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世界最清晰全月图发布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
11月12日,在绕月探测工程全月球影像图发布暨科学数据交接仪式上.国家国防科技工业局发布了嫦娥一号卫星拍摄制作的月球全图.这是目前世界上已公布的最为清晰、完整的月球影像图。记者还从仪式上获悉.嫦娥二号卫星计划于2011年年底前完成发射.嫦娥三号卫星要实现月球软着陆和巡视探测  相似文献   

中国导航电子地图产业的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董勇  靳颖 《中国航天》2009,(12):10-12
导航电子地图产业在欧、美、日发展较为成熟,在中国的发展也呈渐强之势。随着中国日新月异的城乡变化、高速发展的交通道路、蓬勃兴起的汽车产业、前景广阔的通信市场,卫星导航产品将会如手机、电脑一样走进人们的生活,对导航电子地图的需求将日益增强。  相似文献   

通向月球的路是漫长的。从现在起,有针对性地对空间探测理论与技术进行研究是非必需的。本文对月球探测轨道作一介绍,利用借力飞行和WSB转移,减少轨道机动所需的△V,从而减少发射费用,这对支持长期的持续的空间探测是非常必要的。离子推进推力器是空间探测用推进器的理想选择,应继续进行研究,并进行飞行试验验证。  相似文献   

山珍 《航天员》2009,(5):68-71
在中国,月亮很早以前就是诗人吟咏的对象,咏月诗不计其数。一位外国评论家读过中国的咏月诗以后,如此感慨:“月亮悬挂在中国诗坛的上空。她是人间戏剧美丽而孤寂的观众,一切都在她的注视下,她所观察到的一切隐秘 、激情、悲伤和欢乐,都被转化成美妙的比喻和文字,她无声地连接起远隔千山万水的思念。”月亮确实是人们传情达意的载体,更是人类探索太空的起点。  相似文献   

水客 《航天员》2009,(4):62-63
北京时间2009年6月19日凌晨5点,NASA发射两颗卫星探月。这是美国“重返月球”计划的第一步。美国是最先探索月球的国家之一。从卫星“绕月”到“阿波罗”飞船首次登月,再到如今“重返月球”计划中建立永久性月球基地,美国的月球探索已进入更深屡次。月球,田其独特的空间位置,被美国视为太空探索的重要跳板。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2007,60(10-11):906-915
Oxygen, metals, silicon, and glass are raw materials that will be required for long-term habitation and production of structural materials and solar arrays on the Moon. A process sequence is proposed for refining these materials from lunar regolith, consisting of separating the required materials from lunar rock with fluorine. The fluorine is brought to the Moon in the form of potassium fluoride, and is liberated from the salt by electrolysis in a eutectic salt melt. Tetrafluorosilane produced by this process is reduced to silicon by a plasma reduction stage; the fluorine salts are reduced to metals by reaction with metallic potassium. Fluorine is recovered from residual MgF and CaF2 by reaction with K2O.  相似文献   

Ajey Lele   《Space Policy》2010,26(4):222-228
After a gap of 40 years, the Moon is again the focus of several countries’ space ambitions. Japan, China and India have already launched their first Moon missions and are expected to send humans moonwards within the next 10–15 years. This revival of lunar programmes in the post-cold war era goes beyond symbolism and is also about the race to grab the natural resources of the Moon. Such ambitious missions by these states imply that they intend to change the unipolar world into one with multiple power centres, and would use space technology as one of the components to do so. This paper examines the first phase Moon missions of the Asian states and argues that their overall deep space mission aspirations have strategic ambitions attached.  相似文献   

欧空局2003年9月27日在法属圭亚那库鲁航天发射场使用阿里安5运载火箭发射了“小型先进技术研究任务”(SMART)1月球探测器。这是人类进人21世纪以来进行的第一次探月活动。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2009,64(11-12):1215-1220

