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The Incoherent Scatter Radar measurement over Jicamarca, together with the IRI model-2007 measurements were compared with ground-based digisonde inferred E × B drift over Ilorin in the African region during year of solar minima (F10.7 = 81). Seasonally, Ilorin pre-reversal enhancement (PRE) had peak drift velocities of 7.2, 3.7 and 7.9 m/s for March equinox, September equinox and December solstice respectively, while Jicamarca drifts indicated 13.0, 10.5 and 5.2 m/s; as well as the IRI model with 14.3, 8.4 and 0.7 m/s in similar order. PRE value was insignificant during June solstice. The PRE magnitude of the IRI-model during the equinoxes is twice the value obtained at Ilorin. The daytime E × B drift peaked over Ilorin 1–2 h earlier than both the modeled and Jicamarca observations. This could be due to the difference in sunset time at the conjugate points corresponding to the altitude of the observation. During the evening time PRE, the respective correlation coefficients (R) for Vz–F10.7 relation over Jicamarca, Ilorin and the modeled observations are −0.5559, 0.4796 and −0.4979. Similarly, the Vz–Ap relation exhibit excellent anti-correlation coefficient (R = −0.8637) for the IRI-model, −0.4827 over Jicamarca and 0.3479 for Ilorin. Annual mean drift velocities over Jicamarca, Ilorin and IRI model measurements respectively are 10, 5.6 and 10 m/s for the peak PRE observation; 15, 16 and 21 m/s for the daytime pre-sunrise peak values; and −21, −9 and −16 m/s for the nighttime downward reversals. The root-mean square (RMS) deviation between IRI-model and the Ilorin drift between 2000 and 0500 h is 4.37, 2.03, 3.71 and 2.42 m/s for March equinox, June solstice, September equinox and December solstice respectively. For Jicamarca–Ilorin drift relation, RMS deviation is 5.48, 2.30, 3.47 and 1.27 m/s in the same order respectively. Annual hmF2 inferred drift over Ilorin during daytime is higher by a factor of ≈2 and 3 at Jicamarca and IRI model measurements respectively; and by a factor of ≈5 for both during the night-time period. The limitations in using hmF2 to infer drifts are discussed.  相似文献   

The nighttime vertical E × B drifts velocities of the F2-region were inferred from the hourly hmF2 values obtained from ionosonde data over an African equatorial station, Ilorin (8.50oN, 4.68oE; dip lat. 2.95o) during period of low solar activity. For each season, the plasma drift Vz is characterized by an evening upward enhancement, then by a downward reversal at 1900 LT till around 0000 LT, except for June solstice. This was explained using the Rayleigh–Taylor (R-T) instability mechanism. The occasional drift differences in Vz obtained by inferred and direct measurement over Ilorin and Jicamarca, respectively are reflective of the importance of chemistry and divergent transport system due to both the E region electric and magnetic fields instead of simple motions. The pre-reversal enhancement (PRE) magnitude is higher during the equinoctial months than the solsticial months over Jicamarca, highest during December solstice and the equinoctial months over Ilorin, suggesting the dominance of higher E × B fountain during equinoxes at both stations. The lowest PRE magnitude was in June solstice. The appearance of post-noon peak in NmF2 around 1700 LT is highest during the equinoctial months and lowest during the solsticial period. A general sharp drop in NmF2 around 1800 LT is distinct immediately after sunset, lowest during June solstice and highest in March equinox. Our result suggests that between 0930 and 2100 LT, the general theory that vertical drifts obtained by digisonde measurements only match the E × B drift if the F layer is higher than 300 km is reliable, but does not hold for the nighttime period of 2200–0600 LT under condition of solar minima. Hence, the condition may not be sufficient for the representation of vertical plasma drift at nighttime during solar minima. This assertion may still be tentative, as more equatorial stations needed to be studied for better confirmation.  相似文献   

