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随着软硬件技术的飞速发展和宽带接收机的广泛使用,频谱检测向着高瞬时带宽的方向发展,传统基于信道化处理的频谱检测方法存在搜索速度慢、处理效率低下的问题。文章提出了 1种新的分布式接收宽带多目标信号盲检测迭代处理方法,在无须预先知道信号数目及信号频谱位置的情况下,能够实现特定虚警概率多信号盲检测,具备较高的灵活性和稳健性。首先,在对信号特征进行分析的基础上,通过构造线性模型,将分布式接收多目标信号检测转化为线性模型求解问题进行处理;然后,基于贝叶斯多参数联合求解模型,在对未知参数先验分布进行合理假设的基础上,推导了各未知参数变分分布及信号检测门限的解析表达式,采用变分分布软信息迭代的方式实现多传感器信号、多参数联合估计,并利用每次迭代参数估计结果,对信号检测门限进行更新,通过置零操作实现预设虚警概率下的多信号盲检测;最后,通过仿真实验对所提方法性能进行了分析,并与相关方法进行了对比。仿真结果表明,所提方法能够有效利用多路接收信号信息,实现宽带未知多目标信号的盲检测,有效提升短数据下的算法处理效能,与现有方法相比,在接收单元数目较多以及信噪比较低时具有明显优势。  相似文献   

A general model is presented for calculating detection and falsealarm probabilities for the automated change detector. The model is then applied to determine PD'PF for the ?target-no target? type change; the resulting PD and PF are compared to the one-channel case.  相似文献   

Recursive methods are drived for computing detection probabilities for general fluctuating targets in Gaussian noise. For the generalized chi-square family of fluctuating targets, very simple and convenient recursive algrithms result. The methods are also extended to cell-averaging CFAR. Although the detection probability is expressed iw: terms of an infinite series, a convenient expression is derived for the resulting error when the series is truncated. Cell-averaging CFAR results are computed for nonfluctuating, Swering case I, and Swerling case II fluctuating targets.  相似文献   

In calculating detection probabiities for radar and sonar systems it is usually assumed that the threshold required to yield a certain probability of false alarm is known. This is often not the case for real systems and therefore the threshold must be estimated using some measure related to the test statistic. This paper presents a calculation technique that handles estimated (adaptive) thresholds in a general framework that can be applied easily to many detection problems. False alarm and detection probabilities are calculated from the characteristic function of the noise or signal plus noise variate and the characteristic function of the threshold estimate. To illustrate the method the detection performance of overlapped discrete Fourier transforms (DFTs) is calculated for a narrowband Gaussian target signal.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for computing sliding window detection probabilities which have applications in track-while-scan acquisition logic and radar detection theory. The sliding window probability is the probability of achieving m successes out of n consecutive events at least once by the Nth opportunity. Expressions are derived for these probabilities as a function of N and p (the per-event success probability) for 1 ? n ? 4 and m ? n. Tabulated results are presented for the mean and standard deviation of the detection delay associated with each m/n logic.  相似文献   

Cumulative probability distributions that occur in radar and sonar detection problems are calculated directly from the characteristic function by using a Fourier series. The error in the result is controlled by two parameters which can be adjusted to suit the application. The technique is applied to the problem of determining the detection performance of consecutive discrete Fourier transforms (DFTs) for a narrowband Gaussian signal with a rectangular spectrum. Since the characteristic function is used directly in its product form this technique does not suffer from the numerical problems associated with the partial fraction approach. The technique can handle many different problems in a single computational structure making it a valuable tool in system performance studies.  相似文献   

Direct Evaluation of Radar Detection Probabilities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A simple and effective procedure for evaluating detectionperformances in radar and sonar detection problems is derived forboth fixed-threshold and adaptive-threshold detection. Using theprocedure, the cumulative probabilities of the test statistic can bedirectly evaluated from the moment generating functions bycalculating residues. The exact formulae for computing the detectionperformances for the chi-square family of fluctuating targets withan integer fluctuation parameter are given in a finite sum formwithout any special functions for both fixed threshold and cellaverageconstant false-alarm rate detection by using the methoddeveloped here.  相似文献   

