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A thorough analysis of balloon flights made from Hyderabad, India (Latitude 17°28′N, Longitude 78°35′E), and other equatorial sites has been made. It has been shown that limited success is expected for flights made from equatorial latitudes with balloons made out of natural colour polyethylene film, since the best known balloon film in the world today viz. Winzen Stratofilm is tested for low temperature brittleness only at ?80°C., whereas the tropopause temperatures over equatorial latitudes vary between ?80°C and ?90°C. The success becomes even more critical when flights are made with heavy payloads and larger balloons particularly at night when in the absence of solar radiation the balloon film becomes more susceptible to low temperature brittle failure. It is recommended that in case of capped balloons longer caps should be used to fully cover the inflated protion of the balloon at the higher level equatorial tropopause. It is also advised that the conditions such as wind shears in the tropopause should be critically studied before launching and a day with the tropopause temperature nearer to ?80°C should be chosen. Special care also should be taken while handling the balloon on ground and during launching phase. Properties of Winzen Stratofilm have been critically studied and fresh mandates have been recommended on the basis of limiting values of film stresses which caused balloon failures in the equatorial tropopause. It is also emphasized that the data on such flights is still meagre especially for flights with heavy payloads and larger balloons. It has been also shown that it is safest to use balloons made out of grey coloured film which retains its flexibility with the absorption of solar radiation, the success obtained with such balloons so far being 100%. The drawback, however, is that these balloons cannot be used for night flights. Stratospheric wind regimes over Hyderabad are also discussed with a view to determine the period over which long duration flights can be made. The data available, however, is meagre and it is recommended that more frequent special wind ascents be made to collect adequate statistical data from which reliable conclusions could be drawn through critical analysis.  相似文献   

Launching a large balloon in a limited launching field is a long standing problem in Japan. The largest balloon ever launched successfully was 200,000 m3 in volume. It was launched in 1973. A larger balloon with a volume of 500,000 m3 was tried later, but it burst during the ascending phase. For launching balloons with a large lift exceeding 500 kg, the conventional static launching method had the most serious problem with possible damage to the polyethylene film of the balloon caused by the holding mechanism. After that, we had developed a new static launching method to launch balloons with a total lift of 1.0 ton. For launching a large balloon with a total lift above 1.5 ton, the new static launching method had a weak point in that if there was an air bubble in the folded part of the balloon, it may puncture the balloon as it is pushed by a spool. To avoid this problem, we developed a semi-dynamic launching method in 1999 using a launcher fixed to the ground leaving a freedom of rotation around the vertical axis. We have launched some balloons using the method and have gradually enriched our experience in using this system.In 2003, we successfully launched a balloon with a volume of 500,000 m3 by using the method. This balloon was made of polyethylene films with a thickness of 20 μm and it is the largest balloon ever launched in Japan.  相似文献   

Improvements of materials can extend the performance of scientific balloon flights in altitude, suspended load and duration. The impact of new materials is considered in the design of superpressure balloons for long duration improvement, ultra light weight for sounding balloons, and a launch technique for minimizing relative wind problems.  相似文献   

Over 500 small scientific balloons have been launched by the University of Wyoming's Atmospheric physics Group from 26 locations over the globe in a study of stratospheric aerosol physics and chemistry which began in 1971. These flights have led to a basic understanding of the evolution of sulfurous gases, injected into the stratosphere by major volcanic eruptions, into sulfuric acid aerosol droplets. The recent use of new, thin film balloon technology, to reduce cost and simplify launch techniques, has been a major advantage to the program.  相似文献   

Activities in scientific ballooning in Japan during 1998–1999 are reported. The total number of scientific balloons flown in Japan in 1998 and 1999 was sixteen, eight flights in each year. The scientific objectives were observations of high energy cosmic electrons, air samplings at various altitudes, monitoring of atmospheric ozone density, Galactic infrared observations, and test flights of new type balloons. Balloon expeditions were conducted in Antarctica by the National Institute of Polar Research, in Russia, in Canada and in India in collaboration with foreign countries' institutes to investigate cosmic rays, Galactic infrared radiation, and Earth's atmosphere. There were three flights in Antarctica, four flights in Russia, three flights in Canada and two flights in India. Four test balloons were flown for balloon technology, which included pumpkin-type super-pressure balloon and a balloon made with ultra-thin polyethylene film of 3.4 μm thickness.  相似文献   

