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月球卫星轨道设计优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用带谐项J2J3对月球卫星轨道进行了优化设计.首先分析了月球卫星轨道摄动因素对轨道的影响,其次推导了对应于J2J3项的冻结轨道计算公式,并通过对仅包含月球引力场模型的运动微分方程,直接积分计算轨道的变化进行了验证.最后,通过合理选择初始轨道的偏心率eo和近月点幅角ωo,对月球卫星极轨道进行了优化设计,给出了设计公式并进行了仿真.结果表明,这种优化设计方法是很有效的.  相似文献   

针对近圆参考轨道卫星,利用相对轨道要素对编队构形进行了统一描述,提出了编队卫星在垂直于轨道平面方向相对运动最小距离的计算公式,分析了J2摄动对卫星编队安全性的影响。仿真结果表明环绕星在轨道平面内和垂直于轨道平面内的相位差对编队安全性的影响较大,给出的提高编队卫星安全性的措施可为卫星编队的实际工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   

严格回归轨道的设计基于高阶次的地球非球形引力场模型,属于太阳同步回归、冻结轨道,回归周期始末的地固系空间轨迹高度重合.卫星在轨的自主管道导航以地面设计的严格回归轨道作为参考轨道,卫星与参考轨道形成一个虚拟编队.严格回归轨道的设计未考虑大气阻力,卫星在轨由于大气阻力导致的轨道衰减可由自主定轨与参考轨道的偏差进行估算.为了实现参考轨道的重复使用,严格回归轨道的设计也未考虑历元相关的日月三体引力等摄动影响,轨道倾角的长期运动和周期运动规律需要结合在轨数据进行辨识.本文应用陆探一号的在轨遥测数据,对上述轨道运动特性进行了分析.  相似文献   

针对J2摄动下椭圆参考轨道的稳定伴飞问题,提出了J2摄动下的能量匹配条件,给出了迹向相对速度和径向相对位置的迭代设计方法,并设计了一种新的椭圆参考轨道伴飞构型.在此基础上,利用J2摄动下的能量匹配条件给出了计算伴飞初始相对状态的方法,并基于拉格朗日乘子法给出了位置保持脉冲的解析表达式,以获得形成稳定伴飞的初始相对状态和位置保持脉冲.仿真表明满足摄动能量匹配条件能形成稳定的伴飞构型,采用新的伴飞构型及其设计方法能明显减小分离距离的设计偏差.  相似文献   

针对.J2摄动下椭圆参考轨道的稳定伴飞问题,提出了.J2摄动下的能量匹配条件,给出了迹向相对速度和径向相对位置的迭代设计方法,并设计了一种新的椭圆参考轨道伴飞构型.在此基础上,利用J2摄动下的能量匹配条件给出了计算伴飞初始相对状态的方法,并基于拉格朗日乘子法给出了位置保持脉冲的解析表达式,以获得形成稳定伴飞的初始相对状态和位置保持脉冲.仿真表明满足摄动能量匹配条件能形成稳定的伴飞构型,采用新的伴飞构型及其设计方法能明显减小分离距离的设计偏差.  相似文献   

太阳同步(准)回归轨道卫星的轨道保持方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文中使用解析方法对太阳同步 (准 )回归轨道卫星动力学特性进行了研究 ,分析了非球摄动、大气阻力摄动和太阳引力谐振等主要摄动因素对太阳同步 (准 )回归轨道卫星的影响 ,并以此为依据对太阳同步 (准 )回归轨道卫星的轨道保持方法进行了探讨。定量分析结果表明 ,该方法切实可行 ,可以为轨道设计和轨道控制研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

针对高轨道Walker全球星座相对相位保持问题,在分析星座几何结构演化规律基础上,提出了一种基于动态调整参考轨道的星座相对相位保持策略.该参考轨道的半长轴取星座所有卫星的平均轨道半长轴的平均值,通过计算各卫星相对参考轨道的相对相位偏差以及变化率,而后根据有关维持的约束条件来选择合适的卫星进行站点保持,使得所有卫星的相对参考轨道的相位偏差不超过允许值.当一旦有卫星进行了站点保持,则参考轨道就重新统计确定.文章通过一个12颗MEO卫星构成的Walker-δ星座的分析算例,表明这种相对保持策略可以减少星座的站点维持次数.本文提出的方法可以为我国今后卫星导航星座的维持提供参考.  相似文献   

卫星精密轨道抗差估计的研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
建立了卫星精密轨道抗差估计批处理的模型,给出了抗差估计权函数,并从权函数、影响函数等方面论述了抗差估计批处理的抗差性,从理论上说明了抗差估计批处理能充分利用有效观测,限制了利用可用观测,排除了有害粗差影响,得到了正常模式下的最佳估值;给出了抗差估计批处理的计算步骤;应用激光测距数据对Lazeos卫星进行了精密定轨.结果表明,抗差估计比经典最小二乘估计得到的卫星轨道更稳定,由实际情况进一步说明了抗差估计批处理具有明显的抗差性.  相似文献   

