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高低轨遥感卫星联合监测火灾模式是指使用高轨卫星每日针对重点区域巡查,发现火点,对已发现火点,快速调动高轨卫星应急规划,高频次获取灾区观测数据,掌握火势发展情况;通过低轨高分辨卫星侧摆成像,详查灾害区域,进行过火面积评估。文章针对遥感卫星高低轨联合监测过程中卫星数据获取时效性存在的问题及要求,建立高轨卫星一键式应急任务规划系统,并构建森林火灾应急需求与低轨卫星资源匹配的规则和算法,实现应急任务一键式分配至各低轨卫星任务规划系统,提升高低轨卫星应急响应时间。  相似文献   

2014年12月7日,中国和巴西联合研制的中巴地球资源卫星04星(以下简称CBERS-04星)发射成功。12月8日10时44分,在第15圈卫星轨道上,CBERS-04星首次打开全色相机并向地面发送遥感数据。中国遥感卫星地面站密云站即时接收首轨卫星图像数据,与此同时,在100km外的地面接收站网运行管理系统进行全分辨率快视。这标志CBERS-04星首轨遥感数据接收任务成功,也是在国内首次实现陆地观测首轨卫星遥感图像数据远程实时显示。4分钟后,三亚站开始首次接收数据,并实时传送至北京显示。11时25分,在第16圈轨道卫星首次向地面发送红外相机遥感数据。喀什站首轨数据接收成功,图像在北京实时显示。至此,3站首次接收的2部国产有效载荷首轨数据接收任务执行与远程实时图像快视试验一次成功。目前,地面数据接收站网正在执行CBERS-04星在轨测试任务。  相似文献   

针对高轨卫星锂离子蓄电池组在轨管理问题,文章在分析锂离子蓄电池组特性及在轨使用需求的基础上,提出了锂离子蓄电池组自主管理系统的设计,并在某高轨卫星上进行了验证。根据在轨数据,从工作模式转换、充放电管理、均衡管理、搁置管理等方面对管理系统的验证情况进行总结。提出的自主管理系统可为后续高轨卫星锂离子蓄电池组自主管理系统的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

针对高轨凝视卫星存在难以选取地面控制点从而在一定程度上影响卫星性能发挥的问题,文章将连续成像的凝视卫星与船舶自动识别系统(AIS)数据有机结合起来,充分利用AIS数据定位精度高、更新频次快、与高轨凝视卫星配准性好的特点,将船舶AIS数据作为控制点对海洋区域进行几何精校正。根据海洋较地面平坦的特点,基于多项式校正法,设计了两种针对高轨凝视卫星的遥感图像校正策略,并利用高分四号卫星和商用AIS数据进行了验证比对,给出了应用建议。分析结果表明:采用AIS数据可有效提升高轨凝视卫星海洋遥感图像定位精度,可为高轨凝视卫星影像快速几何精校正策略设计提供参考。  相似文献   

1988年9月24日,美国国家海洋与大气管理局(NOAA)发射了一颗最新型的气象卫星NOAA-11。这颗卫星已开始向美国国家气象局发送大量极其重要的数据。 NOAA-11卫星运行在850公里高的近极地轨道,星上载有微波探测仪,臭氧监测仪及搜索救援卫星辅助跟踪(Sarsat)装置。它将同1986年9月17日发射的NOAA-10极轨卫星一起收集气象数据,用于执行世界范围的气象预报、风暴跟踪、全球海冰监视等任务。  相似文献   

天基照相跟踪空间碎片批处理轨道确定研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coupled Device)相机对空间碎片进行轨道探测的方法,首先建立了CCD照相观测模型和基于 照相观测 的空间碎片批处理轨道确定模型。通过对CCD相机底片归算方法的分析可知,利用
CCD相机所获得的观测数据与跟踪卫星的姿态无关,且其精度只与测量和坐标转换计算的精 度有关,在测量和计算中可获得较高的精度。分别对分布密度较高的低轨道和地球同步 轨道区域的空间碎片进行了定轨分析。仿真结果表明,定轨时采用两个跟踪弧段的照相数据 定轨精度大大高于一个弧段照相数据的定轨精度;跟踪卫星距离空间碎片越近,定轨精度越 高;低轨道空间碎片的定轨精度高于地球同步轨道上的空间碎片定轨精度。

卫星系统热特性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
考虑空间轨道外热流、卫星表面自身辐射、热载荷等因素影响,建立卫星温度场计算模型,在采用蒙特卡罗(Monte-Carlo)法求解卫星复杂辐射边界条件的基础上,利用有限容积法对卫星在轨飞行阶段的瞬态温度场进行数值模拟,计算得到卫星瞬态温度场,并考虑其表面自身辐射及空间轨道外热流等因素,建立卫星红外辐射通量计算模型,计算得到不同时刻、不同热载荷情况下的卫星红外辐射通量分布,并简要分析了在轨卫星热控涂层衰减所带来的表面太阳吸收比的变化对卫星温度场的影响。  相似文献   

