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The main goal of this paper is to compile a catalog of large-scale phenomena in the solar wind over the observation period of 1976–2000 using the measurement data presented in the OMNI database. This work included several stages. At first the original OMNI database was supplemented by certain key parameters of the solar wind that determine the type of the solar wind stream. The following parameters belong to this group: the plasma ratio β, thermal (NkT) and kinetic (mNV 2) pressures of the solar wind, the ratio T/T exp of measured and expected temperatures, gradients of the plasma velocity and density, and the magnetic field gradient. The results of visualization of basic plasma parameters that determine the character of the solar wind stream are presented on the website of the Space Research Institute, Moscow. Preliminary identification of basic types of the solar wind stream (FAST and SLOW streams, Heliospheric Current Sheet (HCS), Corotating Interaction Region (CIR), EJECTA (or Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections), Magnetic Cloud (MC), SHEATH (compression region before EJECTA/MC), rarified region RARE, and interplanetary shock wave IS) had been made with the help of a preliminary identification program using the preset threshold criteria for plasma and interplanetary magnetic field parameters. Final identification was done by comparison with the results of visual analysis of the solar wind data. In conclusion, histograms of distributions and statistical characteristics are presented for some parameters of various large-scale types of the solar wind.  相似文献   

Methods of localizing coronal sources of the solar wind (SW), such as coronal holes, quasi-stationary fluxes from active regions, and transient sources associated with small-scale active phenomena are considered based on vacuum-ultraviolet (EUV) images of the corona at low solar activity during the initial period of the 24th solar cycle (2010). It is shown that a SW velocity profile can be calculated from the relative areas of coronal holes (CH) at the central part of the disk based on the images in the ranges of 193 and 171 Å. The images in the 193 Å describe the geometry of large HCs that represent sources of fast SW well. The images in 171 Å are a better visualization of small CHs, based on which the profile of a slow SW component was calculated to a high accuracy (up to 65 km/s). According to Hinode/EIS data of October 15, 2010, using the Doppler spectroscopy method at the streamer base over the active region 11112, the source of the outgoing plasma flux with the mean velocity of 17 km/s was localized in the magnetic field region with an intensity of less than 200 Gauss. According to the estimate, the density of the plasma flux from this source is an order of magnitude greater than the value required for explaining the distinction between the calculated and measured profiles of a slow SW velocity. For finding the transient SW component based on small-scale flare activity, SW parameters were analyzed for the periods of flares accompanied by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and for the periods without flares, according to the data obtained in 2010 from the ACE and GOES satellites and by coronagraphs on the STEREO-A and -B spacecraft. The ion ratios C+6/C+5 and O+7/O+6 and the mean charge of Fe ions for periods with flares were shown to be shifted toward large values, suggesting the presence of a hot SW component associated with flare activity. A noticeable correlation between the maximum charge of Fe ions and the peak power of a flare, previously observed for flares of a higher class, was confirmed. The mean value of the SW flux density during the periods of flares was 30% higher than that in the periods without flares, which is possibly associated also with the growth of fluxes from other sources with an increasing solar activity level. Based on the example of a series of flares of October 13–14, 2010, it was supposed that transient SW fluxes from the weak flares at low solar activity can manifest themselves in the form of interplanetary ICME-transients.  相似文献   

We have considered the possible causes of discrepancies between the predicted and observed at 1 AU parameters of the recurrent solar wind (SW) streams in the maximum of the 24th solar cycle. These discrepancies have been observed in both the SW velocity profile and the SW stream arrival time, as well as in the absence of the expected high-speed SW stream. The degree of discrepancy depends on the model used for the SW prediction; however, in some cases, different prediction methods provide a similar discrepancy with the observed SW parameters at 1 AU. For several cases, we show that the probable cause of the discrepancies can be a deflection of the high-speed SW stream from the radial direction due to the interaction with the transient SW streams at certain configuration of the magnetic fields of high-speed and transient SW sources in the solar corona.  相似文献   