本文提出了满足设计要求的地球资源卫星轨道参数的计算方法。并且提出了使得地面轨迹形成覆盖循环所需要满足的简要公式。  相似文献   

“嫦娥一号”卫星的调相轨道设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国第一颗月球探测卫星"嫦娥一号"的飞行轨道的设计中采用了调相轨道,在"长征三号甲"运载火箭提供的超地球同步转移轨道与地月转移轨道之间增加了一段由周期为24h和48h轨道构成的环绕地球飞行的调相轨道。为了将几条不同的轨道精确地拼接起来,必须考虑地球引力场对轨道的摄动影响。克服这个难点的做法是基于经典的轨道摄动理论,先将整段调相轨道设计为考虑地球引力场J2项影响的平轨道,在与运载的发射轨道拼接时,先将运载的包括短周期摄动的瞬时轨道转换为平轨道,在与地月转移轨道拼接时将调相轨道转换成拼接点的瞬时轨道。由于采用了平轨道的处理方法使得轨道控制策略的表述十分简明并易于操作。  相似文献   

针对风云四号同步卫星的精密定轨和精度评估需求,首先利用地面光学测角数据对FY-4A卫星进行精密定轨,定轨后方位角和高度角的残差rms分别为0.25"和0.45"。与基于测距数据的轨道相比,位置精度在有测角数据的弧段内小于50m。进一步联合测角数据和测距数据对FY-4A卫星进行联合定轨,定轨后轨道重叠精度优于15m。利用联合定轨结果评估了基于测距数据的实时轨道产品精度,可以明显发现轨道精度随着测距数据的积累而逐步提高。  相似文献   

2009年2月11日,美国一颗通信卫星与俄罗斯一颗已经报废的卫星在太空中相撞.这次事件产生了大量太空垃圾,可能会对国际空间站的安全造成威胁.目前科学家在探讨有效清理太空垃圾的方法,以防类似事件再次发生.  相似文献   

为了分析太阳同步轨道卫星的光学特性,对FY-1卫星的可见光和红外波段光学信号进行了仿真计算和模拟试验验证.通过对外部辐射及内部热源的分析,计算了卫星的温度场,采用随机起伏表面算法模拟表面覆盖材料外表面,通过阴影遮挡判断及双向反射分布函数(BRDF, Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function)模型计算卫星对外部辐射的反射特性,编程计算得到在可见光0.4~1.0μm和红外8~14 μm,14~16 μm波段下卫星的光学特性.结果表明红外辐射亮度与表面温度相关,8~14 μm最大约90 W/(m2·sr)、14~16 μm最大约20 W/(m2·sr).空间可见光辐射强度具有明显的镜面反射效应,卫星主体峰值2 200 W/sr.通过地面模拟测量空间目标的温度和红外辐射验证了温度及红外辐射仿真计算模型,可见光辐射强度仿真计算结果与地面模型卫星测量结果误差在20%以内.  相似文献   

The use of satellites for navigation, geodesy and altimetry requires a precise knowledge of their orbits. Satellite orbits are commonly derived from Doppler counts of radio signals propagating to/from the satellites. However, corrections must be applied to these measurements to account for the presence of the ionosphere. The first order ionospheric perturbation term is usually eliminated by the use of dual frequency systems. However, the higher order terms have to be taken into account. In this paper, a correction model is described for the second and third order perturbation terms. The entries of the model are the estimates of the first order terms given by dual frequency systems. On the basis of computer simulations, it is shown that a significant reduction of the total ionospheric error can be achieved with this technique.  相似文献   

Guidepost-based navigation system is a novel autonomous orbit determination method for the GEO satellite. The system is achieved by using the camera imaging function to obtain the guidepost images and the GNSS signal receiver to obtain the pseudoranges between the GEO and the navigation satellites. Due to the high altitude of GEO satellite and the time-varying sunlight condition in the space environment, it may be difficult to obtain object image points and the distance measurements of GNSS because of the weak visibility of the guideposts. To deal with the problem, a novel integrated orbit determination system is presented. The Earth landmarks, the in-orbit spacecraft and GNSS navigation satellites whose line-of-sights and the distance can be easily obtained are used at the same time as information for the GEO satellite navigation based on the observability conditions analysis. The observability of the GEO satellite navigation system is analyzed through the physical observability, the mathematical observability and the engineering observability through the observing geometry, the rank of observability matrix and the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) respectively. Besides, the maximum correntropy unscented Kalman filter (MCUKF) algorithm is applied to improve the estimation stability of the system in the presence of non-Gaussian noises. The simulation indicates the feasibility of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

