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The International Space Station (ISS) is the result of collaboration between 15 countries [Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) between the Governments of Canada, the United States of America, Japan, Russia and ESA member States, concerning co-operation on the civil International Space Station, 1998]. Originally planned as a scientific facility, a shift in policy of the partners has recently occurred towards commercialisation of the Station. This article is a response to this policy shift. Based on a report prepared by a Master of Space Studies class at ISU, it set outs to identify the major constraints in which the potential commercial user must operate and proposes solutions for both commercial user and the partner space agencies to facilitate this commercialisation process. At a time when spacefaring nations face reduced fiscal resources and increasing pressure from their constituencies to justify the huge costs of the ISS, commercialising utilisation seems a logical solution. Clearly, successful commercialisation can help recover some of the development and operating costs of the ISS. The structure of the article is divided into two main parts. The first part proposes new solutions to existing constraint to ISS commercialisation in areas of policy, law, technology and business. Its conclusions are integrated and unified into A New Approach towards ISS commercialisation. This approach is then applied in part two to two case studies: the International Space Satellite Servicing Station (I4S) and protein crystallisation. The article then concludes with a recommended approach to the future of ISS commercialisation.  相似文献   

The stabilization of a magnetically oriented satellite is treated from a new standpoint. Under the assumption of a uniform magnetic field, the system stability is discussed. By imposing a performance criterion, a damping control law is derived. Stabilization characteristics are analyzed using a more realistic geomagnetic field model. The practical approximate methods of the damping control are sought, and their characteristics are analyzed. Finally the flight results of the recent satellites using an approximate method are presented.  相似文献   

This paper considers the turbulent homogeneous mixing of two reactants undergoing a one step, second order, irreversible, exothermic chemical reaction with a rate constant of the Arrhenius type. A statistically stationary turbulent velocity field is assumed given and unaffected by mass or heat production due to the chemical reaction. Relative density fluctuations are neglected. A Hopf-like functional formalism is presented, with application to both statistically inhomogeneous and statistically homogeneous flows. Single and double point probability density function differential equations are derived from those functional equations. The limit of very large activation energies is considered; a low degree of statistical correlation between temperature and concentration fields during the ignition period is hypothesized. After making use of the homogeneity assumption a closure problem is still present due to the nonlocalness of the molecular diffusion term. The problem is rendered closed by assuming a Gaussian conditional expected value for the temperature at a point given the temperature at a neighboring point. The closure is seen to preserve very important mathematical and physical properties. A linear first order hyperbolic differential equation with variable coefficients for the probability density function of the temperature field is obtained. A second Damköhler number based on Taylor's microscale turns out to be an important controlling parameter. A numerical integration for different values of the second Damköhler number and the initial stochastic parameters is carried out. The mixture is seen to evolve towards an eventual thermal runaway, the detailed behavior however being different for different systems. Some peculiarities during the ignition period evolution are uncovered.  相似文献   

This paper presents a systems approach to optimization of the size and orbital life of photovoltaic systems via minimizing the nighttime energy demand while maximizing the daytime energy consumption. The Day-Night Management of Load (DANMOE) strategy calls for sizing the system to a pre-selected day/night average load power ratio and operating the spacecraft in orbit within the day and night capacity capability, rather than the conventional single orbital average power capability. Examples for the Space Station and the telecommunication satellites show that the reduction in their specific masses can be substantial using any of the photovoltaic system technologies. The DANMOE scheme may also be used effectively to extend the life of batteries on currently orbiting satellites, and hence prolong their lifetime. The paper also discusses other benefits at the spacecraft level and the method of implementing the DANMOE approach.  相似文献   

The problem of construction of quasi-synchronous orbits which pass through a prescribed point over the surface of Phobos at a prescribed instant of time is considered. The orbits should pass as close as possible to the surface of Phobos at each passage above the planned region of landing.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic argon isotopes are produced in feldspars via nuclear reactions between cosmic rays and Ca and K atoms within the lattice. These cosmogenic isotopes can be used as proxies for K and Ca, much like nuclear reactor-derived 39Ar and 37Ar are used as proxies for K and Ca, respectively, in 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. If Ca and K are uniformly distributed, then the ratio of radiogenic 40Ar (40Ar?) to cosmogenic 38Ar or 36Ar (38Arcos or 36Arcos) is proportional to the difference between the radioisotopic and exposure ages, as well as the K/Ca ratio of the degassing phase. Thus cosmogenic, radiogenic, and trapped Ar isotopes, all of which can be measured remotely and are stable over geologic time, are sufficient to generate an isochron-like diagram from which the isotopic composition of the trapped component may be inferred. Such data also provide a means to assess the extent to which the system has remained closed with respect to 40Ar?, thereby mitigating otherwise unquantifiable uncertainties that complicate the conventional K–Ar dating method.  相似文献   

