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G. K. Parks C. Gurgiolo C. S. Lin K. A. Anderson R. P. Lin F. Martel H. Réme 《Space Science Reviews》1978,22(6):765-776
This article presents some of the new and important particle features that have been detected in the energy range 1 keV to 290 keV by the ISEE-1 and -2 spacecraft near the magnetopause, bow shock, and the interplanetary space. Only examples of data from the first few orbits, when the spacecraft were on the front side, are shown.Paper presented at 13th ESLAB Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria (June 5, 1978). 相似文献
G. Paschmann N. Sckopke G. Haerendel J. Papamastorakis S. J. Bame J. R. Asbridge J. T. Gosling E. W. Hones Jr. E. R. Tech 《Space Science Reviews》1978,22(6):717-737
The early ISEE orbits provided the opportunity to study the magnetopause and its environs only a few Earth radii above the subsolar point. Measurements of complete two-dimensional ion and electron distributions every 3 or 12 s, and of three-dimensional distributions every 12 or 48 s by the LASL/MPI instrumentation on both spacecraft allow a detailed study of the plasma properties with unprecedented temporal resolution. This paper presents observations obtained during four successive inbound orbits in November 1977, containing a total of 9 magnetopause crossings, which occurred under widely differing orientations of the external magnetic field. The main findings are: (1) The magnetosheath flow near the magnetopause is characterized by large fluctuations, which often appear to be temporal in nature. (2) Between 0.1 and 0.3R
E outside the magnetopause, the plasma density and pressure often start to gradually decrease as the magnetopause is approached, in conjunction with an increase in magnetic field strength. These observations are in accordance with the formation of a depletion layer due to the compression of magnetic flux tubes. (3) In cases where the magnetopause can be well resolved, it exhibits fluctuations in density, and especially pressure and bulk velocity around average magnetosheath values. The pressure fluctuations are anticorrelated with simultaneous magnetic field pressure changes. (4) In ope case the magnetopause is characterized by substantially displaced electron and proton boundaries and a proton flow direction change from upwards along the magnetopause to a direction tranverse to the geomagnetic field. These features are in agreement with a model of the magnetopause described by Parker. (5) The character of the magnetopause sometimes varies strongly between ISEE-1 and -2 crossings which occur 1 min apart. At times this is clearly the result of highly non-uniform motions. There are also cases where there is very good agreement between the structures observed by the two satellites. (6) In three of the nine crossings no boundary layer was present adjacent to the magnetopause. More remarkably, two of the three occurred while the external magnetic field had a substantial southward component, in clear contradiction to expectations from current reconnection models. (7) The only thick (low-latitude) boundary layer (LLBL) observed was characterized by sharp changes at its inner and outer edges. This profile is difficult to reconcile with local plasma entry by either direct influx or diffusion. (8) During the crossings which showed no boundary layer adjacent to the magnetopause, magnetosheath-like plasma was encountered sometime later. Possible explanations include the sudden formation of a boundary layer at this location right at the time of the encounter, and a crossing of an inclusion of magnetosheath plasma within the magnetosphere. (9) The flow in the LLBL is highly variable, observed directions include flow towards and away from the subsolar point, along the geomagnetic field and across it, tangential and normal to the magnetopause. Some of these features clearly are nonstationary. The scale size over which the flow directions change exceeds the separation distance (several hundred km) of the two spacecraft. 相似文献
T. R. Sanderson R. G. Marsden K. -P. Wenzel A. Balogh R. J. Forsyth B. E. Goldstein 《Space Science Reviews》1995,72(1-2):291-296
We present observations of energetic ions from the Ulysses COSPIN Low Energy Telescope in the mid and high-latitude regions of the heliosphere prior to and during the first polar pass of the Ulysses spacecraft. After the encounter with Jupiter, Ulysses started on its journey out-of-the-ecliptic. Between 13°S and 29°S the spacecraft sampled the solar wind from both the streamer belt and the polar coronal hole. Here, co-rotating magnetic structures with forward and reverse shocks and containing accelerated energetic ions were observed.At latitudes greater than 29°S, Ulysses was completely immersed in the solar wind from the polar coronal hole. Here the co-rotating magnetic structures were weaker, and in general had only reverse shocks, but were still capable of accelerating the energetic ions, albeit with reduced intensity. The most recent results show that beyond 50°S, very few if any, reverse shocks are observed. However, accelerated ions from magnetic interaction regions are still observed. We report also on an intensity enhancement at 50°S due to the passage of a high-latitude CME. 相似文献
