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The design of a novel phased array panel that provides the L-band satellite to ground links for the IRIDIUM global communications system is presented. Key components and aspects of this phased array antenna are discussed, including the beamforming architecture, radiated intermodulation products, the patch radiators, and the T/R module. The strategy for minimizing DC power consumption over a large range of multicarrier rf output power is described. Finally, test results showing compliant array operation are summarized  相似文献   

纵合  东子  云舟 《航空港》2012,(12):48-58
1月13日-18日,由广东省人民政府、工业和信息化部、中国国际贸易促进委员会、中国民用航空局、中国人民解放军空军、中国航空工业集团公司、中国商用飞机有限责任公司、中国航天科技集团公司和中国航天科工集团公司共同主办的第九届中国国际航空航天博览会在广东珠海举行。珠海航展经过十多年的运作,如今已跻身全球五大航展之列,是世界了解中国航空航天的最佳窗口和中国航空航天走向世界的重要平台。  相似文献   

全新的刀具与工件接合面冷却方式可以显著提高刀具寿命和加工效率。随着金属切除率的提高,以及刀具寿命的延长,肯纳金属公司最新推出的高性能BeyondTM刀具产品可以提高生产率30%以上,客户遍布多种金属切削行业。"现场测试表明,在不同的加工类型中,刀具寿命最高  相似文献   

CHARGERTM龙门式低轨复合材料铺带机将用于生产中国商用飞机有限责任公司上海飞机制造厂(上飞)C919以及C929喷气式商务飞机的主翼、平尾以及中央翼盒。MAG公司此次出售给上飞的首台美国制造的复合材料加工设备,拓展了MAG在中国航空工业  相似文献   

The nickel-hydrogen battery, developed in the early nineteen-seventies as an energy-storage subsystem for commercial communication satellites, is discussed. The advantages offered by nickel-hydrogen batteries, including long life, low maintenance and high reliability, make it very attractive for terrestrial applications such as stand-alone photovoltaic systems. The major drawback to the wider use of the nickel-hydrogen battery is its high initial cost. A 7-kWh battery has been on test since January 1988 using a flat-plate photovoltaic array for charging. The cell, battery design and test methods are briefly described, and the results of cycling and solar tests are presented. It is concluded that the battery is well suited for remote solar applications  相似文献   

2012年11月13日,CFM国际公司与其合作伙伴在珠海航展上共同庆祝航空发动机维修培训中心(AEMTC)培训学员突破万名。航空发动机维修培训中心成立于1996年,是由CFM、中国民用航空局、中国航空器材集团公司、中国民航飞行学院、GE航空集团和斯奈克玛公司(赛峰集团)联合建立的一所合作培训中心。在当时,该中心是国内第一家此类培训中心,也  相似文献   

Evaluation of active hybrid fuel cell/battery power sources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hybrid fuel cell/battery power sources have potentially widespread uses in applications wherein the power demand is impulsive rather than constant. Interposing a dc/dc converter between a fuel cell and a battery can create two configurations of actively controlled hybrid fuel cell/battery power sources. Those two configurations are compared using both theory and experiment with special attention to the peak power enhancement, and power losses in the converter. Both of the defined configurations were built, using a 35 W polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell, an 8-cell lithium-ion battery pack, and a high-efficiency power converter. Both two configurations yielded a peak power output of 135 W, about 4 times as high as the fuel cell alone could supply, with only a slight (13%) increase of weight. The converter losses were quantitatively analyzed. Which of the two configurations yields a smaller loss depends on the load power demand characteristics including peak power and load duty ratio. The study results provide guidance for the design of hybrid sources according to the particular load power requirements.  相似文献   

Several hundred D-sized, Li-SO2 battery cells have been in a carefully controlled quiescent storage test for up to 14 years, starting at Honeywell but completing at the NASA Ames Research Center, in support of the Atmospheric Probe portion of the Galileo Mission to the planet Jupiter. This population of cells includes similar samples from 8 different manufacturing lots; the earliest from October 1981, the latest from October 1988. The baseline samples have been divided among several storage chambers, each having its own constant temperature, respectively, set between 0°C to 40°C. Non-invasive measurements have been made repeatedly of open circuit voltage and internal resistance (at 1000 Hz). At intervals, a small portion of the cells has been removed from storage and fully discharged under repetitive conditions, thus assessing any storage related loss of discharge capacity. The results show that for storage up to 20°C the cells have excellent stability. Above 20°C noticeable degradation occurs  相似文献   

