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Stratified Non-LTE models for expanding atmospheres became available in the recent years. They are based on the idealizing assumptions of spherical symmetry, stationarity and radiative equilibrium. From a critical discussion we conclude that this standard model is basically adequate for describing real Wolf-Rayet atmospheres and hence can be applied for quantitative spectral analyses of their spectra.By means of these models, the fundamental parameters have been determined meanwhile for the majority of the known Galactic WR stars. Most of them populate a vertical strip in the Herzsprung-Russell diagram at effective temperatures of 35 kK, the luminosities ranging from 104.5 to 105.9 L . Only early-type WN stars with strong lines and WC stars are hotter. The chemical composition of WR atmospheres corresponds to nuclear-processed material (WN: hydrogen burning in the CNO cycle; WC: helium burning). Hydrogen is depleted but still detectable in the cooler part of the WN subclass.Different scenarios for the evolutionary formation of the Wolf-Rayet stars are discussed in the light of the empirical data provided from the spectral analyses. Post-red-supergiant evolution can principally explain the basic observational properties, except the rather low luminosities of a considerable fraction of WN stars. Among the alternative scenarios, close-binary evolution can theoretically produce the least-luminous WN stars. However, final conclusions about the evolutionary formation of the WR stars are not yet possible.  相似文献   

The fundamental properties of 24 Galactic WN stars are determined from analyses of their optical, UV and IR spectra using sophisticated model atmosphere codes (Hillier, 1987, 1990). Terminal velocities, stellar luminosities, temperatures, mass loss rates and abundances of hydrogen, helium, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen are determined. Stellar parameters are derived using diagnostic lines and interstellar reddenings found from fitting theoretical continua to observed energy distributions.Our results confirm that the parameters of WN stars span a large range in temperature (T*=30–90,000 K), luminosity (log L*/L=4.8–5.9), mass loss (M=0.9–12×10–5 M yr–1) and terminal velocity (v =630–3300 km s–1). Hydrogen abundances are determined, and found to be low in WNEw and WNEs stars (<15% by mass) and considerable in most WNL stars (1–50%). Metal abundances are also determined with the nitrogen content found to lie in the range N/He=1–5×10–3 (by number) for all subtypes, and C/N 0.02 in broad agreement with the predictions of Maeder (1991). Enhanced O/N and O/C is found for HD 104994 (WN3p) suggesting a peculiar evolutionary history. Our results suggest that single WNL+abs stars may represent an evolutionary stage immediately after the Of phase. Since some WNE stars exist with non-negligible hydrogen contents (e.g. WR136) evolution may proceed directly from WNL+abs to WNE in some cases, circumventing the luminous blue variable (LBV) or red supergiant (RSG) stage.  相似文献   

We have obtained the first UV high resolution spectra of hot luminous stars in M31 with the FOS onHubble Space Telescope. The spectra, combined with optical spectroscopic and photometric observations, enable us to study their stellar winds and photospheric parameters. We derive mass-loss rates and velocity laws from the wind line profiles, with the SEI method, as well as information on abundances. The wind lines and photospheric spectra are compared with galactic stars of the same spectral type.The spectra analyzed so far indicate that the stars have mass-loss rates comparable or slightly lower than galactic stars of the same spectral type, but possibly different velocity laws in their winds. The spectra of two stars are discussed here.  相似文献   

Cool giant and supergiant stars generally present low velocity winds with high mass-loss rates. Several models have been proposed to explain the acceleration process of these winds. Although dust is known to be present in these objects, the radiation pressure on these particles is uneffective in reproducing the observed physical parameters of the wind. The most promising acceleration mechanism cited in the literature is the transference of momentum and energy from Alfvén waves to the gas. Usually, these models consider the wind to be isothermal. We present a stellar wind model in which the Alfvén waves are used as the main acceleration mechanism, and determine the temperature profile by solving the energy equation taking into account both the radiative losses and the wave heating. We also determine, self-consistently, the magnetic field geometry as the result of the competition between the magnetic field and the thermal pressure gradient. As the main result, we show that the magnetic geometry presents a super-radial index in the region where the gas pressure is increasing. However, this super-radial index is greater than that observed for the solar corona.  相似文献   

