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The error box of GRB980425 has been observed by XMM-Newton in March 2002, with the aim of measuring the late epoch X-ray emission of the supernova 1998bw and of clarifying its supposed association with the GRB itself. We present here the preliminary results obtained with the EPIC PN camera. Our observations confirm the association between SN 1998bw and GRB980425. The EPIC PN measurement of the SN 1998bw flux is significantly below the extrapolation of the power-law temporal trend fitted to the BeppoSAX points and implies a faster temporal decay. We propose different physical interpretations of the SN X-ray light curve, according to whether it is produced by one or more radiation components.  相似文献   

We present a preliminary version of a potential tool for real time proton flux prediction which provides proton flux profiles and cumulative fluence profiles at 0.5 and 2 MeV of solar energetic particle events, from their onset up to the arrival of the interplanetary shock at the spacecraft position (located at 1 or 0.4 AU). Based on the proton transportation model by Lario et al. [Lario, D., Sanahuja, B., Heras, A.M. Energetic particle events: efficiency of interplanetary shocks as 50 keV E < 100 MeV proton accelerators. Astrophys. J. 509, 415–434, 1998] and the magnetohydrodynamic shock propagation model of Wu et al. [Wu, S.T., Dryer, M., Han, S.M. Non-planar MHD model for solar flare-generated disturbances in the Heliospheric equatorial plane. Sol. Phys. 84, 395–418, 1983], we have generated a database containing “synthetic” profiles of the proton fluxes and cumulative fluences of 384 solar energetic particle events. We are currently validating the applicability of this code for space weather forecasting by comparing the resulting “synthetic” flux profiles with those of several real events.  相似文献   

Some periods in the sunspot number reconstruction composed by Hoyt and Schatten [Hoyt, D.V., Schatten, K.H. Group Sunspot Numbers: a new solar activity reconstruction. Sol. Phys. 179, 189–219, 1998. Reprinted with figures in Sol. Phys. 181, 491–512, 1998], are based on very few records. For example, there are only a few solar observations during the years 1736–1739. In this paper we intend to improve the reliability of the sunspot numbers reconstruction developed by Hoyt and Schatten for this 4-years period based on information about solar activity published in three journals of that epoch: “Philosophical Transactions”, “Histoire de l’Académie Royale des Sciences”, and “Nova Acta Eruditorum”. We were able to identify 42 papers with solar observations, including 30 with relevant information on sunspots. Based upon this new outlook, a reconstruction of the monthly solar activity for these years is proposed.  相似文献   

It has been justifiably questioned if the black hole candidates (BHCs) have “hard surface” why Type I X-ray bursts are not seen from them [Narayan, R., Black holes in astrophysics, New J. Phys, 7, 199–218, 2005]. It is pointed out that a “physical surface” need not always be “hard” and could be “gaseous” in case the compact object is sufficiently hot [Mitra, A., The day of the reckoning: the value of the integration constant in the vacuum Schwarzschild solution, physics/0504076, p1–p6, 2005; Mitra, A., BHs or ECOs: A review of 90 years of misconceptions, in: Focus on Black Holes Research, Nova Science Pub., NY, p1–p94, 2005]. Even if a “hard surface” would be there, presence of strong intrinsic magnetic field could inhibit Type I X-ray burst from a compact object as is the case for Her X-1. Thus, non-occurrence of Type I bursts actually rules out those alternatives of BHs which are either non-magnetized or cold and, hence, is no evidence for existence of Event Horizons (EHs). On the other hand, from the first principle, we again show that the BHCs being uncharged and having finite masses cannot be BHs, because uncharged BHs have a unique mass M = 0. Thus the previous results that the so-called BHCs are actually extremely hot, ultramagnetized, Magnetospheric Eternally Collapsing Objects (ECOs) [Robertson, S., Leiter, D., Evidence for intrinsic magnetic moment in black hole candidates, Astrophys. J., 565, 447–451, (astro-ph/0102381), 2002 ; Robertson, S., Leiter, D., MECO model of galactic black hole candidates and active galactic nuclei, in: New Developments in Black Hole Research, Nova Science Pub., NY, p1–p44, astro-ph/0602453, 2005] rather than anything else get reconfirmed by non-occurrence of Type I X-ray bursts in BHCs.  相似文献   

