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Exact multisensor dynamic bias estimation with local tracks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An exact solution is provided for the multiple sensor bias estimation problem based on local tracks. It is shown that the sensor bias estimates can be obtained dynamically using the outputs of the local (biased) state estimators. This is accomplished by manipulating the local state estimates such that they yield pseudomeasurements of the sensor biases with additive noises that are zero-mean, white, and with easily calculated covariances. These results allow evaluation of the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) on the covariance of the sensor bias estimates, i.e., a quantification of the available information about the sensor biases in any scenario. Monte Carlo simulations show that this method has significant improvement in performance with reduced rms errors of 70% compared with commonly used decoupled Kalman filter. Furthermore, the new method is shown to be statistically efficient, i.e., it meets the CRLB. The extension of the new technique for dynamically varying sensor biases is also presented.  相似文献   

Multisensor multitarget bias estimation for general asynchronous sensors   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A novel solution is provided for the bias estimation problem in multiple asynchronous sensors using common targets of opportunity. The decoupling between the target state estimation and the sensor bias estimation is achieved without ignoring or approximating the crosscovariance between the state estimate and the bias estimate. The target data reported by the sensors are usually not time-coincident or synchronous due to the different data rates. Since the bias estimation requires time-coincident target data from different sensors, a novel scheme is used to transform the measurements from the different times of the sensors into pseudomeasurements of the sensor biases with additive noises that are zero-mean, white, and with easily calculated covariances. These results allow bias estimation as well as the evaluation of the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) on the covariance of the bias estimate, i.e., the quantification of the available information about the biases in any scenario. Monte Carlo simulation results show that the new method is statistically efficient, i.e., it meets the CRLB. The use of this technique for scale and sensor location biases in addition to the usual additive biases is also presented.  相似文献   

A space-based radar system concept is described that can provide continuous world-wide, all-weather, day-night observation and tracking of ships, aircraft, vehicles and ground facilities of interest. The system employs a constellation of radar satellites in low-earth orbit to provide continuous world-wide target access. The radars employ reflector antennas, TWT transmitters and high frequency (e.g., X band) to achieve long range with relatively low weight, complexity and cost. The radars operate in moving-target-detection (MTD) and synthetic-aperture-radar (SAR) spotlight imaging modes to observe moving and fixed targets, respectively. The system could support a wide range of military, intelligence, law-enforcement and civilian missions  相似文献   

A new approach is described for combining range and Doppler data from multiple radar platforms to perform multi-target detection and tracking. In particular, azimuthal measurements are assumed to be either coarse or unavailable, so that multiple sensors are required to triangulate target tracks using range and Doppler measurements only. Increasing the number of sensors can cause data association by conventional means to become impractical due to combinatorial complexity, i.e., an exponential increase in the number of mappings between signatures and target models. When the azimuthal resolution is coarse, this problem will be exacerbated by the resulting overlap between signatures from multiple targets and clutter. In the new approach, the data association is performed probabilistically, using a variation of expectation-maximization (EM). Combinatorial complexity is avoided by performing an efficient optimization in the space of all target tracks and mappings between tracks and data. The full, multi-sensor, version of the algorithm is tested on simulated data. The results demonstrate that accurate tracks can be estimated by exploiting spatial diversity in the sensor locations. Also, as a proof-of-concept, a simplified, single-sensor range-only version of the algorithm is tested on experimental radar data acquired with a stretch radar receiver. These results are promising, and demonstrate robustness in the presence of nonhomogeneous clutter.  相似文献   

In algorithms for tracking and sensor data fusion the targets to be observed are usually considered as point source objects; i.e., compared with the sensor resolution their extension is neglected. Due to the increasing resolution capabilities of modern sensors, however, this assumption is often no longer valid as different scattering centers of an object can cause distinct detections when passing the signal processing chain. Examples of extended targets are found in short-range applications (littoral surveillance, autonomous weapons, or robotics). A collectively moving target group can also be considered as an extended target. This point of view is the more appropriate, the smaller the mutual distances between the individual targets are. Due to the resulting data association and resolution conflicts any attempt of tracking the individual objects within the group seems to be no longer reasonable. With simulated sensor data produced by a partly unresolvable aircraft formation the addressed phenomena are illustrated and an approximate Bayesian solution to the resulting tracking problem is proposed. Ellipsoidal object extensions are modeled by random matrices, which are treated as additional state variables to be estimated or tracked. We expect that the resulting tracking algorithms are also relevant for tracking large, collectively moving target swarms.  相似文献   

