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Morningside aurorae at latitudes below about 70° display complex spatial and temporal structures unlike anything seen in the evening or midnight sectors. The morningside structures are believed to be formed by the precipitation of trapped electrons injected in auroral substorms; no significant role has yet been identified in the morningside auroral regions for the large-scale parallel electric fields that dominate the evening side. How those spatial and temporal structures originate has been the subject of much speculation; most theoretical mechanisms focus on the wave-particle interactions that drive pitch-angle diffusion. The principal evidence pertaining to the role of pitch-angle diffusion in the auroral regions is reviewed here. The observational evidence concerns mainly auroral emissions in the atmosphere, energetic particles observed from rockets and satellites, VLF waves at high altitudes, magnetospheric cold plasma, and magnetic pulsations detected on the ground. With the aid of such evidence, plus observations and theories related to the outer permanently trapped radiation belts, several theoretical models for the modulation of VLF wave growth in the equatorial regions have been pieced together. Those models, and the observational data supporting them, are examined to see how well they fit the observational picture and to see where they might lead in future research. The models fall into two categories: those in which the modulations are externally imposed and those in which the modulations are self-excited. For the temporal variations the self-excited mechanisms are now favored. The leading candidate involves a nonlinear relaxation oscillator; the nonlinearity may have important consequences. There are several contenders in both categories for the origin of the spatial structures, none of which agrees fully with inferences from the observations. All the theories involve critical parameters that have not yet been precisely fixed. The critical research needs are listed and discussed.  相似文献   

The aurorae are the result of collisions with the atmosphere of energetic particles that have their origin in the solar wind, and reach the atmosphere after having undergone varying degrees of acceleration and redistribution within the Earth's magnetosphere. The global scale phenomenon represented by the aurorae therefore contains considerable information concerning the solar-terrestrial connection. For example, by correctly measuring specific auroral emissions, and with the aid of comprehensive models of the region, we can infer the total energy flux entering the atmosphere and the average energy of the particles causing these emissions. Furthermore, from these auroral emissions we can determine the ionospheric conductances that are part of the closing of the magnetospheric currents through the ionosphere, and from these we can in turn obtain the electric potentials and convective patterns that are an essential element to our understanding of the global magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere-mesosphere. Simultaneously acquired images of the auroral oval and polar cap not only yield the temporal and spatial morphology from which we can infer activity indices, but in conjunction with simultaneous measurements made on spacecraft at other locations within the magnetosphere, allow us to map the various parts of the oval back to their source regions in the magnetosphere. This paper describes the Ultraviolet Imager for the Global Geospace Sciences portion of the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics program. The instrument operates in the far ultraviolet (FUV) and is capable of imaging the auroral oval regardless of whether it is sunlit or in darkness. The instrument has an 8° circular field of view and is located on a despun platform which permits simultaneous imaging of the entire oval for at least 9 hours of every 18 hour orbit. The three mirror, unobscured aperture, optical system (f/2.9) provides excellent imaging over this full field of view, yielding a per pixel angular resolution of 0.6 milliradians. Its FUV filters have been designed to allow accurate spectral separation of the features of interest, thus allowing quantitative interpretation of the images to provide the parameters mentioned above. The system has been designed to provide ten orders of magnitude blocking against longer wavelength (primarily visible) scattered sunlight, thus allowing the first imaging of key, spectrally resolved, FUV diagnostic features in the fully sunlit midday aurorae. The intensified-CCD detector has a nominal frame rate of 37 s, and the fast optical system has a noise equivalent signal within one frame of 10R. The instantaneous dynamic range is >1000 and can be positioned within an overall gain range of 104, allowing measurement of both the very weak polar cap emissions and the very bright aurora. The optical surfaces have been designed to be sufficiently smooth to permit this dynamic range to be utilized without the scattering of light from bright features into the weaker features. Finally, the data product can only be as good as the degree to which the instrument performance is characterized and calibrated. In the VUV, calibration of an an imager intended for quantitative studies is a task requiring some pioneering methods, but it is now possible to calibrate such an instrument over its focal plane to an accuracy of ±10%. In summary, very recent advances in optical, filter and detector technology have been exploited to produce an auroral imager to meet the ISTP objectives.  相似文献   