This paper examines Nobel Prize Winner Elinor Ostrom's principles for sustainable governance of common-pool resources (CPR), capturing the best practices of CPRs over the years, which avoid the “Tragedy of the Commons” without being either completely privatized or controlled by a Leviathan entity. Ostrom's principles highlight, inter alia, the need for clear boundary definitions, rules tailored to fit the domain, who has a say in formulation of collective-choice agreements and operational rules, monitoring of behavior, graduated penalties, and conflict resolution mechanisms. In the context of the space domain they highlight issues such as the definition of where space begins, gaps in the existing liability regime, the concept of collaborative space situational awareness, and how best to include emerging and developing space actors in negotiations and decision making. The paper concludes that Ostrom's principles highlight specific areas on which to focus initial space sustainability efforts and national and international policy. It also recommends further analysis into how best to translate her principles to the space domain, where they may not be wholly applicable because of the unique nature of space, and how to evolve space governance institutions and mechanisms to best suit the unique environment of outer space.  相似文献   

Mendell WW 《Acta Astronautica》2005,57(2-8):676-683
The Vision for Space Exploration invokes activities on the Moon in preparation for exploration of Mars and also directs International Space Station (ISS) research toward the same goal. Lunar missions will emphasize development of capability and concomitant reduction of risk for future exploration of Mars. Earlier papers identified three critical issues related to the so-called NASA Mars Design Reference Mission (MDRM) to be addressed in the lunar context: (a) safety, health, and performance of the human crew; (b) various modalities of mission operations ranging surface activities to logistics, planning, and navigation; and (c) reliability and maintainability of systems in the planetary environment. In simple terms, lunar expeditions build a résumé that demonstrates the ability to design, construct, and operate an enterprise such as the MDRM with an expectation of mission success. We can evolve from Apollo-like missions to ones that resemble the complexity and duration of the MDRM. Investment in lunar resource utilization technologies falls naturally into the Vision. NASA must construct an exit strategy from the Moon in the third decade. With a mandate for continuing exploration, it cannot assume responsibility for long-term operation of lunar assets. Therefore, NASA must enter into a partnership with some other entity--governmental, international, or commercial--that can responsibly carry on lunar development past the exploration phase.  相似文献   

We propose a terahertz (far-infrared) circular dichroism-based life-detection technology that may provide a universal and unequivocal spectroscopic signature of living systems regardless of their genesis. We argue that, irrespective of the specifics of their chemistry, all life forms will employ well-structured, chiral, stereochemically pure macromolecules (>500 atoms) as the catalysts with which they perform their metabolic and replicative functions. We also argue that nearly all such macromolecules will absorb strongly at terahertz frequencies and exhibit significant circular dichroism, and that this circular dichroism unambiguously distinguishes biological from abiological materials. Lastly, we describe several approaches to the fabrication of a terahertz circular dichroism spectrometer and provide preliminary experimental indications of their feasibility. Because terahertz circular dichroism signals arise from the molecular machinery necessary to carry out life's metabolic and genetic processes, this life-detection method differs fundamentally from more well-established approaches based on the detection of isotopic fractionation, "signature" carbon compounds, disequilibria, or other by-products of metabolism. Moreover, terahertz circular dichroism spectroscopy detects this machinery in a manner that makes few, if any, assumptions as to its chemical nature or the processes that it performs.  相似文献   

Bains W  Seager S 《Astrobiology》2012,12(3):271-281
Redox chemistry is central to life on Earth. It is well known that life uses redox chemistry to capture energy from environmental chemical energy gradients. Here, we propose that a second use of redox chemistry, related to building biomass from environmental carbon, is equally important to life. We apply a method based on chemical structure to evaluate the redox range of different groups of terrestrial biochemicals, and find that they are consistently of intermediate redox range. We hypothesize the common intermediate range is related to the chemical space required for the selection of a consistent set of metabolites. We apply a computational method to show that the redox range of the chemical space shows the same restricted redox range as the biochemicals that are selected from that space. By contrast, the carbon from which life is composed is available in the environment only as fully oxidized or reduced species. We therefore argue that redox chemistry is essential to life for assembling biochemicals for biomass building. This biomass-building reason for life to require redox chemistry is in addition (and in contrast) to life's use of redox chemistry to capture energy. Life's use of redox chemistry for biomass capture will generate chemical by-products-that is, biosignature gases-that are not in redox equilibrium with life's environment. These potential biosignature gases may differ from energy-capture redox biosignatures.  相似文献   

