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Impulsive control for angular momentum management of tumbling spacecraft   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Acta Astronautica》2007,60(10-11):810-819
We discuss an angular momentum control of a tumbling spacecraft. The proposed control method is to apply an impulse by a space robot arm, to measure and control the relative position and attitude between the target spacecraft, and then to apply another impulse until the rotational motion of the target spacecraft is well damped. A discrete controller is designed using the simplified equations of rotational motion through appropriate coordinate transformation. The stationary response under contact model uncertainty is investigated and stability condition is analytically derived. Numerical simulations are given to validate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Any information concepts may be used for motion control with respect to the center of masses of a reusable transport spacecraft (RTS). Using comparative analysis of the two concepts (the first one, based upon information about attitude parameters with respect to the inertial reference system and the second one, based upon parameters of angular motion with respect to wind-body coordinate system) for specific features of RTS dynamics and control at the stages of orbital flight, atmospheric flight under gas dynamic and aerodynamic control, and landing, paper demonstrates that information on angles of attack, slip and speed roll should be used for angular motion control at this stage of flight.  相似文献   

航天器开关电源差模滤波器设计方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
航天器DC-DC开关二次电源作为星上功率电子设备,既是重要的电磁干扰源,也是易受电磁干扰的设备,其电磁兼容性设计尤为重要.开关电源差模滤波器对传导干扰有着较好的抑制作用,是开关电源不可或缺的组成部分,其稳定性、可靠性和有效性是设计的关键.文章主要讨论了开关电源在低频干扰模式下的负阻抗特性,以及负阻抗模式下的不稳定原理和稳定原则.基于滤波器输入电压干扰抑制和反射电流干扰抑制的互偶原理,提出了LC滤波器参数设计流程.设计了一种基于滤波电容器电压波动幅值的LC滤波器参数计算方法,并给出了合理的滤波器失配裕量.该方法具有稳定性高和可靠性高的特点,特别适用于宇航二次电源高可靠需求.最后,依据上述流程和方法设计了一个开关电源模块,并顺利通过了EMC测量验证.  相似文献   

Vibrational stability of large flexible structurally damped spacecraft carrying internal angular momentum and undergoing large rigid body rotations is analysed modeling the systems as elastic continua. Initially, analytical solutions to the motion of rigid gyrostats under torque-free conditions are developed. The solutions to the gyrostats modeled as axisymmetric and triaxial spacecraft carrying three and two constant speed momentum wheels, respectively, with spin axes aligned with body principal axes are shown to be complicated. These represent extensions of solutions for simpler cases existing in the literature. Using these solutions and modal analysis, the vibrational equations are reduced to linear ordinary differential equations. Equations with periodically varying coefficients are analysed applying Floquet theory. Study of a few typical beam- and plate-like spacecraft configurations indicate that the introduction of a single reaction wheel into an axisymmetric satellite does not alter the stability criterion. However, introduction of constant speed rotors deteriorates vibrational stability. Effects of structural damping and vehicle inertia ratio are also studied.  相似文献   

The motion of a variable-mass spacecraft is considered in the powered section of a descending trajectory. Approximate analytical solutions are obtained for the angles of spatial orientation of the spacecraft, which allows one to analyze the nutation motion and to develop recommendations on the spacecraft’s mass configuration, providing the smallest possible deviations of the longitudinal axis and thrust vector from specified directions. The errors of stabilization of the spacecraft’s longitudinal axis are calculated by means of numerical integration of complete models and using the obtained analytical solutions, the results being in good agreement.  相似文献   

为降低在轨分离冲击载荷对挠性航天器的影响,进行了基于磁流变阻尼缓冲器( Magneto-rheological)的减振研究,将磁流变阻尼缓冲器应用于航天器冲击减振。基于有限元和Lagrange方法,建立了发生大范围运动的挠性航天器状态模型,采用趋近律滑模控制算法控制阻尼器输出,并提出一种二维模糊控制方法控制趋近系数来提高系统的动态品质,同时抑制趋近律中切换项导致的抖振现象。数值计算表明,采用此方法控制的磁流变阻尼缓冲装置显著降低了冲击载荷对基座的影响,并有效抑制了抖振现象,减弱了基座与挠性附件之间的运动耦合,使挠性附件的速度、加速度变化更为平稳。此控制方法较传统滑模控制能更好地跟踪输出值,且有较好的稳态输出值。  相似文献   