Established in 1971, the National Balloon Facility operated by TIFR in Hyderabad, India, is a unique facility in the country, which provides a complete solution in scientific ballooning. It is also one of its kind in the world since it combines both, the in-house balloon production and a complete flight support for scientific ballooning. With a large team working through out the year to design, fabricate and launch scientific balloons, the Hyderabad Facility is a unique centre of expertise where the balloon design, research and development, the production and launch facilities are located under one roof. Our balloons are manufactured from 100% indigenous components. The mission specific balloon design, high reliability control and support instrumentation, in-house competence in tracking, telemetry, telecommand, data processing, system design and mechanics is its hallmark. In the past few years, we have executed a major programme of upgradation of different components of balloon production, telemetry and telecommand hardware and various support facilities. This paper focuses on our increased capability of balloon production of large sizes up to 780,000 m3 using Antrix film, development of high strength balloon load tapes with the breaking strength of 182 kg, and the recent introduction of S-band telemetry and a commandable timer cut-off unit in the flight hardware. A summary of the various flights conducted in recent years will be presented along with the plans for new facilities.  相似文献   

Long duration balloon flights require more electrical power than can be carried in primary batteries. This paper provides design information for selecting rechargeable batteries and charging systems. Solar panels for recharging batteries are discussed, with particular emphasis on cells mounting suitable for balloon flights and panel orientation for maximum power collection. Since efficient utilization of power is so important, modern DC to DC power conversion techniques are presented.On short flights of 1 day or less, system designers have not been greatly concerned with battery weight. But, with the advent of long duration balloon flights using superpressure balloons, anchor balloon systems, and RACOON balloon techniques, power supplies and their weight become of prime importance. The criteria for evaluating power systems for long duration balloon flights is performance per unit weight. Instrumented balloon systems have flown 44 days. For these very long duration flights, batteries recharged from solar cells are the only solution. For intermediate flight duration, say less than 10 days, the system designer should seriously consider using primary cells.  相似文献   

Polar patrol balloon experiments were carried out at Syowa Station in Antarctica from 2002 to 2004. Two balloons were launched for the purpose of observing phenomena in the polar atmosphere and one was done for the observation of high energy cosmic electrons. We developed a new housekeeping system including communication device using the Iridium satellite network, an auto-level controller driven by a new program for keeping the flight altitude, and a power management system for solar cells combined with secondary batteries.Two balloons for studying phenomena in the Antarctic atmosphere launched on January 13, 2003 made flights for 18 days and 25 days, respectively. All the housekeeping system worked well during the flights as we expected. Based on these experiments, we adjusted parameters for the altitude control system and the power management system. We launched a balloon for the cosmic electron observation on January 4, 2004. It flew 13 days around the Antarctica with the perfect operation of the onboard housekeeping system. We hope that fruitful scientific results will be obtained from these long-duration flights.  相似文献   

Sea-anchored balloons are stratospheric super-pressure balloons that are anchored to the sea. The sea-anchored balloon is a simple system that has the capability for long-duration flights, fixed-point observations, flexible launch windows, easy telemetry links to ground stations, and quick recoveries. Such balloons are not required to fly through the jet stream while tethered to the ground or sea, because the tether is deployed from a reel on the balloon after reaching a floating altitude. In this study, the feasibility of the sea-anchored balloon is investigated, with particular emphasis on the tether strength, balloon altitude, and system mass, based on the present technological level of the tether’s specific strength. Although the wind distribution with altitude is a dominant factor for feasibility, a sea-anchored balloon with an altitude of about 25 km would be feasible if the velocity of the jet stream is sufficiently low. The sea-anchored balloon can be simply flight-tested, since additional ground facilities and special flight operations are not necessary.  相似文献   

This paper describes the systems for long duration flights developed in Japan for scientific observations. Much efforts have been expended to evolve systems for long duration flights in Japan, by controlling the balloon trajectories with a knowledge of wind pattern at high altitudes over Japan. These systems called “Cycling Balloon”, “Boomerang Balloon” and “New Boomerang Balloon” have been successfully used for the observations by keeping the balloons close to the balloon station.“Relay Balloon” is another system to extend the telemetry range by using an additional balloon as a relay station to link the telemetry from the main balloon.Some detailes of the exhaust valve, ascent meter and automatic level control devices used for the balloon control are also described in the paper.  相似文献   