The AE-C spacecraft skimmed through the southern polar cusp at a 400 km altitude during a large geomagnetic storm on September 21, 1977. This period has been designated as a special IMS period, and the AE-C data were acquired close to the times that data were acquired by the DMSP satellite at nearly the same location over the southern polar cap, and by the GEOS satellite located near the noon-meridian in the northern hemisphere. Low energy electrons (1-500 eV) were measured with the photoelectron spectrometer experiment experiment onboard AE-C. This instrument was operated in the mode which measured precipitating electron fluxes and backscattered electron fluxes in alternating 4s intervals with two sensors. A region of intense precipitating electron fluxes was observed near 0924 UT on September 21, 1977 extending from 69 degree invariant latitude at 1100 MLT to 72 degree invariant latitude at 1152 MLT. From the spectra of the precipitating electrons, this region is identified as the southern polar cusp. Since the K p equals 7- during this time, the displacement of the cusp down to these low latitudes is not unreasonable. Particle data obtained from the DMSP satellite on orbits close to AE-C, confirm that the position of the cusp was rapidly changing during this period, and was displaced to latitudes equatorward of the quiet time position. A second region of intense fluxes of precipitating electron was observed by AE-C at approximately 0933 UT from 69 degree invariant latitude near 1700 MLT to 66 degree invariant latitude near 1730 MLT. This region of low energy electron fluxes is characterized by slightly harder energy spectra and is interpreted as being the afternoon auroral zone. The remarkable and fortunate location of the AE-C, DMSP, and GEOS spacecraft during this special IMS period will allow future correlative studies aimed at the determination of the shape of the magnetosphere during very disturbed conditions.  相似文献   

The characteristics of inverted-V electron precipitation fluxes deduced predominantly from observations by the Atmosphere Explorer satellites are reviewed. The energy and pitch angle distributions are presented and shown to be generally in agreement with acceleration by a parallel electrostatic potential. Characteristics of secondary electrons are examined, and effects of beam plasma instabilities on these electrons are discussed. The properties of the monoenergetic component are compared with theoretical models of creating parallel DC electric fields, and found to favor the anomalous resistivity model. The article also discusses relations of inverted-V events with other auroral phenomena including auroras, electrostatic shocks, convective electric field reversals, field-aligned currents and wave emissions. The principal conclusions are: (1) plasma sheet electrons are continuously accelerated to form inverted-V structures in the pre-midnight hemisphere independent of substorm phase, (2) the acceleration processes are probably related to large scale electrostatic wave turbulence observed at altitudes of a few thousand kilometers, (3) narrow bursts of intense electron precipitation fluxes are found to be imbedded within some inverted-V's. It is argued that the narrow bursts of intense electron precipitation have the proper characteristics to cause discrete auroral arcs in the atmosphere. We suggest that these narrow bursts are accelerated by an electrostatic shock at higher altitude and capable of producing discrete auroral arcs below the observing satellite.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen a period of rapid growth in our understanding of the processes which occur in the auroral regions. Much of our understanding is based on the copious new observations which have been made available in the auroral community. The present work is a short overview of the plasma conditions which obtain throughout much of the auroral region. It covers the diffuse and discrete auroral electron precipitation in the morning and evening oval, cusp, and polar cap. The ionospheric ion outflow throughout the high latitude regime is also described and related to the electron observations.  相似文献   

The paper is related to specific emissions at frequency <3 MHz observed by the low altitude satellite DEMETER in relation with the thunderstorm activity. At its altitude (~700 km), the phenomena observed on the E-field and B-field spectrograms recorded by the satellite are mainly dominated by whistlers. Particular observations performed by DEMETER are reported. It concerns multiple hop whistlers and interaction between whistlers and lower hybrid noise. Two new phenomena discovered by the satellite are discussed. First, V-shaped emissions up to 20 kHz are observed at mid-latitude during night time. They are centered at the locations of intense thunderstorm activity. By comparison with VLF saucers previously observed by other satellites in the auroral zones it is hypothesized that the source region is located below the satellite and that the triggering mechanism is due to energetic electrons accelerated during sprite events. Second, emissions at frequency ~2 MHz are observed at the time of intense whistlers. These emissions are produced in the lower ionosphere in probable relation with Transient Luminous Events (TLEs).  相似文献   