A summary is given of the presentations at the COSPAR workshop on γ-ray bursts with some personal commentary on the contributions, the SN/GRB connection, and on the role of magnetic fields in γ-ray bursts and their afterglows. Of special interest were the accumulated arguments for strong collimation and associated reduction in the total required energy for γ-ray bursts. Significant discussion was also devoted to the issues associated with iron and metal lines in X-ray spectra. It is important to note that some of the afterglows seem to require ambient densities 1 g cm−3, rather incompatible with a massive star environment. Of associated difficulty is the fact that few, if any, afterglows seem consistent with the r−2 wind expected for a massive star model. There are reasons to think that if γ-ray bursts are associated with supernovae they are of Type Ic. This suggests that any wind present might be rich in carbon and oxygen, not hydrogen or helium. If γ-ray bursts are narrowly collimated, then the burst is only probing a small portion of any wind, perhaps just that time-dependent and isotropic structure directly along the rotation axis. The characteristics of “hypernovae” may be the result of orientation effects in a mildly inhomogeneous set of progenitors, rather than requiring an excessive total energy or luminosity. The recent event GRB 021004 provided a rich photometric and spectroscopic record and perhaps the most direct evidence yet for the association of a specific γ-ray burst with a massive star progenitor. If the magnetic field plays a significant role in launching a relativistic γ-ray burst jet from within a collapsing star, then the magnetic field may also play a role in the propagation, collimation, and stability of that jet within and beyond the star. The magneto-rotational instability (MRI) can operate under conditions of moderate rotation. This means that the MRI will be at work generating strong fields exponentially rapidly even as the disk of material begins to form and makes a transition from a non-Keplerian to quasi-Keplerian flow in the collapsar and related models.  相似文献   

The observations of X-ray Nova in Musca (GRS1124-684) by two coded mask telescopes on board GRANAT observatory provided spectral data in broad 3 – 1300 keV band. During these observations, spanned over a year, the Nova was detected in a three apparently different spectral states, corresponding to different epochs of the soft X-ray light curve: (1) A spectrum with two distinct components (soft, below 8 keV and hard power law tail with slope 2.5, detected up to 300 keV). The soft emission changed gradually with characteristic decay time around 30 days, while power law component exhibited strong variability on the time scales of several hours and decreased much more slowly. (2) A soft spectrum (without hard power law tail), observed during the “kick” of the soft X-ray light curve. (3) A hard power law spectrum with slope 2.2. Thus, while the 3 – 300 keV luminosity decreased by more than order of magnitude, the source passed through all spectral states known for galactic black hole candidates (Cyg X-1, GX339-4, 1E1740.7-2942, GRS1758-258 etc.).

On January 20–21 1991, the SIGMA telescope aboard GRANAT detected a relatively narrow variable emission line near 500 keV (Fig.1,2) with net flux ≈ 6 · 10−3 phot/s/cm2, most probably related with electron-positron annihilation processes, occurring in the source /1–4/. Additional excess above power law continuum, centered around 200 keV, was found during this observation.  相似文献   

A more appropriate title for this talk would have been “Measurements of Large Scale Structure from X-ray Background Fluctuations”. While it has long been recognized that the X-ray Background (XRB) is primarily of a cosmological origin (with z < a few), it has recently become apparent that surface brightness fluctuations in the surveys of the XRB can be used to trace the distribution of matter in much the same way as complete catalogs of individual objects. The distance which is probed is related to the angular resolution of the detector; for the HEAO-1 A2 experiment, which provides the best all-sky data base for the XRB in the 2–20 keV band, the effective depth is a few 100 Mpc.  相似文献   

We describe the “Monitor e Imageador de Raios-X” (MIRAX), an X-ray astronomy satellite mission proposed by the high-energy astrophysics group at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) in Brazil to the Brazilian Space Agency. MIRAX is an international collaboration that includes, besides INPE, the University of California San Diego, the University of Tübingen in Germany, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Space Research Organization Netherlands. The payload of MIRAX will consist of two identical hard X-ray cameras (10–200 keV) and one soft X-ray camera (2–28 keV), both with angular resolution of 5–7. The basic objective of MIRAX is to carry out continuous broadband imaging spectroscopy observations of a large source sample (9 months/yr) in the central Galactic plane region. This will allow the detection, localization, possible identification, and spectral/temporal study of the entire history of transient phenomena to be carried out in one single mission. MIRAX will have sensitivities of 5 mCrab/day in the 2–10 keV band (2 times better than the All Sky Monitor on Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer) and 2.6 mCrab/day in the 10–100 keV band (40 times better than the Earth Occultation technique of the Burst and Transient Source Experiment on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory). The MIRAX spacecraft will weigh about 200 kg and is expected to be launched in a low-altitude (600 km) circular equatorial orbit around 2007/2008.  相似文献   