Outdoor perimeter volumetric field disturbance sensors must reliably detect perturbations to the field caused by an intruder, while rejecting noise and environmental changes that may be orders of magnitude greater than the target response. Currently, E-Field(R) systems are widely deployed in nuclear, correctional, and industrial sites to provide perimeter security. These systems are effective in rejecting the majority of noise and environmental stimuli through combined fixed attribute threshold comparison techniques. However, some environmental stimuli closely mimic target stimuli, so improved discrimination techniques have been sought. We describe the results of current studies and investigations of electrostatic sensor system response to targets and to various environmental changes. Fundamental principles in the character of sensor response to these varied stimuli are discussed. Techniques and methods that may be used to exploit the difference between intruder and environmental responses, while using cost-effective discrimination methods, are described. We show how the new Intelli-FIELD system was created, using currently available technologies, to provide both excellent detection properties, and an extremely low nuisance alarm rate, while, at the same time, greatly simplifying installation, calibration, and maintenance. The details of the new system hardware components and test results from initial field installations are described. A comparison of field performance with the previous E-Field product is provided to indicate the advantages of this new sensor technology  相似文献   

若想幸存于机械制造业并保持繁荣,必须不断改进、永不松懈。一种新型、高效,具有16面的铣刀正帮助一家瑞士机械制造公司Güdel处于领先地位。对于瑞士机械制造公司GüdelAG而言,持续改进是必不可少的。"我们生活和工作的环境正面临着日  相似文献   

Since they were first introduced in the early 1990s, lithium ion batteries have enjoyed unprecedented growth and success in the consumer marketplace. Combining excellent performance with affordability, they have become the product of choice for portable computers and cellular phones. Building on the same energy and life cycle attributes, which marked their consumer market success, but adding new high power storage capability, lithium ion technology is now poised to play a similar role in the transportation, military, and space sectors. With major program in various aspects of electric and hybrid electric vehicles, Saft has developed a family of battery products that address the power and energy storage where lightweight, long life, and excellent energy or power storage capabilities are needed. Significant progress in the packaging and control of high power, yet compact, batteries has been accomplished for a variety of vehicle applications. This paper discusses the charger and balancing strategies of one of this family of products  相似文献   

For the first time in seventeen years, there is to be a new lithium battery standard for aviation. In 1990, the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) struck a committee to write a new standard to cover the variety of lithium batteries that would find use in aircraft equipment. In June 1995, the RTCA published its MOPS for Lithium Batteries, RTCA Document No. RTCAiDO-227. The FAA will adopt the MOPS as the new TSO at the completion of the sixty-day response period after publication in the Federal Register. It would then become the new standard in the US. It would almost certainly be adopted here in Canada, and affect civil aviation worldwide. Some possible problems with the standard are discussed  相似文献   

The most important sensors for gathering target information onboard a submarine are passive sonars. Problems concerning fusion of these passive sonars are discussed. Three typical passive sonars-passive noise sonar, passive ranging sonar and acoustic pulse surveillance sonar-constitute a passive sonar system for data fusion. This paper is concerned mainly with problems of significance in system development, such as tactical application background, special fusion techniques and own-ship maneuver considerations  相似文献   

NASA's pair of Galileo spacecraft arrived at Jupiter on 7 December 1995. The Probe descended into the upper Jovian atmosphere, performing its planned sequence of scientific measurements of the properties of that medium for about an hour. This Probe has been the most ambitious planetary entry vehicle to date. It evolved over several years of planning and construction, its launch was postponed many times, for a variety of reasons; and it required more than 6 years of travel after launch to reach the planet. Its electrical power was provided by a primary Li-SO2 battery, supplemented with two thermal batteries (CaCrO4-Ca) used for firing pyrotechnic initiators during the atmospheric entry. These power sources were designed to be robust, to assure they would perform their intended function after surviving several years in space. This paper discusses the final production, qualification, and the systems testing of these batteries prior to and following launch. Their excellent performance at Jupiter confirmed their life enhancement design features  相似文献   