Based on the results of plasma and magnetic measurements at three different points of the heliosphere and telescopic observations of the Sun from these points we study simultaneously high-speed streams (HSS) of the solar wind (SW) near the Earths’s orbit and coronal holes (CH) that have generated them. The data from spacecraft STEREO-A, STEREO-B, ACE, and SOHO are used together with ground-based observations from March 2007 to May 2008. In this period there existed HSS whose sources represented CH of various polarity, geometry, and location relative to the heliographic and heliomagnetic equators. Dependence of SW parameters on mutual positions of spacecraft with respect to CH and heliospheric current sheet, and also on heliolatitude and geometry of the CH is revealed. A difference of more than 5° in locations of spacecraft with respect to the heliospheric current sheet in November 2007 allowed us to discover a heliolatitude velocity gradient of the SW streams between the STEREO-A and STEREO-B spacecraft. On the average this gradient at that time was equal to 20 km/s per degree. Substantial variations in SW streams associated with variations of the HSS SW sources during a few hours or days were also observed. This variability makes it difficult to use the data of spacecraft STEREO-B for sufficiently accurate prediction of SW properties in the near-Earth space by the method of simple advanced ti me shift due to heliolongitude difference between a spacecraft and the Earth even in solar activity minimum.  相似文献   

Variations of the proton spectra in the 0.3–100 MeV energy range based on the data of various instruments installed onboard the IMP-8 satellite are studied for very quiet, quiet, and quasi-stable solar activity periods during the years 1974–1991. As many as 118 spectra were approximated by two power laws: the left-hand and galactic branches of the spectrum were fitted by the AE function and a dependence of the CE type, respectively, the sum J(E) = AE + CE providing the total spectrum. It is shown that the spectra vary within a solar cycle with a shift of the minimum energy (E min) to higher energies with increasing solar activity. It follows from the relations between the spectrum parameters thus obtained that, in particular periods of time, an increase (decrease) of the particle flux in the low-energy branch of the spectrum and an intensification (depression) of the GCR particle flux modulation take place simultaneously. This is manifested in a shift of the spectrum parallel to the energy axis. The study of the spectra in the most quiet time during three successive solar minima have shown that low-energy (0.3–10 MeV) protons, as well as GCR, are subject to the 22-year variation in the solar magnetic cycle.  相似文献   

A brief review is given of contemporary approaches to solving the problem of medium-term forecast of the velocity of quasi-stationary solar wind (SW) and of the intensity of geomagnetic disturbances caused by it. At the present time, two promising models of calculating the velocity of quasi-stationary SW at the Earth’s orbit are realized. One model is the semi-empirical model of Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA) which allows one to calculate the dependence V(t) of SW velocity at the Earth’s orbit using measured values of the photospheric magnetic field. This model is based on calculation of the local divergence f S of magnetic field lines. The second model is semi-empirical model by Eselevich-Fainshtein-Rudenko (EFR). It is based on calculation in a potential approximation of the area of foot points on the solar surface of open magnetic tubes (sources of fast quasistationary SW). The new Bd-technology is used in these calculations, allowing one to calculate instantaneous distributions of the magnetic field above the entire visible surface of the Sun. Using predicted V(t) profiles, one can in EFR model calculate also the intensity of geomagnetic disturbances caused by quasi-stationary SW. This intensity is expressed through the K p index. In this paper the EFR model is discussed in detail. Some examples of epignosis and real forecast of V(t) and K p (t) are discussed. A comparison of the results of applying these two models for the SW velocity forecasting is presented.  相似文献   

