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返回式卫星是在50年代末为军事照相侦察卫星而发展起来的。自70年代后期,返回式卫星在空间微重力以及为将业空间站的货物运输方面在着新的广泛的用途。西欧和日本自80年代后半期开始开展返回式卫星的研制,近些年来,获得了一些进展。本文介绍了近十年业,世界各国在研制返回式卫星方面取得的进展。  相似文献   

钱学森对中国航天工程的涉及面很广,文章的论述仅限于1966年到1976年钱学森在中国返回式卫星工程方面的工作,重点论述了钱学森及其领导的航天队伍在研制中国第一种返回式遥感卫星的过程中所取得的业绩,目的是揭示钱学森及其领导的航天队伍对开创中国返回式卫星的历史性贡献。  相似文献   

以无地面控制点条件下的摄影测量为背景,回顾了中国第一代、第二代返回式摄影测量卫星的研制历程,给出了相机的主要技术参数,介绍了研制的技术难点。从地形图制作精度的角度评价了中国第一代、第二代返回式摄影测量卫星的技术水平,给出了制作的立体影像图和等高线图。最后,与美国、俄罗斯(前苏联)、欧空局同类型的返回式卫星进行了比较。  相似文献   

<正>一、历史的回顾上世纪60年代中期,中国开始开展返回式卫星的研制工作。目前,中国已研制了24颗返回式卫星,取得了22颗成功发射并回收的成就。已研制完成的返回式卫星有6种型号:1第一代返回式国土普查卫星FSW-0,2第一代返回式摄影测绘卫星FSW-1,3第二代返回式国土普查卫星FSW-2,4第二代返回式摄影测绘卫星  相似文献   

本刊讯北京时间11月3日15时20分,我国在酒泉卫星发射中心用长征2D运载火箭,成功地发射了一颗返回式科学与技术试验卫星。这是我国在不到20天的时间里,连续进行的第三次航天发射。此前,我国于10月15日成功发射了神舟5号载人飞船;10月21日成功发射了中巴地球资源卫星和中国创新1号小卫星。有关方面负责人指出,这样高密度的航天发射,在我国航天史上从未有过。这表明我国航天发射水平与运载火箭及航天器研制能力日益增强。这次发射升空的科学与技术试验卫星是我国自行研制的第18颗返回式卫星。与以往的返回式卫星相比,这颗卫星整体性能有较大改…  相似文献   

一、历史性突破 中国返回式卫星的研制工作是从1966年开始的.在攻克了卫星姿态控制技术、卫星再人防热技术和卫星回收技术等一道道难关后,1975年11月26日,中国第一颗返回式卫星终于由长征2号运载火箭发射成功.它在轨道上运行了3天,11月29日按预定时间返回了中国大地.  相似文献   

文章阐述了中国的3种返回式卫星的发展,即FSW-0、FSW-1和FSW-2卫星,介绍了返回式卫星各种分系统。文章从卫星遥感成果和搭载科学试验两个方面阐述了这些成果。  相似文献   

文章简述了中国的3种返回式卫星的发展 ,即FSW—0、FSW—1和FSW—2卫星 ,介绍了返回式卫星各种分系统。文章从卫星遥感成果和搭载科学试验两个方面阐述了这些成果  相似文献   

FG-23A发动机是返回式卫星的制动发动机,由中国航天工业总公司河西化工公司研制,自1992年以来,已连续3次成功应用,将卫星安全送回地面预定位置。  相似文献   

FSW—0型卫星是我国研制的第一种返回式卫星,以其卫星平台为基础又相继发展了FSW—1和FSW—2型返回式卫星。FSW—0型卫星方案设计符合“先高后低和先外后内”的设计规律,贯彻了整体优化的设计原则,体现了公用平台的设计思想。述评FSW—0型卫星方案的提出过程和设计特色是一件有意义的工作。  相似文献   

返回式卫星现阶段在经济与军事等方面有其巨大的应用价值,同时它也为航天高技术的核心——建立永久性载人空间站的两个先决条件——裁人技术与在轨技术提供试验条件,因此具有十分诱人的发展前景。我国返回式卫星具有自己的优势,充分发掘其潜力将产生很好的经济效益。尽早地安排一些关键技术的研究与试验,统筹兼顾主战场任务与航天高技术发展的需要,将使返回式卫星在发展我国航天高技术的总体规划中立新功。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the recoverable satellites China has developed over the past forty years.The main missions,technical specifications,scientific and technical experiments of these satellites,including the SJ-10 scientific experiment satellite launched on April 6,2016 are introduced.Recommendations for future technical upgrades for recoverable satellites are also proposed in the paper.  相似文献   

