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浅议涉外导游英语语言能力的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国是世界上旅游业发展速度最快的国家之一.按照中国旅游业发展"十一五"规划纲要,到2010年中国入境过夜旅游者人数预计将达6880万人次.在今后的几年中,既通晓旅游管理知识又精通英语的涉外导游必将成为职场的热门人才.培养高素质的涉外导游人才已成为发展涉外旅游业的重中之重.  相似文献   

桂林市导游管理模式构建的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文在借鉴了国外导游管理经验的基础上,立足桂林市导游管理现状,分析了国内及桂林市导游管理中存在的问题,根据“人本管理”的思想,试图构建符合桂林市旅游业长远发展的导游管理模式及相应的运行机制。  相似文献   

现场导游翻译不仅要有扎实的旅游专业基础知识、良好的外语语言应用能力,还要有现场的随机应变的能力和跨文化交际的本领。鉴于现阶段学校在教学过程中缺乏对学生进行现场导游翻译技能的培养,文章提出了有关导游翻译(以英语导游翻译为例)的教学应突出实践性,即以培养能力为本,组成知识模块,采取专业素质化教学、案例教学、课堂媒体模拟实践教学等教学方法和手段,努力建设好校外实习基地,开拓校企合作、产学研一体化的教学模式,以造就高素质实用型导游人才为目标,适应我国旅游业导游人才的需求并促进其发展。  相似文献   

随着人们物质文化生活水平的不断提高以及旅游消费心态的日益成熟,我国旅游业将由较低层次的"观光旅游"向体现多种需求的旅游形式逐步过渡。与此相适应的是,对导游素质提出了更高的要求。论文分析了旅游业的新需求和我国导游工作面临的挑战,并就培养一支具有现代旅游理念高水平导游队伍提出相应的建设性意见。论文认为,应从严格导游准入机制、以市场需求为导向改革导游教育机制、完善导游岗位培训和再教育制度、提高导游职业生涯规划意识、建立竞争激励机制等五个方面予以改进。  相似文献   

涉外旅游专业人才教育思路探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
涉外旅游专业是一个比较新的专业,为了完善涉外旅游专业建设,力图在日趋激烈的旅游市场竞争中,培养出既具有涉外旅游基础知识与理论,又具有较强的专业操作技能和实际经验的,应社会需求的涉外旅游管理、涉外领队服务、涉外导游服务、涉外酒店服务以及相关行业管理与服务的高级应用型专门人才。笔者在对一些开设旅游专业的高校进行调研和教学实践的基础上,探讨了涉外旅游专业学生应具备的素质、学校对涉外旅游专业学生的培养目标、开设的课程、教学的手段、学生实习的方式以及毕业生的去向等问题。  相似文献   

涉外公共管理服务是河北省对外开放的一项重要内容。在国家"一带一路"战略下,河北对外经济合作、海外人才引进和对外人文交流等涉外领域发展很快,境外人员逐年增长,但是涉外公共管理服务发展相对滞后。本文总结了涉外公共管理服务发展现状及问题,调研了其他省市先进做法,从工作定位、服务模式、服务体系三个方面提出了河北省涉外公共管理服务提升对策,以期促进河北省的经济发展和社会和谐。  相似文献   

旅游业的迅猛发展极大地推动了旅游人才教育的发展。桂林高等旅游教育随着我国旅游院校规模的不断扩大而发展迅速。但旅游本科教育存在的一些问题也越来越受到广泛关注。论文通过对桂林高校旅游本科教育现状及存在问题的分析,探讨旅游教育如何才能培养出旅游业所需的适用人才,并提出了旅游本科教育的改进对策,以期桂林旅游教育走可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

全球化是社会生产力发展的客观趋势,它已经成为当今世界的重要特征,在全球化背景下廊坊市对外交流活动日益增多,由文化冲突造成的交流不畅问题也日益凸显。因此提高廊坊市涉外人员跨文化素质,有利于外向型经济的发展和国际化城市的建设。廊坊市的涉外政府部门、企事业单位以及高校都应该按照自身涉外需求,增强涉外人员的跨文化素质,提高跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

导游服务集表演艺术、语言艺术和综合艺术于一身,在旅游接待服务中发挥着核心作用,被誉为"旅游业的灵魂"、"旅游活动的导演"的导游员是旅游服务过程中举足轻重的关键人物.导游员树立良好的职业形象,为旅游者提供优质导游服务,有助于增强旅游者对导游员的信任感,缩短导游员与旅游者间的心理距离,最大程度地满足旅游者的需求.  相似文献   

随着环首都经济圈的快速发展,现代服务业必将成为廊坊重要经济产业之一,其中占据重要地位是酒店业,发展的关键是打造高素质的涉外人才队伍。以廊坊为例,要准确定位、创新模式,努力建设一支文化素质高、实战能力强的涉外人才队伍。  相似文献   

This article sheds light on the key player needed for any space tourism adventure: the pilot who flies the spacecraft. The paper addresses the potential benefits of including a pilot at the controls when designing a space tourism spacecraft. It examines the basic qualifications and advanced skills required of space tourism pilots and discusses key training requirements for selected pilots and space pilots' pay and benefits. In addition, the research concludes that, just as the pioneers of passenger transport in aviation entertained and captured the interest of their passengers, the space pilot should have the skills of a tour guide.  相似文献   