We use hourly monthly median values of propagation factor M(3000)F2 data observed at Ouagadougou Ionospheric Observatory (geographic12.4°N, 1.5°W; 5.9o dip), Burkina Faso (West Africa) during the years Januar1987–December1988 (average F10.7 < 130 × 10−22 W/m2/Hz, representative of low solar flux conditions) and for January 1989–December1990 (average F10.7 ? 130 × 10−22 W/m2/Hz, representative of high solar epoch) for magnetically quiet conditions to describe local time, seasonal and solar cycle variations of equatorial ionospheric propagation factor M(3000)F2 in the African region. We show that that seasonal trend between solar maximum and solar minimum curves display simple patterns for all seasons and exhibits reasonable disparity with root mean square error (RMSE) of about 0.31, 0.29 and 0.26 for December solstice, June solstice and equinox, respectively. Variability Σ defined by the percentage ratio of the absolute standard deviation to the mean indicates significant dissimilarity for the two solar flux levels. Solar maximum day (10–14 LT) and night (22–02 LT) values show considerable variations than the solar minimum day and night values. We compare our observations with those of the IRI 2007 to validate the prediction capacity of the empirical model. We find that the IRI model tends to underestimate and overestimate the observed values of M(3000)F2, in particular, during June solstice season. There are large discrepancies, mainly during high solar flux equinox and December solstice between dawn and local midnight. On the other hand, IRI provides a slightly better predictions for M(3000)F2 between 0900 and 1500 LT during equinox low and high solar activity and equinox high sunspot number. Our data are of great importance in the area of short-wave telecommunication and ionospheric modeling.  相似文献   

Solar dependence of electron and ion temperatures (Te and Ti) in the ionosphere is studied using RPA data onboard SROSS C2 at an altitude of ∼500 km and 77°E longitude during early morning hours (04:00–07:00 LT) for three solar activities: solar minimum, moderate and maximum during winter, summer and equinox months in 10°S–20°N geomagnetic latitude. In winter the morning overshoot phenomenon is observed around 06:00 LT (Te enhances to ∼4000 K) during low-solar activity and to Te ∼ 3800 K, during higher solar activity. In summer, it is observed around 05:30 LT, but the rate of Te enhancement is higher during moderate solar activity (∼2700 K/hr) than the low-solar activity (∼1700 K/hr). During equinox, this phenomenon is delayed and is observed around 06:00 LT (∼4200 K) during all three activities.  相似文献   

Median values of ionosonde hF data acquired at Ibadan (Geographic:7.4°N, 3.9°E, Magnetic: dip 6°S, and magnetic declination, 3°W), Nigeria, West Africa, have been used to determine vertical ion drift (electric field) characteristics in the postsunset ionosphere in the African region during a time of high solar activity (average F10.7 −208). The database spans from January and December 1958 during the era of International Geophysical Year (IGY) for geomagnetic quiet conditions. Bimonthly averaged diurnal variations patterns are very similar, but differ significantly in magnitude and in the evening reversal times. Also, monthly variations of F-region vertical ion drift reversal times inferred from the time of hF maximum indicates early reversal during equinoxes and December solstice months except for the month of April. Late reversal is observed during the June solstice months. The equatorial evening prereversal enhancement in vertical ion drift (Vzp) occurs largely near 1900 LT with typical values 20–45 m/s. Comparison of Ibadan ionosonde Vzp with the values of prereversal peak velocity reported for Jicamarca (South America), Kodaikanal (India), and Scherliess and Fejer global model show considerable disparity. The changes of postsunset peak in virtual height of F-layer (hFP) with prereversal velocity peak Vzp are anti-correlated. Investigation of solar effects on monthly values of Vzp and hFP revealed that these parameters are independent of monthly averaged solar flux intensity during quiet-time sunspot maximum conditions.  相似文献   

