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为解决通信卫星真空热试验中有效载荷的部分测试电缆工作温度超出正常区间导致电缆相位特性发生极大跃变的问题,文章设计了一种新型电缆控温方法,实现了测试电缆在真空低温复杂环境下的集中控温。在某新一代通信卫星真空热试验中,应用该集中控温方法后测试电缆网的温度被严格控制在40℃±5℃,单根电缆沿路径的温度差异被控制在±3℃之内,满足了星上有效载荷的时序和相位要求,提高了地面测试的准确性。  相似文献   

针对复杂电缆装配,局促区域电缆装配,高压、刚度大电缆的装配,以及下厂装配模式等存在于通信卫星电缆数字化装配验证的4个方面主要问题。文章提出面向装配与验证设计(Design For Assembly and Verification,DFAV)的电缆网数字化研制方法,将装配、验证工作提前,开展协同设计工作。该方法包括四个部分,针对复杂电缆设计装配工作,提出电缆设计后即开展验证工作的方法,从源头优化电缆设计,从而简化电缆;针对局促区域电缆装配问题,采用电气化的电缆来进行电缆仿真;针对高压、刚度大电缆提出基于设计要素的电缆设计来解决此类电缆的装配;针对下厂装配模式问题,明确表达方式,优化下厂模型。通过对该方法进行验证,结果表明:此方法适用于卫星电缆数字化研制,可提升通信卫星面向生产装配的设计能力,设计验证效率提升60%以上,软件设计正确率为100%,输出效率提高90%以上,可推广使用。  相似文献   

洛马公司7月中旬宣布,其A2100通信卫星的累计在轨正常工作时间最近已达到150年。该系列卫星由洛马商业航天系统公司设计和建造.已发射的29颗星携带了1156台转发器,转发器累计在轨正常工作寿命超过6000年。首颗A2100型卫星AMC-1是1996年9月8日发射的。洛马商业航天系统公司在其45年历史中,已发射88颗静地轨道商业通信卫星,累计已在轨工作714年。今年,该公司又向卫星运营商新交付了3颗A2100卫星,即2月15日由海射火箭发射的“回声星”X、4月12日由海射火箭发射的“日本通信卫星”(JCSAT)9和4月20日由宇宙神5火箭发射的“阿斯特拉”1KR。  相似文献   

DM-3C雷达整机干扰严重,在检查和排除故障的过程中,发现高频电缆引起的干扰是雷达整机产生干扰的主要因素。经检查、测试和分析,找出了设计图纸和电缆焊接时存在的问题,采取了相应的工艺措施。主要措施是电缆屏蔽层的脱头长度要适当;把剪好的电缆屏蔽层少量镀锡、以固定屏蔽细丝;涂少量助焊剂。采取以上措施后,经过上百套雷达的考核,无一根电缆有问题,大大提高了电缆的抗干扰性能。  相似文献   

文章根据某卫星在轨工作工况,对星上功率电缆的热特性进行了理论计算,以此为基础结合卫星在轨外热流环境条件,提出了整星状态下的试验验证方案,通过试验验证获取了星上功率电缆在整星状态下的温度参数分布,对获取的温度数据及其环境特点进行了分析,获得了星上功率电缆的热特性,对电缆在卫星内的走向、固定方式等提出建议。研究成果可为后续卫星功率电缆相关设计提供参考。  相似文献   

空间站工程大吨位载人航天器均在海南文昌发射场发射,面临盐雾效应这个新的环境要素。文章针对海南文昌发射场盐雾环境对载人航天器的影响开展分析和验证工作,研究文昌发射场盐雾水平,分析盐雾效应产生机理和常规盐雾模拟试验方法,针对载人航天器测发流程特点提出主动盐雾防护与盐雾效应摸底试验相结合的工程方法。基于盐雾效应机理总结提出的盐雾效应筛查表格可指导开展沿海地区发射航天器的盐雾防护设计和敏感因素筛查。  相似文献   

电缆设计好坏逐渐成为复杂机电产品装配质量的关键因素,但是由于其复杂的大变形特性,在布线设计中极易造成电缆长度设计的不合理。针对这一问题,提出一种基于样条曲线拟合思想的电缆长度快速设计方法。首先基于电气连接图给出的电缆布线关键点位置信息,结合三次多项式样条曲线拟合方法建立电缆中心线的形态。然后,结合弧长积分和梯形数值积分方法,在Visual Studio环境下开发了电缆长度积分模块。最后,以一电缆束布置为案例,验证了电缆长度设计方法的可行性。结果表明,所提出的电缆长度设计方法简单有效,为电缆的数字化设计与装配奠定了良好的技术基础。  相似文献   

在目前的整星热设计中,通常不考虑电缆发热的影响,但随着设计实践的深入,发现在一些特定场合下,电缆发热对设计结果的影响十分明显,有时甚至是决定性的。文章以“海洋二号”卫星某大功率电缆为例,通过电缆所在舱段内设备温度计算结果与在轨实测数据的对比,分析了电缆发热对其所在舱段热设计结果的影响。并以此为基础,研究了电缆发热量与其带来的设计偏差之间的关系,提出了热设计中估算电缆发热对设备温度影响的方法,以及热设计中能否忽略电缆发热影响的判据。  相似文献   

