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The VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR) system is a primary navigational aid to aircraft in the United States. Although the quantity of stations in the United States exceeds that of other areas, VOR stations are found all over the world. An inexpensive balloon navigational package that uses the existing VOR system has been developed. It employs the principle of triangulation between stations to yield position information. The station selection can be changed by telemetry command during the balloon flight in order to maximize triangulation accuracy and to minimize effects of weak signals. The VOR radials are part of the telemetry transmitted from the balloon package. Preliminary results from several flights in Palestine, Texas indicate that this system may be a viable backup or substitute for the OMEGA system commonly used. Typical accuracy of the down point prediction has been ± 1 mile.  相似文献   

The Passepartout sounding balloon transportation system for low-mass (<<1200 g) experiments or hardware for validation to an altitude of 35 km is described. We present the general flight configuration, set-up of the flight control system, environmental and position sensors, power system, buoyancy considerations as well as the ground control infrastructure including recovery operations. In the telemetry and command module the integrated airborne computer is able to control the experiment, transmit telemetry and environmental data and allows for a duplex communication to a control centre for tele-commanding. The experiment module is mounted below the telemetry and command module and can either work as a standalone system or be controlled by the airborne computer. This spacing between experiment- and control unit allows for a high flexibility in the experiment design. After a parachute landing, the on-board satellite based recovery subsystems allow for a rapid tracking and recovery of the telemetry and command module and the experiment. We discuss flight data and lessons learned from two representative flights with research payloads.  相似文献   

Scientific ballooning missions in the continental United States have traditionally been limited in flight time due to the loss of local telemetry capability as the payload drifts beyond the horizon. A Remote Data Communications & Command System has been developed by the NSBF which allows both the recovery and display of limited real-time data and complete command control of a balloon payload that is within the telemetry horizon of a remote station. The general capabilities of this system are discussed here from the standpoint of two virtual systems which can be used independently or together as a single system.  相似文献   

This paper describes the systems for long duration flights developed in Japan for scientific observations. Much efforts have been expended to evolve systems for long duration flights in Japan, by controlling the balloon trajectories with a knowledge of wind pattern at high altitudes over Japan. These systems called “Cycling Balloon”, “Boomerang Balloon” and “New Boomerang Balloon” have been successfully used for the observations by keeping the balloons close to the balloon station.“Relay Balloon” is another system to extend the telemetry range by using an additional balloon as a relay station to link the telemetry from the main balloon.Some detailes of the exhaust valve, ascent meter and automatic level control devices used for the balloon control are also described in the paper.  相似文献   

Established in 1971, the National Balloon Facility operated by TIFR in Hyderabad, India, is a unique facility in the country, which provides a complete solution in scientific ballooning. It is also one of its kind in the world since it combines both, the in-house balloon production and a complete flight support for scientific ballooning. With a large team working through out the year to design, fabricate and launch scientific balloons, the Hyderabad Facility is a unique centre of expertise where the balloon design, research and development, the production and launch facilities are located under one roof. Our balloons are manufactured from 100% indigenous components. The mission specific balloon design, high reliability control and support instrumentation, in-house competence in tracking, telemetry, telecommand, data processing, system design and mechanics is its hallmark. In the past few years, we have executed a major programme of upgradation of different components of balloon production, telemetry and telecommand hardware and various support facilities. This paper focuses on our increased capability of balloon production of large sizes up to 780,000 m3 using Antrix film, development of high strength balloon load tapes with the breaking strength of 182 kg, and the recent introduction of S-band telemetry and a commandable timer cut-off unit in the flight hardware. A summary of the various flights conducted in recent years will be presented along with the plans for new facilities.  相似文献   

无人驾驶直升机要求其遥测系统能够在直升机高机动飞行的情况下确保遥测数据的可靠性;地面遥测设备要求简洁、高效、可靠以适应车载移动地面站安装使用.论述了无人驾驶直升机的参数测量、通信链路保障、以及遥测数据处理的设计与实现方法.该系统已经参加了多次外场试飞试验,实践证明其工作稳定可靠.   相似文献   

The first stage in the development of the Chinese scientific balloon facility, commenced in 1979, has been completed successfully. The targets of the second stage, started in 1985 are: increasing balloon volume up to 4×105M3 and payload carrying capacity 1000–1500 kg.; long duration flights from Beijing to the Gobi region in North west China; developing a new telemetry and telecommand system.In this paper we present the recent progress in China on balloon materials, balloon design and manufacture procedures, launch and recovery techniques, telemetry and telecommand facilities etc.  相似文献   

