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Simultaneous changes of auroral forms, brightness, and motions over the whole polar region are studied, using IGY all-sky camera records from widely distributed stations in eastern Siberia, Alaska, Canada and the northern United States. It is found that the auroral system centered in the midnight sector in the auroral zone repeatedly undergoes an expansion and subsequent contraction; during the maximum stage of the activity, the whole auroral system extends over a substantial portion of the darkened polar region. Such extensive auroral activity as a whole may be regarded as a single event, and is described in terms of the auroral substorm. The substorm has two characteristic phases, an expansive phase and a recovery phase. Characteristic auroral displays over the entire polar region during the substorm are described in detail. The basic physical processes involved for the auroral substorm are also discussed.Geomagnetic disturbances associated with the auroral substorm are also described in detail in terms of the polar magnetic substorm, and it is shown that both the auroral substorm and the polar magnetic substorm are different aspects of the manifestation of a large-scale plasma motion in the magnetosphere.The distribution of the aurora for different degrees of the geomagnetic activity is also discussed in terms of the auroral belt. It is shown that the center line of the auroral belt moves greatly with respect to its average location (namely the auroral zone), depending on the degree of the magnetic activity.  相似文献   

The Earth's auroral electrons produce copious non-thermal radio emissions of various types, including auroral kilometric radiation (AKR), whistler mode auroral hiss, mode conversion radiation such as auroral roar and MF-burst, and possibly HF/VHF emissions. In some cases, mechanisms have been identified and quantitatively described, whereby the energy of the auroral electrons is converted into electromagnetic radiation. In many other cases, the radiation mechanism, or the relative significance of several possible mechanisms, remains uncertain. This review covers fairly comprehensively experimental and theoretical research on types of auroral radiation other than AKR, concentrating on emissions with frequency higher than about 1kHz and treating only emissions which are unique to the auroral zone. The review covers both ground-based and in-situ observations. It covers a wide range of theoretical approaches, emphasizing those which at present appear most important for producing non-AKR auroral radiations.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen a period of rapid growth in our understanding of the processes which occur in the auroral regions. Much of our understanding is based on the copious new observations which have been made available in the auroral community. The present work is a short overview of the plasma conditions which obtain throughout much of the auroral region. It covers the diffuse and discrete auroral electron precipitation in the morning and evening oval, cusp, and polar cap. The ionospheric ion outflow throughout the high latitude regime is also described and related to the electron observations.  相似文献   

The morphology of development of auroral flares (magnetospheric substorms) for both electron and proton auroras is summarized, based on ground-based as well as rocket-borne and satellite-borne data with specific reference to the morphology of solar flares.The growth phase of an auroral flare is produced by the inflow of the solar wind energy into the magnetosphere by the reconnection mechanism between the solar wind field and the geomagnetic field, thus the neutral and plasma sheets in the magnetotail attaining their minimum thickness with a great stretch of the geomagnetic fluxes into the tail.The onset of the expansion phase of an auroral flare is represented by the break-up of electron and proton auroras, which is associated with strong auroral electrojets, a sudden increase in CNA, VLF hiss emissions and characteristic ULF emissions. The auroral break-up is triggered by the relaxation of stretched magnetic fluxes caused by cutting off of the tail fluxes at successively formed X-type neutral lines in the magnetotail.The resultant field-aligned currents flowing between the tailward magnetosphere and the polar ionosphere produce the field-aligned anomalous resistivity owing to the electrostatic ion-cyclotron waves; the electrical potential drop thus increased further accelerates precipitating charged particles with a result of the intensification of both the field-aligned currents and the auroral electrojet. It seems that the rapid building-up of this positive feedback system for precipitating charged particles is responsible for the break-up of an auroral flare.  相似文献   

The Hot Plasma Experiment, F3H, on boardFreja is designed to measure auroral particle distribution functions with very high temporal and spatial resolution. The experiment consists of three different units; an electron spectrometer that measures angular and energy distributions simultaneously, a positive ion spectrometer that is using the spacecraft spin for three-dimensional measurements, and a data processing unit. The main scientific objective is to study positive ion heating perpendicular to the magnetic field lines in the auroral region. The high resolution measurements of different positive ion species and electrons have already provided important information on this process as well as on other processes at high latitudes. This includes for example high resolution observations of auroral particle precipitation features and source regions of positive ions during magnetic disturbances. TheFreja orbit with an inclination of 63° allows us to make detailed measurements in the nightside auroral oval during all disturbance levels. In the dayside, the cusp region is covered during magnetic disturbances. We will here present the instrument in some detail and some outstanding features in the particle data obtained during the first months of operation at altitudes around 1700 km in the northern hemisphere auroral region.  相似文献   