Electric field measurements in the solar wind,bow shock,magnetosheath, magnetopause,and magnetosphere 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
F. S. Mozer R. B. Torbert U. V. Fahleson C.-G. Fälthammar A. Gonfalone A. Pedersen 《Space Science Reviews》1978,22(6):791-804
Electric field measurements are reported at 11 magnetopause crossings that occurred during a single in-bound ISEE-1 satellite pass near a local time of 1030. In combination with magnetic field data, these measurements show the existence of electric field components tangential to the actual magnetopause in the frame of rest of the magnetopause on every crossing of the current carrying layers associated with the 11 magnetopause traversals. These tangential electric field components were oriented with respect to the magnetopause sheet currents such that there was an electrical power dissipation of between 30 and 110 W km-2 on 10 of the 11 crossings. These results are in agreement with requirements of reconnection theories. Histograms of the normal electric field components and of the orientation, velocity, and thickness of the current carrying layer are presented. Suggestions of the existence of a parallel electric field in the magnetosheath near the magnetopause and of propagation of large amplitude waves along the magnetopause are also made. 相似文献
Lario D. Haggerty D.K. Roelof E.C. Tappin S.J. Forsyth R.J. Gosling J.T. 《Space Science Reviews》2001,97(1-4):277-280
On day 49 of 1999 a strong interplanetary shock was observed by the ACE spacecraft located at 1 AU from the Sun. This shock
was followed 10 hours later by a magnetic cloud (MC). A large solar energetic particle (SEP) event was observed in association
with the arrival of the shock and the MC at ACE. The Ulysses spacecraft, located at 22° S heliolatitude and nearly the same
ecliptic longitude as ACE, observed a large SEP event beginning on day 54 that peaked with the arrival of a solar wind and
magnetic field disturbance on day 61. A magnetic cloud was observed by Ulysses on days 63–64. We suggest a scenario in which both spacecraft intercepted the same MC, although sampling different regions
of it. We describe the effects that the MC produced on the streaming of energetic particles at both spacecraft.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
D. H. Fairfield 《Space Science Reviews》1979,23(3):427-448
The Earth's magnetopause is the boundary between a hot tenuous plasma in the magnetosphere and a cooler denser plasma in the magnetosheath. Both of these plasmas contain magnetic fields whose directions are usually different but whose magnitudes are often comparable. Efforts to understand the structure of the magnetosphere have been hampered by the variability and complexity of this boundary. Waves on the magnetopause surface propagate toward the magnetotail and produce the multiple boundary crossings frequently seen by spacecraft. Boundary velocities are poorly known and range anywhere within an order of magnitude of 10 km s–1. Typical thicknesses are probably on the order of a few hundred km which is a few times the gyroradius of a thermal proton. Although conclusive direct evidence for a field component, B
, across the magnetopause has not been found, this lack of evidence may reflect the difficulty in determining B
in the presence of magnetopause waves rather than the real absence of this component. Considerable indirect evidence exists for an open magnetosphere, but the importance of the reconnection process thought to produce open field lines has recently been questioned.Proceedings of the Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics held in Innsbruck, May–June 1978. 相似文献
A new approach to the study of ionospheric plasma characteristics is presented using data from the Freja double probe electric field instrument. Plasma characteristics are derived from continuous measurements of the satellite potential and from intermittent Langmuir sweeps. These provide information on both relative variations in the plasma density and absolute density and temperature, useful for comparisons with other plasma measurements on Freja, and essential for the interpretation of the electric field measurements. The on-board memory makes it possible to obtain full-orbit coverage of this type of information, which is a new feature of the Freja measurements. The memory is also used for high time resolution Langmuir sweeps which allow for the first time detailed studies of the time behavior of the probe response and computation of the probe-plasma capacitance. Comparisons are also made with similar measurements on earlier missions. 相似文献
Malandraki O.E. Sarris E.T. Lanzerotti L.J. Maclennan C.G. Pick M. Tsiropoula G. 《Space Science Reviews》2001,97(1-4):263-268