时下红色文化热,唱红歌活动大江南北如火如荼。红色电影《西柏坡》将红色文化教育、红色旅游经济与动漫传播相结合,是一次用动画形式弘扬红色文化的大胆尝试。  相似文献   

时下红色文化热,唱红歌活动大江南北如火如荼。红色电影《西柏坡》将红色文化教育、红色旅游经济与动漫传播相结合,是一次用动画形式弘扬红色文化的大胆尝试。  相似文献   

Dave Wright   《Space Policy》2007,23(3):180-181
The conference began with The Charles Martin Lecture, given this year by George Abbey, formerly Director of the NASA Johnson Spaceflight Center. George spoke of the significant contribution of British scientists and engineers to the early days of NASA. He was followed by an ebullient tour d’horizon from the admirable Dr David Southwood, Head of Science at ESA. Lucie Green from Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL), who is leading the outreach component of the International Heliophysical Year, then brought the first session to a close. The conference then split into three parallels.  相似文献   

Uwe Apel 《Space Policy》1997,13(4):279-284
Based on presentations made at the first International Symposium on Space Tourism (ISST), held in Bremen on March 20–22 1997, an overview over the current state of discussion on space tourism is given. Starting with an evaluation of the current situation for spaceflight, the author's viewpoint on the rationale for space tourism is described. The potential of space tourism as a future large space market is demonstrated using the results of recent market research and projection. This is followed by discussion of the appropriate technical means for space tourism in terms of space transportation systems and orbital infra-structure. In addition, the necessary non-technical boundary conditions to initiate space tourism and the associated dangers and risks are described and assessed  相似文献   

M Reichert 《Acta Astronautica》2001,49(3-10):495-522
After the Apollo Moon program, the international space station represents a further milestone of humankind in space, International follow-on programs like a manned return to the Moon and a first manned Mars Mission can be considered as the next logical step. More and more attention is also paid to the topic of future space tourism in Earth orbit, which is currently under investigation in the USA, Japan and Europe due to its multibillion dollar market potential and high acceptance in society. The wide variety of experience, gained within the space station program, should be used in order to achieve time and cost savings for future manned programs. Different strategies and roadmaps are investigated for space tourism and human missions to the Moon and Mars, based on a comprehensive systems analysis approach. By using DLR's software tool FAST (Fast Assessment of Space Technologies), different scenarios will be defined, optimised and finally evaluated with respect to mission architecture, required technologies, total costs and program duration. This includes trajectory analysis, spacecraft design on subsystem level, operations and life cycle cost analysis. For space tourism, an expected evolutionary roadmap will be described which is initiated by short suborbital tourism and ends with visionary designs like the Space Hotel Berlin and the Space Hotel Europe concept. Furthermore the potential space tourism market, its economic meaning as well as the expected range of the costs of a space ticket (e.g. $50,000 for a suborbital flight) will be analysed and quantified. For human missions to the Moon and Mars, an international 20 year program for the first decades of the next millennium is proposed, which requires about $2.5 Billion per year for a manned return to the Moon program and about $2.6 Billion per year for the first 3 manned Mars missions. This is about the annual budget, which is currently spend by the USA only for the operations of its Space Shuttle fleet which generally proofs the affordability of such ambitious programs after the build-up of the International Space Station, when corresponding budget might become again available.  相似文献   

文化旅游是现代涉外旅游的新时尚,作者讨论了廊坊如何开发现有的文化旅游资源,发展入境旅游事业的问题。提出了谋划廊坊民俗文化涉外旅游的新思路,构想出廊坊民俗文化涉外旅游体验节的互动体验模式。  相似文献   

Linda Billings   《Space Policy》2006,22(3):162-164
A space tourism industry appears to be about to take off. Businesses have announced plans to launch people into suborbital space for $200,000/person, with flights beginning as early as 2008. A brief review of the history of the idea of space tourism over the past four decades—and an awareness that many ventures have quietly shelved their grandiose plans—might aid thinking about the prospects for development of a safe and thriving space tourism industry. Today's space tourism model emphases the concept of luxury, and the lifestyle of hyper-consumption. It may be worth considering whether and how this conception of space tourism might affect the future of space exploration.  相似文献   

The regulatory challenges of ensuring commercial human spaceflight safety   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Space tourism is the term commonly used to refer to ordinary members of the public buying tickets to travel to space and back, but has recently become more broadly associated with “any commercial activity offering customers direct or indirect experience with space travel”. The nascent commercial human spaceflight market presents a challenge to regulators with regard to the potential certification and licensing of the flight vehicles and their use (both within and outside the atmosphere), from the perspective of the operator, the flight participants, and third parties who might be affected by the operations. The UK is currently reviewing the issues posed by this emerging sector and its licensing/certification authorities are considering how best to balance their statutory responsibilities with the need to facilitate the development of this new industry and the favour positioning of UK players, eliminating unnecessary regulatory barriers to participation.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2010,67(11-12):1625-1632
Excellent essays have been recently published on the profitability and the future of space tourism. This paper is intended to supplement the considerations in this field and emphasizes the further potential evolution of commercial personal spaceflights. Indeed, based upon work done at the International Space University (ISU) the oligopolistic character of suborbital space tourism has been linked to marketing and product life cycle (PLC) considerations and has led to the thesis that space tourism as a profitable sector will require a follow-on strategy. Orbital space tourism, on one hand, could become an extension of the PLC but, on the other hand, it is assumed that point-to-point (P2P) commercial space transport will become the long term sustainable market. Without ignoring technical challenges, this paper will mainly concentrate on marketing and commercial aspects of personal spaceflight.  相似文献   

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