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The variations in the horizontal and declination components of the geomagnetic field in response to the interplanetary shocks driven by fast halo coronal mass ejections, fast solar wind streams from the coronal hole regions and the dynamic pressure pulses associated with these events are studied. Close association between the field-aligned current density (j) and the fluctuations in the declination component (ΔDABG) at Alibag is found for intense storm conditions. Increase in the dawn-dusk interplanetary electric field (Ey) and ΔDABG are generally in phase. However, when the magnetospheric electric field is directed from dusk to dawn direction, a prominent scatter occurs between the two. It is suggested that low-latitude ground magnetic data may serve as a proxy for the interplanetary conditions in the solar wind.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of both solar magnetic polarity and the solar wind velocity on the Bz-component of the interplanetary magnetic field, IMFBz, for the minimum activity of the solar cycles 21, 22, 23 and 24. We made a statistical study of IMFBz in the first section which is considered as an extension of Lyatsky et al. (2003). They made a statistical study of IMFBz for two periods of minimum solar activity 22 and 23 related to 1985–1987 and 1995–1997 when the solar magnetic field had opposite polarity. Our results seem to be consistent with the results obtained by Lyatsky et al. (2003). We found that there is a dependence of IMFBz on the IMFBx and the solar magnetic polarity for the minimum periods of the selected four solar cycles. In addition, we found that there is a dependence of IMFBz on the solar wind velocity.  相似文献   

We investigate properties of large (>20%) and sharp (<10 min) solar wind ion flux changes using INTERBALL-1 and WIND plasma and magnetic field measurements from 1996 to 1999. These ion flux changes are the boundaries of small-scale and middle-scale solar wind structures. We describe the behavior of the solar wind velocity, temperature and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) during these sudden flux changes. Many of the largest ion flux changes occur during periods when the solar wind velocity is nearly constant, so these are mainly plasma density changes. The IMF magnitude and direction changes at these events can be either large or small. For about 55% of the ion flux changes, the sum of the thermal and magnetic pressure are in balance across the boundary. In many of the other cases, the thermal pressure change is significantly more than the magnetic pressure change. We also attempted to classify the types of discontinuities observed.  相似文献   

We present numerical results showing the effect of neutral hydrogen atoms on the solar wind (SW) interaction with the local interstellar medium (LISM), where the interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) is coupled to the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) at the surface of the heliopause. The IMF on the inner boundary surrounding the Sun is specified in the form of a Parker spiral and self-consistently develops in accordance with the SW motion inside the heliopause. The model of the SW–LISM interaction involves both plasma and neutral components which are treated as fluids. The configuration is chosen where the ISMF is orthogonal to the LISM velocity and tilted 60° to the ecliptic plane. This orientation of the magnetic field is a possible explanation of the 2–3 kHz emission data which is believed to originate ahead of the heliopause. It is shown that the topology of the heliospheric current sheet is substantially affected by the ISMF. The interaction pattern dependence on the neutral hydrogen density is analyzed.  相似文献   

We present a comparison of large and sharp solar wind dynamic pressure changes, observed by several spacecraft, with fast disturbances in the magnetospheric magnetic field measured by the GOES-8, 9 and 10 geosynchronous satellites. Almost 400 solar wind pressure changes in the period 1996–2003 were selected for this study. Using the large statistics we confirmed that increases (decreases) in the dynamic pressure always results in increases (decreases) in the magnitude of geosynchronous Bz component. The amplitude of the geosynchronous Bz response strongly depends on the location of observer relative to the noon meridian, from the value of solar wind pressure before the disturbance arriving and firstly – from the amplitude of the pressure change.  相似文献   

On the dynamics of the heliosphere on intermediate and long time-scales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A time-dependent, three-dimensional model of the dynamics of the heliosphere as a result of solar activity and a time-varying local interstellar medium is presented. The model is based on a recent version of the well known ZEUS code and employs parallel processing. It includes the solar and interstellar plasma components as well as neutral atoms, and contains the heliospheric magnetic field in a kinematic fashion. We study the dynamics of the heliosphere due to solar activity on periods of months to years up to the so-called Schwabe (11-year) cycle as well as due to time variations of the local interstellar medium, all of which have drawn increasing attention during recent years, as the significance of their direct or indirect effect on the Earth and its environment is under lively debate.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, dynamo theorists seem to be converging on a basic scenario as to how the solar dynamo operates. The strong toroidal component of the magnetic field is produced in the tachocline, from where it rises due to magnetic buoyancy to produce active regions at the solar surface. The decay of tilted bipolar active regions at the surface gives rise to the poloidal component, which is first advected poleward by the meridional circulation and then taken below the surface to the tachocline where it can be stretched to produce the toroidal component. The mathematical formulation of this basic model, however, involves the specification of some parameters which are still uncertain. We review these remaining uncertainties which have resulted in disagreements amongst various research groups and have made it impossible to still arrive at something that can be called a standard model of the solar dynamo.  相似文献   

