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Nishida  A. 《Space Science Reviews》2000,91(3-4):507-577
Geomagnetic field lines that are stretched on the nightside of the Earth due to reconnection with the interplanetary magnetic field constitute the Earth's magnetotail. The magnetotail is a dynamic entity where energy imparted from the solar wind is stored and then released to generate disturbance phenomena such as substorms. This paper gives an updated overview on the physics of the magnetotail by drawing heavily from recent research conducted with the GEOTAIL satellite. It summarizes firstly the basic properties of the magnetotail such as shape, size and magnetic flux content, internal motion and plasma regimes. Then it describes characteristics of tail plasmas of the solar-wind and the ionosphere origins. Thirdly it addresses acceleration and heating of plasmas in the magnetotail, where reconnection between the stretched field lines is the main driver but the site of the acceleration is not limited to the immediate vicinity of the neutral line. In the collisionless regime of the plasma sheet kinetic behaviors of ions and electrons control the acceleration process. The paper closes by enumerating the problems posed for future studies.  相似文献   

This paper deals with acceleration processes in the magnetotail and the processes that enhance particle precipitation from the tail into the ionosphere through electric fields in the auroral acceleration region, generating or intensifying discrete auroral arcs. Particle acceleration in the magnetotail is closely related to substorms and the occurrence, and consequences, of magnetic reconnection. We discuss major advances in the understanding of relevant acceleration processes on the basis of simple analytical models, magnetohydrodynamic and test particle simulations, as well as full electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulations. The auroral acceleration mechanisms are not fully understood, although several, sometimes competing, theories and models received experimental support during the last decades. We review recent advances that emphasize the role of parallel electric fields produced by quasi-stationary or Alfvénic processes.  相似文献   

The large-scale kinetic technique has been used in the last decade to address many of the intriguing features of the magnetotail revealed by spacecraft observations of the region. In this paper, we present a brief overview of the results achieved by using this technique and present our most recent effort, a time-dependent, self-consistent model of the magnetotail in which the ion current is used to update the ambient magnetic field. This model indicates that the magnetotail exhibits intrinsic variability in the absence of external stimuli and reproduces many of the observed features of the magnetotail, including periodic ion precipitation profiles. Enhancements of this model promise to reveal more of the intricacies of the magnetotail when applied to studying the branching and percolation of the cross-tail current and to the influence of electron and ion behavior on macroscopic processes before and during substorms.  相似文献   

It is a crucial issue to know where magnetic reconnection takes place in the near-Earth magnetotail for substorm onsets. It is found on the basis of Geotail observations that the factor that controls the magnetic reconnection site in the magnetotail is the solar wind energy input. Magnetic reconnection forms close to (far from) the Earth in the magnetotail for high (low) solar wind energy input conditions.With the early Vela spacecraft observations, it was believed that magnetic reconnection started inside the Vela position, likely at 15 RE. The later ISEE/IRM observations put magnetic reconnection beyond 20 RE. The Vela event studies were made for highly active conditions, while the ISEE/IRM survey studies were made for moderate or quiet conditions. The finding of the factor that controls the site of magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail resolves the apparent discrepancy among various spacecraft results, and suggests solar cycle variation of the magnetotail reconnection site.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the current sheet is one of the most essential elements in magnetotail physics. Particularly, thin current sheets, which we define here as those with a thickness of less than several ion inertia lengths, are known to play an important role in the energy conversion process in the magnetotail. With its capability of multi-point observation, Cluster succeeded to obtain the current density continuously and therefore identify structures of thin current sheets. We discuss characteristics of the thin current sheets by showing their temporal evolution and the spatial structures based on several Cluster observations.  相似文献   

Although the auroral substorm has been long regarded as a manifestation of the magnetospheric substorm, a direct relation of active auroras to certain magnetospheric processes is still debatable. To investigate the relationship, we combine the data of the UV imager onboard the Polar satellite with plasma and magnetic field measurements by the Geotail spacecraft. The poleward edge of the auroral bulge, as determined from the images obtained at the LHBL passband, is found to be conjugated with the region where the oppositely directed fast plasma flows observed in the near-Earth plasma sheet during substorms are generated. We conclude that the auroras forming the bulge are due to the near-Earth reconnection process. This implies that the magnetic flux through the auroral bulge is equal to the flux dissipated in the magnetotail during the substorm. Comparison of the magnetic flux through the auroral bulge with the magnetic flux accumulated in the tail lobe during the growth phase shows that these parameters have the comparable values. This is a clear evidence of the loading–unloading scheme of substorm development. It is shown that the area of the auroral bulge developing during substorm is proportional to the total (magnetic plus plasma) pressure decrease in the magnetotail. These findings stress the importance of auroral bulge observations for monitoring of substorm intensity in terms of the magnetic flux and energy dissipation.  相似文献   