Results of ERS - 1 orbit refinement procedures for long-arcs are summarised with particular reference to gravity field modelling and sea-surface topography. Long arcs from the three day and thirty - five day repeat cycles have been used to refine the earth's gravity field constrained by the JGM- 2 covariance matrix and simultaneously to solve for the quasi - stationary sea - surface topography. Orbital computations are presented for arcs not included within the refinement process with improvements identified through rms of fit to laser, altimeter and single satellite crossover data. Additional results utilising dual crossovers with TOPEX / POSEIDON in a full dynamic process are also presented. In particular, reference is made to the relative altimeter biases between the respective satellites and the characteristics of the orbital adjustment through inclusion of dual crossover data.  相似文献   

HEO(Highly Elliptical Orbit)轨道卫星利用星载GPS(Global Positioning System)进行自主定轨面临的主要难题之一就是解决在单颗导航卫星条件下的初轨确定问题.从理论上分析了利用单颗导航卫星的观测量确定HEO卫星轨道初值的所需满足的条件,指出了利用F.G级数法求解初值存在的问题,提出了一种基于轨道根数约束的迭代批处理算法,该算法无需复杂的数学运算,避免了F.G级数法用短弧资料定初轨时系数矩阵秩亏的影响.仿真结果表明,当先验轨道根数误差在允许范围内取值时,在考虑轨道射入误差的情况下,初值的位置偏差在104 m量级,速度偏差在100 m/s量级,能够根据单颗导航卫星的短弧观测值可靠地完成轨道初值的确定.  相似文献   

Precise orbit determination (POD) and precise baseline determination (PBD) of Swarm satellites with 4 years of data are investigated. Ambiguity resolution (AR) plays a crucial role in achieving the best orbit accuracy. Swarm POD and PBD based on single difference (SD) AR and traditional double difference (DD) AR methods are explored separately. Swarm antenna phase center variation (PCV) corrections are developed to further improve the orbit determination accuracy. The code multipath of C1C, C1W and C2W observations is first evaluated and clear variations in code noise related to different receiver settings are observed. Carrier phase residuals of different time periods and different loop tracking settings of receiver are studied to explore the effect of ionospheric scintillation on POD. The reduction of residuals in the polar and geomagnetic equator regions confirms the positive impact of the updated carrier tracking loops (TLs) on POD performance. The SD AR orbits and orbits with float ambiguity (FA) are compared with the Swarm precise science orbits (PSOs). An average improvement of 27 %, 4 % and 16 % is gained in along-track, cross-track and radial directions by fixing the ambiguity to integer. For Swarm-A/B and Swarm-B/C formations, specific days are selected to perform the DD AR-based POD during which the average distance of the formation satellites is less than 5000 km. Satellite laser ranging (SLR) observations are employed to validate the performance of FA, SD AR and DD AR orbits. The consistency between the SD AR orbits and SLR data is at a level of 10 mm which shows an improvement of 25 % when comparing with the FA results. An SLR residuals reduction of 15 % is also achieved by the DD AR solution for the selected days. Precise relative navigation is also an essential aspect for spacecraft formation flying missions. The closure error method is proposed to evaluate the baseline precision in three dimensions. A baseline precision of 1–3 mm for Swarm-A/C formation and 3–5 mm for Swarm-A/B and Swarm-B/C satellite pairs is verified by both the consistency check and closure error method.  相似文献   

This paper discusses GPS (Global Position System) meteorology. The research presented is based on a comparison of values of precipitable water vapour PWV, based on GPS measurements using final and predicted ephemerides of satellite orbits. We analysed recent year’s improvement in predicting ephemerides. We compared the data outputs from a radiosonde using GPS receiver measurements directly from the meteorological station from which the radiosondes were launched. The results indicate a high quality of the predicted ephemerides. This finding makes predicted ephemerides highly usable for near real-time estimations of PWV. To use PWV in meteorological forecast applications, this high speed of PWV values supply is necessary.  相似文献   

Plasma and energetic particles pressure distribution is studied using data from the plasma and energetic particle experiment (0.1 –133 keV) onboard the Gorizont-35 geostationary satellite for the period from 11 to 25 March 1992. The analysed period consists of relatively quiet time, small geomagnetic storms, SC and the time of the northern orientation of the IMF. The calculations show that the basic contribution to the total particle pressure was made by ions at the energy from 0.1 to 12.4 keV. The derived average value of the calculated pressure (≈1 nPa) points to the important role of the geostationary orbit plasma population in the formation of the magnetopause pressure balance and of the near-Earth magnetic field distortion.  相似文献   

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