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Systematical errors of the spacecraft measured high-energy particle fluxes are analyzed. The errors are shown to be inherent to most of the measurements made to be the monitoring of the high-energy radiation in the space. The level of the systematic errors of the measurements varies with energy, thus resulting in distortions of the solar energetic particle spectra based on the measurement data. The erroneous experimental data have resulted in spurious estimates of space radiation environment and give rise to erroneous physical conclusions.  相似文献   

Solar energetic protons degrade performance and reliability of spacecraft systems due to single-event effects, total dose effects and displacement damage in electronics components including solar cells. On designing a solar cell panel, a total fluence of solar energetic protons (SEPs) which cause solar cell damage is needed to estimate power loss of the solar cells over mission life. Nowadays a solar panel area of spacecraft is increasing as spacecraft mission life becomes longer (15–18 years). Thus an accurate SEP model is strongly required for the cost-minimum design from the aerospace industry. The SEP model, JPL-91 proposed by Feynman et al., is currently used widely for solar cell designing. However, it is known that the JPL-91 model predicts higher fluences of protons than values actually experienced in space, especially after 7 years on orbit. In addition, the model is based on several assumptions, and also needs Monte-Carlo simulations for calculating fluences. In this study, we propose a new method for modeling SEPs especially focused on solar cell degradation. The newly-proposed method is empirical, which constructs a model based directly upon proton flux measurement data taken by instruments onboard spacecraft. This method has neither assumptions nor dependence on SEP event selection, both of which are needed in JPL-91. The model fluences derived from this method show lower fluences in longer missions compared to JPL-91. This method has been proposed to ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and has been discussed for a new standard SEP model.  相似文献   

This report presents the results of analyzing the relative importance of particle fluxes of different origin in the Earth-Mars-Earth route during different solar activity periods. The analysis has been made in terms of the galactic cosmic ray and solar energetic particle flux models developed at Moscow State University. The results demonstrate the extreme importance of the high-energy solar particle fluxes in interplanetary space even during the years of "quiet" Sun.  相似文献   

Because activities in space necessarily involve chronic exposure to a heterogeneous charged particle radiation field it is important to assess the influence of dose-rate and the possible modulating role of heavy particle fragmentation on biological systems. Using the well-studied cataract model, mice were exposed to plateau 600 MeV/amu 56Fe ions either as acute or fractionated exposures at total doses of 5 - 504 cGy. Additional groups of mice received 20, 360 and 504 cGy behind 50 mm of polyethylene, which simulates body shielding. The reference radiation consisted of 60Co gamma radiation. The animals were examined by slit lamp biomicroscopy over their three year life spans. In accordance with our previous observations with heavy particles, the cataractogenic potential of the 600 MeV/amu 56Fe ions was greater than for low-LET radiation and increased with decreasing dose relative to gamma-rays. Fractionation of a given dose of 56Fe ions did not reduce the cataractogenicity of the radiation compared to the acute regimen. Fragmentation of the beam in the polyethylene did not alter the cataractotoxicity of the ions, either when administered singly or in fractions.  相似文献   

Understanding the interactions and propagations of high energy protons and heavy ions are essential when trying to estimate the biological effects of Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) and Solar Particle Events (SPE) on personnel in space. To be able to calculate the shielding properties of different materials and radiation risks, particle and heavy ion transport codes are needed. In all particle and heavy ion transport codes, the probability function that a projectile particle will collide within a certain distance x in the matter depends on the total reaction cross sections, and the calculated partial fragmentation cross sections scale with the total reaction cross sections. It is therefore crucial that accurate total reaction cross section models are used in the transport calculations. In this paper, different models for calculating nucleon–nucleus and nucleus–nucleus total reaction cross sections are compared with each other and with measurements. The uncertainties in the calculations with the different models are discussed, as well as their overall performances with respect to the available experimental data. Finally, a new compilation of experimental data is briefly presented.  相似文献   

Between 1975 and 1983 HELIOS 1 scanned the interplanetary medium between 0.3 and 1 AU 31 times. The observed variations in the differential and integral flux of protons and helium nuclei in the energy range from 4 to >50 MeV/n are characterized by large temporal changes in the intensities, moderate changes in the energy spectrum and changes in the gradient below the detection level (60%). During solar minimum conditions recurrent disturbances are caused mainly by corotating interaction regions. The onset of solar activity near the end of 1977, characterized by a large number of solar events, is accompanied by a monotonous decrease of galactic cosmic radiation. The successive reduction of the cosmic ray intensity to the level of solar maximum is discussed in view of the role of large transient disturbances as compared to processes as diffusion, convection, adiabatic energy losses and drifts.  相似文献   