Instruments aboard the gondolas of the two VEGA balloons obtained in situ measurements of pressure, temperature, vertical velocity relative to the balloon, cloud particle backscatter, lightning and the ambient light level. Atmospheric motions at the balloon float altitudes were also determined from Earth-based tracking results. To illustrate the history of the balloon flights and to facilitate comparisons between some of the different observed quantities, measurements of pressure, temperature and backscatter are presented as time series for the entire lifetime of each balloon. Both long and short period variations have been detected. In addition, the environmental entropy encountered by each balloon will be discussed.  相似文献   

The essential reason of the lobed-pumpkin shaped super-pressure balloon to withstand against the high pressure is that the local curvature of the balloon film is kept small. Recently, it has been found that the small local curvature can also be obtained if the balloon is covered by a diamond-shaped net with a vertically elongated shape. The development of the super-pressure balloon using this method was started from a 3-m balloon with a polyethylene film covered by a net using Kevlar ropes. The ground inflation test showed the expected high burst pressure. Then, a 6-m and a 12-m balloon using a polyethylene film and a net using the Vectran were developed and stable deployment was checked through the ground inflation tests. The flight test of a 3000 m3 balloon was performed in 2013 and shown to resist a pressure of at least 400 Pa. In the future, after testing a new design to relax a possible stress concentration around the polar area, test flights of scaled balloons will be performed gradually enlarging their size. The goal is to launch a 300,000 m3 super-pressure balloon.  相似文献   

The efforts in scientific ballooning in India have always been focussed towards continuous upgrading of capabilities in all aspects of balloon flights - balloon material, balloon fabrication, launch techniques, heavy payload launch, telemetry, telecommand and other ground facilities - to meet the growing demands of the scientific community. A brief account of recent progress in several of these aspects and future plans for further improvements in scientific ballooning capability is presented.  相似文献   

The Unmanned Space Vehicle test flights will use a 7 m 1300 kg aircraft. The first three launches will take place at the Italian Space Agency ASI base in Trapani–Milo, Sicily, through a stratospheric balloon that will drop the aircraft at a predefined height. After free fall acceleration to transonic velocities, the parachute deployment will allow a safe splash down in the central Mediterranean Sea. The goal of this article is to show the preliminary analysis results for the first USV flight.We carried out a statistical study for the year 2000–2003, evaluating the typical summer and winter launch windows of the Trapani–Milo base.First, in the center Mediterranean, we define safe recovery areas. They cannot be reached during the balloon ascending phase so, after a sufficiently long floating part able to catch the open sea, the balloon will go down to the release height (24 km). The simulation foresees a 400,000 m3 balloon and 3 valves for the altitude transfer.A safe splash down must occur far enough from the nearest coast: the minimum distance is considered around 25 km. The vehicle should be released at a distance, from the nearest coast, greater than this minimum amount plus the USV model maximum horizontal translation, during its own trajectory from balloon separation to splash down. In this way we define safe release areas for some possible translations.Winter stratospheric winds are less stable. The winter average flight duration is 7 h and it is probably too long for the diurnal recovery requirement and its scheduled procedures.Comparing past stratospheric balloons flights and trajectories computed using measured meteorological data (analysis), with their predictions made using forecast models and soundings, we obtain the standard deviation of the trajectory forecast uncertainty at the balloon–aircraft separation. Two cases are taken into account: predictions made 24 and 6 h before the launch.Assuming a Gaussian latitudinal uncertainty distribution for the prediction 6 h before the launch, we are able to identify the forecast trajectories that have a probability greater than 97% to reach the safe release areas.Simulating the summer windows trajectories for the years from 2000 to 2003 and for the favorable ground wind days, we obtain the number of trajectories with the desired forecast probabilities.  相似文献   

Highly sophisticated balloon-borne scientific payloads have stringent requirement on the telemetry and command system. The development and fabrication of the on-board TT&C package for telemetry, tracking, command, safety and ranging for these experiments is done in-house at the National Balloon Facility (NBF) at Hyderabad. In the last few years, we have made major improvements both in the ground station and the on-board sub-systems, thereby improving the data quality, data handling speed and the general flight control along with aviation safety. The new system has telemetry data rate up to 1 Mbps. A reduction in weight, power and cost of the reengineered on-board integrated package has also lead to the ease of operation during field tests prior to launch and at remote recovery sites. In this paper, we describe the details of the new control package, its flight performance and our plans for portable S-band telemetry and telecommand system to cater to the balloon flights from Antarctic station and long duration balloon flights.  相似文献   

