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先拉伞绳法数学模型及拉直力预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出了考虑伞绳粘弹性的降落伞先拉伞绳法拉直过程预测方法.建立了拉直过程数学模型的基本方程,理论分析了基本方程中粘性项对张力波在伞绳中传播的作用;弹性张力波不仅使伞衣套一端产生的张力通过伞绳传到前置体一端在时间上滞后一些,而且由于拉直过程中存在着吸收和弥散现象,使两端的张力不能相等.使用该模型计算了伞拉直运动和拉直力,对拉直力动态变化过程进行了分析.计算表明:前置体一端承受的最大拉直力不仅与伞衣底边被拉动瞬间产生的最大张力有关,而且与拉出伞衣底边以后产生的载荷张力有关.   相似文献   

In this paper, a brief review and generalization of studies on the heat transfer and heat conduction problem in a variable domain are presented. The equations of the process, where the boundary displacement velocity is the control, are obtained taking into account heat inflow. This article was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

降落伞的流场特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
降落伞的流场特性直接关系到降落伞的气动力性能,一直以来是降落伞研究中的核心问题。本文采用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法对降落伞的流场进行数值模拟。通过采用不同的网格生成方法对降落伞的绕流流场进行研究,表明生成网格质量对流场计算精度有很大的影响。在一系列数值实验的基础上,证明采用多块贴体坐标的网格处理方法能够获得良好的网格质量,同时还具有易于寻找伞衣内外面压力,计算稳定性、可靠性高等优点。在此基础上,采用了七孔探针对降落伞绕流流场进行了测量,实验结果和计算结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

简要介绍了研制与安装应急反尾旋伞系统对现代高机动飞机的大迎角特性试验研究的重要作用,特别是对失速/过失速/尾旋特性试验鉴定的必要性和重要性。介绍了反尾旋伞系统的工作原理,建立了反尾旋伞的数学模型,估算确定了反尾旋伞阻力面积,并对用反尾旋伞出尾旋进行了动态仿真计算;同时,研究了不同尺寸反尾旋伞的尾旋改出效果。  相似文献   

The investigation results on developing a mathematical model of the controlled helicopter flight along the vertical trajectory are presented. For motion optimization the direct approximate method is used. The optimizing functional consists of two main parts: the first part is proportional to the motion time; the second part contains penalties for trajectory constraint violation. The examples of calculations and the results of numerical studies are given, the parameters of optimal program reference trajectories are obtained for the helicopter type chosen.  相似文献   

研究了高平尾布局飞机的气动特性。使用失速改出伞是飞机改出深失速的重要途径,但如何确定失速改出伞的关键参数(阻力面积等)却没有现成的方法。以ARJ21-700飞机为例,分别使用公式分析法、类比法综合估算出失速改出伞的关键参数,通过模型自由飞和模拟仿真分析验证其具有足够效能将飞机改出深失速状态。形成了一套新机失速改出伞的设计方法和关键数据图表,可供其他型号飞机失速改出伞的设计研制使用。  相似文献   

中空纤维膜机载制氮装置的数学建模分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
建立了考虑浓差极化现象的微分方程数学模型,并用正交配置法求解,对中空纤维膜机载制氮装置(OBIGGS)进行了分析,并对部分状态点的计算结果进行了实验验证.结果表明:富氮气体(NEA)中氧气的质量分数随着进气温度的升高而降低,在达到最小值后又呈上升趋势;在进气与排气压力差保持不变的情况下,随着中空纤维膜排气压力的下降,中空纤维膜的富氮气体质量流量逐渐增加;随着中空纤维膜丝长度的增加,丝内气体的压降和富氮气体质量流量均有所增加;中空纤维膜空气分离制得的富氮气体质量流量越大,则所需进气的质量流量越大,且富氮气体氧气质量分数越高.   相似文献   