This study presents comparisons between the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) magnetometer (OMAG) observations and the HYB-Venus hybrid simulation code. The comparisons are made near periapsides of four PVO orbits using the full resolution PVO/OMAG data. Also, the statistics of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions at Venus are studied using the PVO interplanetary dataset. The statistics include the histograms and the probability density maps of the selected upstream parameters. The confidence intervals derived from the upstream statistics demonstrate the nominal simulation input parameter space. Moreover, the probability density maps give the dependencies between the upstream parameters. The comparisons between the simulation code and the data along the spacecraft trajectory show that the basic, large scale, trends seen in the magnetic field can be understood by the current simulation runs. The discrepancies between the simulation and the data were found to arise at low altitudes close to the planetary ionosphere in the region which cannot be resolved in detail by the grid size of the runs.  相似文献   

A puzzling observation of solar wind MHD turbulence is the often seen Kolmogorov scaling of k-5/3k-5/3, even though the solar wind MHD turbulence is dominated by Alfvénic fluctuations. Recently Li et al. (2011) proposed that the presence of current sheets may be the cause of the Kolmogorov scaling. Here, using a cell model of the solar wind we examine the effect of current sheets on the power spectrum of the solar wind magnetic field. We model the solar wind as multiple cells separated by current sheets. We prescribe the spectra of turbulent magnetic field in individual cells as IK-like and examine the spectra along trajectories that cross multiple boundaries. We find that these spectra become softer and are consistent with the Kolmogorov-scaling. Our finding supports our recent proposal of Li et al. (2011).  相似文献   

We build a single vertical straight magnetic fluxtube spanning the solar photosphere and the transition region which does not expand with height. We assume that the fluxtube containing twisted magnetic fields is in magnetohydrostatic equilibrium within a realistic stratified atmosphere subject to solar gravity. Incorporating specific forms of current density and gas pressure in the Grad–Shafranov equation, we solve the magnetic flux function, and find it to be separable with a Coulomb wave function in radial direction while the vertical part of the solution decreases exponentially. We employ improved fluxtube boundary conditions and take a realistic ambient external pressure for the photosphere to transition region, to derive a family of solutions for reasonable values of the fluxtube radius and magnetic field strength at the base of the axis that are the free parameters in our model. We find that our model estimates are consistent with the magnetic field strength and the radii of Magnetic bright points (MBPs) as estimated from observations. We also derive thermodynamic quantities inside the fluxtube.  相似文献   

We analyze the multifractal scaling of the modulus of the interplanetary magnetic field near and far upstream of the Earth’s bow shock, measured by Cluster and ACE, respectively, from 1 to 3 February 2002. The maximum order of the structure function is carefully estimated for each time series using two different techniques, to ensure the validity of our high-order statistics. The first technique consists of plotting the integrand of the pth order structure function, and the second technique is a quantitative method which relies on the power-law scaling of the extreme events. We compare the scaling exponents computed from the structure functions of magnetic field differences with the predictions obtained by the She–Lévêque model of intermittency in anisotropic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. Our results show a good agreement between the model and the observations near and far upstream of the Earth’s bow shock, rendering support for the modelling of universal scaling laws based on the Kolmogorov phenomenology in the presence of sheet-like dissipative structures.  相似文献   

Utilizing ACE satellite observations from 1998 to 2009, we performed the elaborate study on the properties of the clock angle θCA (arctan(By/Bz) (?90° to 90°) of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in the solar wind at 1?AU. The solar wind with northward IMF (NW-IMF) and southward IMF (SW-IMF) are analyzed, independently. Statistical analysis shows that the solar wind with SW-IMF and NW-IMF has similar properties in general, including their durations, the IMF Bz and By components, and the IMF θCA. Then, the solar wind with NW-IMF (SW-IMF) is classified into five different temporal scales according to the duration of the NW-IMF (SW-IMF), i.e., very-short wind of 10–30?min, short-scale wind of 0.5–1?h, moderate-scale wind of 1–3?h, long-scale wind of 3–5?h, and super-long wind >5?h. Our analysis reveals that the IMF θCA has a distinct decrease with increase of the temporal scale of the solar wind. Next, the solar wind is classified into two groups, i.e., the high-speed solar wind (>450?km/s) and the low-speed solar wind (<450?km/s). Our analysis indicates that the IMF θCA depends highly on the solar wind speed. Statistically, high-speed solar wind tends to have larger IMF θCA than low-speed solar wind. The evolutions of the solar wind and IMF with the solar activity are further studied, revealing no clear solar variation of the IMF θCA. Finally, we analyze the monthly variation of the IMF θCA. Superposed epoch result strongly suggests the seasonal variation of the IMF θCA.  相似文献   