We describe work that has recently been completed on deriving the fundamental parameters of eight WR stars through the photoionization modelling of their surrounding nebulae using non-LTE WR flux distributions. The resulting effective temperatures range from 57 000–71 000 K for the WN4-5 stars and <30 000–42 000 K for the WN6-8 stars. The derived stellar parameters are compared with those obtained from stellar emission line modelling. We find good agreement for the hot early WN stars, indicating that the non-LTE WR flux distributions have essentially the correct shape in the crucial far-UV region. We find lower temperatures for the four cooler late WN stars, particularly for the two WN6 stars. For the nebulae surrounding these stars, we find that the model flux distributions produce too much nebular ionization. We suggest that these discrepancies arise because of the lack of line-blanketing in the WR atmospheres. For the WO1 central star of G2.4+1.4, with strong nebular He II 4686 A emission, we derive a temperature of 105 000 K, somewhat less than previous estimates. The positions of our eight WR stars on the H-R diagram are compared with the evolutionary tracks of Maeder (1990) for solar metallicity. In common with previous workers, we find that our derived luminosities are too low, giving an initial mass range of 25–40 M, below that expected for the majority of WR stars.  相似文献   

We are in the process of surveying the linear polarization in luminous, early-type stars. We here report on new observations of the B [e] stars S 18 and R 50, and of the Luminous Blue Variables HR Car, R 143, and HD 160529. Together with previously published data, these observations provide clear evidence for the presence of intrinsic polarization in 1 B[e] star (HD 34664) and in 5 LBVs ( Car, P Cyg, R 127, AG Car, and HR Car). The data indicate that anisotropic stellar winds are a common occurrence among massive stars in these particular evolutionary stages. For such stars, mass-loss rates estimated using the assumption of a spherical, homogeneous and stationary outflow may be in error.  相似文献   

Massive stars are crucial building blocks of galaxies and the universe, as production sites of heavy elements and as stirring agents and energy providers through stellar winds and supernovae. The field of magnetic massive stars has seen tremendous progress in recent years. Different perspectives—ranging from direct field measurements over dynamo theory and stellar evolution to colliding winds and the stellar environment—fruitfully combine into a most interesting and still evolving overall picture, which we attempt to review here. Zeeman signatures leave no doubt that at least some O- and early B-type stars have a surface magnetic field. Indirect evidence, especially non-thermal radio emission from colliding winds, suggests many more. The emerging picture for massive stars shows similarities with results from intermediate mass stars, for which much more data are available. Observations are often compatible with a dipole or low order multi-pole field of about 1 kG (O-stars) or 300 G to 30?kG (Ap/Bp stars). Weak and unordered fields have been detected in the O-star ζ Ori A and in Vega, the first normal A-type star with a magnetic field. Theory offers essentially two explanations for the origin of the observed surface fields: fossil fields, particularly for strong and ordered fields, or different dynamo mechanisms, preferentially for less ordered fields. Numerical simulations yield the first concrete stable (fossil) field configuration, but give contradictory results as to whether dynamo action in the radiative envelope of massive main sequence stars is possible. Internal magnetic fields, which may not even show up at the stellar surface, affect stellar evolution as they lead to a more uniform rotation, with more slowly rotating cores and faster surface rotation. Surface metallicities may become enhanced, thus affecting the mass-loss rates.  相似文献   

We firstly examine the critical model assumptions for massive stars, in particular regarding mixing, mass loss and metallicity. The comparisons of models and observations for main sequence stars reveal some interesting problems, such as the lack of O-stars close to the zero-age sequence, the so-called helium and mass discrepancies. We emphasize that this last discrepancy was probably due to the unsafe atmosphere modelling used by spectroscopists. The comparisons for supergiants enlighten a number of most interesting problems: the He and CNO abundances in blue supergiants, the distribution of supergiants in the HR diagram and above all the variations of the blue to red number ratios with metallicity. Then, we examine the properties and chemistry of WR stars and the observations and interpretations concerning the great changes of WR numbers in galaxies of different metallicites. Finally, we emphasize the main WR filiations.  相似文献   

Let us suppose that it is possible observationally to determine the number ratio of WR to O stars in a starburst galaxy (cf. e. g. Vacca &; Conti 1992) and that one can also have some information on the way the different WR subtypes are distributed (number ratios as WN/WR, WNL/WR etc ...), the question is, what can we deduce from these values on the burst of star formation which gave birth to these WR stars? Is it possible for instance to constrain the age of the burst (i.e. the time elapsed since the beginning of the burst of star formation), its intensity (i.e. the ratio of the star formation rate during the burst to that before the burst) or the metallicity of the cloud from which the stars formed? We present here models of starbursts based on the most recent models for single stars computed by the Geneva group and show that the study of the WR population in a starburst provides very useful insights on the age of the burst and on the metallicity of the star forming zone.  相似文献   

