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Dave Anderson 《Acta Astronautica》1999,44(7-12):593-606
To sustain the rate of extravehicular activity (EVA) required to assemble and maintain the International Space Station, we must enhance our ability to plan, train for, and execute EVAs. An underlying analysis capability has been developed to ensure EVA access to all external worksites as a starting point for ground training, to generate information needed for on-orbit training, and to react quickly to develop contingency EVA plans, techniques, and procedures. This paper describes the use of computer-based EVA worksite analysis techniques for EVA worksite design. EVA worksite analysis has been used to design 80% of EVA worksites on the U.S. portion of the International Space Station. With the launch of the first U.S. element of the station, EVA worksite analysis is being developed further to support real-time analysis of unplanned EVA operations. This paper describes this development and deployment of EVA worksite analysis for International Space Station (ISS) mission support.  相似文献   

引言《中国民用航空发展第十二个五年规划》显示,随着我国民航业的持续快速发展,在十一五期间,全国航班起降架次以年均15.2%的速度持续增长,飞行、机务、空管等方面超负荷运转。在保障安全情况下,如何提高航班运行效率逐渐成为一个需要深入研究和探索的课题。本文在参考有关欧美  相似文献   

The mission's success fully depends on the Payload Operations conducted during the space flight. The Ground Team has to be trained to assist the Space Crew, to replan the cosmonaut's activities when contingengies occurr onboard and to change or cancel Payload activities when required. In order to act efficiently during the mission, the Ground Team must be prepared in advance of the flight and able to operate special tools for tracking the mission's progress, anticipating problems and taking decisions in realtime.

This document sets out the approach for conducting such a preparation for Ground Operation. It will be focused on the Altaïr mission performed in July 1993 onboard the Russian Mir space station.  相似文献   

The first Korean multi-mission geostationary Earth orbit satellite, Communications, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) was launched by an Ariane 5 launch vehicle in June 26, 2010. The COMS satellite has three payloads including Ka-band communications, Geostationary Ocean Color Imager, and Meteorological Imager. Although the COMS spacecraft bus is based on the Astrium Eurostar 3000 series, it has only one solar array to the south panel because all of the imaging sensors are located on the north panel. In order to maintain the spacecraft attitude with 5 wheels and 7 thrusters, COMS should perform twice a day wheel off-loading thruster firing operations, which affect on the satellite orbit. COMS flight dynamics system provides the general on-station functions such as orbit determination, orbit prediction, event prediction, station-keeping maneuver planning, station-relocation maneuver planning, and fuel accounting. All orbit related functions in flight dynamics system consider the orbital perturbations due to wheel off-loading operations. There are some specific flight dynamics functions to operate the spacecraft bus such as wheel off-loading management, oscillator updating management, and on-station attitude reacquisition management. In this paper, the design and implementation of the COMS flight dynamics system is presented. An object oriented analysis and design methodology is applied to the flight dynamics system design. Programming language C# within Microsoft .NET framework is used for the implementation of COMS flight dynamics system on Windows based personal computer.  相似文献   

针对某航天型号产品全备状态总装和测试提出相应的工艺方案和措施,对今后实施具有指导意义。某航天型号产品采用全备状态总装模式,在产品总装和测试过程中,火工品参与产品机械对接、综合测试。总装过程中需要将火工品装置逐一接入产品电缆网,最终使产品处于最佳安全保险状态。全备状态总装既要保证产品顺利对接,又要确保火工装置在装配、对接、测试过程中安全可靠。因此,对全备状态总装分别从安全要求及工艺流程等方面进行探索和研究,采取先进合理、安全有效的工艺措施,保证人员和产品的安全。  相似文献   