A dependence of the polar cap magnetic flux on the interplanetary magnetic field and on the solar wind dynamic pressure is studied. The model calculations of the polar cap and auroral oval magnetic fluxes at the ionospheric level are presented. The obtained functions are based on the paraboloid magnetospheric model calculations. The scaling law for the polar cap diameter changing for different subsolar distances is demonstrated. Quiet conditions are used to compare theoretical results with the UV images of the Earth’s polar region obtained onboard the Polar and IMAGE spacecrafts. The model calculations enable finding not only the average polar cap magnetic flux but also the extreme values of the polar cap and auroral oval magnetic fluxes. These values can be attained in the course of the severe magnetic storm. Spectacular aurora often can be seen at midlatitude during severe magnetic storm. In particularly, the Bastille Day storm of July 15–16, 2000, was a severe magnetic storm when auroral displays were reported at midlatitudes. Enhancement of global magnetospheric current systems (ring current and tail current) and corresponding reconstruction of the magnetospheric structure is a reason for the equatorward displacement of the auroral zone. But at the start of the studied event the contracted polar cap and auroral oval were observed. In this case, the sudden solar wind pressure pulse was associated with a simultaneous northward IMF turning. Such IMF and solar wind pressure behavior is a cause of the observed aurora dynamics.  相似文献   

Simultaneous changes of auroral forms, brightness, and motions over the whole polar region are studied, using IGY all-sky camera records from widely distributed stations in eastern Siberia, Alaska, Canada and the northern United States. It is found that the auroral system centered in the midnight sector in the auroral zone repeatedly undergoes an expansion and subsequent contraction; during the maximum stage of the activity, the whole auroral system extends over a substantial portion of the darkened polar region. Such extensive auroral activity as a whole may be regarded as a single event, and is described in terms of the auroral substorm. The substorm has two characteristic phases, an expansive phase and a recovery phase. Characteristic auroral displays over the entire polar region during the substorm are described in detail. The basic physical processes involved for the auroral substorm are also discussed.Geomagnetic disturbances associated with the auroral substorm are also described in detail in terms of the polar magnetic substorm, and it is shown that both the auroral substorm and the polar magnetic substorm are different aspects of the manifestation of a large-scale plasma motion in the magnetosphere.The distribution of the aurora for different degrees of the geomagnetic activity is also discussed in terms of the auroral belt. It is shown that the center line of the auroral belt moves greatly with respect to its average location (namely the auroral zone), depending on the degree of the magnetic activity.  相似文献   

This review will not merely be a précis of the literature in this field though a partial survey is attempted. A critical stand will be taken and a point of view put forward. Experiments to test this point of view and others will be suggested. Several new ideas are introduced.Two broad conditions of the magnetosphere are discussed, the quiet and the disturbed. During the quiet condition, the polar cap F region either glows red or is filled with a family of red auroral arcs parallel roughly to L-contours. Auroras near the auroral zone have an increasing amount of green (5577) coloration. The ionospheric F region exists even in winter over the polar caps despite the absence of solar ionizing radiation or obvious corpuscular bombardment. The red polar glow and the maintenance of the quiet polar winter F region are suggested to be accounted for by the cooling of plasma in the geomagnetic tail. These phenomena consume less than 0.01 of the energy and flux of the solar wind impinging on the magnetosphere. The relevance of dynamo theory to this quiet condition is discussed.During the disturbed condition, many phenomena such as polar magnetic substorms, auroral substorms, the sudden appearance of islands of energetic particles in the magnetosphere, and the rapid acceleration of auroral particles appear to call for the operation of an instability deep in the magnetosphere.The energetics of various facets of geomagnetic disturbance are discussed, and joule dissipation of ionospheric current is found to be a major sink of energy during storms. This causes significant heating of the ionosphere particularly at the site of auroral electrojets. Corpuscular bombardment may consume as much energy, but its heating effect is likely to be less.The stable auroral red arc (SAR-arc) observed equatorwards of normal active aurora during magnetic storms is a major sink of energy of a magnetospheric ring current. It is contended that the ring current generally consists of particles of energy of less than a few keV. It is suggested that the ring current is caused by the irreversible pumping and energisation of plasma from the outer to the inner magnetosphere. This pumping is achieved by the random electrostatic fields associated with the noisy component of geomagnetic disturbance. The SAR-arc must be a major feature of ring current theory.The consumption of energy in polar magnetic and auroral substorms, during a complete storm, is tentatively concluded to be far greater than that of the ring current. The ring current is considered to be a byproduct of magnetic disturbance on higher L-shells.The main phase of a storm should be considered, in storm analysis, as a separate entity from the initial phase, for physically they bear a tenuous and unpredictable relationship to one another. A new system of analysis is proposed in which the onset of geomagnetic noise rather than sudden commencement is taken as the origin of time, both for magnetic and ionospheric storms. This will enable analysis of storms with both gradual and sudden commencements to be made on a common basis.No reliable evidence is found to support the contention that magnetic storms are caused dominantly by neutral H-atoms ejected from the sun. In fact much evidence can be amassed to deny this hypothesis.  相似文献   