Empirical mass-loss rates were derived for 28 luminous O stars from radio fluxes and H equivalent widths. Comparison with theoretical values predicted by the theory of radiatively driven winds reveals a discrepancy of 0.30±0.05 dex, with the theoretical values being too low. We show that there is not only a mass-loss discrepancy but also a momentum flux discrepancy. The theoretically predicted momentum fluxes are too low by 0.17±0.04 dex. This discrepancy is independent of the adopted stellar mass. We demonstrate that the momentum discrepancy in the most luminous O stars is comparable to the one found in the least extreme Wolf-Rayet stars. We suggest that the physical reason for the break-down of the theory in Wolf-Rayet stars and the most luminous O stars may be related.  相似文献   

We report on our recent progress in modeling non-LTE atmospheres of O-stars including blanketing by lines from the iron group elements. The numerical method to account for the huge number of atomic levels and line transitions is presented. Results of exploratory model calculations examining the effects on the temperature structure, the hydrogen and helium line profiles and UV/EUV fluxes are discussed.  相似文献   

Massive stars, at least \(\sim10\) times more massive than the Sun, have two key properties that make them the main drivers of evolution of star clusters, galaxies, and the Universe as a whole. On the one hand, the outer layers of massive stars are so hot that they produce most of the ionizing ultraviolet radiation of galaxies; in fact, the first massive stars helped to re-ionize the Universe after its Dark Ages. Another important property of massive stars are the strong stellar winds and outflows they produce. This mass loss, and finally the explosion of a massive star as a supernova or a gamma-ray burst, provide a significant input of mechanical and radiative energy into the interstellar space. These two properties together make massive stars one of the most important cosmic engines: they trigger the star formation and enrich the interstellar medium with heavy elements, that ultimately leads to formation of Earth-like rocky planets and the development of complex life. The study of massive star winds is thus a truly multidisciplinary field and has a wide impact on different areas of astronomy.In recent years observational and theoretical evidences have been growing that these winds are not smooth and homogeneous as previously assumed, but rather populated by dense “clumps”. The presence of these structures dramatically affects the mass loss rates derived from the study of stellar winds. Clump properties in isolated stars are nowadays inferred mostly through indirect methods (i.e., spectroscopic observations of line profiles in various wavelength regimes, and their analysis based on tailored, inhomogeneous wind models). The limited characterization of the clump physical properties (mass, size) obtained so far have led to large uncertainties in the mass loss rates from massive stars. Such uncertainties limit our understanding of the role of massive star winds in galactic and cosmic evolution.Supergiant high mass X-ray binaries (SgXBs) are among the brightest X-ray sources in the sky. A large number of them consist of a neutron star accreting from the wind of a massive companion and producing a powerful X-ray source. The characteristics of the stellar wind together with the complex interactions between the compact object and the donor star determine the observed X-ray output from all these systems. Consequently, the use of SgXBs for studies of massive stars is only possible when the physics of the stellar winds, the compact objects, and accretion mechanisms are combined together and confronted with observations.This detailed review summarises the current knowledge on the theory and observations of winds from massive stars, as well as on observations and accretion processes in wind-fed high mass X-ray binaries. The aim is to combine in the near future all available theoretical diagnostics and observational measurements to achieve a unified picture of massive star winds in isolated objects and in binary systems.  相似文献   

The numbers and distribution of Population I O-type stars and Wolf-Rayet stars are reviewed. The numbers of known WR stars in the Galaxy, the LMC and the SMC are 185, 114, and 9, respectively. Distances and galactic distributions determined by various authors are compared. The single star and binary distributions are discussed in the light of evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

A large fraction of ISO observing time was used to study the late stages of stellar evolution. Many molecular and solid state features, including crystalline silicates and the rotational lines of water vapour, were detected for the first time in the spectra of (post-)Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars. Their analysis has greatly improved our knowledge of stellar atmospheres and circumstellar environments. A surprising number of objects, particularly young planetary nebulae with Wolf-Rayet (WR) central stars, were found to exhibit emission features in their ISO spectra that are characteristic of both oxygen-rich and carbon-rich dust species, while far-IR observations of the PDR around NGC 7027 led to the first detections of the rotational line spectra of CH and CH+. Based on observations with ISO, an ESA project with instruments funded by ESA Member States (especially the PI countries: France, Germany, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom), and with the participation of ISAS and NASA.  相似文献   