一种航天器用外热防护涂层材料研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王百亚  王秀云  张炜 《固体火箭技术》2005,28(3):216-218,227
研制了一种由环氧改性有机硅树脂、聚酰胺类固化剂为基体,以隔热及耐热填料为添加剂的室温固化耐高温外热防护涂料体系;该外热防护涂层材料的拉伸强度3.15MPa,断裂伸长率26%;热导率0.271W/(m.K),比热容2.689 J/(g.K),而且具有优良的隔热性能、耐热性能以及良好的附着力。该涂层材料可用于T700/4319复合材料壳体表面的外防护,并可在350℃温度条件下短期使用。  相似文献   

This paper presents an application for modern star trackers aimed at the estimation of the spacecraft angular velocity vector on the basis of the star field images acquired during fast rotations, when star identification and tracking are not possible. Angular rates in the range 2–8°/s are considered, which strongly affect the characteristics of the acquirable images, in particular for shape and brightness. The procedure consists in the exploitation of the rigid motion equations to identify the rotation that best fits the observed star trajectories in the sensor field of view. Its coverage capability is analysed with reference to the sensitivity of state-of-the-art photodetectors. The probability of an adequate acquisition is shown to be 0.80 with random pointing and rotation axis over the celestial sphere. Firstly, the accuracy of the procedure is discussed in numerical tests. Then, end-to-end tests are reported, which have been operated by implementing the procedure in a hardware sensor model that acquires simulated star field scenes in a laboratory facility. Both the validations point out that the accuracy of 1°/s, suggested by the European Space Agency for this kind of application, has been achieved. Moreover, the rate of rotation about axes perpendicular to the boresight can be computed with accuracy one order of magnitude better.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the tracking control problem of the leader–follower spacecraft formation, by which we mean that the relative motion between the leader and the follower is required to track a desired time-varying trajectory given in advance. Using dual number, the six-degree-of-freedom motion of the follower spacecraft relative to the leader spacecraft is modeled, where the coupling effect between the translational motion and the rotational one is accounted. A robust adaptive terminal sliding mode control law, including the adaptive algorithms, is proposed to ensure the finite time convergence of the relative motion tracking errors despite the presence of model uncertainties and external disturbances, based on which a modified controller is furthermore developed to solve the dual-equilibrium problem caused by dual quaternion representation. In addition, to alleviate the chattering, hyperbolic tangent function is adopted to substitute for the sign function. And by theoretical analysis, it is proved that the tracking error in such case will converge to a neighborhood of the origin in finite time. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to demonstrate the validity of the proposed approaches.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the synchronized control problem of relative position and attitude for spacecraft with input constraint. First, using dual quaternion, the kinematic and dynamic models of the six-degree-of-freedom relative motion of spacecraft are introduced. Second, a new adaptive sliding mode control scheme is proposed to guarantee the globally asymptotic convergence of relative motion despite the presence of control input constraint, parametric uncertainties and external disturbances. A detailed stability analysis of the resulting closed-loop system is included. Finally, simulation results are presented to illustrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed controller, which has the following properties: (1) explicit accounting for the problem of input constraint, (2) fast convergent rate and accurate results can be obtained, (3) no chattering phenomenon is present in the control torque and control force, (4) self-adaptive regulation law is dynamically adjusted to ensure the tracking errors tend to zero asymptotically, (5) the upper bounds of unknown variables are estimated dynamically.  相似文献   

文章对分子吸附器这种新型的在轨清除航天器分子污染物的方法进行机理分析,研究分子吸附剂和基底材料的选择方法,探讨分子吸附器的吸收力和有效黏附系数的测定方案等,并简要介绍国内的研究现状,分析国内外的差距,提出发展建议。  相似文献   

文章梳理了面向航天器总体设计的空间辐射效应分析技术现状,重点归纳了航天器空间辐射效应分析中需关注的总剂量效应、位移损伤效应、单粒子效应分析的要素、分析方法及软件工具,并结合近年来国际上空间辐射环境模型的最新进展,就辐射环境动态变化认知、在轨辐射风险表征、陌生轨道区域辐射环境影响分析等方面提出国内空间辐射效应分析技术的不足及后续发展建议。  相似文献   

Rabah Haoui 《Acta Astronautica》2011,68(11-12):1660-1668
Hypersonic flows around spatial vehicles during their reentry phase in planetary atmospheres are characterized by intense aerothermal phenomena. The aim of this work is to analyze high temperature flows around an axisymmetric blunt body taking into account chemical and vibrational non-equilibrium for air mixture species. For this purpose, a finite volume methodology is employed to determine the supersonic flow parameters around the axisymmetric blunt body, especially at the stagnation point and along the wall of spacecraft for several altitudes. Our code permits to capture the detached shock wave with exactitude before a blunt body placed in supersonic free stream. The numerical technique uses the Flux Vector Splitting method of Van Leer. Here, adequate time stepping parameter, along with CFL coefficient and mesh size level are selected to ensure numerical convergence, sought with an order of 10?8.  相似文献   