In January 2000, the Ulysses spacecraft observed an ICME event at 43° S heliographic latitude and ∼ 4.1 AU. We use electron (E
e>38 keV) observations to trace the topology of the IMF embedded within the ICME. The still controversial issue of whether
ICMEs have been detached from the solar corona or are still magnetically anchored to it when they arrive at the spacecraft
is tackled. An in ecliptic ICME event is also presented.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
E. J. Smith M. Neugebauer A. Balogh S. J. Bame R. P. Lepping B. T. Tsurutani 《Space Science Reviews》1995,72(1-2):165-170
The radial component of the magnetic field at Ulysses, over latitudes from –10° to –45° and distances from 5.3 to 3.8 AU, compares very well with corresponding measurements being made by IMP-8 in the ecliptic at 1AU. There is little, if any, evidence of a latitude gradient. Variances in the field, normalized to the square of the field magnitude, show little change with latitude in variations in the magnitude but a large increase in the transverse field variations. The latter are shown to be caused by the presence of large amplitude, long period Alfvénic fluctuations. This identification is based on the close relation between the magnetic field and velocity perturbations including the effect of anisotropy in the solar wind pressure. The waves are propagating outward from the Sun, as in the ecliptic, but variance analysis indicates that the direction of propagation is radial rather than field-aligned. A significant long-period component of 10 hours is present. 相似文献
L. F. Burlaga N. F. Ness J. W. Belcher A. J. Lazarus J. D. Richardson 《Space Science Reviews》1996,78(1-2):33-42
Voyagers 1 and 2 are now observing the latitudinal structure of the heliospheric magnetic field in the distant heliosphere (the legion between - 30 AU and the termination shock). Voyager 2 is observing the influence of the interstellar medium on the solar wind. The pressure of the interstellar pickup protons, measured by their contribution to pressure balanced structures, is greater than or equal to the magnetic pressure and much greater than the thermal pressures of the solar wind protons and electrons in the distant heliosphere. The solar wind speed is observed to decrease and the proton temperature increase with increasing distance from the sun. This may result from the production of pickup ions by the charge exchange process with the interstellar neutrals. The introduction of the pickup ions into the dynamics of the magnetized solar wind plasma appears to be an important new process which must be considered in future theoretical studies of the termination shock and boundary with the local interstellar medium. 相似文献
The results of experimental investigation of the influence of an alternating electric field on the flow of kerosene, the chemical composition and velocity of the combustion products of keroseneair mixture at the outlet of the combustion chamber are presented. 相似文献
R. P. Lin K. A. Anderson S. Ashford C. Carlson D. Curtis R. Ergun D. Larson J. McFadden M. McCarthy G. K. Parks H. Rème J. M. Bosqued J. Coutelier F. Cotin C. D'Uston K. -P. Wenzel T. R. Sanderson J. Henrion J. C. Ronnet G. Paschmann 《Space Science Reviews》1995,71(1-4):125-153
This instrument is designed to make measurements of the full three-dimensional distribution of suprathermal electrons and ions from solar wind plasma to low energy cosmic rays, with high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, good energy and angular resolution, and high time resolution. The primary scientific goals are to explore the suprathermal particle population between the solar wind and low energy cosmic rays, to study particle accleration and transport and wave-particle interactions, and to monitor particle input to and output from the Earth's magnetosphere.Three arrays, each consisting of a pair of double-ended semi-conductor telescopes each with two or three closely sandwiched passivated ion implanted silicon detectors, measure electrons and ions above 20 keV. One side of each telescope is covered with a thin foil which absorbs ions below 400 keV, while on the other side the incoming <400 keV electrons are swept away by a magnet so electrons and ions are cleanly separated. Higher energy electrons (up to 1 MeV) and ions (up to 11 MeV) are identified by the two double-ended telescopes which have a third detector. The telescopes provide energy resolution of E/E0.3 and angular resolution of 22.5°×36°, and full 4 steradian coverage in one spin (3 s).Top-hat symmetrical spherical section electrostatic analyzers with microchannel plate detectors are used to measure ions and electrons from 3 eV to 30 keV. All these analyzers have either 180° or 360° fields of view in a plane, E/E0.2, and angular resolution varying from 5.6° (near the ecliptic) to 22.5°. Full 4 steradian coverage can be obtained in one-half or one spin. A large and a small geometric factor analyzer measure ions over the wide flux range from quiet-time suprathermal levels to intense solar wind fluxes. Similarly two analyzers are used to cover the wide range of electron fluxes. Moments of the electron and ion distributions are computed on board.In addition, a Fast Particle Correlator combines electron data from the high sensitivity electron analyzer with plasma wave data from the WAVE experiment (Bougeretet al., in this volume) to study wave-particle interactions on fast time scales. The large geometric factor electron analyzer has electrostatic deflectors to steer the field of view and follow the magnetic field to enhance the correlation measurements. 相似文献