文章介绍了自行研制的石英灯红外辐射式气动加热试验模拟系统以及使用该系统对高超声速飞行器材料与结构进行的高温热评价试验。本热试验系统可实现升温速率高至200 ℃/s的非线性热冲击过程的动态模拟;能够生成1.8 MW/m2热流密度的瞬态非线性热试验模拟环境;能将试验环境温度提高到1 500 ℃。在该热试验系统上完成了如下试验研究: 1)金属蜂窝板结构在高温950 ℃非线性热环境下的隔热性能评价试验和数值模拟;2)对SiC/SiC复合材料试件在1 300~1 500 ℃下的隔热性能评价试验;3)采用轴向非分段加热试验方式对圆柱型壳体结构(长2.1 m)内壁进行高温热环境试验。本试验系统在可控的非线性温升速率、高温高热流密度变化过程的动态模拟、热试验环境模拟的准确性以及非接触式全场高温变形测量等方面的研究成果达到了国际先进水平。  相似文献   

There is widespread investment of resources in the fields of Computer Science, Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (CS-STEM) education to improve STEM interests and skills. This paper addresses the goal of revolutionizing student education using collaborative gaming and competition, both in virtual simulation environments and on real hardware in space. The concept is demonstrated using the SPHERES Zero Robotics (ZR) Program which is a robotics programming competition. The robots are miniature satellites called SPHERES—an experimental test bed developed by the MIT SSL on the International Space Station (ISS) to test navigation, formation flight and control algorithms in microgravity. The participants compete to win a technically challenging game by programming their strategies into the SPHERES satellites, completely from a web browser. The programs are demonstrated in simulation, on ground hardware and then in a final competition when an astronaut runs the student software aboard the ISS. ZR had a pilot event in 2009 with 10 High School (HS) students, a nationwide pilot tournament in 2010 with over 200 HS students from 19 US states, a summer tournament in 2010 with ∼150 middle school students and an open-registration tournament in 2011 with over 1000 HS students from USA and Europe. The influence of collaboration was investigated by (1) building new web infrastructure and an Integrated Development Environment where intensive inter-participant collaboration is possible, (2) designing and programming a game to solve a relevant formation flight problem, collaborative in nature—and (3) structuring a tournament such that inter-team collaboration is mandated. This paper introduces the ZR web tools, assesses the educational value delivered by the program using space and games and evaluates the utility of collaborative gaming within this framework. There were three types of collaborations as variables—within matches (to achieve game objectives), inter-team alliances and unstructured communication on online forums. Simulation competition scores, website usage statistics and post-competition surveys are used to evaluate educational impact and the effect of collaboration.  相似文献   

Vestibular disturbances in connection with space flight were reported by a majority of participating astronauts and cosmonauts. These include motion sickness symptoms in the first few days of the space flight, as well as standing, gait and orientation disturbances after the return to Earth. The Aerospace Medical Community has been trying to select those people that are particularly adapted to the above stresses or that can be further adapted through training programs. As the circle of selectees extends to women, the problem arises as to whether differences between men and women exist under the conditions of space flight. In seeking answers to this question we studied a group of 42 women and 44 men, who were further subdivided according to their subjective motion sickness sensitivity, as determined by a questionnaire. Using this material, 26 men and 22 women were designated as motion sickness resistant, and 18 men and 20 women were designated as nonresistant. The vestibular test battery given these test subjects consisted of caloric, rotatory, optokinetic, vestibulo-spinal and vestibulo-vegetative testing. Because of the mixed orthostatic and vestibular problems seen after space flights, we also studied the response of the vestibular apparatus during peripheral blood pooling as induced by lower body negative pressure. The collected historical and test data are analyzed in this paper with emphasis on the relationship to motion sickness tendency.  相似文献   

针对信息作战中赛博空间作战的理解问题,分析和总结了赛博空间的发展、概念、组成、特征、武器、作战过程以及信息作战同赛博空间作战的关系,得到了赛博空间作战对军事发展的启示。结果表明,信息作战同赛博空间作战具有较强的交叉性,而且信息作战涵盖了赛博空间作战。  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1987,3(1):5-9
This article presents four assessments prepared by a panel of US scientists and space authorities, on post-Challenger use of the Space Shuttle.  相似文献   

多年来,山东空管分局始终坚定不移地坚持“安全第一、预防为主”的方针,尊重安全规律,加强运行质量管理,扎扎实实、全方位地抓好各项工作任务的落实,安全工作平稳有序。  相似文献   