Ionogram observations from the ionosonde at Fuke (9.5°N geomagnetic latitude), a Chinese low latitude station, in 2010–2012 are analyzed to present the features of F3 layer under low and moderate solar activity conditions. Structure of the ionogram, displaying the F3 layer, was more distinct and clear during MSA than LSA periods especially during spring to summer. Start time of occurrence of the F3 layer is about at 0830–0900 LT and is approximately the same for LSA and MSA conditions. The average duration time of the F3 layer occurrence was 181 min per day under F10.7 = 75 condition, 263 min in F10.7 = 99 and 358 min in F10.7 = 125, respectively. The differences of h′F2 and h′F3 exhibited obvious semiannual variation observed at Fuke from March 2010 to June 2012 and increased with increasing solar activity. The difference of foF2 and foF3 in the months February, March, September, October and November is less evident in the middle solar activity period 2011–2012 than the low solar activity 2010 and in the other period it shows a slight increase (0.5 MHz) or keeps constant. The results show that the solar activity dependence of the F3 layer occurrence at low latitude away from the magnetic equator is different from that at near the magnetic equator.  相似文献   

Vertical total electron content (VTEC) observed at Mbarara (geographic co-ordinates: 0.60°S, 30.74°E; geomagnetic coordinates: 10.22°S, 102.36°E), Uganda, for the period 2001–2009 have been used to study the diurnal, seasonal and solar activity variations. The daily values of the 10.7 cm radio flux (F10.7) and sunspot number (R) were used to represent Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Variability (EUV). VTEC is generally higher during high solar activity period for all the seasons and increases from 0600 h LT and reaches its maximum value within 1400 h–1500 h LT. All analysed linear and quadratic fits demonstrate positive VTEC-F10.7 and positive VTEC-R correlation, with all fits at 0000 h and 1400 h LT being significant with a confidence level of 95% when both linear and quadratic models are used. All the fits at 0600 h LT are insignificant with a confidence level of 95%. Generally, over Mbarara, quadratic fit shows that VTEC saturates during all seasons for F10.7 more than 200 units and R more than 150 units. The result of this study can be used to improve the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) prediction of TEC around the equatorial region of the African sector.  相似文献   

We investigated the diurnal, seasonal and latitudinal variations of ion density Ni over the Indian low and equatorial topside ionosphere within 17.5°S to 17.5°N magnetic latitudes by combining the data from SROSS C2 and ROCSAT 1 for the 9 year period from 1995 to 2003 during solar cycle 23. The diurnal maximum density is found in the local noon or in the afternoon hours and the minimum occurs in the pre sunrise hours. The density is higher during the equinoxes as compared to that in the June and December solstice. The local time spread of the daytime maximum ion density increases with increase in solar activity. A north south asymmetry with higher ion density over northern hemisphere in the June solstice and over southern hemisphere in December solstice has been observed in moderate and high solar activity years. The crest to crest distance increases with increase in solar flux. Ion density bears a nonlinear relationship with F10.7 cm solar flux and EUV flux in general. The density increases linearly with solar flux up to ∼150 sfu (1 sfu = 10−22Wm−2Hz−1) and EUV flux up to ∼50 units (109 photons cm−2 s−1). But beyond this the density saturates. Inverse saturation and linear relationship have been observed in some season or latitude also. Inter-comparison of the three solar activity indices F10.7 cm flux, EUV flux and F10.7P (= (F10.7 + F10.7A)/2, where F10.7A is the 81 day running average value of F10.7) shows that the ion density correlates better with F10.7P and F10.7 cm fluxes. The annual average daytime total ion density from 1995 to 2003 follows a hysteresis loop as the solar cycle reverses. The ion density at 500 km over the Indian longitude sector as obtained by the international reference ionosphere is in general lower than the measured densities during moderate and high solar activity years. In low solar activity years the model densities are equal or higher than measured densities. The IRI EIA peaks are symmetric (±10°) in equinox while densities are higher at 10°N in June solstice and at 10°S in the December solstice. The model density follows F10.7 linearly up to about F10.7 > ∼150 sfu and then saturates.  相似文献   