A mathematical model of accelerating a body along the inclined and horizontal rails under the tension force of the prestretched shock cord has been developed and numerically realized. The nonlinearity of load-strain dependence is taken into account. The shock cord is modeled as an absolutely flexible deformable thread. The results of numerical study are compared with the experiment data.  相似文献   

降落伞典型开伞过程的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐宏  曹义华 《飞行力学》2012,30(1):74-78
以伞衣负荷比值为标准选择了两类伞型,在典型的有限和无限质量条件下进行了风洞和空投试验开伞过程的研究.探讨了开伞过程中伞衣形状变化与伞衣承受开伞动载之间的关系及其影响因素,比较并分析了两种状态下不同试验手段得出的试验结果的差别,总结了各自的特点,并得出了关于两种降落伞性能试验的结论.  相似文献   

为计算某型救灾专用空投系统十字伞伞群的气动特性,建立了多节点静力学模型来计算伞衣充满时的气动外形;对不同臂长比和伞绳比的十字伞进行数值模拟,并与文献中风洞实验结果对比验证;根据建立的模型得到十字伞伞群的气动外形并进行气动力特性研究.结果表明:计算结果和文献结果一致性较好,建立的多节点静力学模型合理可行;十字伞轴向力随臂长比和伞绳比的增大而增大;随攻角增大轴向力先减小后增大,而法向力则增大.建立的模型可用于伞群的气动外形计算,并为降落伞系统的设计提供参考.   相似文献   

A direct numerical modeling method for parachute is proposed firstly, and a model for the star-shaped folded parachute with detailed structures is established. The simplified arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian fluid–structure interaction(SALE/FSI) method is used to simulate the inflation process of a folded parachute, and the flow field calculation is mainly based on operator splitting technique. By using this method, the dynamic variations of related parameters such as flow field and structure are obtained, and the load jump appearing at the end of initial inflation stage is captured. Numerical results including opening load, drag characteristics, swinging angle, etc. are well consistent with wind tunnel tests. In addition, this coupled method can get more space–time detailed information such as geometry shape, structure, motion, and flow field. Compared with previous inflation time method, this method is a completely theoretical analysis approach without relying on empirical coefficients, which can provide a reference for material selection, performance optimization during parachute design.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical evaluation of the induced roll moment of cruciform missiles by a turbulent Navier–Stokes solver. The numerical results have been computed with a high resolution implicit upwind scheme. Comparisons with experiments performed at ONERA show a good agreement as well as a decisive improvement over numerical simulations based on Euler equations. Results are presented for subsonic and supersonic onflow conditions and two different configurations: fuselage-fins and fuselage-wing-fins. Comparative detailed analysis results in the origin of the rolling moment as well as the contributions of the different lifting surfaces.  相似文献   

Recently, a general framework for sensor resource deployment (Hernandez, et. al. 2004) has been shown to allow efficient and effective utilization of a multisensor system. The basis of this technique is to use the posterior Cramer-Rao lower bound (PCRLB) to quantify and control the optimal achievable accuracy of target state estimation. In the original formulation (Hernandez, et. al. 2004) it was assumed that the sensor locations were known without error. In the current paper, the authors extend this framework by addressing the issues of imperfect sensor placement and uncertain sensor movement (e.g., sensor drift). The crucial consideration is then how these two forms of uncertainty are factored into the sensor management strategy. If unaccounted for, these uncertainties will render the output of the resource manager inaccurate and overoptimistic. The authors adjust the PCRLB to account for sensor location uncertainty, and we also allow for measurement origin uncertainty due to missed detections and false alarms. The work is motivated by the problem of tracking a submarine by adaptively deploying sonobuoys from a helicopter. Simulation results are presented to show the advantages of accounting for sensor location uncertainty within this focal domain of antisubmarine warfare. The authors note that the generic nature of the technique allows it to be utilized within other problem domains, including tracking ground-based targets using unattended ground sensors (UGSs) or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)  相似文献   