为了更加合理地分析输入随机变量对结构系统失效概率的影响,提出了一种新的矩独立重要性测度分析方法。传统的重要性测度指标只能估计输入随机变量在固定点时对结构系统输出响应的影响,而所提新指标能够充分反映输入随机变量在其分布区域的所有缩减区间上变化时对结构系统输出响应的平均影响程度,更加符合工程实际。为了求解新指标,给出了2种算法:传统的双层重复抽样蒙特卡罗(DLRS MC)方法和自适应超球重要抽样(ARBIS)方法。双层重复抽样蒙特卡罗方法计算结果可以作为对比参照解,但求解效率较低,计算量很大;自适应超球重要抽样方法在满足新指标求解精度的前提下,计算效率得到很大提高。应用数值算例和工程算例证明了所提新指标的意义和所提新算法的高效性。   相似文献   

Of the various sources of whistler waves in the magnetosphere, the signals from terrestrial VLF transmitters are apparently the simplest for theoretical analysis. The role of these signals in the acceleration and pitch-angle scattering of energetic electrons in the Earth’s radiation belts has not been fully studied quantitatively, despite many decades of relevant research. The main problem in studying this issue is that to calculate the acceleration and pitch-angle scattering of particles, it is necessary to know the spatial profile of the signal amplitude. This is especially critical for phase-trapped particles, for which the energy exchange with the wave is the most significant. At the same time, the wave amplitude profile itself is determined by the interaction of the wave with resonant particles. Thus, we are dealing with a self-consistent problem, which is described by a nonlinear system of equations - a kinetic equation for the distribution function of resonant particles with a self-consistent field, and an equation for the wave field, in which the nonlinear and non-local growth rate is determined by the distribution function of resonant particles. In this paper, we develop an approach to solving this system of equations and the corresponding physical problem using the method of successive approximations.  相似文献   

The large solar energetic particle (SEP) events and simultaneous large geomagnetic disturbances observed during October 1989 posed a significant, rapidly evolving space radiation hazard. Using data from the GOES-7, NOAA-10, IMP-8 and LDEF satellites, we determined the geomagnetic transmission, heavy ion fluences, mean Fe ionic charge state, and effective radiation hazard observed in low Earth orbit (LEO) for these SEPs. We modeled the geomagnetic transmission by tracing particles through the combination of the internal International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) and the Tsyganenko (1989) magnetospheric field models, extending the modeling to large geomagnetic disturbances. We used our results to assess the radiation hazard such very large SEP events would pose in the anticipated 52 degrees inclination space station orbit.  相似文献   

防御和控制DOS/DDOS攻击新方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
DOS(Denial\|of\|Service)/DDOS(Distributed Denial\|of\|Service)网络攻击不但给被攻 击目标带来麻烦,而且还严重干扰与被攻击目标共享网络的其它流量.利用主动网络将一些计算功能增加到每个中间节点(路由节点、交换机等),提出一个防御和控制DOS/DDOS攻击的机制体系,这个机制体系主要包括以下3个机制 :基于集群的自动鉴别和控制机制、基于集群的主动通告追踪机制和基于管理域的控制合作 机制.基于集群的自动鉴别和控制机制包括对DOS/DDOS网络攻击集群的鉴别策略及控制它们 的速率限制策略.基于集群的主动通告追踪机制则是把这些攻击集群特征通告给上游主动节 点并使之激活当地的速率限制策略.利用该系统,在试验中能够有效地预防和控制DOS/DDOS 攻击.   相似文献   

Predicting the occurrence of large geomagnetic storms more than an hour in advance is an important, yet difficult task. Energetic ion data show enhancements in flux that herald the approach of interplanetary shocks, usually for many hours before the shock arrival. We present a technique for predicting large geomagnetic storms (Kp  7) following the arrival of interplanetary shocks at 1 AU, using low-energy energetic ions (47–65 keV) and solar wind data measured at the L1 libration point. It is based on a study of the relationship between energetic ion enhancements (EIEs) and large geomagnetic storms by Smith et al. [Smith, Z., Murtagh, W., Smithtro, C. Relationship between solar wind low-energy energetic ion enhancements and large geomagnetic storms. J. Geophys. Res. 109, A01110, 2004. doi:10.1029/ 2003JA010044] using data in the rise and maximum of solar cycle 23 (February 1998–December 2000). An excellent correlation was found between storms with Kp  7 and the peak flux of large energetic ion enhancements that almost always (93% of time in our time period) accompany the arrival of interplanetary shocks at L1. However, as there are many more large EIEs than large geomagnetic storms, other characteristics were investigated to help determine which EIEs are likely to be followed by large storms. An additional parameter, the magnitude of the post-shock total magnetic field at the L1 Lagrangian point, is introduced here. This improves the identification of the EIEs that are likely to be followed by large storms. A forecasting technique is developed and tested on the time period of the original study (the training data set). The lead times, defined as the times from the arrival of the shock to the start of the 3-h interval of maximum Kp, are also presented. They range from minutes to more than a day; the average for large storms is 7 h. These times do not include the extra warning time given when the EI flux cross the high thresholds ahead of the shock. Because the data-stream used in the original study is no longer available, we extended the original study (1998–2000) to 2001, in order to: (a) investigate EIEs in 2001; (b) present a validation of the technique on an independent data set; (c) compare the results based on the original (P1) energy channel to those of the replacement (P1′) and (d), determine new EIE thresholds for forecasting geomagnetic storms using P1′ data. The verification of this P1′ training data set is also presented, together with lead times.  相似文献   