Chastain BK  Kral TA 《Astrobiology》2010,10(9):889-897
Methanogens have not been shown to metabolize in conditions exactly analogous to those present in Mars' subsurface. In typical studies of methanogenic metabolism, nutrient-rich buffered media and reducing agents are added to the cultures in an attempt to optimize the environment for methanogen survival and growth. To study methanogens in more Mars-relevant laboratory conditions, efforts should be made to eliminate artificial media, buffers, and reducing agents from investigations of methanogenic metabolism. After preliminary work to compare methanogen viability on montmorillonite clay and JSC Mars-1 regolith simulant, a study was conducted to determine whether biological methanogenesis could occur in non-reduced, non-buffered environments containing only H(2), CO(2), montmorillonite, and the liquid fraction extracted from a montmorillonite/deionized water suspension. Biogenic methane was observed in the microenvironments despite the omission of traditional media, buffers, and reducing agents. Mean headspace methane concentration after 96 days of observation was 10.23%?±?0.64% (% vol?±?SEM, n?=?4). However, methane production was severely decreased with respect to reduced, buffered microenvironments (Day 28: 31.98%?±?0.19%, n?=?3). Analysis of results and comparison to previous work indicate that montmorillonite clay has a strong ability to supply micronutrients necessary for methanogenic metabolism, and the liquid fraction from a montmorillonite/deionized water slurry can successfully be used as an alternative to reduced and buffered nutritive media in Mars-relevant studies of methanogenic metabolism.  相似文献   

Disaster events have always been with us. Success or failure of a disaster response is often determined by timely access to communication and the exchange of reliable information. Especially, crucial is information acquired by on-site first responders responsible for initial disaster assessment. The rapid progress in satellite communication development is laying a foundation for a future where lack of communications will no longer be a limiting or paralyzing factor in disaster response. This paper discusses emerging satellite communications tools that can enhance on site assessment and change the way disaster management is viewed and carried out in the next century.  相似文献   

On the basis of the experience gained during the previous french-russian missions on board MIR about the adaptation processes of the cardio-vascular system, a new laboratory has been designed. The objective of this “PHYSIOLAB” is to have a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the changes in the cardio-vascular system, with a special emphasis on the phenomenon of cardio-vascular deconditioning after landing.

Beyond these scientific objectives, it is also intended to use PHYSIOLAB to help in the medical monitoring on-board MIR, during functional tests such as LBNP.

PHYSIOLAB will be set up in MIR by the French cosmonaut during the next french-russian CASSIOPEE mission in 1996. Its architecture is based on a central unit, which controls the experimental protocols, records the results and provides an interface for transmission to the ground via telemetry. Different specific modules are used for the acquisition of various physiological parameters.

This PHYSIOLAB under development for the CASSIOPEE mission should evolve towards a more ambitious laboratory, whose definition would take into account the results obtained with the first version of PHYSIOLAB. This “second generation” laboratory should be developed in the frame of wide international cooperation.  相似文献   

微分截断误差的遥、外测数据融合估计和补偿方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对定位数据求微分以获得目标的速度参数,是靶场估计目标运动参数的常用方法。由于坐标参数模型的高阶特性,使得在通过对坐标数据微分求速度参数时,产生较大的微分截断误差。仅靠外测数据本身,是无法估计该误差的。该文提出了利用遥、外测数据融合估计该截断误差并予以补偿的方法,可有效估计速度参数求解时的方法误差,从而提高参数估计的精度。  相似文献   

Preventing the weaponization of outer space is one of the most relevant issues of the current space law debate. In recent years discussions on this issue have significantly increased in international fora, such as the UN Conference on Disarmament and the COPUOS. While it has not been possible to arrive at an agreed solution on how to efficiently deal with the problem of possible weaponization of outer space so far, several valuable proposals have been put forward. China and Russia, on the one side, and the European Union, on the other, have taken the lead in this respect. While the former have submitted a proposal for a draft treaty on the demilitarization of outer space, known as the PPWT, the latter has issued a Draft Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities. Despite the differences between the two proposals, this paper proposes the development of a Chinese, Russian and European common approach aimed at preventing the weaponization of outer space. Although such a goal is undoubtedly challenging, some political and legal factors may enable such cooperation in the not-too-distant future.  相似文献   