Japanese future space programs for high energy astrophysics are presented. The Astro-E2 mission which is the recovery mission of the lost Astro-E has been approved and now scheduled to be put in orbit in early 2005. The design of the whole spacecraft remains the same as that of Astro-E, except for some improvements in the scientific instruments. In spite of the five years of delay, Astro-E2 is still powerful and timely X-ray mission, because of the high energy resolution spectroscopy (FWHM 6 eV in 0.3–10 keV) and high-sensitivity wide-band spectroscopy (0.3–600 keV). The NeXT (New X-ray Telescope) mission, which we propose to have around 2010, succeeds and extends the science which Astro-E2 will open. It will carry five or six sets of X-ray telescopes which utilize super-mirror technology to enable hard X-ray imaging up to 60–80 keV. In mid-2010s, we would participate in the European XEUS mission, which explores the early (z>5) “hot” universe.  相似文献   

The EXCEDE III sounding rocket flight of April 27, 1990 used a 18 Ampere 2.5 keV electron beam to produce an artificial aurora in the region 90 to 115 km. A “daughter” sensor payload remotely monitored the low-energy X-ray spectrum while scanning photometers measured the spatial profile of prompt emissions of N2+ (1N) and N2 (2P) transitions (3914Å and 3805Å, respectively). Two Ebert-Fastie spectrometers measured the spectral region from 1800 to 8000Å. On the “mother” accelerator payload, the return current electron differential energy spectra were monitored by an electrostatic analyzer (up to 10 keV) and by a retarding potential analyzer (0 eV to 100 eV). We present an overview of the results from this experiment.  相似文献   

INTEGRAL is the ESA lead International Gamma-Ray Astrophysical Laboratory, successfully launched the 17th October 2002 from Baikonur with a Proton vehicle. In view of the high sensitivity of the two γ-ray instruments IBIS and SPI and their capability to provide at the same time image, spectra and time profiles of all the sources in their wide field of view, a key project was approved as “Core Programme” to obtain deep observations of the Galactic Centre (GCDE) and to exploit regular scan of the whole Galaxy Plane since the beginning of the mission. This paper will briefly review the main astrophysical results obtained in the field of high energy Galactic sources with the INTEGRAL/IBIS γ-ray Imager onboard INTEGRAL, and make a comparison with the previous scenario depicted by the BeppoSAX and RXTE results.  相似文献   

As an important milestone in the exploration of Mars and small bodies, a new generation space vehicle “Phobos-Grunt” is planned to be launched by the Russian Aviation and Space Agency. The project is optimized around a Phobos sample return mission and follow up missions targeted to study some main asteroid belt bodies, NEOs and short period comets. The principal constraint is use of the “Soyuz-Fregat” rather than the “Proton” launcher to accomplish these challenging goals. The vehicle design incorporates innovative SEP technology involving electrojet engines that allowed us to increase significantly the mission's energetic capabilities, as well as highly autonomous on-board systems. Basic criteria underlining the “Phobos-Grunt” mission scenario, scientific objectives and rationale including Mars observations during the vehicle's insertion into Mars orbit and Phobos approach maneuvers, are discussed and an opportunity for international cooperation is suggested.  相似文献   

The spectra of neutrons >10 MeV and gamma-rays 1.5–100 MeV under the Earth Radiation Belts, restored from the data, obtained onboard orbital complex “SALUTE-7”-“KOSMOS-1686”, are presented. The spectra shapes are similar to those for albedo neutrons and gamma-rays, but absolute values of their fluxes (0.2 cm−2 s−1 for neutrons, 0.8 cm−2 s−1 for gamma-rays at the equator and 1.2 cm−2 s−1, 1.9 cm−2 s−1, accordingly, at L=1.9) are several times as large. It is possibly explained by the fact that most of the detected particles were produced by the cosmic ray interactions with the orbital complex matter. Neutron and gamma-ray fluxes obtained from “CORONAS-I” data are near those for albedo particles.  相似文献   

Since 1988 high sensitivity dosimeter-radiometer “Liulin” has been installed on board the MIR space station. Device measured absorbed dose rate and flux of penetrating particles. Results of measurements showed that after powerful solar proton events (SPE) September–October, 1989 and March, 1991 additional quasistable radiation belts were formed in the near earth space within the interval L=1.8−3.0. These “new” belts were observed as an additional maximums in flux (and sometimes dose) channels when crossing the SAA region. “New” belts were quasi stable and existed at least several months, decaying slightly after SPE. Dose to flux ratio analysis showed that major components of these belts were energetic electrons and protons arising in connection with preceding SPEs.  相似文献   

During the 3rd main expedition on board the “Salyut-6” orbital station in 1979 the integral characteristics of cosmic radiation were measured in various positions inside the manned modules (experiment “Integral”). Measurements were performed with thermoluminescent dosimeters, photographic films and solid state plastic detectors supplied for the experiment by specialists of the USSR, Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR and Romania. The dose gradient inside the manned modules of the station amounted to 70 % for long intervals of time. During the experimental period the dose rate inside the station was 15 to 30 mrad per day. The mean flux of particles with z 6 and LET 200 keV/μm was found to be 0.22 cm−2 day−1.  相似文献   