Causality between near-Earth and midtail substorm processes is one of the most controversial issues about the substorm trigger mechanism. The currently most popular model, the outside-in model, assumes that near-Earth reconnection is initiated in the midtail region before substorm onset and that the associated flow burst causes tail current disruption in the near-Earth region. However, there remain some outstanding issues that may serve as critical tests of this model. The present article reviews recent satellite and ground observations addressing three such critical issues with a focus on substorm-related auroral features. First, near-Earth reconnection, even if it reaches the lobe magnetic field, does not necessarily trigger a global substorm, but it is often related to a pseudobreakup. This fact suggests that there is an additional or alternative condition for substorm development. Secondly, although there appears to be one-to-one correspondence between flow bursts in the plasma sheet and equatorward-moving auroral structures (auroral streamers), no such auroral feature that can be associated with the fast plasma flow can be identified prior to auroral breakups. On the other hand, the flow burst is widely regarded as a manifestation of reconnection and therefore, according to the outside-in model, should be created in the near-Earth plasma sheet before substorm onset. Finally, auroral arcs poleward of a breakup arc are not affected until the front of auroral intensification reaches those arcs. The last two points suggest that if substorm is triggered as the outside-in model describes, the ionosphere is electromagnetically detached from the magnetosphere, which, however, has not been addressed theoretically. Thus, it should be crucial for a better understanding of the substorm trigger process to implement the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling in future modeling efforts and to address those basic issues as a guide for critically evaluating each model.  相似文献   

Satellite and rocket measurements of auroral electrons (which have been made since Brown's (1966) and Pfister's (1967) papers have appeared) are reviewed, and the salient characteristics of auroral electrons which emerge from all types of measurements are summarized. Effects of the atmosphere on the energy distribution of electron fluxes are discussed. Ionization rates associated with typical fluxes are derived. Observable effects produced in the atmosphere and the fate of auroral electrons are briefly described.This paper does not discuss the role of auroral protons (or particles). A recent review on the subject has been given by Eather (1967).  相似文献   

At the ionospheric level, the substorm onset (expansion phase) is marked by the initial brightening and subsequent breakup of a pre-existing auroral arc. According to the field line resonance (FLR) wave model, the substorm-related auroral arc is caused by the field-aligned current carried by FLRs. The FLRs are standing shear Alfvén wave structures that are excited along the dipole/quasi-dipole lines of the geomagnetic field. The FLRs (that can cause auroral arc) thread from the Earthward edge of the plasma sheet and link the auroral arc to the plasma sheet region of 6–15 R E. The region is associated with magnetic fluctuations that result from the nonlinear wave-wave interactions of the cross-field current-instability. The instability (excited at the substorm onset) disrupts the cross-tail current which is built up during the growth phase of the substorms and results in magnetic fluctuations. The diversion of the current to polar regions can lead to auroral arc intensification. The current FLR model is based on the amplitude equations that describe the nonlinear space-time evolution of FLRs in the presence of ponderomotive forces exerted by large amplitude FLRs (excited during substorms). The present work will modify the FLR wave model to include the effects arising from magnetic fluctuations that result from current disruption near the plasma sheet (6–15 R E). The nonlinear evolution of FLRs is coupled with the dynamics of plasma sheet through a momentum exchange term (resulting from magnetic fluctuations due to current disruption) in the generalized Ohm's law. The resulting amplitude equations including the effects arising from magnetic fluctuations can be used to study the structure of the auroral arcs formed during substorms. We have also studied the role of feedback mechanism (in a dipole geometry of the geomagnetic field) in the formation of the discrete auroral arc observed on the nightside magnetosphere. The present nonlinear dispersive model (NDM) is extended to include effects arising from the low energy electrons originating from the plasma sheet boundary layer. These electrons increase the ionospheric conductivity in a localized patch and enhance the field-aligned current through a feedback mechanism. The feedback effects were studied numerically in a dipole geometry using the the NDM. The numerical studies yield the magnitude of the field-aligned current that is large enough to form a discrete auroral arc. Our studies provide theoretical support to the observational work of Newell et al. that the feedback instability plays a major role in the formation of the discrete auroral arcs observed on the nightside magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Although the auroral substorm has been long regarded as a manifestation of the magnetospheric substorm, a direct relation of active auroras to certain magnetospheric processes is still debatable. To investigate the relationship, we combine the data of the UV imager onboard the Polar satellite with plasma and magnetic field measurements by the Geotail spacecraft. The poleward edge of the auroral bulge, as determined from the images obtained at the LHBL passband, is found to be conjugated with the region where the oppositely directed fast plasma flows observed in the near-Earth plasma sheet during substorms are generated. We conclude that the auroras forming the bulge are due to the near-Earth reconnection process. This implies that the magnetic flux through the auroral bulge is equal to the flux dissipated in the magnetotail during the substorm. Comparison of the magnetic flux through the auroral bulge with the magnetic flux accumulated in the tail lobe during the growth phase shows that these parameters have the comparable values. This is a clear evidence of the loading–unloading scheme of substorm development. It is shown that the area of the auroral bulge developing during substorm is proportional to the total (magnetic plus plasma) pressure decrease in the magnetotail. These findings stress the importance of auroral bulge observations for monitoring of substorm intensity in terms of the magnetic flux and energy dissipation.  相似文献   