We have employed the hourly values of the ionospheric F-region critical frequency (foF2) obtained from Ouagadougou ionosonde, Burkina Faso (geographic coordinates 12° N, 1.8° W) during the interval of 1985–1995 (solar cycle 22) and solar radio flux of 10 cm wavelength (F10.7) to develop a local model (LM) for the African low-latitude station. The model was developed from regression analysis method, using the two-segmented regression analysis. We validated LM with foF2 data from Korhogo observatory, Cote d’Ivorie (geographical coordinates 9.3° N, 5.4° W). LM as well as the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) agrees well with observations. LM gave some improvement on the IRI-predicted foF2 values at the sunrise (06 LT) at all solar flux levels and in all seasons except June solstice. The performance of the models at the representing the salient features of the equatorial foF2 was presented. Considering daytime and nighttime performances, LM and IRI are comparable in low solar activity (LSA), LM performed better than IRI in moderate solar activity (MSA), while IRI performed better than LM in high solar activity (HSA). CCIR has a root mean square error (r.m.s.e), which is only 0.10 MHz lower than that of LM while LM has r.m.s.e, which is about 0.05 MHz lower than that of URSI. In general, our result shows that performance of IRI, especially the CCIR option of the IRI, is quite comparable with the LM. The improved performance of IRI is a reflection of the numerous contributions of ionospheric physicists in the African region, larger volume of data for the IRI and the diversity of data sources, as well as the successes of the IRI task force activities.  相似文献   

This paper reports the nightglow observations of OI 630.0 nm emissions, made by using all sky imager operating at low latitude station Kolhapur (16.8°N, 74.2°E and dip lat. 10.6°N) during high sunspot number years of 24th solar cycle. The images are analyzed to study the nocturnal, seasonal and solar activity dependence occurrence of plasma bubbles. We observed EPBs in images regularly during a limited period 19:30 to 02:30 LT and reach maximum probability of occurrence at 22:30 LT. The observation pattern of EPBs shows nearly no occurrence during the month of May and it maximizes during the period October–April. The equinox and solstice seasonal variations in the occurrence of plasma bubbles show nearly equal and large differences, respectively, between years of 2010–11 and 2011–12.  相似文献   

In this paper, the F2-layer critical frequency (foF2) and peak height (hmF2) measured by the FM/CW ionosonde at Thailand equatorial latitude station, namely Chumphon (10.72°N, 99.37°E, dip 3.22) are presented. The measurement data during low solar activity from January 2004 to December 2006 are analyzed based on the diurnal, seasonal variation. The results are then compared with IRI-2001 model predictions. Our study shows that: (1) In general, both the URSI and CCIR options of the IRI model give foF2 close to the measured ones, but the CCIR option produces a smaller range of deviation than the URSI option. The agreement during daytime is generally better than during nighttime. Overestimation mostly occurs in 2004 and 2006, while underestimation is during pre-sunrise hours in June solstice in 2005. The peak foF2 around sunset is higher during March equinox and September equinox than the other seasons, with longer duration of maximum levels in March equinox than September equinox. Large coefficients of variability foF2 occur during pre-sunrise hours. Meanwhile, the best agreement between the observed foF2 and the IRI model is obtained in June solstice. (2) In general, The IRI (CCIR) model predicts the observed hmF2 well during daytime in June solstice from 2004–2006, but it overestimates during March equinox, September equinox and December solstice. For nighttime, the model overestimates hmF2 values for all seasons especially during March equinox and September equinox. However, the model underestimates hmF2 values during September equinox and for some cases during June solstice and December solstice at pre-sunrise. The agreement between the IRI model and the hmF2(M3000OBS) is worst around noontime, post-sunset and pre-sunrise hours. All comparative studies give feedback for new improvements of CCIR and URSI IRI models.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the capacity of the latest version of the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2012) model in predicting the vertical Total Electron Content (vTEC) over Ethiopian regions during solar minimum (2009) and solar maximum (2013) phases. This has been carried out by comparing the IRI-2012 modeled and experimental vTEC inferred from eight ground based dual frequency GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers installed recently at different regions of the country. In this work, the diurnal, monthly and seasonal variation in the measured vTEC have been analyzed and compared with the IRI-2012 modeled vTEC. During the solar minimum phase, the lowest and highest diurnal peak of the experimental vTEC are observed in July and October, respectively. In general, the diurnal variability of vTEC has shown minimum values around 0300 UT (0600 LT) and maximum values between around 1000 and 1300 UT (1300 and 1600 LT) during both solar activity phases. Moreover, the maximum and minimum monthly and seasonal mean hourly vTEC values are observed in October and July and in the March equinox and June solstice, respectively. It is also shown that the IRI-2012-model better predicts the diurnal vTEC in the time interval of about 0000–0300 UT (0300–0600 LT) during the solar minimum phase. However, the model generally overestimates the diurnal vTEC except in the time interval of about 0900–1500 UT (1200–1800 LT) during the solar maximum phase. The overall result of this work shows that the diurnal vTEC prediction performance of the model is generally better during the solar minimum phase than during solar maximum phase. Regarding the monthly and seasonal prediction capacity of the model, there is a good agreement between the modeled and measured monthly and seasonal mean hourly vTEC values in January and December solstice, respectively. Another result of the work depicts that unlike the GPS–TEC the IRI-2012 TEC does not respond to the effect resulted from geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   