广博 《中国航天》1999,(12):17-17,19
俄罗斯的质子号运载火箭今年可以说是多灾多难。7月5日,该火箭在哈萨克斯坦境内的拜科努尔发射场发射国产彩虹1军事通信卫星失败,火箭和卫星落到了哈境内,造成了污染。由于这次失败,哈政府一度关闭了拜科努尔发射场。9月6日,质子号终于恢复了发射,将两颗国产通信卫星送入轨道;9月26日,该火箭又成功地进行了一次商业发射,将一颗商业通信卫星送入轨道。但就在失败的阴影逐渐散去的时候,10月27日,质子号却再次失手,重复了7月5日发射失败的一幕。这次发射携带的是俄国产的快车通信卫星。与上次失败时首次使用的质子M…  相似文献   

一、概述 自1965年4月发射第一颗国际通信卫星1至今,国际通信卫星组织已发射了六代共约50多颗国际通信卫星。国际通信卫星7是为替代将于1993年到期的国际通信卫星5A而研制的。 国际通信卫星7净重1425千克,转移轨道重量为3590千克,卫星星体宽2.7米,高4.2米,其设计寿命为10.9年,正常情况下可达14年,如用阿里安44LP火箭发射,则寿命可增至19年。该星的太阳电池阵在10.9年寿命末期仍可提供3900瓦左  相似文献   

In a little over four decades, the Indian Space Program has carved a niche for itself with the unique application driven program oriented towards National development. The end-to-end capability approach of the space projects in the country call for innovative practices and procedures in assuring the quality and reliability of space systems. The System Reliability (SR) efforts initiated at the start of the projects continue during the entire life cycle of the project encompassing design, development, realisation, assembly, testing and integration and during launch. Even after the launch, SR groups participate in the on-orbit evaluation of transponders in communication satellites and camera systems in remote sensing satellites. SR groups play a major role in identification, evaluation and inculcating quality practices in work centres involved in the fabrication of mechanical, electronics and propulsion systems required for Indian Space Research Organization's (ISRO's) launch vehicle and spacecraft projects. Also the reliability analysis activities like prediction, assessment and demonstration as well as de-rating analysis, Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) and worst-case analysis are carried out by SR groups during various stages of project realisation. These activities provide the basis for project management to take appropriate techno-managerial decisions to ensure that the required reliability goals are met. Extensive test facilities catering to the needs of the space program has been set up. A system for consolidating the experience and expertise gained for issue of standards called product assurance specifications to be used in all ISRO centres has also been established.  相似文献   

运载火箭测发控网络设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运载火箭测试发射控制系统对数据处理能力、数据通信能力的要求越来越高。本文采用最新的网络通信技术,结合CZ-3A运载火箭测发控网络的实际设计需求和设计原则,概要介绍了运载火箭测发控网络的特点,着重从测发控网络的拓扑结构、双网卡捆绑技术、静态路由技术等五方面详细阐述了测发控网络的设计,最后通过测发控网络的功能测试验证了该设计的可靠性和先进性。  相似文献   

为解决卫星运输跑车试验耗时耗力的问题,采用仿真方法研究了卫星在公路运输过程中的动力学特性。先基于大量实测数据,建立仿真分析输入谱;再通过Patran/Nastran有限元软件建立包装箱–卫星的联合仿真模型,对经过组合体模态试验修正后的模型进行了模态分析和随机振动响应分析,得到了模型的前6阶模态振型以及关键部位的加速度和应力响应RMS值。结果表明:联合仿真模型各部位的应力RMS值远低于材料屈服极限,卫星结构具有足够的安全裕度。该仿真分析方法可以准确有效地分析卫星在运输过程中经受的力学环境,为卫星结构及包装箱设计提供依据。  相似文献   

CZ-3A系列运载火箭承担了北斗工程,包括北斗一号、北斗二号和北斗三号的全部发射任务,被称为“北斗专列”。在北斗工程历时26年的研制过程中,CZ-3A系列火箭突破了一系列关键技术,使火箭具备了从地球同步转移轨道(GTO)到倾斜同步转移轨道(IGTO)、中圆转移轨道(MTO),从一箭一星发射至转移轨道,到一箭双星发射至转移轨道,再到一箭双星直接发射入轨的发射能力,实现了跨越发展。满足了北斗工程的发射任务需求,北斗工程共计44箭、59星,CZ-3A系列火箭发射均获得了圆满成功,成功率达到了100%。  相似文献   