Evolutionary models allow an assignment of both a mass and a luminosity to a Wolf-Rayet (WR) star in a cluster, and hence allow a determination of the Bolometric Correction (B.C.). The B.C.'s derived for WN stars range from –4.0 to –6.0 with the expected trend of larger values (in absolute values) for stars with higher excitation spectra. For WC stars, there is little evidence for a similar trend; most observations presented here are consistent with B.C.=–4.5, as found by Smith and Maeder (1989). The convergence of B.C. values derived from evolutionary and atmospheric models is extremely satisfactory, giving increased confidence in both methods.  相似文献   

Høg  E.  Pagel  B.E.J.  Portinari  L.  Thejll  P.A.  Macdonald  J.  Girardi  L. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,84(1-2):115-126
The primordial helium abundance YP is important for cosmology and the ratio Y/Z of the changes relative to primordial abundances constrains models of stellar evolution. While the most accurate estimates of YP come from emission lines in extragalactic H II regions, they involve an extrapolation to zero metallicity which itself is closely tied up with the slope Y/Z. Recently certain systematic effects have come to light in this exercise which make it useful to have an independent estimate of Y/Z from fine structure in the main sequence of nearby stars. We derive such an estimate from Hipparcos data for stars with Z Z and find values between 2 and 3, which are consistent with stellar models, but still have a large uncertainty.  相似文献   

Studies of element abundances in stars are of fundamental interest for their impact in a wide astrophysical context, from our understanding of galactic chemistry and its evolution, to their effect on models of stellar interiors, to the influence of the composition of material in young stellar environments on the planet formation process. We review recent results of studies of abundance properties of X-ray emitting plasmas in stars, ranging from the corona of the Sun and other solar-like stars, to pre-main sequence low-mass stars, and to early-type stars. We discuss the status of our understanding of abundance patterns in stellar X-ray plasmas, and recent advances made possible by accurate diagnostics now accessible thanks to the high resolution X-ray spectroscopy with Chandra and XMM-Newton.  相似文献   

We present the results of our observations of stars of type O5 and earlier and show that inclusion of the line blocking between 228 and 912 A solves the problem found by Herrero et al. (1992) in the determination of their stellar parameters. We study the influence of the line blocking and other effects on the mass and helium discrepancies and show that the first one is reduced by the use of spherical, non hydrostatic model atmospheres and that the second one is probably due to exposure of CNO material.The INT is operated on the island of La Palma by the RGO in the Spanish Observatorio de El Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofsica de Canarias  相似文献   

We have measured the isotopic abundances of neon and a number of other species in the galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) using the Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer (CRIS) aboard the ACE spacecraft. Our data are compared to recent results from two-component (Wolf–Rayet material plus solar-like mixtures) Wolf–Rayet (WR) models. The three largest deviations of galactic cosmic ray isotope ratios from solar-system ratios predicted by these models, 12C/16O, 22Ne/20Ne, and 58Fe/56Fe, are very close to those observed. All of the isotopic ratios that we have measured are consistent with a GCR source consisting of ∼20% of WR material mixed with ∼80% material with solar-system composition. Since WR stars are evolutionary products of OB stars, and most OB stars exist in OB associations that form superbubbles, the good agreement of our data with WR models suggests that OB associations within superbubbles are the likely source of at least a substantial fraction of GCRs. In previous work it has been shown that the primary 59Ni (which decays only by electron-capture) in GCRs has decayed, indicating a time interval between nucleosynthesis and acceleration of >105 y. It has been suggested that in the OB association environment, ejecta from supernovae might be accelerated by the high velocity WR winds on a time scale that is short compared to the half-life of 59Ni. Thus the 59Ni might not have time to decay and this would cast doubt upon the OB association origin of cosmic rays. In this paper we suggest a scenario that should allow much of the 59Ni to decay in the OB association environment and conclude that the hypothesis of the OB association origin of cosmic rays appears to be viable.  相似文献   

Palla  F.  Galli  D.  Bachiller  R.  Pérez Gutiérrez  M. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,84(1-2):177-183
We present the results of a study aimed at determining the 12C/13C ratio in two samples of planetary nebulae (PNe) by means of mm-wave observations of 12CO and 13CO. The first group includes six PNe which have been observed in the 3He+ hyperfine transition; the other group consists of 23 nebulae with rich molecular envelopes. We have determined the isotopic ratio in 14 objects and the results indicate a range of values between 9 and 23. In particular, three PNe have ratios well below the value predicted by standard evolutionary models ( 20), indicating that some extra-mixing process has occurred in these stars. We briefly discuss the implications of our results for standard and nonstandard stellar nucleosynthesis.  相似文献   

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