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Ann Florini 《Space Policy》1986,2(4):302-306
Over the past year, the United Nations Association of the USA (UNA) has conducted a massive programme aimed at involving US citizens directly in shaping US space policy. From early January to mid-May of 1986, thousands of people joined forces in some 90 cities and towns across the USA to examine the prospects for international cooperation and the impact of existing and potential military space activities on civilian cooperation.  相似文献   

What are the trends in missile defence, the perceptions of space and defence in society and the now emergent commercial human spaceflight industry? Europe seems stuck in a financial rut and unable to fashion a united approach, the USA and Russia have not acknowledged the need to understand the issues in a context broader than that of a bilateral debate over the intentions of Iran, and a growing number of companies is getting serious about taking paying customers into space. This report covers the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Missile Defence Conference 2012; the RUSI Defence, Industries and Society Conference 2012 and the third European Space Tourism Conference held at the Royal Aeronautical Society in July, all in London.  相似文献   

Jacques Blamont   《Space Policy》2005,21(2):89-92
France and the USA have in the past enjoyed a close and fruitful cooperative relationship in space but there is now a growing divergence between apparent US priorities for future activity and those of other countries, for whom human spaceflight is not so important. While accepting that it cannot match the USA technologically, Europe is increasingly sceptical of the wisdom of pursuing space cooperation with its given difficulties caused by the ITAR regime, greater suspicion of anything foreign in the USA and the unwillingness of NASA ever to cede a critical path to a partner. Nor are any of the non-space ventures currently being suggested as cooperation models attractive from a European point of view. A better way forward would be to have conglomerates of nations cooperating on an equal footing and avoiding recourse to US State Department-regulated technology.  相似文献   

Rather than aiming at overall preemenence in space, as in the past, it is important for the USA now to specify goals and objectives for its space programme. In the space transportation market, the USA faces long-term competition. Planned properly, the Space Shuttle, Space Station and transfer stages can be used as a unique transport system, forcing other suppliers to compete on US terms. Such a total transport service system could also include ELV support. In entering into international space agreements, the government must take into account the objective of maintaining the competitiveness of the US commercial sector.  相似文献   

A panel session on ‘Creative approaches to commercial joint ventures in space’ took place at the American Society of Public Administration National Conference, 28 March 1 April 1987. This report highlights the comments made by the panelists1 on the steps NASA and US industry can take together to ensure US space leadership.  相似文献   

The authors examine the principles, goals and guidelines in the new US NSP. While in general favourable to the overall direction of the policy, noting that Europe too has similar goals or, in some cases, should be adopting US ideas, they are sceptical about certain aspects, such as the greater emphasis on commercial partnerships with NASA and the continuing protectionist launch policy. Particular points of concern are the vagueness and lack of clear goals in the human spaceflight programme and the US position on space weaponization at the Conference on Disarmament. Nevertheless, they believe that a similar type of EU-wide policy should be developed by the European Commission.  相似文献   

This article considers the issues surrounding the nature and extent of involvement in the US space station initiative. The motives and objectives of US cooperation with its allies are analysed from the perspective of both the USA and its potential partners. Guidelines for the forthcoming negotiations between these parties are elaborated through a review of past experience in international space cooperation. Developing a framework for collaboration will require significant trade-offs and will have to accommodate a number of not always consistent interests.  相似文献   

This article looks at the collaboration between the USA and Europe to develop a permanently manned space station. The US view was initially somewhat conjectural and European involvement has become a matter of dispute. The problem started with President Reagan's vague invitation which has not been followed up. NASA, directed by Congress, has already established a programme to which European contributions would appear as afterthoughts. While, on the other hand, the Europeans have asked for a collaboration, at the same time insisting on separate ownership, jurisdiction, use and control of the elements they intend to provide.  相似文献   

This article considers how the USA can best maintain its commercial and governmental competitiveness in space, while facilitating private investment and international marketing, and at the same time keeping up significant cooperation with other nations. The current state of US civilian space activities in each of these areas is summarized, and several alternative solutions are presented. The article concludes that strengthening US competition with other space-capable nations, and improving US ability to cooperate effectively, will require careful coordination of the activities of federal agencies with each other and with the private sector.  相似文献   

A marriage between Russian space technology and US space ambitions was unthinkable only a short time ago, but that potential union is now the talk of the town. With the dizzying pace of changes in US-Russian relationships, what is written here in July 1992 may well have changed by the time this article is published. Nevertheless, a glance at what the Russians are selling, what the USA may want to buy and the major policy issues involved is worth a look. Traditional cooperative ventures remain an important part of US-Russian space relations, but are not the focus of this article.  相似文献   