Human exposure to large solar particle events in space.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Whenever energetic solar protons produced by solar particle events traverse bulk matter, they undergo various nuclear and atomic collision processes which significantly alter the physical characteristics and biologically important properties of their transported radiation fields. These physical interactions and their effect on the resulting radiation field within matter are described within the context of a recently developed deterministic, coupled neutron-proton space radiation transport computer code (BRYNTRN). Using this computer code, estimates of human exposure in interplanetary space, behind nominal (2 g/cm2) and storm shelter (20 g/cm2) thicknesses of aluminum shielding, are made for the large solar proton event of August 1972. Included in these calculations are estimates of cumulative exposures to the skin, ocular lens, and bone marrow as a function of time during the event. Risk assessment in terms of absorbed dose and dose equivalent is discussed for these organs. Also presented are estimates of organ exposures for hypothetical, worst-case flare scenarios. The rate of dose equivalent accumulation places this situation in an interesting region of dose rate between the very low values of usual concern in terrestrial radiation environments and the high dose rate values prevalent in radiation therapy.  相似文献   

We briefly review the status of our physical understanding of energy buildup and release in transient active phenomena on the Sun. Such understanding is necessary in order to improve our capabilities to predict such events and their effects in interplanetary space and near-Earth environment. We then discuss the research that we consider is needed for such improvement.  相似文献   

Confluent human fibroblast cells were exposed to 6 Gy gamma-rays or 200 MeV/nucleon Fe ions at 0.7 or 3 Gy. The cells were allowed to repair for 24 hours after exposure and chromosomes were collected using a premature chromosome condensation technique with calyculin-A. Chromosome aberrations were analyzed using the multicolor FISH (mFISH) technique that allows identification of both complex and truly incomplete exchanges. Results showed that both doses of the Fe ions produced higher ratios of complex to simple exchanges and lower ratio of complete to incomplete exchanges than the 6 Gy gamma-exposure. The ratios of aberration yields were similar for the two doses of Fe ions. After 0.7 Gy of Fe ions, most complex aberrations were found to involve three or four chromosomes, indicating this is the maximum number of chromosome domains traversed by a single Fe ion track.  相似文献   

CELSS technology, composed of various subsystems designed to stabilize the environment in closed space can be used to construct the Closed Ecology Experiment Facility. The Closed Ecology Experiment Facility has the character of an Environmental Time Machine. Many environmental researches of studies will, it is proposed, be conducted using this facility. The concept of Closed Ecology Experiment Facility is described, and several research items related to earth science potentially to be conducted using this facility are indicated. As an example of the application, an improved model of climate estimation is discussed.  相似文献   

A model of solar energetic particles (SEP) has been developed and is applied to solar flares during the 1990/1991 CRRES mission using data measured by the University of Chicago instrument, ONR-604. The model includes the time-dependent behavior, heavy-ion content, energy spectrum and fluence, and can accurately represent the observed SEP events in the energy range between 40 to 500 MeV/nucleon. Results are presented for the March and June, 1991 flare periods.  相似文献   

The Polar Balloon Atmospheric Composition Experiment (P-BACE) is a new generation of neutral gas mass spectrometer based on the time-of-flight principle. P-BACE is the scientific experiment on the Mars Environment Analog Platform (MEAP) flown successfully on a balloon mission in summer 2008. The MEAP mission was flown with a 334,000 m3 helium balloon in the stratosphere on a semicircular trajectory from northern Sweden around the North Pole to Canada using the summer northern hemispheric wind current. The atmospheric conditions at an atmospheric altitude of 35–40 km are remarkably similar to those on the surface of Mars and thus the balloon mission was an ideal testbed for our mass spectrometer P-BACE. Originally this instrument was designed for in situ measurements of the chemical composition of the Martian atmosphere.P-BACE has a unique mass range from 0 to 1000 amu/q with a mass resolution mm (FWHM) > 1000, and the dynamic range is at least six orders of magnitude. During this experiment, the acquisition of one mass spectrum is a sum of 65,535 single spectra, recorded in a time frame of 66 s.The balloon mission lasted 5 days and had successfully demonstrated the functionality of the P-BACE instrument during flight conditions. We had recorded more than 4500 mass spectra. With little modifications, P-BACE can be used on a planetary mission for Mars, but for example also for Venus or Mercury, if placed on a satellite.  相似文献   

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