Satellites have been rightly described as the lifeblood of the entire space industry and the number of satellites ordered or launched per year is an important defining metric of the industry's level of activity, such that trends and variability in this volume have significant strategic impact on the space industry. Over the past 40+ years, hundreds of satellites have been launched every year. Thus an important dataset is available for time series analysis and identification of trends and cycles in the various markets of the space industry. This article reports findings of a study for which we collected data on over 6000 satellites launched since 1960 on a yearly basis. We grouped the satellites into three broad categories – defense and intelligence, science, and commercial satellites – and identified and discussed the main trends and cyclical patterns for each of these. Institutional customers (defense and intelligence, and science) accounted for over two-thirds of all satellites launched within our time period (1960–2008), and, in the 1960s and 1970s, they accounted for 90% and 73.5%, respectively. A fair conclusion from this data is that the space industry was enabled by, and grew because of the institutional customers, not commercial market forces. However, when the launch data is examined more closely, a growing influence of the commercial sector is noticeable. Over the past two decades communication satellites accounted for roughly half of all launches, thus reflecting an important shift in the space industry in which the commercial sector is playing an equal role (on a launch volume basis) to that of the institutional market. Cyclical patterns in the satellite launch volume over the past decade are separately discussed before we sum up with a conclusion.  相似文献   

EUROCKOT Launch Services GmbH has been founded by Daimler-Benz Aerospace of Germany and Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center of Russia to offer world-wide cost effective launch services on the Rockot launch system. The Rockot commercial program is described. Rockot can launch satellites weighing up to 1850 kg into polar and other low earth (LEO) orbits. The Rockot launch vehicle is based on the former Russian SS-19 strategic missile. The first and second stages are inherited from the SS-19, the third stage named Breeze is newly developed and has multiple ignition capability. The Rockot launch system is flight proven. In addition to the currently adapted Rockot launch site Plesetsk for high inclinations, EUROCKOT is in the process to also adapt the Baykonur cosmodrome as their complementary Rockot launch site for lower inclinations. The wide range of Rockot performance is provided. The first commercial launch is foreseen in the middle of 1999. The expected launch capacity for Plesetsk and Baykonur will exceed 10 launches per year. The complete Rockot system including performance is presented.  相似文献   

本文介绍我国新一代返回式对地观测卫星姿态和轨道控制系统(AOCS)的地面测试系统──一种性能价格比较高的卫星控制系统地面测试设备。整个系统自动化程度较高,实时性强,操作方便,易于及时发现问题。该系统已圆满地完成了系统试验,整星综合测试及靶场测试。  相似文献   

基于Petri网的分布式编队小卫星星间通信仿真平台研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对编队小卫星星间通信的要求,提出基于Petri网的分布式编队小卫星星 间通信系统仿真平台。首先对编队小卫星星间通信系统进行TTDPN(T\|Timed Discrete Pe tri Net,TTDPN)建模,并建立该模型与分布式仿真平台间的映射。根据该映射关系设计编 队小卫星星间通信仿真平台的逻辑结构和数据流,搭建分布式编队小卫星星间通信系统仿真 平台。联合空间环境、姿态和轨道等分系统,重点对星间通信系统中信道编译码模块和扩频 解扩模块中的关键技术进行仿真验证。仿真结果表明:基于Petri网的分布式编队小卫星星 间通信系统仿真平台能够显著缩短仿真时间,提高仿真精度和仿真结果的置信度,提高通信 系统中模块的设计效率。

《Acta Astronautica》2001,48(5-12):331-352
A new approach, termed MIC (Magnetically Inflated Cable) that enables large, lightweight very strong and rigid space structures is described. MIC would be launched as a compact package of coiled superconducting (SC) cables. After reaching orbit, the cables would be cryogenically cooled and electrically energized by a small power source. The resultant repulsion magnetic forces between the DC currents in the SC cables automatically cause the coiled launch package to self deploy into the final large space structure. The SC cables are held in place by a distributed network of high tensile strength tethers (e.g., Spectra material), creating a very stiff, rigid truss structure that strongly resists bending and torsional, etc. movements, without the need for gravity gradient stabilization. A linear quadrupole (LQ) MIC configuration is described that is suitable for large solar power satellites, space stations, space hotels, propellant tanks, manned Mars spacecraft, etc. The LQ has 2 long SC dipole loops, of horizontal width W, length L, and opposite magnetic polarity, which are vertically separated by distance W, producing a long truss structure of square cross-section (width W) with the 4 SC cables at the corners of the square. The SC currents are opposite in adjacent cables, yielding an outwardly directed net radial force on each cable. The ends of each SC loop experience outwards longitudinal forces. The magnetic forces are very strong, even for modest supercurrents. For example, a 4 meter square truss with I = 250 kiloamp has an outwards radial force of 220 kg per meter of cable. and 5250 kg outwards longitudinal force at the ends of each SC loop. The network of restraining tensile lines can support lightweight structures, including solar panels, propellant tankage, habitat modules, power transmission lines, etc. The design of a 1 kilometer long, 4 meter square cross section MIC truss for solar power satellites is described. The MIC launch package fits within the length/weight constraints of the shuttle bay, and includes all of the helium coolant lines, thermal insulation, and refrigeration equipment required.  相似文献   

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