This article follows the story of Shuttle development, in the context of the history of the US space programme from Apollo to the Space Station. The Shuttle was chosen as one of a series of ‘space spectaculars’ and has proven to be prohibitively expensive and unreliable, practical only for a very limited number of specialized missions. The Space Station, too, cannot be economically supplied, even if the USA could afford to build it. The author concludes that NASA should cancel the Space Station and the replacement orbiter for Challenger, and engage on a major programme of launch vehicle development, independent of the US military. The aim should be a dramatic reduction of launch vehicle costs, making spaceflight practical, and a truly independent NASA which could restore the USA to space preeminence.  相似文献   

John G. Fox   《Space Policy》2001,17(1):592
There is still little theory on the strategic use of space. Some have proposed naval theorist A.T. Mahan as a guide but this viewpoint argues that, while the analogy with sea power makes sense, it is the naval theories of Sir Julian Corbett that are most apt. Parallels are drawn between the latter's emphasis on attacking commerce as the best means of crippling a seafaring state and the implications of the current US dependence on trade in information. Ways for the USA to mitigate its vulnerability in this area are suggested.  相似文献   

James David   《Space Policy》2009,25(2):117-127
Revelation of the details of countries' space-based reconnaissance programs was unusual until the end of the Cold War, despite debates on the subject within the US government. Since then – and in contrast to Russia – the USA has been more open about its spying activities. This article charts the history of declassification in the USA from the Eisenhower Administration to that of G.W. Bush. It discusses issues such as the need to ensure freedom of space for the operation of spy satellites, gaining public acceptance of space-based reconnaissance by demonstrating the civil uses of such photography, and tradeoffs between revealing one's capabilities and letting others know how closely their actions can be observed.  相似文献   

Bhupendra Jasani   《Space Policy》2001,17(4):243-247
With the revival of the US national missile defence, there is a danger of jeopardising not only the existing arms control and disarmament process, but also some of the measures that are on the table in the United Nations for negotiations. Examples of these are the prevention of an arms race in outer space and the nuclear fissile materials cut-off agreement. In this paper, the missile defence issues are examined. It is suggested that, if the US builds a missile defence system that is allowed by the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty between the USA and Russia, it could achieve its goal of defending itself against a limited missile attack. With this kind of approach, it may be possible to save many of the long-standing bilateral and multilateral treaties and prevent the beginning of a new and much wider nuclear arms race.  相似文献   

Scott Pace 《Space Policy》1988,4(4):307-318
The new US administration faces complex questions on the future role of the USA in space, and tough decisions on how to pay for it. Decisions made now on space transportation will have a strong impact on US space leadership for the next decade. The author discusses the history and current state of space transportation planning, and considers the key issues which will confront the new administration.  相似文献   

Now that the Cold War is over, the authors of this Viewpoint believe that in the interests of the USA as well as the rest of the world international cooperation should become a more fundamental element of US space policy. Cooperative agreements will not always be easy to reach and will require creative statecraft. To that end the USA should take the initiative in establishing a high-level international policy forum to facilitate discussions on the main goals and objectives to be served by international cooperation in space.  相似文献   

This article discusses a number of issues related to the US commercial expendable launch vehicle (ELV) industry and government's role in ensuring its competitiveness, particularly third-party liability insurance for space launches. The author finds that the space insurance industry has become a major constraint on the commercial development of space. The future implications are considered of US government involvement with the launch services industry, initially through providing third-party insurance itself. The author concludes that, for a stable commercial ELV industry, it will be necessary for the USA either to establish fair-trade agreements with other space-capable nations, or to maintain a significant government involvement to support the industry.  相似文献   

The US National Commission on Space has recently issued its report, Pioneering the Space Frontier. As the US Founding Fathers laid down the basic principles which are the foundation of US society, the Commission has articulated certain basic principles which reflect the fundamental values of the American people. These principles lay the basis for the Commission's vision of space exploration and settlement and its benefits for the USA and all of humankind.  相似文献   

Visions about the establishment of a lunar base and development of the Moon for scientific, technical and commercial ends have been on the political agenda since the beginning of the Space Age. In the past few years a number of spacefaring nations, including the USA, European states through ESA, Japan, India, China and Russia have proposed missions directed at the robotic and human exploration and development of the Moon. This paper argues that an important factor in advancing these missions lies in a partnership between the pubic, governmental sector and the private sector. The paper analyzes the dynamics of this partnership as applied to the case of the US Vision for Space Exploration. The results of the analysis suggest that public–private partnerships directed at lunar development and commerce depend on how government reduces risks for the private sector. The risks identified and discussed herein include political and legal risks, technological risks, and financial and market risks.  相似文献   

We are on the verge of a new era of commercial and industrial expansion in space that will have a major impact on America's future and on the future of the world. It is a turning point that will set the US national agenda in space well into the 21st century, and, as such, will have an important impact on space-related activities worldwide. The USA is now gearing up to face the challenges of this new era. James Beggs, NASA Administrator, describes the US space station programme.  相似文献   

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