Development overview of the revised NASA Ultra Long Duration Balloon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The desire for longer duration stratospheric flights at constant float altitudes for heavy payloads has been the focus of the development of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Ultra Long Duration Balloon (ULDB) effort. Recent efforts have focused on ground testing and analysis to understand the previously observed issue of balloon deployment. A revised approach to the pumpkin balloon design has been tested through ground testing of model balloons and through two test flights. The design approach does not require foreshortening, and will significantly reduce the balloon handling during manufacture reducing the chances of inducing damage to the envelope. Successful ground testing of model balloons lead to the fabrication and test flight of a ∼176,000 m3 (∼6.2 MCF – Million Cubic Foot) balloon. Pre-flight analytical predictions predicted that the proposed flight balloon design to be stable and should fully deploy. This paper provides an overview of this first test flight of the revised Ultra Long Duration Balloon design which was a short domestic test flight from Ft. Sumner, NM, USA. This balloon fully deployed, but developed a leak under pressurization. After an extensive investigation to the cause of the leak, a second test flight balloon was fabricated. This ∼176,000 m3 (∼6.2 MCF) balloon was flown from Kiruna, Sweden in June of 2006. Flight results for both test flights, including flight performance are presented.  相似文献   

Development of a balloon to fly at higher altitudes is one of the most attractive challenges for scientific balloon technologies. After reaching the highest balloon altitude of 53.0 km using the 3.4 μm film in 2002, a thinner balloon film with a thickness of 2.8 μm was developed. A 5000 m3 balloon made with this film was launched successfully in 2004. However, three 60,000 m3 balloons with the same film launched in 2005, 2006, and 2007, failed during ascent. The mechanical properties of the 2.8 μm film were investigated intensively to look for degradation of the ultimate strength and its elongation as compared to the other thicker balloon films. The requirement of the balloon film was also studied using an empirical and a physical model assuming an axis-symmetrical balloon shape and the static pressure. It was found that the film was strong enough. A stress due to the dynamic pressure by the wind shear is considered as the possible reason for the unsuccessful flights. A 80,000 m3 balloon with cap films covering 9 m from the balloon top will be launch in 2011 to test the appropriateness of this reinforcement.  相似文献   

The modern day scientific research balloon has historically maintained an approximate 85% success rate as launched by the USA National Scientific Balloon Facility (NSBF). Failures were across all operational phases and modes. Balloons fabricated after 1980 have met with less favorable results with catastrophic failures on ascent becoming the principle failure mode. In 1983, the USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) conducted an intensive investigation to identify the possible causes for these failures. Although the most probable cause was identified as the balloon material, additional contributing factors were identified. One of these factors, balloon stress, was calculated using a stress equation defining only the total required thickness for launch. No model existed to predict the stress distribution in an ascending balloon. Early in 1984, NASA began the development of a stress index model to establish the relative stress magnitudes at any altitude. Studies were conducted applying this model to several hundred balloon flights. The study indicated a strong correlation between stress levels, failure rates, and the point of maximum stress coinciding with observed failure locations. In January 1985, NASA instituted a stress index design and flight specification that all NASA balloons must meet. The details and results of this work are presented.  相似文献   

Properties of tandem balloons connected by extendable suspension wires   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tandem balloon system has been known as a candidate system for long duration flight balloons. In this paper, the properties of the system are analytically studied in a new way by introducing an extendable suspension wire in the Sky Anchor configuration, which consists of a zero-pressure main balloon suspending a payload and a super-pressure balloon suspended below the payload. It was found that extension of the suspension wire between the payload and the super-pressure balloon can extend the capability of the tandem system; the altitude of the zero-pressure balloon can be changed without any consumables except some energy, and the day–night oscillation of the balloon altitude can be suppressed. This property is useful as the vehicle for long duration flights. It is also pointed out that the method to control the altitude of a balloon using an additional suspended super-pressure balloon can also be applied for super-pressure balloons.  相似文献   

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