小卫星高分辨率成像系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林来兴 《上海航天》2011,28(6):54-57
对小卫星对地观测高分辨率成像系统进行了综述。介绍了国内外有极高分辨率(0.5~1.0m)、高分辨率(1.8~2.5m)和中高分辨率(4-10m)小卫星光学成像系统的性能,并与合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像系统进行了比较。给出了小卫星光学成像系统、SAR高分辨率成像系统和卫星平台的关键技术。讨论了未来小卫星及其高分辨率成像系统技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Chandrayaan-1 is the first Indian planetary exploration mission that will perform remote sensing observation of the Moon to further our understanding about its origin and evolution. Hyper-spectral studies in the 0.4– region using three different imaging spectrometers, coupled with a low energy X-ray spectrometer, a sub-keV atom analyzer, a 3D terrain mapping camera and a laser ranging instrument will provide data on mineralogical and chemical composition and topography of the lunar surface at high spatial resolution. A low energy gamma ray spectrometer and a miniature imaging radar will investigate volatile transport on lunar surface and possible presence of water ice in the polar region. A radiation dose monitor will provide an estimation of energetic particle flux en route to the Moon as well as in lunar orbit. An impact probe carrying a mass spectrometer will also be a part of the spacecraft. The 1 ton class spacecraft will be launched by using a variant of flight proven indigenous Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-XL). The spacecraft will be finally placed in a 100 km circular polar orbit around the Moon with a planned mission life of two years.  相似文献   

奥巴马砍掉重返月球计划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国总统奥巴马2月1日向国会提交了总额3.83万亿美元的2011财年预算方案,其中为NASA申请的预算为190亿美元。这份预算提出砍掉前任总统布什提出的以重返月球为目标的"星座"计划,将国际空间站的工作时间至少延长到2020年,并拿出数十亿美元来发展商业航天飞行器和旨在使美国能持续开展空间探测的"可改变格局的技术"。  相似文献   

准备把一辆漫游车发往阿波罗11号登月地点以争取2000万美元奖金的美国宾州宇宙机器人技术有限公司10月30日宣布了一项大胆的计划.将再发射5个探测器,对月球极区进行探测。由卡内基·梅隆大学机器人专家惠特克领军的这家公司计划在2010年5月把其首辆漫游车送往阿波罗11号登月地点静海基地.以便赢得"谷歌月球X大奖赛"的奖金。大奖赛共设  相似文献   

The optimality of a low-energy Earth–Moon transfer terminating in ballistic capture is examined for the first time using primer vector theory. An optimal control problem is formed with the following free variables: the location, time, and magnitude of the transfer insertion burn, and the transfer time. A constraint is placed on the initial state of the spacecraft to bind it to a given initial orbit around a first body, and on the final state of the spacecraft to limit its Keplerian energy with respect to a second body. Optimal transfers in the system are shown to meet certain conditions placed on the primer vector and its time derivative. A two point boundary value problem containing these necessary conditions is created for use in targeting optimal transfers. The two point boundary value problem is then applied to the ballistic lunar capture problem, and an optimal trajectory is shown. Additionally, the problem is then modified to fix the time of transfer, allowing for optimal multi-impulse transfers. The tradeoff between transfer time and fuel cost is shown for Earth–Moon ballistic lunar capture transfers.  相似文献   

印度10月22日成功地发射了其首个月球探测器"月船"1,从而大大提升了该国的航天实力.发射是当地时间上午6时22分在印东南沿海斯里哈里科塔岛上的萨迪什,达万航天中心进行的,采用的是国产"极轨卫星运载器"(PSLV)火箭的一种改进型号PSLV-XL(飞行代号PSLV-C11).  相似文献   

天兵 《中国航天》2007,(11):49-54
从地球到月球不但距离遥远,将近40万公里,而且月球自身还在围绕地球进行公转,平均运动速度1.023公里/秒。因此,  相似文献   

<正>OCTOBER 1:INITIAL STAGE OF THE FLIGHT TO THE mOON At 18:59,October 1,2010,a LM-3C launch vehicle blasted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center (XSLC) and precisely placed China's second lunar probe Chang'e 2 into the Earth-moon transfer orbit. Chang'e 2 began its 112-hour journey to the moon and the second phase of China Lunar Exploration Program was formally started.  相似文献   

<正>10月1日:踏上奔月之旅10月1日18时59分,长征三号丙运载火箭从西昌卫星发射中心豪迈出征,将中国探月工程二期的先导星——嫦娥二号卫星准确送入地月转移轨道。嫦娥二号卫星踏上了  相似文献   

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