文章以航天器机械臂为研究对象,采用流-热-固耦合方法仿真分析了单一送风形式下,试验箱不同送风速度对机械臂常压低温热变形的影响,并进行了试验验证。分析发现:随着送风速度的增大,机械臂表面的温度场分布更均匀且温度值更接近于设定值,从而更有利于低温热变形试验的实施;但由于存在环境噪声,必须经过静置稳定后才可以进行变形测量。此分析结果可以用于指导航天器部件常压低温热变形试验更加精确、高效地实施。  相似文献   

The mathematical model, which allowed us to reconstruct the rotational motion of the Bion M-1 and Foton M-4 satellites by processing the measurements of onboard magnetometers and the angular velocity sensor, is sufficiently detailed and accurate. If we slightly lower the requirements for accuracy and transfer to a rougher model, i.e., we will not update the biases in measurements of the angular velocity component, then the measurement processing technique can be significantly simplified. The volume of calculations in minimizing the functional of the least-square technique is reduced; the most complicated part of calculations is performed using the standard procedure of computational linear algebra. This simplified technique is described below, and the examples of its application for reconstructing the rotational motion of the Foton M-4 satellite are presented. A noticeable distinction in the reconstructions of motion, constructed by simplified and more exact techniques, is revealed in processing the measurements over time intervals longer than 4 hours.  相似文献   

为了保证某目标飞行器在真空模拟设备顺利进行各种附件的装配、线路的连接以及吊装等操作,需要设计操作平台。文章详细介绍了该操作平台的设计。与技术要求的对比结果表明,该平台的主体结构合理,满足某目标飞行器热平衡试验要求。  相似文献   

供氧模式对载人航天器气压控制的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
载人航天器气压控制系统主要负责控制密封舱内氧分压和总压满足指标要求,承担长期载人任务的载人航天器通常配备电解制氧系统用于维持密封舱内氧分压水平。文章建立了一种载人航天器密封舱气压控制系统仿真分析模型,利用该模型分析对比了氧气瓶供氧和电解制氧供氧2种模式对应的密封舱氧分压和总压变化规律。结果表明,驻留24 h内,氧气瓶供氧模式对应的氧分压单调下降;电解制氧供氧模式对应的氧分压并非单调下降,而是取决于供氧速率与乘员代谢耗氧间的关系,且氧分压变化范围要远小于氧气瓶供氧模式。驻留60 d内,电解制氧供氧模式对应的氧分压在上下限间的变化周期以及总压的变化周期要明显长于氧气瓶供氧模式。为避免空气温度的影响,氧分压和总压的控制范围应比允许范围窄。  相似文献   

我国航天器搭载试验包括空间材料实验、航天医学实验和航天新技术验证试验,具有数据量大、需要实时传输、工作模式多样等特点。文章根据试验项目的需求,设计了应用于低轨道航天器的支持各类空间搭载试验项目的公用试验平台。地面测试验证和在轨运行情况表明,该平台在不影响飞行器平台安全的同时,满足了对试验项目的工作控制、遥测监视及试验数据传输管理的任务要求。  相似文献   

Analysis of a spacecraft life support system for a Mars mission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report summarizes a trade study conducted as part of the Fall 2002 semester Spacecraft Life Support System Design course (ASEN 5116) in the Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department at the University of Colorado. It presents an analysis of current life support system technologies and a preliminary design of an integrated system for supporting humans during transit to and on the surface of the planet Mars. This effort was based on the NASA Design Reference Mission (DRM) for the human exploration of Mars [NASA Design Reference Mission (DRM) for Mars, Addendum 3.0, from the world wide web: http://exploration.jsc.nasa.gov/marsref/contents.html.]. The integrated design was broken into four subsystems: Water Management, Atmosphere Management, Waste Processing, and Food Supply. The process started with the derivation of top-level requirements from the DRM. Additional system and subsystem level assumptions were added where clarification was needed. Candidate technologies were identified and characterized based on performance factors. Trade studies were then conducted for each subsystem. The resulting technologies were integrated into an overall design solution using mass flow relationships. The system level trade study yielded two different configurations--one for the transit to Mars and another for the surface habitat, which included in situ resource utilization. Equivalent System Mass analyses were used to compare each design against an open-loop (non-regenerable) baseline system.  相似文献   

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