George Gloeckler 《Space Science Reviews》1996,78(1-2):335-346
Pickup ions measured deep inside the heliosphere open a new way to determine the absolute atomic density of a number of elements and isotopes in the local interstellar cloud (LIC). We derive the atomic abundance of hydrogen and the two isotopes of helium from the velocity and spatial distributions of interstellar pickup protons and ionized helium measured with the Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (SWICS) on the Ulysses spacecraft between 2 and 5 AU. The atomic hydrogen density near the termination shock derived from interstellar pickup ion measurements is 0.115±0.025 cm–3 and the atomic H/He ratio from these observations is found to be 7.7 ± 1.3 in the outer heliosphere. Comparing this value with the standard universal H/He ratio of 10 we conclude that filtration of hydrogen is small and that the ionization fraction of hydrogen in the LIC is low. 相似文献
A. P. Willmore 《Space Science Reviews》1970,11(5):607-670
Many measurements of ionospheric temperature have been made during the last decade and have shown a considerable departure from thermal equilibrium there. Theoretical work has led to a general understanding of the processes which determine the energy balance of the charged particles, and most features of the experimental results are well understood in the F-region. The position in the E-region where different methods of measurement, known to agree fairly well at greater heights, appear to disagree is less clear, whilst in the D-region no direct observations of charged particle temperature exist. The theoretical expectation here is that, on account of the rapid exchange of energy amongst the particles by collisional processes, temperature equality will prevail.This review is based on material published up to January, 1970.On leave of absence from Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London. 相似文献
J. F. Fennell 《Space Science Reviews》1985,42(3-4):337-355
The last decade has seen a period of rapid growth in our understanding of the processes which occur in the auroral regions. Much of our understanding is based on the copious new observations which have been made available in the auroral community. The present work is a short overview of the plasma conditions which obtain throughout much of the auroral region. It covers the diffuse and discrete auroral electron precipitation in the morning and evening oval, cusp, and polar cap. The ionospheric ion outflow throughout the high latitude regime is also described and related to the electron observations. 相似文献
H. A. Mayer-Hasselwander 《Space Science Reviews》1983,36(3):223-247
Detailed information on the high-energy gamma-ray emission from our Galaxy has become available through the two dedicated satellite missions SAS-2 and COS-B. The consistency of the two datasets is discussed; while a satisfying general agreement is observed, a few distinct discrepancies point to possible time variations within the compact source component of the total galactic emission. The bulk of emission appears very well correlated to the column density of the total interstellar gas, as traced by radio observations of Hi and CO. The gamma-ray observations exclude the possibility that H2 dominates in the inner Galaxy, its mass should not exceed the mass existing in the form of Hi. Neither a significant galactocentric gradient of the (high-energy) cosmic-ray flux density is suggested inside the solar circle (outside a decrease is needed), nor a linear coupling between the cosmic rays and the gas is indicated by the gamma-ray data. The systematic variation with longitude of the spectrum of the gamma-ray emission points to an increased flux of cosmic-ray electrons in the 100 MeV to 1 GeV energy range in regions where dense clouds are concentrated. The variation could as well be due to the largely unresolved population of compact gamma-ray objects. 相似文献
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压气机和涡轮转子三维温度场计算研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了对压气机盘和涡轮盘低循环疲劳寿命分析提供温度场数据,采用ANSYS计算软件的热分析模块对某型航空发动机高压压气机转子瞬态温度场和低压涡轮转子三维稳态温度场进行计算研究。重点分析旋转盘腔、旋转轴系、封严篦齿、榫头装配间隙等部位的换热规律;计算结果与相关文献进行对比,验证转子温度场计算方法的可行性。计算结果表明:从慢车到最大状态过程中,高压压气机盘最大径向温差先增加后减小直至稳定,中心孔附近较厚区域温度梯度最大;低压涡轮盘中下部沿轴向盘面温差很小,整个轮盘高温区域集中在轮盘盘缘。 相似文献