We show that the higher range of the heliolongitudinal asymmetry of the solar wind speed in the positive polarity period (A > 0) than in the negative polarity period (A < 0) is one of the important reasons of the larger amplitudes of the 27-day variation of the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) intensity in the period of 1995–1997 (A > 0) than in 1985–1987 (A < 0). Subsequently, different ranges of the heliolongitudinal asymmetry of the solar wind speed jointly with equally important corresponding drift effect are general causes of the polarity dependence of the amplitudes of the 27-day variation of the GCR intensity. At the same time, we show that the polarity dependence is feeble for the last unusual minimum epoch of solar activity 2007–2009 (A < 0); the amplitude of the 27-day variation of the GCR intensity shows only a tendency of the polarity dependence. We present a three dimensional (3-D) model of the 27-day variation of GCR based on the Parker’s transport equation. In the 3-D model is implemented a longitudinal variation of the solar wind speed reproducing in situ measurements and corresponding divergence-free interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) derived from the Maxwell’s equations. We show that results of the proposed 3-D modeling of the 27-day variation of GCR intensity for different polarities of the solar magnetic cycle are in good agreement with the neutron monitors experimental data. To reach a compatibility of the theoretical modeling with observations for the last minimum epoch of solar activity 2007–2009 (A < 0) a parallel diffusion coefficient was increased by ∼40%.  相似文献   

The analysis of turbulent processes in sunspots and pores which are self-organizing long-lived magnetic structures is a complicated and not yet solved problem. The present work focuses on studying such magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) formations on the basis of flicker-noise spectroscopy using a new method of multi-parametric analysis. The non-stationarity and cross-correlation effects taking place in solar activity dynamics are considered. The calculated maximum values of non-stationarity factor may become precursors of significant restructuring in solar magnetic activity. The introduced cross-correlation functions enable us to judge synchronization effects between the signals of various solar activity indicators registered simultaneously.  相似文献   

Magnetic clouds (MCs) are highly magnetized plasma structures that have a low proton temperature and a magnetic field vector that rotates when seen by a heliospheric observer. More than 25 years of observations of magnetic and plasma properties of MCs at 1 AU have provided significant knowledge of their magnetic structure. However, because in situ observations only give information along the trajectory of the spacecraft, their real 3D magnetic configuration remains still partially unknown. We generate a set of synthetic clouds, exploring the space of parameters that represents the possible orientations and minimum distances of the satellite trajectory to the cloud axis, p. The synthetic clouds have a local cylindrical symmetry and a linear force-free magnetic configuration. From the analysis of synthetic clouds, we quantify the errors introduced in the determination of the orientation/size (and, consequently, of the global magnetohydrodynamic quantities) by the Minimum Variance method when p is not zero.  相似文献   

磁暴急始(SSC)是强烈太阳风动压或行星际激波与磁层相互作用的结果.通常SSC事件的上升时间在4~10 min,我们把上升时间超过15 min的SSC事件称为异常SSC事件.本文利用地磁SYM-H指数鉴别出了5个有地磁观测历史以来发生的上升时间大于15 min的异常SSC事件,并利用Wind,ACE,IMP 8,Goes,Geotail多点卫星太阳风观测数据和地磁观测数据,分析了异常SSC事件的行星际原因.结果表明,异常SSC事件通常都是强烈行星际扰动引起的,5个异常SSC事件有4个对应于行星际激波,有3个对应于多步太阳风动压跃变,有1个对应于行星际电场大幅度变化;由行星际激波产生的异常SSC事件,其上升时间依赖于行星际激波的方向,方向相对于日地连线越偏,上升时间越长;异常SSC事件上升时间与行星际磁场方向关系不明显.  相似文献   

In this work, the relation of high-latitude indices of geomagnetic activity (AE, Kp) with the rate of storm development and a solar wind electric field during the main phase of magnetic storm induced by the CIR and ICME events is investigated. 72 magnetic storms induced by CIR and ICME events have been selected. It is shown that for the CIR and ICME events the increase of average value of the Kp index (Kpaver) is observed with the growth of rate of storm development. The value of Kpaver index correlates with the magnitude of minimum value of Dst index (|Dstmin|) only for the ICME events. The analysis of average values of AE and Kp indices during the main phase of magnetic storm depending on the SW electric field has shown that for the CIR events, unlike the ICME events, the value of AEaver increases with the growth of average value of the electric field (Eswaver). The value of Kpaver correlates with the Eswaver only for the ICME events. The relation between geomagnetic indices and the maximum value of SW electric field (Eswmax) is weak. However, for the ICME events Kpaver correlates with Eswmax.  相似文献   

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