文章介绍了返回式遥感卫星有效载荷的分类和特点、返回式相机系统组成、返回式国土普查相机、星相机和测绘相机;重点介绍国土普查相机的设计要求、工作原理,组成及功能等设计考虑。  相似文献   

介绍了中国在20世纪发射的返回式航天器和光学型对地观测类卫星、研制成功的航天光学遥感器和建成的卫星对地观测信息应用系统 ,展示了中国在航天返回与遥感领域取得的进展  相似文献   

空间科学不仅能够推动我国在基础科学研究领域取得重大科学突破,还能够有效牵引、带动航天高新技术的发展。中国科学院空间科学战略性先导科技专项是"十二五"时期我国空间科学领域最重要的系统性进展,开启了中国空间科学发展的新篇章。"十三五"时期,我国将继续研制、发射一系列新的空间科学卫星,这对航天运输系统提出了新的技术发展需求。发展空间科学必将推动我国的航天强国、世界科技强国建设进程。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes an example of a three-dimensional constellation of debris removal satellites and proposes an effective constellation using a delta-V analysis that discusses the advisability of rendezvousing satellites with space debris. Lambert?s Equation was used to establish a means of analysis to construct a constellation of debris removal satellites, which has a limit of delta-V injection by evaluating the amount of space debris that can be rendezvoused by a certain number of removal satellite. Consequently, we determine a constellation of up to 38 removal satellites for debris removal, where the number of space debris rendezvoused by a single removal satellite is not more than 25, removing up to 584 pieces of debris total. Even if we prepare 38 removal satellites in their respective orbits, it is impossible to remove all of the space debris. Although many removal satellites, over 100 for example, can remove most of the space debris, this method is economically disproportionate. However, we can also see the removal satellites are distributed nearly evenly. Accordingly, we propose a practical two-stage strategy. The first stage is to implement emergent debris removal with the 38 removal satellites. When we find a very high probability of collision between a working satellite and space debris, one of the removal satellites in the constellation previously constructed in orbit initiates a maneuver of emergent debris removal. The second stage is a long-term space debris removal strategy to suppress the increase of space debris derived from collisions among the pieces of space debris. The constellation analyzed in this paper, which consists of the first 38 removal satellites, can remove half of the over 1000 dangerous space debris among others, and then the constellation increases the number of the following removal satellites in steps. At any rate, an adequate orbital configuration and constellation form is very important for both space debris removal and economic efficiency. Though the size of constellation of debris removal satellites would be small originally, such a constellation of satellites should be one of the initial constellations of removal satellites to ensure the safety of the future orbital environment.  相似文献   

本文介绍了在我国返回式卫星舱内辐射剂量测量的一些结果,分析了轨道高度和舱体质量厚度对舱内剂量的影响。卫星舱内的复杂屏蔽引起各位置上的剂量有所不同,测量结果表明:最高和最低剂量点剂量水平之比在500km高度的轨道时为1.58,在300km高度的轨道时为1.23。本文还对近地空间的辐射危害及其防护问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Space systems are essential to the global economy and security. The possibility of disruptions arising from competition between the United States and China through the testing and deployment of weapons in space has led to concerns over an incipient space arms race that would threaten satellites, leading to international calls for a space arms control treaty. The paper presents a rationalist theory analysis on the lack of progress in establishing such a treaty, identifying the United States' position of primacy in the global order and its preeminence in space as a primary cause.  相似文献   

Satellites have been rightly described as the lifeblood of the entire space industry and the number of satellites ordered or launched per year is an important defining metric of the industry's level of activity, such that trends and variability in this volume have significant strategic impact on the space industry. Over the past 40+ years, hundreds of satellites have been launched every year. Thus an important dataset is available for time series analysis and identification of trends and cycles in the various markets of the space industry. This article reports findings of a study for which we collected data on over 6000 satellites launched since 1960 on a yearly basis. We grouped the satellites into three broad categories – defense and intelligence, science, and commercial satellites – and identified and discussed the main trends and cyclical patterns for each of these. Institutional customers (defense and intelligence, and science) accounted for over two-thirds of all satellites launched within our time period (1960–2008), and, in the 1960s and 1970s, they accounted for 90% and 73.5%, respectively. A fair conclusion from this data is that the space industry was enabled by, and grew because of the institutional customers, not commercial market forces. However, when the launch data is examined more closely, a growing influence of the commercial sector is noticeable. Over the past two decades communication satellites accounted for roughly half of all launches, thus reflecting an important shift in the space industry in which the commercial sector is playing an equal role (on a launch volume basis) to that of the institutional market. Cyclical patterns in the satellite launch volume over the past decade are separately discussed before we sum up with a conclusion.  相似文献   

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