In 94 km NW of Iquique in Chile (19.610°S, 70.776°W) a powerful earthquake of Mw = 8.2 took place at 23:46:47 UTC (20:46:47 LT) on April 01, 2014. Using GPS-TEC (Total Electron Content) measurements, potential unusual variations around the time and location of the Chile earthquake have been detected based on the median and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) methods. The indices Dst, Kp, Ap and F10.7 were used to distinguish pre-earthquake anomalies from the other anomalies related to the solar-geomagnetic activities. Using the median method, striking anomalies in time series of TEC data are observed 4 days before the earthquake at 14:00 and 16:00 UTC. The ANN method detected a number of anomalies, 4 (02:00 and 16:00 UTC) and 13 (24:00 UTC) days preceding the earthquake. The results indicate that the ANN method due to its capability of non linear learning is quite promising and deserves serious attention as a robust predictor tool for seismo-ionospheric anomalies detection.  相似文献   

This research examined the variability of foE in the equatorial ionosphere with solar activity within the equatorial ionospheric anomaly region. Ionosonde data recorded at Ouagadougou (lat. 12.4°N, long. 1.5°W and magnetic dip 1.43°N) were engaged to study the transient variations of the critical frequency of the E-layer (foE) and its dependence on solar activity. The study revealed that foE increases with the increase in solar intensity of the sun. The variability of the foE decreases with increases in the solar activity. The maximum value of the foE is at local noon when the ionosphere is stable; the variability at this local time is minimal. The minimum value of the foE is at sunrise and sunset, at this period on local time the equatorial ionosphere recorded its maxima variability. Irrespective of the degree of solar activity, foE is observed to be maximum in June solstice, followed by the equinoxes and minimum in December solstice. Equinoctial asymmetry occurred in the variation of the relative standard deviation of foE with maximum in September/March equinox for low/high solar activity.  相似文献   

M(3000)F2 estimation of hmF2 based on four different formulated models viz: (1) Shimazaki (1955) (2) Bradley and Dudeney (1973), (3) Dudeney (1974) and (4) Bilitza et al. (1979) at an equatorial station in West Africa during low solar activity period (1995) are used to validate its conformity with observed and International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model. Local time analyses of data from fifteen (15) selected days during the January and July solstices and April and October equinoxes are used. The results obtained show that the M(3000)F2 estimation of hmF2 from the ionosonde-measured values using the Ionospheric Prediction Service (IPS-42) sounder compared to the observed values which were deduced using an algorithm from scaled virtual heights of quiet day ionograms are highly correlated with Bilitza model. International Reference Ionosphere (IRI 2007) model for the equatorial region also agrees with the formulation developed by Bilitza et al. (1979) for the four different seasons of the year. hmF2 is highest (425 km) in summer (June solstice) season and lowest (386 km) in autumn (September equinox) season with daytimes peaks occurring at 11001200 LT during the solstices and at 1000 LT during the equinoxes respectively. Also, the post-sunset peaks are highest (362 km) at the spring (March equinox) and lowest (308 km) at the summer (June solstice) both occurring between 1800 and 2000 LT.  相似文献   

