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从产品设计、室内环境设计和展示设计三个方面探讨了“声音”元素在设计中的应用。对各种声音元素加以正确应用,减少声音带给人们的负面影响,强化声音的正面效应,提高人们的生活质量,实现一种真正意义上的人-物-环境上的和谐。  相似文献   

邓思明 《机场建设》2006,(3):21-21,42
曾记得“风格”和“流派”一度成为我们建筑系学生的口头禅,对萨伏伊别墅,巴塞罗那德国馆,流水别墅等建筑名作的平、立、剖熟悉得象是自己的写生作业。而我们大多数人只“知其然而不知其所以然”,在实践中就难免迷途。本文通过对两位建筑前辈作品的分析试图探索其“所以然”,为今后的设计工作寻求理论依据。  相似文献   

冯振安  郭菲 《国际航空》2008,(10):54-56
民用飞机的内装饰设计是一种广义上的工业设计与空间设计集成,它涉及从材料到产品到环境等诸多领域,体现了科技进步、人文关怀以及人类对未来世界的关注。因此,在该行业的发展中,“以人为本”的人性化设计、关注环境的绿色设计正不断深化,而这一切都来源于创新。本文介绍了在2007年和2008年汉堡世界航空产品内饰博览会期间举办的“水晶客舱”奖活动中部分获奖设计和产品的情况。  相似文献   

本文介绍了对我们进入21世纪时整个航空工业,特别是军用飞机工业所面临的种种挑战的展望。支配20世纪飞机发展的“更高、更快、更远”的原则已经又加上了“可负担得起”这一条。国防工业部门和美国国防部已接受了几项倡仪,解决经济上可负担性问题。这些重要倡仪中的一部分,例如简捷飞机方案和基于模拟的采办,强调创造一种在未来几年中飞机设计将必须实现的环境。这些倡仪的主要目标是减少寿命期费用,同时保持技术优势。由于飞机设计对寿命期费用的影响特别大,传统的设计作法正在经历重大变化。产品和工艺综合开发方案推动着这种变化。新的设计作法就支持它们所需的方法而言有着丰富的内涵。为了能以可负担得起的费用设计高质量飞机,这些设计方法的效能需要有显著提高。本文从计算流体动力学角度深入探讨一些相关的问题。  相似文献   

复合材料结构设计值和冲击损伤容限许用值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 由于复合材料的引入,应该用“设计值”和“许用值”来代替“设计许用值”。讨论了设计值与许用值的关系,并指出复合材料结构压缩设计值主要取决于冲击损伤容限许用值。提出了应把冲击损伤破坏曲线定义为初步设计阶段用冲击损伤容限许用值,论证了这一定义的合理性,并给出了由该许用值确定压缩设计值的一般原则和过程。  相似文献   

一、“灰色革命”的到来。灰色阶层指那些在决定经营思想、研究开发、设计和市场开发等领域具有高度专门技能的人。在这个意义上,21世纪的知识产业社会里的职业革命应该叫做“灰色革命”或“脑民革命”。  相似文献   

近年来,城市设计(UrbanDesign)已成为我国建筑界和规划界的热门话题。英国《大不列颠百科全书》指出:“城市设计是对城市环境形态所做的各种合理处理和艺术安排。”而我们的《中国大百科全书》中,将城市设计定义为:是对城市形体环境所进行的设计。虽然对城市设计的定义众说纷经,但有一点是共同的,就是都提到了环境设计。通常我们认为城市设计的主要目标是改进人们的生存空间的环境质量和生活质量,相对城市规划而言,城市设计比较亿重形体艺术和人的知觉心理,并与形体环境概念相对应;就设计概念而言,建筑设计、城市规划与城市设…  相似文献   

2005年12月28日,“太行”发动机在沈阳通过了设计定型审查。“太行”发动机性能先进、技术成熟,可一机多用,有较大的发展潜力,是航空工业打基础、上水平的重点项目。它的设计定型,不仅是一航人航空报国、自强不息的非凡壮举,也是中国在攀登世界科技高峰征程上迈出的重大一步,标  相似文献   