A dependence of the polar cap magnetic flux on the interplanetary magnetic field and on the solar wind dynamic pressure is studied. The model calculations of the polar cap and auroral oval magnetic fluxes at the ionospheric level are presented. The obtained functions are based on the paraboloid magnetospheric model calculations. The scaling law for the polar cap diameter changing for different subsolar distances is demonstrated. Quiet conditions are used to compare theoretical results with the UV images of the Earth’s polar region obtained onboard the Polar and IMAGE spacecrafts. The model calculations enable finding not only the average polar cap magnetic flux but also the extreme values of the polar cap and auroral oval magnetic fluxes. These values can be attained in the course of the severe magnetic storm. Spectacular aurora often can be seen at midlatitude during severe magnetic storm. In particularly, the Bastille Day storm of July 15–16, 2000, was a severe magnetic storm when auroral displays were reported at midlatitudes. Enhancement of global magnetospheric current systems (ring current and tail current) and corresponding reconstruction of the magnetospheric structure is a reason for the equatorward displacement of the auroral zone. But at the start of the studied event the contracted polar cap and auroral oval were observed. In this case, the sudden solar wind pressure pulse was associated with a simultaneous northward IMF turning. Such IMF and solar wind pressure behavior is a cause of the observed aurora dynamics.  相似文献   

Substorm timings and timescales: A new aspect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Meng  Ching-I  Liou  Kan 《Space Science Reviews》2004,113(1-2):41-75
The magnetospheric substorm is a fundamental element of magnetospheric disturbances. After more than 40 years of intensive studies, various aspects of substorm morphology have been qualitatively established. Observations from the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) mission during the last decade have provided more detailed and complete pictures of substorms than before and, consequently, have provided new insights into substorm mechanisms. From the global auroral imaging it is shown that substorm onsets are locally confined; however, the effects of substorms involve a very large space at different times. Observations relying on in situ techniques can be misleading and can introduce confusion if not properly interpreted. On the other hand, remote sensing techniques such as global auroral imaging not only provide a robust means for studying substorm phenomenology but also yield relatively consistent results. This article reviews and summarizes a number of substorm studies conducted based primarily on global auroral images from NASA's Polar satellite, with a main focus on “quantitative” substorm morphology (i.e., onset timing, locations, energy input, and substorm timescales). These studies conclude that (1) auroral breakups are the most reliable substorm indicator, whereas other commonly used onset proxies may not always be associated with substorms and are subject to a propagation delay; (2) after breakup, the expanded auroral bulge can move either westward (60%) or eastward (40%); and (3) a typical substorm expansion phase lasts ~10 minutes and increases with increasing distances from the onset. A key conclusion from some recent studies seems to suggest that magnetotail reconnection, if it ever exists, is a consequence of substorm expansion onset. These findings provide constraints for substorm models and theories.  相似文献   

The relatively high quantum efficiency of the photocathodes now used in photoelectric devices is an essential feature which makes these devices attractive for use in astronomical and auroral observations. In addition to possessing high sensitivity by virtue of the photocathode, certain types of photoelectric devices allow an image to be accumulated over some increment of time and then be read out in the form of an electrical signal which can be processed directly or used to produce a 2-dimensional image. One of these devices, the image orthicon television tube, has been found to be quite useful for obtaining auroral photographs and auroral and airglow spectra of very short exposure.  相似文献   