The Naval Research Lab has developed a balloon-borne hard X-ray experiment which is designed for 60- to 90-day flight durations soon to be available with around the world Sky Anchor or RACOON balloon flights. The experiment's scintillation detector is sensitive to the 15 – 250 keV X-ray energy range. The experiment includes three microcomputer systems which control the data acquisition and provide the orientation and navigation information required for global balloon flights. The data system supports global data communications utilizing the GOES satellite as well as high bit rate communications through L-band li line-of-site transmissions  相似文献   

Polar patrol balloon experiments were carried out at Syowa Station in Antarctica from 2002 to 2004. Two balloons were launched for the purpose of observing phenomena in the polar atmosphere and one was done for the observation of high energy cosmic electrons. We developed a new housekeeping system including communication device using the Iridium satellite network, an auto-level controller driven by a new program for keeping the flight altitude, and a power management system for solar cells combined with secondary batteries.Two balloons for studying phenomena in the Antarctic atmosphere launched on January 13, 2003 made flights for 18 days and 25 days, respectively. All the housekeeping system worked well during the flights as we expected. Based on these experiments, we adjusted parameters for the altitude control system and the power management system. We launched a balloon for the cosmic electron observation on January 4, 2004. It flew 13 days around the Antarctica with the perfect operation of the onboard housekeeping system. We hope that fruitful scientific results will be obtained from these long-duration flights.  相似文献   

Sea-anchored balloons are stratospheric super-pressure balloons that are anchored to the sea. The sea-anchored balloon is a simple system that has the capability for long-duration flights, fixed-point observations, flexible launch windows, easy telemetry links to ground stations, and quick recoveries. Such balloons are not required to fly through the jet stream while tethered to the ground or sea, because the tether is deployed from a reel on the balloon after reaching a floating altitude. In this study, the feasibility of the sea-anchored balloon is investigated, with particular emphasis on the tether strength, balloon altitude, and system mass, based on the present technological level of the tether’s specific strength. Although the wind distribution with altitude is a dominant factor for feasibility, a sea-anchored balloon with an altitude of about 25 km would be feasible if the velocity of the jet stream is sufficiently low. The sea-anchored balloon can be simply flight-tested, since additional ground facilities and special flight operations are not necessary.  相似文献   

Development overview of the revised NASA Ultra Long Duration Balloon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The desire for longer duration stratospheric flights at constant float altitudes for heavy payloads has been the focus of the development of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Ultra Long Duration Balloon (ULDB) effort. Recent efforts have focused on ground testing and analysis to understand the previously observed issue of balloon deployment. A revised approach to the pumpkin balloon design has been tested through ground testing of model balloons and through two test flights. The design approach does not require foreshortening, and will significantly reduce the balloon handling during manufacture reducing the chances of inducing damage to the envelope. Successful ground testing of model balloons lead to the fabrication and test flight of a ∼176,000 m3 (∼6.2 MCF – Million Cubic Foot) balloon. Pre-flight analytical predictions predicted that the proposed flight balloon design to be stable and should fully deploy. This paper provides an overview of this first test flight of the revised Ultra Long Duration Balloon design which was a short domestic test flight from Ft. Sumner, NM, USA. This balloon fully deployed, but developed a leak under pressurization. After an extensive investigation to the cause of the leak, a second test flight balloon was fabricated. This ∼176,000 m3 (∼6.2 MCF) balloon was flown from Kiruna, Sweden in June of 2006. Flight results for both test flights, including flight performance are presented.  相似文献   

Properties of tandem balloons connected by extendable suspension wires   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tandem balloon system has been known as a candidate system for long duration flight balloons. In this paper, the properties of the system are analytically studied in a new way by introducing an extendable suspension wire in the Sky Anchor configuration, which consists of a zero-pressure main balloon suspending a payload and a super-pressure balloon suspended below the payload. It was found that extension of the suspension wire between the payload and the super-pressure balloon can extend the capability of the tandem system; the altitude of the zero-pressure balloon can be changed without any consumables except some energy, and the day–night oscillation of the balloon altitude can be suppressed. This property is useful as the vehicle for long duration flights. It is also pointed out that the method to control the altitude of a balloon using an additional suspended super-pressure balloon can also be applied for super-pressure balloons.  相似文献   