通过对基于网络的协同设计结构进行深入的分析,确定了以各种典型CAD系统为设计支撑平台,以STEP交换文件作为信息传递的方式,利用NetMeeting对整个协同设计小组进行管理的三维协同设计系统结构。可以实现各协同设计者对产品数据的实时共享,使设计从传统上的“人-机”交互转变到设计者之间的“人-人”交互。能够充分利用现有资源、缩短产品的研发周期,从而实现异地基于三维、声音、视频的协同设计。  相似文献   

我国是一个幅员辽阔的农业国,农用飞机在我国有广阔的应用前景。目前主要使用运五等机型进行播种造林、种草、农田播种、农林业病虫害防治、航空护林等作业项目。但在作业的计量上仍处于较原始的状态,这不但浪费了人力,而且也不准确,经济效益较低。为改变这种状况,根据民航总局科教、企管司提出的运五飞机作业计量智能化的目标要求,我们设计和研制了“运五飞机作业智能仪”。现将其设计原理和结构简介如下:  相似文献   

基于仿真的机械产品设计系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了现有CAD/CAE方法与产品设计的需求差异,指出:首先,性能分析与设计是机械产品设计的核心;其次,集成了CAD/CAE技术的产品设计应该是以CAE为中心的设计过程。提出了基于仿真的产品设计方法,构造了一种面向性能的产品设计系统。  相似文献   

Matching design of hydraulic load simulator with aerocraft actuator   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 This paper intends to provide theoretical basis for matching design of hydraulic load simulator (HLS) with aerocraft actuator in hardware-in-loop test, which is expected to help actuator designers overcome the obstacles in putting forward appropriate requirements of HLS. Traditional research overemphasizes the optimization of parameters and methods for HLS controllers. It lacks deliberation because experimental results and project experiences indicate different ultimate performance of a specific HLS. When the actuator paired with this HLS is replaced, the dynamic response and tracing precision of this HLS also change, and sometimes the whole system goes so far as to lose control. Based on the influence analysis of the preceding phenomena, a theory about matching design of aerocraft actuator with HLS is presented, together with two paired new concepts of "Standard Actuator" and "Standard HLS". Further research leads to seven important conclusions of matching design, which suggest that appropriate stiffness and output torque of HLS should be carefully designed and chosen for an actuator. Simulation results strongly support that the proposed principle of matching design can be anticipated to be one of the design criteria for HLS, and successfully used to explain experimental phenomena and project experiences.  相似文献   

就飞机座舱盖透明件的使用条件,强度设计,对透明件材料性能的要求以及国内外材料选择的经验进行了介绍,说明舱盖强度设计材料的选择考虑透明材料的综合性能,既要满足静强度条件下的力学性能,又要满足飞机长期外场使用的要求。  相似文献   

On measurement of operational security   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ideally, a measure of the security of a system should capture quantitatively the intuitive notion of “the ability of the system to resist attack.” That is, it should be operational, reflecting the degree to which the system can be expected to remain free of security breaches under particular conditions of operation (including attack). Instead, current security levels at best merely reflect the extensiveness of safeguards introduced during the design and development of a system. Whilst we might expect a system developed to a higher level than another to exhibit “more secure behavior” in operation, this cannot be guaranteed; more particularly, we cannot infer what the actual security behavior will be from knowledge of such a level. In the paper we discuss similarities between reliability and security with the intention of working toward measures of “operational security” similar to those that we have for reliability of systems. Very informally, these measures could involve expressions such as the rate of occurrence of security breaches, or the probability that a specified “mission” can be accomplished without a security breach. This new approach is based on the analogy between system failure and security breach, but it raises several issues which invite empirical investigation. We briefly describe a pilot experiment that we have conducted to judge the feasibility of collecting data to examine these issues  相似文献   

The performance prediction of helicopter in hover is of key importance for manufacturers because hover is a design configuration for the definition of a rotorcraft. A lot of effort has been made for more than 10 years all over the world in order to develop and validate numerical methods based on CFD. An Euler method (WAVES) developed by ONERA and coupled with a boundary layer code (MI3DI) is presented, validated and applied to compute the total performance of rotors with different tip shapes. A new boundary condition for the Euler code has been tested and enables better calculation by eliminating ‘numerical' recirculation. The code has demonstrated its ability to rank two rotors with different planforms in good agreement with experiment. Under industrial requirements new grid strategies have been studied and should allow to reduce CPU time consumption. It is shown that WAVES/MI3DI can be efficiently used in the aerodynamic design process of a new rotor.  相似文献   