对多个动目标持续跟踪成像是高轨遥感卫星的重要任务之一。为此,文章提出了高轨遥感卫星对多个动目标持续跟踪的任务规划方法。以卫星姿态机动次数和姿态机动角最小为优化目标,以卫星对动目标持续跟踪的起始、终端状态、服务次数约束及时间分配的限制为约束,建立高轨遥感卫星姿态机动对多个动目标的调度模型。在此基础上,采用遗传算法生成高轨遥感卫星在每个任务周期对多个动目标调度的任务序列,结合九宫格跟踪算法完成对多个动目标的持续跟踪。仿真结果表明:任务规划方法可以成功对1个高速动目标及多个中低速动目标进行跟踪监视,具有很好的适应性。  相似文献   

高分多模卫星(GFDM-1)兼具高分与敏捷特性,具备多种敏捷成像模式,同时具备自主任务管理功能。其飞行程序设计具有在轨工作模式多样、工作状态复杂且耦合性强等特点,首次采用天地一体的自主任务管理方式进行飞控实施。因此,在飞行程序设计中重点开展了事件时序设计和优化,合理设计并行时序并综合采用多种执行方式对事件流程进行优化,实现快速状态建立;针对卫星设计和敏捷特点分析,识别太阳翼展开及捕获跟踪、多模式高频度的载荷任务规划、中继数传模式等关键事件,对其开展地面仿真进行设计优化。高分多模卫星在轨应用和验证结果表明:卫星在轨运行良好,各飞行事件有序开展,飞行程序设计合理有效。  相似文献   

文援兰  朱俊  李志  廖瑛 《宇航学报》2009,30(1):155-163

中国巴西地球资源卫星的轨道捕获和轨迹交会控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
中巴地球资源卫星一号(CBERS-1)是中国和巴西合作研制的第一颗运行在太阳同步轨道上的地球资源卫星.CBERS-1于1999年10月14日由中国自行研制的长征运载工具按预定计划准时发射,进入设计轨道,随后通过轨道捕获、星下点轨迹控制和多次轨道保持机动等一系列轨道测控操作,该卫星已按遥感用户的要求正常运行在高精度的太阳同步、回归冻结轨道上.本文简要阐明CBERS-1轨道控制系统的任务目标、系统结构、轨道控制策略、控制性能、飞行软件和在轨操作以及飞行结果.  相似文献   

在"北斗三号"MEO卫星双星并行研制过程中,综合考虑总体任务需求、卫星热控特点、热控方案及现有试验条件,提出"双星同时进罐,单星热平衡,双星热真空"的真空热试验方案,并通过仿真分析对因两星相互遮挡引起的附加热流进行修正,实现两颗卫星同时使用同一空间环境模拟设备即可完成热平衡及热真空2项试验.数据比较表明,热平衡试验结果...  相似文献   

The French Space Agency (CNES) is currently operating thirteen satellites among which five remote sensing satellites. This fleet is composed of two civilian (SPOT) and three military (HELIOS) satellites and it has been recently completed by the first PLEIADES satellite which is devoted to both civil and military purposes. The CNES operation board decided to appoint a Working Group (WG) in order to anticipate and tackle issues related to the emergency End Of Life (EOL) operations due to unexpected on-board events affecting the satellite. This is of particular interest in the context of the French Law on Space Operations (LSO), entered in force on Dec. 2010, which states that any satellite operator must demonstrate its capability to control the space vehicle whatever the mission phase from the launch up to the EOL. Indeed, after several years in orbit the satellites may be affected by on-board anomalies which could damage the implementation of EOL operations, i.e. orbital manoeuvres or platform disposal. Even if automatic recovery actions ensure autonomous reconfigurations on redundant equipment, i.e. setting for instance the satellite into a safe mode, it is crucial to anticipate the consequences of failures of every equipment and functions necessary for the EOL operations. For this purpose, the WG has focused on each potential anomaly by analysing: its emergency level, as well as the EOL operations potentially inhibited by the failure and the needs of on-board software workarounds… The main contribution of the WG consisted in identifying a particular satellite configuration called “minimal Withdrawal From Service (WFS) configuration”. This configuration corresponds to an operational status which involves a redundancy necessary for the EOL operations. Therefore as soon as a satellite reaches this state, a dedicated steering committee is activated and decides of the future of the satellite with respect to three options: a/. the satellite is considered safe and can continue its mission using the redundancy, b/. the EOL operations must be planned within a mid-term period, or c/. the EOL operations must be implemented as soon as possible by the operational teams. The paper describes this management and operational process illustrated with study cases of failures on SPOT and PLEIADES satellites corresponding to various emergency situations.  相似文献   