The dynamics of near plasma sheet electrons and ions (E 0.1–12.4 keV), ring current protons (E i 41–133 keV), and energetic electrons from the Earth's radiation belts (E e 97–1010 keV) is considered using the data from the Gorizont-34and Gorizont-35geosynchronous satellites from March 11–25, 1992. Peculiarities of this period are a long (more than 4 days) interval of the northward interplanetary magnetic field (B z> 0) and a high-speed stream of the solar wind with an enhanced particle density. The SC and compression of the magnetosphere to the geosynchronous orbit (GMC) preceded this interval. Under quiet and moderately disturbed geomagnetic conditions and under a prolonged northward interplanetary magnetic field, we observed a significant decrease of fluxes and softening of spectra of the electron component of plasma in the energy ranges of 0.1–12.4 keV and 97–1010 keV, and of the ion component of plasma at energies of 0.1–4 keV, while the intensity of 5–12.4 keV ion fluxes increases by about one order of magnitude. The peculiarities of distributions of energetic particle fluxes observed in the period under consideration can be associated with significant variations of the convection conditions and a decreased or fully suppressed injection of energetic electrons into the geosynchronous orbit region.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the proton energy spectrum during the solar cycle is studied. The spectra were determined by 1–100 MeV particle fluxes measured by different instruments mounted aboard the Earth's IMP-8 satellite for more than one hundred quiet-time intervals in the period between 1974 and 1991. The galactic branch of the spectra (E p > 10 MeV) constructed for every quiet interval was fitted by a power law function, J =CE . The theory predicts that in the 1–100 MeV energy range, where the adiabatic cooling of particles is dominant, = 1, while we have derived a double-peak distribution. The main maximum has the mean value = 1.35. The mean value of the second, much weaker maximum, is = 0.95. Within the main maximum, values are distributed in accordance with the Gaussian law with a standard deviation D/ = 0.12. The substantial difference of from unity requires the elaboration of a new model of modulation processes in the inner heliosphere. The values corresponding to the second maximum show that modulation processes correspond sometimes to theoretical conceptions. It is shown that correlates weakly with parameters A and describing the solar branch of the spectrum (J(E) = AE ). At the same time, a more significant correlation is observed between and the solar activity index, R z, the counting rate of the Deep River neutron monitor, and the energy value in the minimum of the energy spectrum flux, E min.  相似文献   

This work is a continuation of investigation [1] of the behavior of the solar wind’s and interplanetary magnetic field’s parameters near the onset of geomagnetic storms for various types of solar wind streams. The data of the OMNI base for the 1976–2000 period are used in the analysis. The types of solar wind streams were determined, and the times of beginning (onsets) of magnetic storms were distributed in solar wind types as follows: CIR (121 storms), Sheath (22 storms), MC (113 storms), and “uncertain type” (367 storms). The growth of variations (hourly standard deviations) of the density and IMF magnitude was observed 5–10 hours before the onset only in the Sheath. For the CIR-, Sheath-and MC-induced storms the dependence between the minimum of the IMF B z-component and the minimum of the D st -index, as well as the dependence between the electric field E y of solar wind and the minimum of the D st -index are steeper than those for the “uncertain” solar wind type. The steepest D st vs. B z dependence is observed in the Sheath, and the steepest D st vs. E y dependence is observed in the MC.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the Space Weather program, 25-year data sets for solar X-ray observations, measurements of plasma and magnetic field parameters in the solar wind, and D st index variations are analyzed to reveal the factors that have had the greatest influence on the development of magnetospheric storms. The correlation between solar flares and magnetic storms practically does not exceed a level of correlation for random processes. In particular, no relation was found between the importance of solar flares and the minimum of the D st index for storms that could be connected with considered flares by their time delay. The coronal mass ejections (CME; data on these phenomena cover a small part of the interval) result in storms with D st < –60 nT only in half of the cases. The most geoeffective interplanetary phenomena are the magnetic clouds (MC), which many believe to be interplanetary manifestations of CMEs, and compressions in the region of interaction of slow and fast streams in the solar wind (the so-called Corotating Interaction Region, CIR). They correspond to about two-thirds of all observed magnetic storms. For storms with –100 < D st < –60 nT, the frequencies of storms from MC and CIR being approximately equal. For strong storms with D st < – 100 nT, the fraction of storms from MC is considerably higher. The problems of reliable prediction of geomagnetic disturbances from observations of the Sun and conditions in interplanetary space are discussed.  相似文献   