Under the assumption that the average noise power may vary from cell to cell, new, more easily computed expressions are given for the probability of detecting a fluctuating target by means of a cell-averaging CFAR test. The generalized chi-square family of fluctuating targets is considered with the Swerling I and III models given as special cases.  相似文献   

The probability of detection for radars employing noncoherent integration and a fixed threshold or cell-averaging constant false alarm rate (CA-CFAR) processor is computed by numerical contour integration in the complex plane. The technique is applied to both nonfluctuating and chi-squared fluctuating targets. A bound on the truncation error allows for a simple stopping rule for the numerical integration. The method has applicability to many problems in radar detection theory.  相似文献   

Analysis of the performance of a mean-level threshold in the detection of nonfluctuating signals is performed. Formulas for the probability of detection are derived and a simple recursive method that can be used for computations is described. Binary integration is discussed, and it is shown that the loss in sensitivity due to the use of an adaptive threshold followed by binary integration is only a fraction of a decibel when compared with optimum binary integration. Binary integration results are given for both fluctuating and nonfluctuating signals.  相似文献   

An analysis technique is presented for multiple-tone signals insystems employing noncoherent integration of a square-law detectoroutput. It is shown how the characteristic function for the teststatistic can be found from the easily determined "coherent"characteristic function defined in the two-dimensional signal space.This result is applied to two detection problems, the detection of multiple-tone signals in Gaussian noise and the detection of a Gaussian signal in multiple-tone plus Gaussian noise interference.The detection curves are compared to an approximation that is often used in practice to estimate performance. It is found that detection performance in the presence of multiple-tone interferences can be significantly different from that in the presence of Gaussian noise alone.  相似文献   

In the theory of signal detectability, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), defined as the quotient of the average received signal energy and the spectral density of the white Gaussian noise, is a fundamental parameter. For a signal which is exactly known, or known except for a random phase, this ratio uniquely defines the detection performance which can be achieved with a matched filter receiver. However, when the signal amplitude is a random parameter, the detection performance is changed and must be determined from the probability density function (pdf) of the amplitude. Relative to the case of a constant signal amplitude, such signal amplitude fluctuation usually degrades performance when a high probability of detection (Pd) is required, but improves performance at low values of Pd; the corresponding change in the required SNR is the so-called signal fluctuation loss Lf. Thus, since Lf in some cases represents an improvement in performance for low values of Pd, a question of at least theoretical interest is: how large might this improvement be, when the class of all signal amplitude pdf's is considered. The solution, presented here, results in a lower bound on the signal fluctuation loss Lf as a function of Pd, or equivalently an upper bound on Pd as a function of SNR. The corresponding most favorable pdf was determined using the Lagrange multiplier technique and results of a numerical maximization are included to provide insight into the general properties of the solution.  相似文献   

Detection with Distributed Sensors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The extension of classical detection theory to the case of distributed sensors is discussed, based on the theory of statistical hypothesis testing. The development is based on the formulation of a decentralized or team hypothesis testing problem. Theoretical results concerning the form of the optimal decision rule, examples, application to data fusion, and open problems are presented.  相似文献   

Cumulative probability distributions such as occur in radar detection problems are approximated by a new version of the saddlepoint method of evaluating the inverse Laplace transform of the moment-generating function. When the number of radar pulses integrated is large, the approximation of lowest order yields good accuracy in the tails of the distributions, yet requires much less computation than standard recursive methods. Greater accuracy can be achieved upon summing the residual series by converting it to a continued fraction. The method is applied to evaluating the error-function integral and the Mth-order Q function, and to approximating the inverse of the chi-squared distribution. Cumulative distributions of discrete random variables, needed for determining error probabilities in optical communication receivers that involve counting photoelectrons, can be approximated by a simple modification of the method, which is here applied to the Laguerre distribution.  相似文献   