民用飞机主起落架整流罩多采用复合材料结构进行设计,提出了适用于民机的主起落架整流罩结构设计的要求及方法,介绍了通常采用的技术方案,包括结构形式、结构组成、连接方式等。要保证设计方法具有一定的先进性,技术方案成熟可行,就要考虑其功能、承载、耐久性等结构设计要求,同时因其内部结构经常处于恶劣的环境中,所以要兼顾其结构保护以及维修性设计,即具有很好的抗冲击性和防潮湿性能。  相似文献   

Analysis of optimal initial glide conditions for hypersonic glide vehicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hypersonic glide vehicles (HGVs) are launched by a solid booster and glide through the atmosphere at high speeds. HGVs will be important means for rapid long-range delivery in the future. Given that the glide is unpowered, the initial glide conditions (IGCs) are crucial for flight. This paper aims to find the optimal IGCs to improve the maneuverability and decrease the con- straints of HGVs. By considering the IGCs as experiment factors, we design an orthogonal table with three factors that have five levels each by using the orthogonal experimental design method. Thereafter, we apply the Gauss pseudospectral method to perform glide trajectory optimization by using each test of the orthogonal table as the initial condition. Based on the analytic hierarchy process, an integrated indicator is established to evaluate the IGCs, which synthesizes the indexes of the maneuverability and constraints. The integrated indicator is calculated from the trajectory opti- mization results. Finally, optimal IGCs and valuable conclusions are obtained by using range anal- ysis, variance analysis, and regression analysis on the integrated indicator.  相似文献   

概述了具有不同安装角的直叶片、前掠叶片、后掠叶片等3种桨扇模型在起飞状态下出口流场的气动性能和气动声学实验结果及其相互间的对比。主要结论为:良好的气动设计不仅是提高气动性能的要求, 而且也是改善桨扇气动声学性能的有效途径;有掠度的叶片具有降噪的潜力;桨扇叶尖区采用卸荷设计有利于降噪及提高效率。   相似文献   

姜广伦  安锦文  戴宁 《航空学报》1997,18(5):571-574
提出了特征结构配置/奇异值灵敏度分析/回路传递复现(LTR)综合设计方法,为某直升机在悬停飞行状态下,设计了控制增稳系统,并对飞机系统状态参数改变及由某个速度下过渡到飞机悬停状态的过渡过程进行了数字仿真。  相似文献   

Emergence of a Habitable Planet   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We address the first several hundred million years of Earth’s history. The Moon-forming impact left Earth enveloped in a hot silicate atmosphere that cooled and condensed over ∼1,000 yrs. As it cooled the Earth degassed its volatiles into the atmosphere. It took another ∼2 Myrs for the magma ocean to freeze at the surface. The cooling rate was determined by atmospheric thermal blanketing. Tidal heating by the new Moon was a major energy source to the magma ocean. After the mantle solidified geothermal heat became climatologically insignificant, which allowed the steam atmosphere to condense, and left behind a ∼100 bar, ∼500 K CO2 atmosphere. Thereafter cooling was governed by how quickly CO2 was removed from the atmosphere. If subduction were efficient this could have taken as little as 10 million years. In this case the faint young Sun suggests that a lifeless Earth should have been cold and its oceans white with ice. But if carbonate subduction were inefficient the CO2 would have mostly stayed in the atmosphere, which would have kept the surface near ∼500 K for many tens of millions of years. Hydrous minerals are harder to subduct than carbonates and there is a good chance that the Hadean mantle was dry. Hadean heat flow was locally high enough to ensure that any ice cover would have been thin (<5 m) in places. Moreover hundreds or thousands of asteroid impacts would have been big enough to melt the ice triggering brief impact summers. We suggest that plate tectonics as it works now was inadequate to handle typical Hadean heat flows of 0.2–0.5 W/m2. In its place we hypothesize a convecting mantle capped by a ∼100 km deep basaltic mush that was relatively permeable to heat flow. Recycling and distillation of hydrous basalts produced granitic rocks very early, which is consistent with preserved >4 Ga detrital zircons. If carbonates in oceanic crust subducted as quickly as they formed, Earth could have been habitable as early as 10–20 Myrs after the Moon-forming impact.  相似文献   

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