Track labeling and PHD filter for multitarget tracking   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Multiple target tracking requires data association that operates in conjunction with filtering. When multiple targets are closely spaced, the conventional approaches (as, e.g., MHT/assignment) may not give satisfactory results. This is mainly because of the difficulty in deciding what the number of targets is. Recently, the probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter has been proposed and particle filtering techniques have been developed to implement the PHD filter. In the particle PHD filter, the track labeling problem is not considered, i.e., the PHD is obtained only for a frame at a time, and it is very difficult to perform the multipeak extraction, particularly in high clutter environments. A track labeling method combined with the PHD approach, as well as considering the finite resolution, is proposed here for multitarget tracking, i.e., we keep a separate tracker for each target, use the PHD in the resolution cell to get the estimated number and locations of the targets at each time step, and then perform the track labeling ("peak-to-track" association), whose results can provide information for PHD peak extraction at the next time step. Besides, by keeping a separate tracker for each target, our approach provides more information than the standard particle PHD filter. For example, in group target tracking, if we are interested in the motion of a specific target, we can track this target, which is not possible for the standard particle PHD filter, since the standard particle PHD filter does not keep track labels. Using our approach, multitarget tracking can be performed with automatic track initiation, maintenance, spawning, merging, and termination  相似文献   

Long-range surveillance radars use MTI techniques to detect moving targets in a clutter background. The transmitter PRF is usually staggered to eliminate the blind speeds due to aliasing of the target and clutter spectra. A spectral analysis of the target and clutter signals is performed for the case of nonuniform sampling, and it is shown that the clutter spectral density continues to fold over at the basic PRF, but the signal spectrum becomes dispersed in frequency, which means that an MTI rader will never be completely blind to moving targets.  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的多部测速雷达布站优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过部署于不同地点的多部无源多普勒测速雷达,可以对有辐射信号源的机动飞行目标进行跟踪测量,并且可以对目标位置和速度信息进行最佳估计。本文探讨了遗传算法在测速雷达布站优化中的使用方法,分析了误差传播矩阵,建立了简易目标函数,利用遗传算法对信标体制下的多普勒测速单站的布站几何进行了优化。  相似文献   

Comparison between monostatic and bistatic antenna configurationsfor STAP   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The unique characteristics of bistatic radar operation on the performance of airborne/spaceborne moving target indicator (MTI) radars that use space-time adaptive processing (STAP) are discussed. It has been shown that monostatic STAP radar has the following properties. 1) For a horizontal flight path and a planar Earth the curves of constant clutter Doppler (isodops) are hyperbolas. 2) For a sidelooking antenna geometry the clutter Doppler is range independent. 3) Clutter trajectories in the cosφ-F plane (F=normalized Doppler) are in general ellipses (or straight lines for a sidelooking array). We demonstrate that these well-known properties are distorted by the displacement between transmitter and receiver in a bistatic configuration. It is shown that even for the sidelooking array geometry the clutter Doppler is range-dependent which requires adaptation of the STAP processor for each individual range gate. Conclusions for the design of STAP processors are drawn  相似文献   

The tracking performance of elevation- scanning and monopulse radars in the presence of multipath propagation are compared. The key difference between these two generic types of radars is the way they respond to moving targets. There are no significant differences between their responses to pure specular multipath, nor to diffuse multipath for targets on radial courses. However, they are found to respond quite differently to the diffuse com ponent for low-altitude crossing targets. For these conditions the tracking errors for elevation-scanning radars may be several times those for monopulse radars.  相似文献   

A novel efficient technique based on a single slice Radon-ambiguity transform (RAT) for time-delay and time-scale estimation is proposed. The proposed approach combines the narrowband cross-ambiguity function (NBCAF), the wideband cross-ambiguity function (WBCAF), and a single slice RAT to estimate multiple target parameters in noisy environments. The square modulus of Gaussian-enveloped linear frequency modulated (GLFM) signals has high-energy centrality in the ambiguity plane. Its peaks in the NBCAF fall along nearly straight lines whose slopes depend on the Doppler rates of the moving targets. These lines could be effectively detected by computing the entire Radon transform of the NBCAF for all possible angles; however, it is a computationally intensive procedure. It is shown that without calculating the entire RAT, it is possible to estimate target parameters using only a single slice of the RAT, i.e., using an appropriate projection of the NBCAF. It is demonstrated that the proposed method can successfully separate overlapping targets efficiently. The efficiency is achieved due to fast Fourier transform (FFT)-bascd processing, use of a single slice of RAT, and the use of only one-dimensional (1-D) searches.  相似文献   