Akasofu  S. -I. 《Space Science Reviews》1974,16(5-6):617-725
In the first part of the paper, a brief historical review of the progress of our knowledge on morphological aspects of the aurora is given. A particular emphasis is made in describing technical developments in auroral observations. In the second part, a large number of DMSP-2 photographs are examined in detail; in particular, substorm features, such as the initial brightening, the poleward expansion, westward traveling surges, eastward drifting patches, omega bands, torch-like structures, polar cap auroras, are illustrated. Whenever available, simultaneous photographs from the Alaska meridian chain of stations are used to describe in detail time variations of auroral displays before, during and after the passage of the satellite. In the last part, recent progress in understanding auroral phenomena is briefly reviewed from the point of view of magnetospheric physics.  相似文献   

This paper deals with acceleration processes in the magnetotail and the processes that enhance particle precipitation from the tail into the ionosphere through electric fields in the auroral acceleration region, generating or intensifying discrete auroral arcs. Particle acceleration in the magnetotail is closely related to substorms and the occurrence, and consequences, of magnetic reconnection. We discuss major advances in the understanding of relevant acceleration processes on the basis of simple analytical models, magnetohydrodynamic and test particle simulations, as well as full electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulations. The auroral acceleration mechanisms are not fully understood, although several, sometimes competing, theories and models received experimental support during the last decades. We review recent advances that emphasize the role of parallel electric fields produced by quasi-stationary or Alfvénic processes.  相似文献   

In the first part (Sections I–III) a brief historical review of the progress of our knowledge of the precipitation of auroral electrons is given. Observations by different techniques, in terms of detectors aboard balloons, sounding rockets, and polar-orbiting satellites, are reviewed (Sections I). The precipitation morphology is examined in terms of synoptic statistical results (Section II) and of latitudinal survey along individual satellite passes (Section III). In the second part (Section IV), a large number of simultaneous observations of auroras and precipitating auroral electrons by DMSP satellites are examined in detail, and it is shown that precipitation characteristics of auroral electrons are distinctly different for the discrete aurora and the diffuse aurora. In the third part (Section V), the source region of auroral electrons is discussed by comparing the auroral electron precipitation at low altitudes observed by DMSP satellites with the simultaneous ATS-6 observations near the magnetospheric equatorial plane approximately along the same geomagnetic field line. It is shown that the diffuse aurora is caused by direct dumping of the plasma sheet electrons from the equatorial region, whereas discrete auroras require acceleration of electrons between the plasma sheet and the polar atmosphere. The parallel electric field along the geomagnetic field line above the ionosphere is a likely candidate for the acceleration mechanism.Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland 20810, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the techniques of auroral spectroscopy are discussed. Present knowledge of the spectrum is reviewed including a collection of semi-empirical band intensities for the observed band systems. Variations in the spectrum in different colour classes and types of aurora are reviewed together with an account of recent developments in the theories of the excitation mechanism of auroral emissions.  相似文献   

The Visible Imaging System (VIS) is a set of three low-light-level cameras to be flown on the POLAR spacecraft of the Global Geospace Science (GGS) program which is an element of the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) campaign. Two of these cameras share primary and some secondary optics and are designed to provide images of the nighttime auroral oval at visible wavelengths. A third camera is used to monitor the directions of the fields-of-view of these sensitive auroral cameras with respect to sunlit Earth. The auroral emissions of interest include those from N 2 + at 391.4 nm, Oi at 557.7 and 630.0 nm, Hi at 656.3 nm, and Oii at 732.0 nm. The two auroral cameras have different spatial resolutions. These resolutions are about 10 and 20 km from a spacecraft altitude of 8R e . The time to acquire and telemeter a 256×256-pixel image is about 12 s. The primary scientific objectives of this imaging instrumentation, together with thein-situ observations from the ensemble of ISTP spacecraft, are (1) quantitative assessment of the dissipation of magnetospheric energy into the auroral ionosphere, (2) an instantaneous reference system for thein-situ measurements, (3) development of a substantial model for energy flow within the magnetosphere, (4) investigation of the topology of the magnetosphere, and (5) delineation of the responses of the magnetosphere to substorms and variable solar wind conditions.  相似文献   

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