The electromagnetic radio-frequency emission of the inner region of the Earth's plasmasphere discovered recently by the GEOTAIL satellite [4] and referred to as the kilometric continuum was observed by the INTERBALL-1 satellite (1995–2000) in the 100–500 kHz band in the AKR-X experiment. During a period of low solar activity (1995–1997), this continuum was found leaving the inner plasmasphere at geocentric distances of 2–4R E as isolated pencil-like (1°–6°) beams located in the magnetic equator plane. During a time of high solar activity (1999–2000), the occurrence of the emission was extremely rare (it was observed only at a considerable fall of this activity). If detected, at the same geocentric distances (2–4R E) the continuum demonstrated a strongly variable and perturbed character, as well as a considerably larger extension of the beam over the geomagnetic latitude (10°–20° and more). In addition, quasi-periodic (QP) signals, similar to the observed QP emissions of Jupiter, were sometimes detected in this period. The probable nature of the observed features of the kilometric continuum is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Results of modeling the time behavior of the D st index at the main phase of 93 geomagnetic storms (?250 < D st ≤ ?50 nT) caused by different types of solar wind (SW) streams: magnetic clouds (MC, 10 storms), corotating interaction regions (CIR, 31 storms), the compression region before interplanetary coronal ejections (Sheath before ICME, 21 storms), and “pistons” (Ejecta, 31 storms) are presented. The “Catalog of Large-Scale Solar Wind Phenomena during 1976–2000” (ftp://ftp.iki.rssi.ru/pub/omni/) created on the basis of the OMNI database was the initial data for the analysis. The main phase of magnetic storms is approximated by a linear dependence on the main parameters of the solar wind: integral electric field sumEy, dynamic pressure P d , and fluctuation level sB in IMF. For all types of SW, the main phase of magnetic storms is better modeled by individual values of the approximation coefficients: the correlation coefficient is high and the standard deviation between the modeled and measured values of D st is low. The accuracy of the model in question is higher for storms from MC and is lower by a factor of ~2 for the storms from other types of SW. The version of the model with the approximation coefficients averaged over SW type describes worse variations of the measured D st index: the correlation coefficient is the lowest for the storms caused by MC and the highest for the Sheath- and CIR-induced storms. The model accuracy is the highest for the storms caused by Ejecta and, for the storms caused by Sheath, is a factor of ~1.42 lower. Addition of corrections for the prehistory of the development of the beginning of the main phase of the magnetic storm improves modeling parameters for all types of interplanetary sources of storms: the correlation coefficient varies within the range from r = 0.81 for the storms caused by Ejecta to r = 0.85 for the storms caused by Sheath. The highest accuracy is for the storms caused by MC. It is, by a factor of ~1.5, lower for the Sheath-induced storms.  相似文献   

Results of the analysis of 327 sessions of radio occultation on satellite-to-satellite paths are presented. The data are taken in the nighttime polar ionosphere in the regions with latitudes of 67°–88°, and in the period of high solar activity from October 26, 2003 to November 9, 2003. Typical ionospheric changes in the amplitude and phase of decimeter radio waves on paths GPS satellites-CHAMP satellite are presented. It is demonstrated that these data make it possible to determine characteristics of the sporadic E s structures in the lower ionosphere at heights of 75–120 km. Histograms of distribution of the lower and upper boundaries, thickness, and intensity of the E s structures are presented. Dispersion and spectra of amplitude fluctuations of decimeter radio waves caused by small-scale irregularity of the ionospheric plasma are analyzed. The relation of the polar E s structures and intensity of small-scale plasma irregularity to various manifestations of solar activity is discussed. The efficiency of monitoring the ionospheric disturbances caused by shock waves of the solar wind by the radio occultation method on satellite-to-satellite paths is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Sazonov  V. V.  Abrashkin  V. I.  Kazakova  A. E.  Zaitsev  A. S. 《Cosmic Research》2004,42(2):194-201
The level of quasistatic microaccelerations onboard the Foton-M satellite is predicted for its flights in two orbits: the planned orbit with the altitudes in perigee h = 262 km and in apogee h = 304 km and the orbit with h = 262 km and h = 350 km. The prediction is based on mathematical simulation of the satellite motion with respect to its center of mass under the action of gravitational and aerodynamic moments. The model is represented by the system of equations of the satellite rotational motion. Parameters of this system are chosen from the condition of coincidence of the motion of preceding Foton satellites (h 220 km and h 400 km) calculated using this model with the results of determination of actual rotational motion of the Foton-11 and Foton-12 satellites. With the help of the model thus calibrated, a calculation is made of the rotational motion of the Foton-M satellite and of the quasistatic microaccelerations onboard it. As is shown by the results of simulation, the use of the first and the second orbits will result in reductions of microaccelerations by 30% and 60%, respectively.  相似文献   