Ionosonde data of a mid latitude station Novosibirsk (Geog. Lat. 54.6°N, Geog. Long. 83.2°E) has been analyzed for the years 1997–2006 that covers the major part of solar cycle 23. Our results show the presence of winter anomaly in the daytime F2 layer critical frequency during different phases of solar activity. Results also reveal a semiannual variation of foF2 with two maxima and a minimum that always appears in summer. While the first maximum is in the spring equinox, the second one is found to shift from autumn to winter with the increase of solar activity. The maximum height of F2 layer during the daytime shows variation with the solar activity. It is higher during the higher activity periods and lower during the periods of low activity. Results of ionosonde observations have been compared with those obtained from IRI-2007 model and it is found that model reproduces gross features of foF2 variation. However, the modeled hmF2 variations during equinoxes are significantly different from the ones derived using the ionosonde data. The model also underestimates the hmF2 values.  相似文献   

By introducing the two-segmented linear regression model instead of the well known quadratic fit, we were able to describe the solar activity dependence of the F2 critical frequency. Saturation features were observed and the corresponding F10.7 values at which this phenomenon occurs were obtained for different hours. The seasonal average values were found to be around 154 sfu, 138 sfu, 177 sfu and 150 sfu for March equinox, June solstice, September equinox and December solstice respectively. These affirmed that saturation phenomenon is more pronounced at the equinoxes than solstices. On the average, the threshold value of F10.7 was obtained to be 154.5 sfu for this station in the African sector of the equatorial region.  相似文献   

We report work utilizing 15-min resolution ionospheric data obtained with DPS-4 digisonde in 2003–2011 to study the seasonal variations in amplitudes and phases of the most powerful spectral components of the F2 layer critical frequency (foF2) and peak height (hmF2) fluctuations over Irkutsk (52.5°N, 104.0°E). We show that fluctuations of both parameters contain quasi-harmonic components with periods of Tn = 24/n h (n = 1–7). The number of distinct spectral peaks varies from 3 in summer to 7 in winter. Amplitude and phase characteristics of the diurnal (n = 1) and semidiurnal (n = 2) components is studied using the data sets extracted from the original data sets with band-pass filter. It has been found that the amplitudes of diurnal/semidiurnal foF2 and diurnal hmF2 components are maximum in winter and minimum in summer. Amplitudes of the diurnal components vary gradually; those of the foF2 semidiurnal one, abruptly, thus forming a narrow winter maximum in November–January. The phase (local time of maximum) of the diurnal foF2 component increases gradually by 4–6 h from winter to summer. The phase of the semidiurnal foF2 component is nearly stable in winter/summer and sharply decreases (increases) by 2–3 h near the spring (autumn) equinox. The phase of the diurnal component of hmF2 (local time of minimum) varies slightly between 1130 and 1300 LT; that of the semidiurnal one decreases (increases) by 4–6 h from January to March (from September to November). The results obtained show that the main features of seasonal variations in the diurnal and semidiurnal components of the mid-latitude F2 layer parameters recur consistently during the solar activity growth and decline phases.  相似文献   

The variability of the F2-layer even during magnetically quiet times are fairly complex owing to the effects of plasma transport. The vertical E × B drift velocities (estimated from simplified electron density continuity equation) were used to investigate the seasonal effects of the vertical ion drifts on the bottomside daytime ionospheric parameters over an equatorial latitude in West Africa, Ibadan, Nigeria (Geographic: 7.4°N, 3.9°E, dip angle: 6°S) using 1 year of ionsonde data during International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1958, that correspond to a period of high solar activity for quiet conditions. The variation patterns between the changes of the vertical ion drifts and the ionospheric F2-layer parameters, especially; foF2 and hmF2 are seen remarkable. On the other hand, we observed strong anti-correlation between vertical drift velocities and h′F in all the seasons. We found no clear trend between NmF2 and hmF2 variations. The yearly average value of upward daytime drift at 300 km altitude was a little less than the generally reported magnitude of 20 ms−1 for equatorial F-region in published literature, and the largest upward velocity was roughly 32 ms−1. Our results indicate that vertical plasma drifts; ionospheric F2-layer peak height, and the critical frequency of F2-layer appear to be somewhat interconnected.  相似文献   

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