The performance of a complex phase-coded waveform digital processor with hard-limiting constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) is presented. Processing losses relative to ideal matched-filter performance are computed and verified by hardware measurement. The losses considered include the consequences of hard limiting, envelope algorithm implementation, range cusping, and the associated effects of code length, IF filter bandwidth, and in-phase and quadrature channel phase offset. The range resolution properties of two closely spaced targets are also considered.  相似文献   

General analytic expressions are developed for the soft-limited digital pulse compressor (matched filter). This theoretical development is then used for the hardware realization of a two-channel (I,Q), 3-bit-limited digital pulse compressor with a compression ratio of 255: 1. The realized hardware uses state of the art integrated circuit devices. An experimental laboratory setup is described. This setup is used to study hard-limited versus 3-bit-limited matched-filter performance characteristics with the data in the following areas: 1) constant false alarm rate (CFAR) characteristics as a function of threshold settings and noise levels; 2) single target detection characteristics as a function of input signal-to-noise ratio (SNR); and 3) two target performance characteristics: a) the amplitude of a weaker target as a function of target ratio and target overlap; and b) the detection characteristics of a weaker target as a function of weaker target SNR, strong target SNR, and target overlap.  相似文献   

Detection of a Distributed Target   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The influence of increasing range resolution on the detectability of targets with dimensions greater than the resolution cell is studied. An N-cell target model is assumed, which contains k reflecting cells, each reflecting independently according to the same Rayleigh amplitude distribution. It will be referred to as the (N,k) target. Detection based on one transmitted pulse is performed against a background of white normal noise. Detection in stationary clutter is also considered. The optimum detector is obtained but, in view of its complexity, the performance of a simpler detector, the square-law envelope detector with linear integrator (SLEDLI), is analyzed, and a formula for the probability of detection is obtained. Graphs are presented which show the probability of detection as a function of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for various values of N k, and false alarm probability. For N/k not too large it is shown that the SLEDLI is near optimum.  相似文献   

使用吊放声纳的直升机应召搜潜发现概率   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
建立了目标航速为瑞利分布条件下的目标位置分布模型,按照这个模型,研究了使用吊放声纳进行单机应召搜潜的搜索概率的计算方法,并给出了基于圆形搜索方式的不同参数条件下的搜索发现概率的部分计算结果。  相似文献   

This paper derives and graphically illustrates the performance characteristics of Phase-Shift-Keyed communication systems where the receiver's phase reference is noisy and derived from the observed waveform by means of a narrow-band tracking filter (a phase-locked loop). In particular, two phase measurement methods are considered. One method requires the transmission of an auxiliary carrier (in practice, this signal is usually referred to as the sync subcarrier). This carrier is tracked at the receiver by means of a phase-locked loop, and the output of this loop is used as a reference signal for performing a coherent detection. The second method is self-synchronizing in that the reference signal is derived from the modulated data signal by means of a squaring-loop. The statistics (and their properties) of the differenced-correlator outputs are derived and graphically illustrated as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio existing in the tracking filter's loop bandwidth and the signal-to-noise ratio in the data channel. Conclusions of these results as well as design trends are presented.  相似文献   

The basic design of a nonlinear, time-invariant filter is postulated for detecting signal pulses of known shape imbedded in nonstationary noise. The noise is a sample function of a Gaussian random process whose statistics are approximately constant during the length of a signal pulse. The parameters of the filter are optimized to maximize the output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The resulting nonlinear filter has the interesting property of approximating the performance of an adaptive filter in that it weights each frequency band of each input pulse by a factor that depends on the instantaneous noise power spectrum present at that time. The SNR at the output of the nonlinear filter is compared to that at the output of a matched filter. The relative performance of the nonlinear system is good when the signal pulses have large time-bandwidth products and the instantaneous noise power spectrum is colored in the signal pass band.  相似文献   

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