降落伞主充气阶段的动态仿真及流场分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立了有顶孔的平面圆形降落伞的轴向和径向动量方程,使用数值方法计算出选定的降落伞在主充气过程中各种参数的变化,对降落伞的主充气过程进行了动态仿真.在使用动量方程计算出的的充气模型的基础上,利用降落伞在各个时间结点时的外形和下降速度等相关数据,采用计算流体力学的方法和准定常假设,对降落伞充气过程中的流场进行了模拟和分析,对降落伞充气过程的机理及流场衍变情况进行了探讨.   相似文献   

Supersonic flows around parachute two-body systems are numerically investigated by solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. In the present study, both rigid and flexible parachute models are considered, which comprise a capsule and a canopy. The objective of the present study is to investigate the effects of the Martian atmosphere on the unsteady flows produced by these parachute two-body models and the structural behavior of the flexible canopy. It was found that in the Martian atmosph...  相似文献   

冲压翼伞流场与气动操纵特性的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张春  杨倩  袁蒙  曹义华 《航空动力学报》2013,28(9):2037-2043
采用有限体积法求解shear stress transport(SST) k-ω二方程湍流模型下的Navier-Stokes(N-S)控制方程,对冲压翼伞的气动特性进行数值模拟,分析翼伞的流场机理和气动操纵特性.模拟得到的升阻特性与试验数据较吻合,在此基础上分析前缘切口、弧形下反以及稳定幅对升阻特性的影响.通过软件Fluent实现了非定常流动模拟,研究了翼伞的非定常升力特性,其升力系数的脉动受脱体涡的非定常过程影响,当迎角为16°时,翼伞升力变化周期为0.36s.最后分析了翼伞稳定滑翔阶段的纵向静稳定性,相比于单边后缘下拉方式,通过闭合翼伞一侧进气口实现航向操纵更稳定有效.   相似文献   

采用虚拟体法数值模拟了平面单圆柱绕流强迫振动,以及空间垂直交叉双圆柱绕流下游圆柱强迫振动流场。验证了单圆柱强迫振动中的锁定状态以及相位突变现象,从而证实了该数值方法模拟振动流场的可靠性。研究了在雷诺数Re=150、间距为5倍圆柱直径、下游圆柱按正弦曲线振动时,对尾流场的影响。下游圆柱两端尾流场在振动的作用下,涡的横向间距增大,而中心尾流场由于受上游圆柱尾流的影响而保持原先的状态。下游圆柱在锁定区的振动使尾流场变得稳定,表现在流向二次涡结构的减少,以及尾流场的速度场频谱趋向单一化。  相似文献   

Numerical analysis of thermal conditions for a two-phase closed thermosyphon using the ANSYS FLUENT software package has been carried out. The characteristic temperature distribution, streamlines and velocity vectors for various heat loads have been obtained. The study has found the possibility of using the software package for analysis of the energy transfer processes at high thermal loads.  相似文献   

An Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian(ALE) approach with interface tracking is developed in this paper to simulate the supersonic parachute inflation. A two-way interaction between a nonlinear finite element method and a finite volume method is accomplished. In order to apply this interface tracking method to problems with instantaneous large deformation and self-contact, a new virtual structure contact method is proposed to leave room for the body-fitted mesh between the contact structural surfaces....  相似文献   

综合采取理论建模、高空自由落体试验及可视化仿真相结合的方法,研究了一种涡环伞降末敏子弹的稳态扫描动力学特性。基于第一类拉格朗日方程,建立了由弹体、降落伞、伞盘、摩擦盘、连杆所组成的五刚体动力学模型,并应用ADAMS、MATALB及VR相结合的方法进行了弹道计算和可视化仿真研究。通过在高空热气球上投放试验样弹的方法,得到了伞弹系统的运动图像、平均落速、转速等弹道数据。对比研究得出:涡环伞的运动稳定性良好,可使末敏子弹保持匀速旋转降落状态,弹体达到稳定后的落速约为13.5 m/s,转速约为3 r/s,稳态扫描角接近于弹体的静态悬挂角,仿真计算与试验结果的一致性较好。   相似文献   

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