This paper presents a status of the ARIANE 5 launch vehicle dynamic environments after the 5 first flights. It concerns mainly the low frequency vibrations, the acoustic and the shocks that the payloads experience and the related external excitations. The flight measurement plan is described. The results show that the frequencies are well characterized and the levels are low pointing out margins with regard to the specifications Furthermore, one describe the efficiency of attenuation solutions implemented to reduce the payload environments.  相似文献   

引言如何能够使一项工作从计划的制订开始就处于一个可控的、持续改进的环境中,从而取得理想的执行效果是我们一直探讨的问题。西北空管局网络中心针对工作计划从制订到最后的执行反馈过程中的一系列问题,从一个新的角度通过自主研发的软件平台对其进行了统一的、无间断的实时管理,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

L Xu 《Acta Astronautica》1985,12(3):177-185
In this paper, based on the scenes of stars seen by astronauts in their orbital flights, we have studied the mathematical model which must be constructed for CGI system to realize the space flight visual simulation. Considering such factors as the revolution and rotation of the Earth, exact date, time and site of orbital injection of the spacecraft, as well as its orbital flight and attitude motion, etc., we first defined all the instantaneous lines of sight and visual fields of astronauts in space. Then, through a series of coordinate transforms, the pictures of the scenes of stars changing with time-space were photographed one by one mathematically. In the procedure, we have designed a method of three-times "mathematical cutting." Finally, we obtained each instantaneous picture of the scenes of stars observed by astronauts through the window of the cockpit. Also, the dynamic conditions shaded by the Earth in the varying pictures of scenes of stars could be displayed.  相似文献   

浅析飞行危险天气影响航路飞行区域的划设方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引言 飞行危险天气是影响航空安全,导致航班延误的首要原因。随着全球航空运输业务量的不断增加,研究在危险天气影响下如何安全、高效地飞行已迫在眉睫。飞行危险天气主要包括:雷暴、低空风切变、飞机颠簸、飞机积冰、大风和视程障碍,其中涉及航路飞行的危险天气主要为雷暴,及伴随其产生的其他天气现象。雷暴是由对流旺盛的积雨云引起的伴有闪电雷鸣的局地风暴,它是积雨云强烈发展的标志。  相似文献   

Estimates of the cost of human space flight continue to generate controversy in the effort to set US space policy. Estimates vary widely, depending upon the position of the observer. This article identifies the real cost of major space flight programs and traces the heterofore unsuccessful efforts to cut the expense of space operations.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews the subject of bone remodelling and calcium homeostasis and considers the changes that occur in the microgravity environment of space. The effectiveness of exercise as a countermeasure to bone demineralisation is discussed.  相似文献   

Long duration space flight has shown us that humans have significant bone loss and mineral changes because they are living in microgravity. Skylab and the longer Salyut and Mir missions, are providing us useful data and allowing us to explore the mechanism involved in skeletal turnover. Bone redistribution occurs throughout space flight with bone loss predominately in the weight bearing bones of posture and locomotion. The primary health hazards which may occur during space flight induced by skeletal changes include signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia, and the risk of kidney stones and metastatic calcification. After flight lengthy recovery of bone mass and the possible increase in the risk of bone fracture should be considered. Continued research studies are being directed toward determining the mechanisms by which bone is lost in space and developing more effective countermeasures by both the US (Schneider and McDonald, 1984 and Schneider, LeBlanc & Huntoon, 1993) and Russian (Grigoriev et. al., 1989) space programs.  相似文献   

Dunn CD  Lange RD 《Acta Astronautica》1979,6(5-6):725-732
Various factors which are important in the regulation of erythropoiesis have been studied in dehydrated mice in the belief that some information would be gained relevant to the erythropoietic effects of space flight. Dehydration reduced the plasma volume and, because changes in red cell volume were minimal, the hematocrit was elevated. Thus a state of relative erythrocytosis was produced. Our understanding of the mechanism whereby these changes decreased red cell production is uncertain and appears to differ somewhat from the erythroid suppression seen following elevation of the hematocrit in animals with an absolute erythrocytosis. It is suggested that factors outside of the normal erythropoietic control pathway (such as energy balance) may play an important role in the decrease in red cell volume seen in man following space flight.  相似文献   

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