JIRAM is an imager/spectrometer on board the Juno spacecraft bound for a polar orbit around Jupiter. JIRAM is composed of IR imager and spectrometer channels. Its scientific goals are to explore the Jovian aurorae and the planet’s atmospheric structure, dynamics and composition. This paper explains the characteristics and functionalities of the instrument and reports on the results of ground calibrations. It discusses the main subsystems to the extent needed to understand how the instrument is sequenced and used, the purpose of the calibrations necessary to determine instrument performance, the process for generating the commanding sequences, the main elements of the observational strategy, and the format of the scientific data that JIRAM will produce.  相似文献   

The observations of hot ions in the high altitude ionosphere, at IR e along the auroral zone magnetic field lines, near the equatorial plane in the inner magnetosphere, in the distant tail, and in the magnetospheric boundary regions are reviewed with particular regard to the relations of the ions to the electrons. The physical knowledge obtained from the observations is summarized.  相似文献   

Ergun  R.E.  Carlson  C.W.  Mozer  F.S.  Delory  G.T.  Temerin  M.  McFadden  J.P.  Pankow  D.  Abiad  R.  Harvey  P.  Wilkes  R.  Primbsch  H.  Elphic  R.  Strangeway  R.  Pfaff  R.  Cattell  C.A. 《Space Science Reviews》2001,98(1-2):67-91
We describe the electric field sensors and electric and magnetic field signal processing on the FAST (Fast Auroral SnapshoT) satellite. The FAST satellite was designed to make high time resolution observations of particles and electromagnetic fields in the auroral zone to study small-scale plasma interactions in the auroral acceleration region. The DC and AC electric fields are measured with three-axis dipole antennas with 56 m, 8 m, and 5 m baselines. A three-axis flux-gate magnetometer measures the DC magnetic field and a three-axis search coil measures the AC magnetic field. A central signal processing system receives all signals from the electric and magnetic field sensors. Spectral coverage is from DC to 4 MHz. There are several types of processed data. Survey data are continuous over the auroral zone and have full-orbit coverage for fluxgate magnetometer data. Burst data include a few minutes of a selected region of the auroral zone at the highest time resolution. A subset of the burst data, high speed burst memory data, are waveform data at 2×106 sample s–1. Electric field and magnetic field data are primarily waveforms and power spectral density as a function of frequency and time. There are also various types of focused data processing, including cross-spectral analysis, fine-frequency plasma wave tracking, high-frequency polarity measurement, and wave-particle correlations.  相似文献   