The present article reviews recent studies about near-Earth substorm processes. A focus is placed on the relationship between two fundamental processes, that is, tail current disruption (TCD) and the formation of a near-Earth neutral line (NENL). The former is inferred to cause dipolarization, and the latter is often associated with the fast plasma flow in the plasma sheet. Whereas it is inferred from the directions of fast plasma flows that the NENL is formed at 20–30 R E from the Earth, dipolarization is most manifest in the near-Earth (6.6–12 R E) region. The observation of the fast plasma flow prior to substorm (Pi2) onsets favors the idea that the NENL is formed first and dipolarization is the effect of the pile-up of magnetic flux convected earthward from the NENL, which is called the pile-up model. The present paper addresses several outstanding issues regarding this model, including (1) the interpretation of plasma flow deceleration in terms of the flux pile up, (2) highly irregular magnetic fluctuations observed in the near- Earth region, (3) the spatial coherency of the fast plasma flow, (4) the spatial structure and expansion of dipolarization region, and (5) the explosive growth phase. The paper also proposes the possibility that TCD is an independent process, but the formation of the NENL sets a favorable condition for it.  相似文献   

Energetic (0.1-16 keV/e) ion data from a plasma composition experiment on the ISEE-1 spacecraft show that Earth's plasma sheet (inside of 23 RE) always has a large population of H+ and He++ ions, the two principal ionic components of the solar wind. This population is the largest, in terms of both number density and spatial thickness, during extended periods of northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and is then also the most "solar wind-like" in the sense that the He++/H+ density ratio is at its peak (about 3% on average in 1978 and 79) and the H+ and He++ have mean (thermal) energies that are in the ratio of about 1:4 and barely exceed the typical bulk flow energy in the solar wind. During geomagnetically active times, associated with southward turnings of the IMF, the H+ and He++ are heated in the central plasma sheet, and reduced in density. Even when the IMF is southward, these ions can be found with lower solar wind-like energies closer to the tail lobes, at least during plasma sheet thinning in the early phase of substorms, when they are often seen to flow tailward, approximately along the magnetic field, at a slow to moderate speed (of order 100 km s-1 or less). These tailward flows, combined with the large density and generally solar wind-like energies of plasma sheet H+ and He++ ions during times of northward IMF, are interpreted to mean that the solar wind enters along the tail flanks, in a region between the lobes and the central plasma sheet, propelled inward by ExB drift associated with the electric fringe field of the low latitude magnetopause boundary layer (LLBL). In order to complete this scenario, it is argued that the rapid (of order 1000 km s-1) earthward ion flows (mostly H+ ions), also along the magnetic field, that are more typically the precursors of plasma sheet "recovery" during substorm expansion, are not proof of solar wind entry in the distant tail, but may instead be a time-of-flight effect associated with plasma sheet redistribution in a dipolarizing magnetic field.  相似文献   

Two energetic events in the Earth’s magnetotail detected by Geotail are examined with detailed analysis of three-dimensional velocity phase space density. It is found that the occurrence of multiple ion components is high during these dynamic episodes. Different populations evolve independently of each other, suggesting particles from multiple activity sites contributing to the observed phase space density. The transport properties with consideration of multiple components are evaluated, with the result showing significant differences from those based on a single fluid approach. This comparison indicates that precise evaluation of the energy and magnetic flux transport of energetic events in the magnetotail requires resolving individual populations in the phase space density.  相似文献   

Many physical phenomena in space involve energy dissipation which generally leads to charged particle acceleration, often up to very high energies. In the Earth magnetosphere energy accumulation and release occur in the magnetotail, namely in its Current Sheet (CS). The kinetic analysis of non-adiabatic ion trajectories in the CS region with finite but positive normal component of the magnetic field demonstrated that this region is essentially non-uniform in terms of scattering characteristics of ion orbits and contains spatially localized, well-separated sites of enhanced and reduced chaotization. The latter represent sources from which accelerated and energy-collimated ions are ejected into Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer (PSBL) and stream towards the Earth. Numerical simulations performed as part of a Large-Scale Kinetic Model have shown the multiplet ion structure of the PSBL is formed by a set of ion beams (beamlets) localized both in physical and velocity space. This structure of the PSBL is quite different from the one produced by CS acceleration near a magnetic reconnection region in which more energetic ion beams are generated with a broad range of parallel velocities. Multi-point Cluster observations in the magnetotail PSBL not only showed that non-adiabatic ion acceleration occurs on closed magnetic field lines with at least two CS sources operating simultaneously, but also allowed an estimation of their spatial and temporal characteristics. In this paper we discuss and compare the PSBL manifestations of both mechanisms of CS particle acceleration: one based on the peculiar properties of non-adiabatic ion trajectories which operates on closed magnetic field lines and the other representing the well-explored mechanism of particle acceleration during the course of magnetic reconnection. We show that these two mechanisms supplement each other and the first operates mostly during quiescent magnetotail periods.  相似文献   