We present a new batch-recursive estimator for tracking maneuvering targets from bearings-only measurements in clutter (i.e., for low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) targets), Standard recursive estimators like the extended Kalman Iter (EKF) suffer from poor convergence and erratic behavior due to the lack of initial target range information, On the other hand, batch estimators cannot handle target maneuvers. In order to rectify these shortcomings, we combine the batch maximum likelihood-probabilistic data association (ML-PDA) estimator with the recursive interacting multiple model (IMM) estimator with probabilistic data association (PDA) to result in better track initialization as well as track maintenance results in the presence of clutter. It is also demonstrated how the batch-recursive estimator can be used for adaptive decisions for ownship maneuvers based on the target state estimation to enhance the target observability. The tracking algorithm is shown to be effective for targets with 8 dB SNR  相似文献   

A discussion of various types of x-band airborne radars is presented together with their systematic development through the years to the present time. Starting with simple, low pulse-repetition frequency (PRF) radars for measuring radar-target range, airborne radar development proceeded with more sophisticated high PRF Doppler radars where radar-target range and range rate were measured simultaneously. The use of Doppler (frequency) in signal processing allowed the separation of moving from nonmoving targets (ground), enabling the detection of moving targets in the presence of ground clutter. More recent developments in waveform generation and selection has resulted in the development of medium PRF radars, whereby a greater degree of tactical flexibility in target detection is achieved by combining the desirable features of both low and high PRF radars. Part of the available literature gives an overview, together with a specific example of the design and performance of an airborne medium PRF radar. Here, however, the systematic evolution of these radars is emphasized and the necessary theoretical background is developed for their performance calculations. Modern day airborne radars may be equipped with all three modes of operation, low, medium, and high PRF, allowing the operator to utilize the mode best suited for the tactical encounter. Low PRF and high PRF radars have been described elsewhere and are given here primarily for the sake of completeness and for the necessary background for developing medium PRF radar equations. They are also needed for developing the reasons why medium PRF radars came into being.  相似文献   

We present the development and implementation of a multisensor-multitarget tracking algorithm for large scale air traffic surveillance based on interacting multiple model (IMM) state estimation combined with a 2-dimensional assignment for data association. The algorithm can be used to track a large number of targets from measurements obtained with a large number of radars. The use of the algorithm is illustrated on measurements obtained from 5 FAA radars, which are asynchronous, heterogeneous, and geographically distributed over a large area. Both secondary radar data (beacon returns from cooperative targets) as well as primary radar data (skin returns from noncooperative targets) are used. The target IDs from the beacon returns are not used in the data association. The surveillance region includes about 800 targets that exhibit different types of motion. The performance of an IMM estimator with linear motion models is compared with that of the Kalman filter (KF). A number of performance measures that can be used on real data without knowledge of the ground truth are presented for this purpose. It is shown that the IMM estimator performs better than the KF. The advantage of fusing multisensor data is quantified. It is also shown that the computational requirements in the multisensor case are lower than in single sensor case, Finally, an IMM estimator with a nonlinear motion model (coordinated turn) is shown to further improve the performance during the maneuvering periods over the IMM with linear models  相似文献   

Road-map assisted ground moving target tracking   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tracking ground targets with airborne GMTI (ground moving target indicator) sensor measurements proves to be a challenging task due to high target density, high clutter, and low visibility. The exploitation of nonstandard background information such as road maps and terrain information is therefore highly desirable for the enhancement of track quality and track continuity. The present paper presents a Bayesian approach to incorporate such information consistently. It is particularly suited to deal with winding roads and networks of roads. The target dynamics is modeled in quasi one-dimensional road coordinates and mapped onto ground coordinates using linear road segments taking road map errors into account. The case of several intersecting roads with different characteristics, such as mean curvature, slope, or visibility, is treated within an interacting multiple model (IMM) scheme. Targets can be masked both by the clutter notch of the sensor and by terrain obstacles. Both effects are modeled using a sensor-target state dependent detection probability. The iterative filter equations are formulated within a framework of Gaussian sum approximations on the one hand and a particle filter approach on the other hand. Simulation results for single targets taken from a realistic ground scenario show strongly reduced target location errors compared with the case of neglecting road-map information. By modeling the clutter notch of the GMTI sensor, early detection of stopping targets is demonstrated  相似文献   