用于对地观测定位的编队飞行卫星群轨道构形设计   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
赵军  肖业伦 《宇航学报》2003,24(6):563-568
编队飞行卫星群是一组小卫星,它们具有短的相对距离、相等的轨道半长轴和微小差别的其它轨道要素,它们形成相互伴随运动,并且具有一定的构形。提出将编队飞行卫星群的轨道设计技术应用于对地观测定位卫星系统中。根据设想的要求,针对由四颗伴随卫星围绕基准卫星(或一个虚拟的中心)飞行的轨道设计案例,初步分析了编队飞行卫星群的构形保持,地球引力和大气阻力的摄动影响等问题。  相似文献   

嫦娥二号卫星轨道设计   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
嫦娥二号卫星的轨道设计是在充分继承嫦娥一号轨道设计的理论和方法的基础上进行的,并在此基础上做了适应性改进。轨道设计的主要内容包括参数选择、发射窗口、速度增量需求以及嫦娥二号卫星和嫦娥一号卫星不同点的对比,提出了整个飞行轨道的设计思想。  相似文献   

卫星采用运载火箭上面级发射入轨期间,经历了由大椭圆轨道至圆轨道的过程,飞行姿态经历了变轨、慢旋、分离后巡航等多个阶段。在太阳翼展开前,卫星要经历比自身变轨更为恶劣的高低温环境及能源紧张等供电风险。在分离时刻的太阳翼碰撞或干涉安全性也需要重点关注和分析。针对北斗三号一箭双星采用上面级直接入轨方式的特点,分析了卫星与上面级间的供电和热设计接口,并从双星分离安全性角度考虑,分析影响卫星与上面级接口安全性的主要要素,并对应用和验证情况进行总结。  相似文献   

编队飞行卫星群的轨道动力学特性与构形设计   总被引:20,自引:6,他引:20  
编队飞行卫星群由一些相对距离近的小卫星组成,在严格的条件下,若干颗伴随卫星环绕一颗中心卫星作相对运动,相对轨道为特别性质的椭圆,本文研究了编队飞行卫星群的轨道动力学特性,提出了编队飞行的轨道构形设计的原则和方法。  相似文献   

The authors present a new scientific space mission consisting of a satellite carrying a receiving- only SAR which receives the signal transmitted by the ENVISAT-1 SAR. The integration of ENVISAT-1 SAR and bistatic radar data offers an improved potentiality of surface classification, three-dimensional observation, and the opportunity of advanced scientific experiments in the field of bistatic scattering. The small satellite nominal orbit and the attitude manoeuvres are designed in order to maintain an adequate overlap between the two radar swaths along the whole orbit, taking into account the ENVISAT-1 attitude and pointing. A preliminary satellite design (2-year lifetime) is then performed to evaluate the orbit decay and to determine the appropriate orbit manoeuvres (every 4 days) to control the satellites relative phase. The numerical simulation shows that a spacecraft of about 584kg is able to meet the mission requirements.  相似文献   

Cluster flight is a term used for describing multiple satellites that are being held within pre-defined minimum and maximum distances for long time intervals, possibly the entire mission. This technology is required for a myriad of space architectures and missions, including disaggregated space architectures. Whereas the literature is abundant with works on control laws for satellite formation flying, there are only a handful of works on control of cluster flight. The purpose of the current work is to develop a cluster flight control algorithm, which is able to keep the satellites of the cluster within pre-specified minimum and maximum distances, while utilizing small amounts of propellant. The newly developed algorithm relies on the natural inter-satellite distance dynamics. The algorithm incorporates realistic mission constraints, such as constant-magnitude thrust, and is implemented in feedback form, steering the mean elements to judiciously selected reference values. Simulations indicate that a few tens of grams of propellent are sufficient for operating a cluster flight mission in excess of 1 year, using low specific-impulse thrusters.  相似文献   

The first Korean multi-mission geostationary Earth orbit satellite, Communications, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) was launched by an Ariane 5 launch vehicle in June 26, 2010. The COMS satellite has three payloads including Ka-band communications, Geostationary Ocean Color Imager, and Meteorological Imager. Although the COMS spacecraft bus is based on the Astrium Eurostar 3000 series, it has only one solar array to the south panel because all of the imaging sensors are located on the north panel. In order to maintain the spacecraft attitude with 5 wheels and 7 thrusters, COMS should perform twice a day wheel off-loading thruster firing operations, which affect on the satellite orbit. COMS flight dynamics system provides the general on-station functions such as orbit determination, orbit prediction, event prediction, station-keeping maneuver planning, station-relocation maneuver planning, and fuel accounting. All orbit related functions in flight dynamics system consider the orbital perturbations due to wheel off-loading operations. There are some specific flight dynamics functions to operate the spacecraft bus such as wheel off-loading management, oscillator updating management, and on-station attitude reacquisition management. In this paper, the design and implementation of the COMS flight dynamics system is presented. An object oriented analysis and design methodology is applied to the flight dynamics system design. Programming language C# within Microsoft .NET framework is used for the implementation of COMS flight dynamics system on Windows based personal computer.  相似文献   

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