随着现代化空中交通管理系统的逐步建成和空管一体化管理体制的完成,空管运行保障和安全保障能力不断增强。不断加大管制员队伍建设力度,切实提升管制队伍的业务技能和管理水平,有力地提升管制队伍的整体素质,是实现苏兰根局长在《2009年空管工作报告》中所提出的“打造一支管理型、专家型、应用型相结合的高素质、高技能的空管专业化队伍”目标的根本途径,也是实现空管安全与效率目标的根本保证。  相似文献   

The microgravity environment of spaceflight produces rapid cardiovascular changes which are adaptive and appropriate in that setting, but are associated with significant deconditioning and orthostatic hypotension on return to Earth's gravity. The rapidity with which these space flight induced changes appear and disappear provides an ideal model for studying the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms of deconditioning and orthostatic hypotension, regardless of etiology. Since significant deconditioning is seen after flights of very short duration, muscle atrophy due to inactivity plays, at most, a small role. These changes in circulatory control associated with cephalad fluid shifts, rather than inactivity per se, are probably more important factors. In order to test this hypothesis in a systematic way, a multidisciplinary approach which defines and integrates inputs and responses from a wide variety of circulatory sub-systems is required. The cardiovascular experiments selected for Spacelab Life Sciences flights 1 and 2 provide such an approach. Both human and animal models will be utilized. Pre- and post-flight characterization of the payload crew includes determination of maximal exercise capacity (bicycle ergometry), orthostatic tolerance (lower body negative pressure), alpha and beta adrenergic sensitivity (isoproterenol and phenylephrine infusions), baroreflex sensitivity (ECG-gated, stepwise changes in carotid artery transmural pressure with a pneumatic neck collar), and responses to a 24 h period of 5 deg head-down tilt. Measurements of cardiac output (CO2 and C2H2 rebreathing), cardiac chamber dimensions (phased-array 2-dimensional echocardiography), direct central venous pressure, leg volume (Thornton sock), limb blood flow and venous compliance (occlusion plethysmography), blood and plasma volumes, renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rates, and various hormonal levels including catecholamines and atrial natriuretic factor will also be obtained. The central venous catheter will be inserted immediately pre-launch and monitored with heart rate and blood pressure in-flight until cardiac output, respiratory gas exchange and quantitative 2D echocardiography measurements can be performed. In-flight hemodynamic measurements will be repeated at rest and during submaximal exercise daily and also during maximal exercise midway through the flight to document the timecourse and extent of cardiovascular changes in the payload crew. Parallel studies are planned for the animals. In addition to measurements of right atrial and aortic pressures and cardiac output, a dorsal micro-circulatory chamber will allow determinations of changes in capillary and venular architecture and function in six of the rats. The techniques and findings from many of the SLS-1 and 2 supporting studies have already yielded significant information about circulatory regulation in patients with both hypo- and hypertension. The flight experiments themselves will provide new data to test the validity of both animal and human models currently used for simulating the fluid shifts of a micro-gravity environment. The development of effective countermeasures, not only for short and long duration space travellers, but also for Earth-bound medical patients can then be physiologically based on experimental data rather than anecdote.  相似文献   

In September 2011, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the German Space Agency (DLR) organized the first European SpaceTweetup during the German Aerospace day. One of the authors was one of 60 participants at this SpaceTweetup in Cologne and experienced the concept of a Tweetup and the engagement of the participants from the inside view.  相似文献   

High spatial resolution continuum radio maps produced by the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) of The Netherlands at frequencies near the 21 cm HI line have been examined for anomalous sources of emmission coincident with the locations of nearby bright stars. From a total of 542 stellar positions investigated, no candidates for radio stars or ETI signals were discovered to formal limits on the minimum detectable signal ranging from 7.7 x 10(-22) W/m2 to 6.4 x 10(-24) W/m2. This preliminary study has verified that data collected by radio astronomers at large synthesis arrays can profitably be analysed for SETI signals (in a non-interfering manner) provided only that the data are available in the form of a more or less standard two dimensional map format.  相似文献   

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