The United States Navy has flown Valve Regulated Lead-Acid Batteries (VRLA) for approximately 18 years. The first VRLA aircraft batteries were cylindrical cell design and evolved to a prismatic design to save weight, volume, and to increase rate capability. This paper discusses the next generation of the VRLA aircraft battery. The HORIZON composite grid VRLA design reduces weight, increases high rate performance, and is expected to increase service life. This paper discusses the weight reduction over the present 30 Ah prismatic VRLA aircraft battery design; improvements in high rate engine start performance, and present status of the development effort. Finally, the paper discusses the applications for the 30 Ah composite grid VRLA aircraft battery, and shows the future application opportunities for light-weight VRLA, both in the military and commercially  相似文献   

A wide variety of applications can benefit from integrated Inertial Navigation System/Global Positioning System (INS/GPS) technology. However, in many situations, the end user has a preference for a specific GPS receiver. Additionally, in most cases, the user does not desire to expend the time and money necessary to perform a custom INS/GPS integration, but instead wants a low-cost off-the-shelf solution. To address these applications, Boeing has developed the Digital Quartz Inertial Measurement Unit (DQI IMU)-Navigation Processor (DQI-NP) product as an extension of its Miniature Integrated GPS/INS Tactical System (MIGITSTM) family of integrated INS/GPS products. This paper describes the DQI-NP and its application to the OutriderTM Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (TUAV). The DQI-NP, as currently integrated into the OutriderTM TUAV, is coupled with a custom Trimble GPS receiver combined with major embedded firmware modifications by IntegriNautics. In conjunction with differential GPS and ground based pseudolites, the overall system is intended to provide autonomous landing capability to the Outrider TUAV. DQI-NP provides an available, low-cost, commercial-off-the-shelf/non-development item (COTS/NDI) solution to a variety of commercial and military applications, of which the Outrider TM TUAV is an excellent example  相似文献   

Industrial battery market segments generally fall into two major categories--traction batteries, also called motive power batteries; and stationary batteries, also referred to as standby power batteries. The major industrial battery subcategories are discussed. Industrial trucks and rail and mine vehicles represent two major subcategories of motive power batteries. Industrial trucks include forklifts, automated guided vehicles (AGVs), various types of towing vehicles, floor cleaning equipment and so forth. Battery-powered rail and mine vehicles are used in mines where gas is present that could be ignited by spark ignition engines. Locomotive starting batteries and railcar emergency power batteries are also included in the second subcategory. The distinction is beginning to blur between valve-regulated industrial batteries and golf cart or marine batteries. Both industrial and SLI(starting/lighting/ignition)-derivative batteries are competing for markets in the future. The future trends in industrial battery production in Japan, USA and Europe are discussed  相似文献   

State-of-charge indication for a secondary battery is becoming increasingly important for battery-operated electronics. Consumers are demanding fast charging times, increased battery lifetime, and fuel gauge capabilities. All of these demands require that the state of charge within a battery be known. One of the simplest methods employed to determine state of charge is to monitor the voltage of the battery. However, this method alone is not a good indicator of battery energy, since both NiMH and NiCd batteries have voltage-versus-energy curves that are essentially flat. This paper presents a more effective method of determining the state of charge in secondary cell batteries. A NiMH battery is used as our test vehicle, since it is one of the more difficult batteries to determine state of charge. This method monitors the battery's temperature, voltage, and discharge/charge rate. A microcontroller then manipulates the information, using look-up tables to determine the state of charge. Also, by modifying the look-up tables, this technique can be employed in many other battery technologies and is not limited to NiMH  相似文献   

A lithium ion battery charger has been developed for four and eight cell batteries or multiples thereof. This charger has the advantage over those using commercial lithium ion charging chips in that the individual cells are allowed to be taper charged at their upper charging voltage rather than be cutoff when all cells of the string have reached the upper charging voltage limit. Since 30-60% of the capacity of lithium ion cells may be restored during the taper charge, this charger has a distinct benefit of fully charging lithium ion batteries by restoring all of the available capacity to all of its cells  相似文献   

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