over 90 sources were detected in M31 of which at least 20 are identified with globular cluster. The numbers of luminous (>1037 ergs s?1) sources detected in the nearest galaxies per unit mass are similar to that found in our own galaxy. Individual X-ray sources in the arms of nearby spirals can be very luminous; seven with luminosities in excess of 1039ergs s?1 have been discovered. The nuclei of some, but not all, normal galaxies are luminous X-ray sources; X-ray activity is not presently predictable from the radio or optical properties of the nucleus.  相似文献   

A preliminary analysis of infrared observations of comets P/Crommelin and P/Tempel 1 is presented. Comet P/Crommelin was observed from UKIRT over the range 1–20 micron, using standard filters. From the shape of the thermal emission spectrum, the temperature of the dust grains is estimated (T = 314 ± 3344K) and also the dust production rate (1.3 × 105gs?1). Comet P/Tempel 1 was observed with the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS). The emission is found to be considerably extended and there is also evidence for temperature variation of the dust grains as indicated by the 12 to 25 micron flux ratio.  相似文献   

Amino and hydroxy acids have been identified in the Murchison meteorite. Their presence is consistent with a synthetic pathway involving aldehydes, hydrogen cyanide and ammonia in an aqueous environment (Strecker-cyanohydrin synthesis). From the various equilibrium and rate constants involved in this synthesis, four independent estimates of the ammonium ion concentrations on the parent body at the time of compound synthesis are obtained; all values are about 2 × 10?3 M. Succinic acid and β-alanine have also been detected in the Murchison meteorite. Their presence is consistent with a synthesis from acrylonitrile, hydrogen cyanide and ammonia. Using the equilibrium and rate constants for this synthetic pathway, and the succinic acid/β-alanine ratio measured in the Murchison meteorite, an estimate of the hydrogen cyanide concentration of 10?3 to 10?2 M is obtained. Since hydrogen cyanide hydrolyzes relatively rapidly in an aqueous environment (t12 < 104yrs) this high concentration implies a period of synthesis of organic compounds as short as 104 years on the Murchison meteorite parent body.  相似文献   

Pioneer Venus Orbiter Ultraviolet Spectrometer (PVOUVS) HI 1216Å data from six (6) orbits are analyzed. Analysis of subsolar region periapsis data show that for an exobase temperature of 305K, the exobase density is 5 ± 2(4) @cm?3 and the column abundance of atomic hydrogen between 110 and 200 km is 2.4 ± 0.8(13) cm?2. The upward flux through the exobase is determined to be 7.5 ± 2.5(7)/cm2s. Apoapsis data were analyzed for both evening and morning geometries. We conclude: (1) the observed limb profiles show a diurnal variation consistent with Brinton et al.; (2) the model temperature field provides a good fit to the morning data, but the morning temperature field must be used to match the evening data; and (3) the theoretical Ly α limb intensity profiles are sensitive to small changes in the shape and magnitude of the variation of exobase hydrogen with solar zenith angle. The solar Ly α flux at line center required to fit the magnitude of the data is 8(11) photons/cm2s Å at Venus.  相似文献   

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