Since 1971, numerous balloons have been launched from the Japanese balloon base, the Sanriku Balloon Center (SBC). Through these years, balloon technologies have been developed continuously and many scientific achievements have resulted. Recently, however, because of the limited area of the launching pad of the SBC, we have been faced with the difficulty of safely launching large balloons. To solve this issue, we decided to move the balloon base from the SBC to the Taiki Aerospace Research Field (TARF) in northern Japan. The TARF had an existing huge hanger and a paved launch pad capable of being utilised for balloon operations. To evolve the TARF into a new balloon base, new balloon facilities have been constructed at the TARF and equipment was transferred from the SBC to the TARF during July 2007 and March 2008. The SBC was closed in September 2007, and the new base became operational in May 2008. The new base at the TARF is designed to launch larger balloons with greater safety and to perform balloon operations more effectively than ever before. In the summer of 2008, we carried out the first series of the balloon campaign at the TARF, and succeeded in two engineering flights of stratospheric balloons. By the success of these flights, we have verified that the whole system of the new balloon base is well established.  相似文献   

Long duration balloon flights require more electrical power than can be carried in primary batteries. This paper provides design information for selecting rechargeable batteries and charging systems. Solar panels for recharging batteries are discussed, with particular emphasis on cells mounting suitable for balloon flights and panel orientation for maximum power collection. Since efficient utilization of power is so important, modern DC to DC power conversion techniques are presented.On short flights of 1 day or less, system designers have not been greatly concerned with battery weight. But, with the advent of long duration balloon flights using superpressure balloons, anchor balloon systems, and RACOON balloon techniques, power supplies and their weight become of prime importance. The criteria for evaluating power systems for long duration balloon flights is performance per unit weight. Instrumented balloon systems have flown 44 days. For these very long duration flights, batteries recharged from solar cells are the only solution. For intermediate flight duration, say less than 10 days, the system designer should seriously consider using primary cells.  相似文献   

Results of three new balloon flights have recently become available concerning the galactic center electron-positron annihilation line at 511 keV. The groups involved were the University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hamsphire; NASA Goddard Center for Nuclear Studies, USA; CEN Saclay, Gif Sur Yvette, France; and Bell Laboratories/Sandia Laboratories, USA. In these flights a “low” or “off” state was observed in the fall of 1981. Also, new evidence for a low energy “positronium” — like tail on the line has been obtained from a 1977 flight. These results are reviewed.  相似文献   

A predictability of the stratospheric zonal winds above 38 km during the turnaround is an essential parameter for planning of the high-altitude scientific balloon flights. This information is more relevant in the case of Hyderabad balloon facility which is closer to equator and has much more unstable wind reversal patterns which appears to have changed enormously during the last decade probably in correlation with the global warming. With a majority of our flights reaching the altitudes of 38–42 km and the requirement of long float durations, a prior knowledge of wind pattern during the summer and winter turnaround seasons is highly desirable. Furthermore, the flight operation corridor for balloon flights from Hyderabad is limited to 400 km and though in the west direction there are flat lands, in all other three directions, the landscape is dotted by water bodies, reserve forests and hilly terrain, and therefore need of such a data is essential. In order to establish the climatology of the stratospheric winds and study their inter-annual variability over Hyderabad for the turnaround periods, we have made a detailed analysis of the United Kingdom Meteorological office data between 2000 and 2007, to derive average wind parameters (magnitude, direction) at different ceiling altitudes above 38 km. These results can be used only as general trend of stratospheric wind and should not be the limitation of the UKMO Data.  相似文献   

During last few years several new sub-systems for balloon were developed and are being regularly used in the balloon flights. Some of these sub-systems are i) positive monitor for magnetic ballast release using an opto-electronic device ii) one-way pressure switch to terminate flight for runaway balloon iii) in-flight payload reel down system for atmospheric science experiment. The design, usage and performance of these and other sub-systems will be presented.  相似文献   

A system for microgravity experiments by using a stratospheric balloon has been planned and developed in ISAS since 1978. A rocket-shaped chamber mounting the experiment apparatus is released from the balloon around 30 km altitude. The microgravity duration is from the release to opening of parachute, controlled by an on-board sequential timer. Test flights were performed in 1980 and in 1981. In September 1983 the first scientific experiment, observing behaviors and brain activities of fishes in the microgravity circumstance, have been successfully carried out. The chamber is specially equipped with movie cameras and subtransmitters, and its release altitude is about 32 km. The microgravity observed inside the chamber is less than 2.9 × 10?3 G during 10 sec. Engineering aspects of the system used in the 1983 experiment are presented.  相似文献   

The replacement of OMEGA station G from Trinidad to Australia has recently caused some problems for balloon navigation in the United States. We report on recent experience with OMEGA during a balloon flight of the hard X-ray astronomy payload HEXE1) from Palestine, Texas on September 28/29, 1981. In this flight three different OMEGA receivers were used. In view of the degraded receiving conditions for OMEGA we have developed a simple slant range system which may easily be adapted to other standard PCM systems. We show that a combination of range, azimuth and one OMEGA line of position (e.g. C-D) provides reasonably accurate balloon positions.  相似文献   

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