The Hot Plasma Experiment, F3H, on boardFreja is designed to measure auroral particle distribution functions with very high temporal and spatial resolution. The experiment consists of three different units; an electron spectrometer that measures angular and energy distributions simultaneously, a positive ion spectrometer that is using the spacecraft spin for three-dimensional measurements, and a data processing unit. The main scientific objective is to study positive ion heating perpendicular to the magnetic field lines in the auroral region. The high resolution measurements of different positive ion species and electrons have already provided important information on this process as well as on other processes at high latitudes. This includes for example high resolution observations of auroral particle precipitation features and source regions of positive ions during magnetic disturbances. TheFreja orbit with an inclination of 63° allows us to make detailed measurements in the nightside auroral oval during all disturbance levels. In the dayside, the cusp region is covered during magnetic disturbances. We will here present the instrument in some detail and some outstanding features in the particle data obtained during the first months of operation at altitudes around 1700 km in the northern hemisphere auroral region.  相似文献   

The Visible Imaging System (VIS) is a set of three low-light-level cameras to be flown on the POLAR spacecraft of the Global Geospace Science (GGS) program which is an element of the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) campaign. Two of these cameras share primary and some secondary optics and are designed to provide images of the nighttime auroral oval at visible wavelengths. A third camera is used to monitor the directions of the fields-of-view of these sensitive auroral cameras with respect to sunlit Earth. The auroral emissions of interest include those from N 2 + at 391.4 nm, Oi at 557.7 and 630.0 nm, Hi at 656.3 nm, and Oii at 732.0 nm. The two auroral cameras have different spatial resolutions. These resolutions are about 10 and 20 km from a spacecraft altitude of 8R e . The time to acquire and telemeter a 256×256-pixel image is about 12 s. The primary scientific objectives of this imaging instrumentation, together with thein-situ observations from the ensemble of ISTP spacecraft, are (1) quantitative assessment of the dissipation of magnetospheric energy into the auroral ionosphere, (2) an instantaneous reference system for thein-situ measurements, (3) development of a substantial model for energy flow within the magnetosphere, (4) investigation of the topology of the magnetosphere, and (5) delineation of the responses of the magnetosphere to substorms and variable solar wind conditions.  相似文献   

The Earth's auroral electrons produce copious non-thermal radio emissions of various types, including auroral kilometric radiation (AKR), whistler mode auroral hiss, mode conversion radiation such as auroral roar and MF-burst, and possibly HF/VHF emissions. In some cases, mechanisms have been identified and quantitatively described, whereby the energy of the auroral electrons is converted into electromagnetic radiation. In many other cases, the radiation mechanism, or the relative significance of several possible mechanisms, remains uncertain. This review covers fairly comprehensively experimental and theoretical research on types of auroral radiation other than AKR, concentrating on emissions with frequency higher than about 1kHz and treating only emissions which are unique to the auroral zone. The review covers both ground-based and in-situ observations. It covers a wide range of theoretical approaches, emphasizing those which at present appear most important for producing non-AKR auroral radiations.  相似文献   

The high spatial-temporal resolution of instrumentation on the polar-orbiting S3-2 satellite has allowed a wide variety of measurements of the electrodynamic characteristics of both large- and small-scale structures at high latitudes. Analyses of large scale features observed by S3-2 have shown that: (i) The IMF B ydependence of polar cap convection, first observed in June 1969 by OGO-6 persists in other seasons. During periods of northward IMF B zextensive regions of sunward convection may be found in the sunlit polar cap. (ii) In the dawn and dusk MLT sectors >90% of the region 1 currents lie equatorward of the convection reversal line. Potentials across the ionospheric projection of the low-latitude boundary layer are typically a few kV. (iii) The location of extra field-aligned currents, near the dayside cusp and poleward of the region 1 current sheet is dependent on the IMF B ycomponent. (iv) Simultaneous observations by TRIAD and S3-2 show that sheets of field-aligned current extend uniformly for several hours in MLT, but may have an altitude dependence in the 1000–8000 km range. (v) During magnetic storms ionospheric irregularities occur in regions of poleward density gradients and downward field-aligned currents near the equatorward boundary of diffuse auroral precipitation. In the winter polar cap, density irregularities were also found in regions of highly structured electric fields and soft electron precipitation. (vi) During an intense magnetic storm the auroral zone height-integrated Pederson conductivity was calculated to be in the range 10–30 mho and downcoming energetic electron fluxes accounted for between 50% and 70% of the upward Birkeland currents.Analysis of small-scale structures (latitudinal width < 1°), observed by S3-2, have shown that: (i) Intense meridional electric fields (50–250 mV m-1) generated by charge separation near the inner edge of the plasma sheet drive intense subauroral convection and are associated with field-aligned currents, on the order of 1–2 A m-2. (ii) Case studies of discrete arcs in the auroral oval have shown that arcs are associated with pairs of small-scale, field-aligned currents embedded in the large-scale region 1/region 2 field-aligned current sheets. The maximum observed field-aligned current was an upward current of 135 A m-2, confined to a latitudinal width of 2km and carried by field-aligned accelerated electrons. Return (downward) currents associated with arcs are limited to intensities of 10–15 A m-2. At this limit the ionospheric plasma becomes marginally stable to the onset of ion-cyclotron turbulence. Two instances of plasma vortices, characteristic of auroral curls, have been observed in the region between the paired current sheets. (iii) Sun-aligned arcs in the polar cap are found in a region of negative electric field divergence, embedded in an irregular electric field pattern. The electrons producing the arcs have a temperature of 200 eV and have been accelerated through potential drops of 1 kV along the magnetic field. Return currents may appear on both sides of polar-cap arcs.  相似文献   