We investigate the nature of the faint X-ray source population through X-ray spectroscopy and variability analyses of 136 active galactic nuclei (AGN) detected in the 2 Ms Chandra Deep Field-North Survey with >200 background-subtracted 0.5–8.0 keV counts [F0.5–8.0 keV = (1.4−200) × 10−15 erg cm−2 s−1]. Our preliminary spectral analyses yield median spectral parameters of Γ = 1.61 and intrinsic NH = 6.2 × 1021 cm−2 (z = 1 assumed when no redshift available) when the AGN spectra are fitted with a simple absorbed power-law model. However, considerable spectral complexity is apparent (e.g., reflection, partial covering) and must be taken into account to model the data accurately. Moreover, the choice of spectral model (i.e., free vs. fixed photon index) has a pronounced effect on the derived JVH distribution and, to a lesser extent, the X-ray luminosity distribution. We also find that among the 136 AGN, 10 (≈7%) show significant Fe K emission-line features with equivalent widths in the range 0.1–1.3 keV. Two of these emission-line AGN could potentially be Compton thick (i.e., Γ < 1.0 and large Fe K equivalent width). Finally, we find that 81 (≈60%) of the 136 AGN show signs of variability, and that this fraction increases significantly (≈80–90%) when better photon statistics are available.  相似文献   

The results obtained on cosmic gamma-ray bursts over the last several years are reviewed and compared with the older “historical” results. Fine time resolution measurements of burster light curves continue to reveal structure at the millisecond and sub-millisecond level, suggesting a compact object origin. Similarly, the evolution of the low energy X-ray spectra of bursts towards shapes consistent with 1–2 keV blackbodies may be interpreted in terms of a neutron star origin, as can the continuing detection of absorption and emission features. The statistical evidence, however, argues strongly for an isotropic distribution which has been completely sampled. To reconcile this with galactic neutron stars requires the assumption that they are Population II objects. Counterpart searches have evolved to the point where they may be carried out within days of an event, and a soft X-ray source has now been detected in the error box of one recent burst.  相似文献   

The paper presents a numerical analysis of Wolf sunspot numbers, with emphasis being laid on the asymmetry of the cyclic variation. To that purpose we have used the standard tables of monthly numbers and, in addition to the Fourier transform, we have done an overall analysis of the trend around each maximum. Many of these maxima present an asymmetry, and sometimes the presence of two maxima is evident. The non-linear RLC van der Pol model suggested by Polygiannakis and Moussas [Polygiannakis, J.M., Moussas, X. A nonlinear RLC solar cycle model. Solar Physics 163, 193–203, 1996] can explain many features of the observed asymmetries. Our analysis shows that a consistent deconvolution in two Gaussian curves is possible for each maximum. We may presume that the observed sunspot time series includes a hidden complex structure. This could give some hints of a behavior typical for coupled non-linear oscillators. It is a matter of further interpretations. whether such “oscillators” are just a simple approximation of a much complex phenomenon, or are a sign of another more physically based model like the dynamo model (or other models).  相似文献   

We report on RXTE-PCA observations of SLX 1746-311 during a 100 day outburst in April 2003. We present the 3–20 keV PCA energy spectra of the source and study evolution of spectral parameters. The burst spectrum is soft with Tin 1.3 keV at the beginning of the outburst. There is a clear evidence of a hard power law component throughout the outburst. There is also an indication of a broad iron line. The source exhibits three state transitions with considerable change in the hardness ratio at low count rates. We discuss the possible scenario under which this unusual behaviour can be explained.  相似文献   

The data from the synchronous-orbit satellites of the Gorizont series are used to study the dependences of the ion flux variation amplitudes in the synchronous altitude region (the diurnal behaviour) on particle energies and on the form and rigidity of the particle energy spectrum. The proton fluxes were measured in the energy range E 60–120 keV, and the [N,0]2+ and [C,N,0]4+ ion fluxes in the energy range E 60–70 keV/e.

The ratio of the diurnal variation amplitudes of the studied ions is shown to correspond to the similarity of their energy spectra in the E/Q representation. The magnetically-quiet time gradient of the distribution function F(μ,J,L) in the synchronous-orbit region is shown to be (∂F/∂L)=0 for the H+ and [N,0]2+ ions and (∂F/∂L) > 0 for the [C,N,0]4+ ions (at the values of μ corresponding to the examined energy ranges). During magnetically-disturbed periods the inner boundary of the (∂F/∂L)=0 region shifts to lower L and (∂ F/∂L) = O in the synchronous altitude region must be also for the [C,N,O]4+ ions.  相似文献   

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