The Earth’s magnetotail is an extremely complex system which—energized by the solar wind—displays many phenomena, and Alfvén waves are essential to its dynamics. While Alfvén waves were first predicted in the early 1940’s and ample observations were later made with rockets and low-altitude satellites, observational evidence of Alfvén waves in different regions of the extended magnetotail has been sparse until the beginning of the new millennium. Here I provide a phenomenological overview of Alfvén waves in the magnetotail organized by region—plasmasphere, central plasma sheet, plasma sheet boundary layer, tail lobes, and reconnection region—with an emphasis on spacecraft observations reported in the new millennium that have advanced our understanding concerning the roles of Alfvén waves in the dynamics of the magnetotail. A brief discussion of the coupling of magnetotail Alfvén waves and the low-altitude auroral zone is also included.  相似文献   

Some advances in the hydrodynamical large-scale theory, on the one hand, and in the kinetic theory, on the other hand, of the solar wind are reviewed. For brevity, we sketch the general frame, point out the problems and approaches and then illustrate by a few examples the ways in which progress has been achieved during the past four years.  相似文献   

Aerothermodynamics is a branch of gas dynamics which is usually considered for continuum media. But many problems of gas dynamics cannot be solved and even properly understood in the framework of continuum media, and cannot be described on the macroscopic level. The aim of this review is to consider some problems of a continuum flow regime which cannot be solved without regarding the gas as a collection of molecules. Some of these problems are important for aerothermodynamics today. Others open up new ways, new possibilities and new questions.  相似文献   

在密码学和编码理论中,学习伪随机序列和遍历变换十分重要。通过应用组合的性质,对其进行变形,使得在满足引理1的条件下,对乙上的遍历定理进行了证明。  相似文献   

The goal of mission-oriented theory is to develop techniques and models which can be used by experimentalists and theorists to interpret spacecraft measurements, deducing from them the maximum amount of information about both local and large-scale dynamics. To be effective, theorists and experimentalists must express their results in a common format. A reasonable starting point is for mission theorists to adopt the format currently used by experimentalists. To this end we have developed new diagnostics for plasma kinetic simulations, which display the results in formats very similar to those commonly used to present satellite wave and particle measurements. We have used a simulation of broadband electrostatic noise to demonstrate how, by comparing simulation results with observations, we can infer quantities which cannot be measured, such as the wave mode. We are also developing the capability of creating data streams from virtual spacecraft located in the simulation region. For example, we used a kinetic magnetopause simulation to explore the ways in which simulations can assist in the interpretation of single and multiple satellite measurements in regions of strong spatial inhomogeneity. To address directly the mission objective of measuring global transport, global MHD models are employed. In order to facilitate the initial comparison with ISTP satellites, time histories of simulated generic states of the magnetosphere will be stored on optical disks; these will then be used to create dynamical displays of both local parameters and the global configuration. Finally we demonstrate the use of data based phenomenological magnetic field models in single particle trajectory calculations to describe large-scale kinetic properties of the magnetospheric plasma. We briefly discuss the success of large-scale kinetic calculations in delineating the structure of the plasma sheet, and present some possible ISTP research initiatives which can be used to determine the structure of the very distant tail and the entry of plasma into the tail.  相似文献   

The current state of the theory describing cosmic-ray modulation in the interplanetary medium is reviewed. Emphasis is given to the problems of determining the transport coefficient for diffusion in energy and position space and in assessing the importance of particle drift motion in three-dimensional modulation models.  相似文献   

In this paper, I outline the solution of Vlasov-Maxwell's equations with given initial conditions. When transients have died out, the temporal evolution of each spatial Fourier component is completely determined by a dispersion relation. I derive the electrostatic dispersion relation and discuss the resonant interaction between particles and electrostatic waves. A new derivation of the wave energy density in a plasma with arbitary dissipation is given. The numerical solution of the dispersion relation of waves in a Maxwellian plasma is discussed, and finally I show some examples of numerically evaluated dispersion surfaces.  相似文献   

The application of chaos theory has become popular to understand the nature of various features of solar activity because most of them are far from regular. The usual approach, however, that is based on finding low-dimensional structures of the underlying processes seems to be successful only in a few exceptional cases, such as in rather coherent phenomena as coronal pulsations. It is important to note that most phenomena in solar radio emission are more complex. We present two kinds of techniques from nonlinear dynamics which can be useful to analyse such phenomena:
  1. Fragmentation processes observed in solar spike events are studied by means of symbolic dynamics methods. Different measures of complexity calculated from such observations reveal that there is some order in this fragmentation.
  2. Bursts are a typical transient phenomenon. To study energization processes causing impulsive microwave bursts, the wavelet analysis is applied. It exhibits structural differences of the pre- and post-impulsive phase in cases where the power spectra of both are not distinct.

Solar eclipses and ionospheric theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses the bearing that eclipse observations have on contemporary theories of the ionospheric E and F regions; in particular, on the determination of production and loss rates, and on the role of diffusion and temperature changes. Various complicating factors that arise are discussed, but the paper is not intended as a comprehensive survey of results obtained.  相似文献   

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