Knowledge-based system for multi-target tracking in a littoral environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper addresses how to efficiently exploit the knowledge-base (KB), e.g. environmental maps and characteristics of the targets, in order to gain improved performance in the tracking of multiple targets via measurements provided by a ship-borne radar operating in a littoral environment. In this scenario, the nonhomogeneity of the surveillance region makes the conventional tracking systems (not using the KB) very sensitive to false alarms and/or missed detections. It is demonstrated that an effective use of the KB can be exploited at various levels of the tracking algorithms so as to significantly reduce the number of false alarms, missed detections, and false tracks and improve true target track life. The KB is exploited at two different levels. First, some key parameters of the tracking system are made dependent upon the track location, e.g., sea, land, coast, meteo zones (i.e., zones affected by meteorological phenomena) etc. Second, modifications are introduced to cope with a priori identified regions nit hi high clutter density (e.g. littoral areas, roads, meteo zones etc.). To evaluate the behavior of the proposed knowledge-based tracking systems, extensive results are presented using both simulated and real radar data  相似文献   

Directed Subspace Search ML-PDA with Application to Active Sonar Tracking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The maximum likelihood probabilistic data association (ML-PDA) tracking algorithm is effective in tracking Very Low Observable targets (i.e., very low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) targets in a high false alarm environment). However, the computational complexity associated with obtaining the track estimate in many cases has precluded its use in real-time scenarios. Previous ML-PDA implementations used a multi-pass grid (MPG) search to find the track estimate. Two alternate methods for finding the track estimate are presented-a genetic search and a newly developed directed subspace (DSS) search algorithm. Each algorithm is tested using active sonar scenarios in which an autonomous underwater vehicle searches for and tracks a target. Within each scenario, the problem parameters are varied to illustrate the relative performance of each search technique. Both the DSS search and the genetic algorithm are shown to be an order of magnitude more computationally efficient than the MPG search, making possible real-time implementation. In addition, the DSS search is shown to be the most effective technique at tracking a target at the lowest SNR levels-reliable tracking down to 5 dB (postprocessing SNR in a resolution cell) using a 5-frame sliding window is demonstrated, this being 6 dB better than the MPG search.  相似文献   

The objective of this primarily tutorial item is to describe a general model for the observable data and the appropriate data processing involved in sensing rigid target fields with coherent radars. Any number of radars may be involved, and the scene and each radar may be in any kind of motion-with no restrictions on motion through resolution cells during the coherent processing time of the radars. The motions are assumed to be known. To some extent motion parameters can be estimated from the radar data, e.g., by adaptive parameter adjustments in the data processing; however, this subject is beyond the scope of this discussion. In large measure, the analysis in this item highlights the central conceptual result obtained by J.L. Walker as described in [1] -a major work in radar theory.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the design of a Variable Structure Interacting Multiple Model (VS-IMM) estimator for tracking groups of ground targets on constrained paths using Moving Target Indicator (MTI) reports obtained from an airborne sensor. The targets are moving along a highway, with varying obscuration due to changing terrain conditions. In addition, the roads can branch, merge or cross-the scenario represents target convoys along a realistic road network with junctions, changing terrains, etc. Some of the targets may also move in an open field. This constrained motion estimation problem is handled using an IMM estimator with varying mode sets depending on the topography, The number of models in the IMM estimator, their types and their parameters are modified adaptively, in real-time, based on the estimated position of the target and the corresponding road/visibility conditions. This topography-based variable structure mechanism eliminates the need for carrying all the possible models throughout the entire tracking period as in the standard IMM estimator, significantly improving performance and reducing computational load. Data association is handled using an assignment algorithm. The estimator is designed to handle a very large number of ground targets simultaneously. A simulated scenario consisting of over one hundred targets is used to illustrate the selection of design parameters and the operation of the tracker. Performance measures are presented to contrast the benefits of the VS-IMM estimator over the Kalman filter and the standard IMM estimator, The VS-IMM estimator is then combined with multidimensional assignment to gain “time-depth.” The additional benefit of using higher dimensional assignment algorithms for data association is also evaluated  相似文献   

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