In the first part (Sections I–III) a brief historical review of the progress of our knowledge of the precipitation of auroral electrons is given. Observations by different techniques, in terms of detectors aboard balloons, sounding rockets, and polar-orbiting satellites, are reviewed (Sections I). The precipitation morphology is examined in terms of synoptic statistical results (Section II) and of latitudinal survey along individual satellite passes (Section III). In the second part (Section IV), a large number of simultaneous observations of auroras and precipitating auroral electrons by DMSP satellites are examined in detail, and it is shown that precipitation characteristics of auroral electrons are distinctly different for the discrete aurora and the diffuse aurora. In the third part (Section V), the source region of auroral electrons is discussed by comparing the auroral electron precipitation at low altitudes observed by DMSP satellites with the simultaneous ATS-6 observations near the magnetospheric equatorial plane approximately along the same geomagnetic field line. It is shown that the diffuse aurora is caused by direct dumping of the plasma sheet electrons from the equatorial region, whereas discrete auroras require acceleration of electrons between the plasma sheet and the polar atmosphere. The parallel electric field along the geomagnetic field line above the ionosphere is a likely candidate for the acceleration mechanism.Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland 20810, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Although the auroral substorm has been long regarded as a manifestation of the magnetospheric substorm, a direct relation of active auroras to certain magnetospheric processes is still debatable. To investigate the relationship, we combine the data of the UV imager onboard the Polar satellite with plasma and magnetic field measurements by the Geotail spacecraft. The poleward edge of the auroral bulge, as determined from the images obtained at the LHBL passband, is found to be conjugated with the region where the oppositely directed fast plasma flows observed in the near-Earth plasma sheet during substorms are generated. We conclude that the auroras forming the bulge are due to the near-Earth reconnection process. This implies that the magnetic flux through the auroral bulge is equal to the flux dissipated in the magnetotail during the substorm. Comparison of the magnetic flux through the auroral bulge with the magnetic flux accumulated in the tail lobe during the growth phase shows that these parameters have the comparable values. This is a clear evidence of the loading–unloading scheme of substorm development. It is shown that the area of the auroral bulge developing during substorm is proportional to the total (magnetic plus plasma) pressure decrease in the magnetotail. These findings stress the importance of auroral bulge observations for monitoring of substorm intensity in terms of the magnetic flux and energy dissipation.  相似文献   

We review some of the most important theoretical ideas and observations for quasars and the nuclei of active galaxies, and suggest areas of future research. Emphasis is on the nature of the power source, the radiation processes, and the mechanism for formation and collimation of jets. Phenomena that produce X-rays are of particular concern. Particular topics discussed are the observed and expected time variability, the gas supply mechanisms and luminosity evolution, thermal and nonthermal radiation processes, observed and theoretical spectra, criteria for thermalization of electrons and ions, effects of electron-positron pairs on relativistic plasmas, hydrodynamic, electrodynamic and inertial methods for producing and confining jets. We conclude with a list of needed observations.Based on a lecture given at the Goddard Workshop on X-ray Astronomy (October 1981).  相似文献   

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