Kravtsov  Yu. A.  Tinin  M. V. 《Cosmic Research》2003,41(4):357-358
A new procedure for restoration of the plasma inhomogeneities with improved resolution is suggested. The procedure deals with the double weighted Fourier transform (DWFT) of the observed wavefield in coordinates of both receivers = (x, y) and sources 0 = (x 0, y 0) [1]. Phase increments between the sources and receivers, being found from DWFT representation, can be used for extracting information on small perturbations of the dielectric constant ~(, z) in a way similar to traditional radio tomography. The resulting resolution of the method is close to the diffraction limit = h/D in the horizontal direction and z = (h/D)2 in the vertical direction, where h is the height of inhomogeneities and D is the length of the ground-based receiving system.  相似文献   

Nose structures are objects formed by H+ particles penetrating into the inner magnetosphere [1, 2]. We present the results of experimental studies and numerical modeling of the nose structures. Statistical processing of the observations of nose structures in 1997 by the ION instrument onboard the Interball-2 satellite at heights of 10000–15000 km demonstrates that the probability of formation of the nose structures under quiet magnetic conditions (with current values K p = 0–1) in the nighttime sector of the magnetosphere is 90%. The probability of observation of the nose structures in the daytime sector equals 50% at the current value K p = 0–1, and the correlation between the observations of nose structures and K p can be improved (up to 75%) if the K p index is taken 6 h before the observed events. It is shown that nose structures are a characteristic feature not only of the substorm processes but also of quasi-stationary phenomena in the quiet magnetosphere. The nose structures observed in magnetically quiet periods are called stationary nose structures in this work. By modeling drift trajectories for protons, it is shown that the stationary nose structures are formed in all sectors of the MLT. The stationary nose structures observed by the ION instrument are modeled in the night, morning, and daytime sectors of the MLT. The relation between the stationary nose structures and ion spectral gaps is considered.  相似文献   

The results of developing the empirical model of parameters of radio signals propagating in the inhomogeneous ionosphere at middle and high latitudes are presented. As the initial data we took the homogeneous data obtained as a result of observations carried out at the Antarctic Molodezhnaya station by the method of continuous transmission probing of the ionosphere by signals of the satellite radionavigation Transit system at coherent frequencies of 150 and 400 MHz. The data relate to the summer season period in the Southern hemisphere of the Earth in 1988–1989 during high (F > 160) activity of the Sun. The behavior of the following statistical characteristics of radio signal parameters was analyzed: (a) the interval of correlation of fluctuations of amplitudes at a frequency of 150 MHz ( kA ); (b) the interval of correlation of fluctuations of the difference phase ( k); and (c) the parameter characterizing frequency spectra of amplitude (P A) and phase (P ) fluctuations. A third-degree polynomial was used for modeling of propagation parameters. For all above indicated propagation parameters, the coefficients of the third-degree polynomial were calculated as a function of local time and magnetic activity. The results of calculations are tabulated.  相似文献   

In this paper we continue the analysis of the influence of solar and interplanetary events on magnetic storms of the Earth that was started in [9, 10]. Different experimental results on solar-terrestrial physics are analyzed in the study and the effects are determined that arise due to differences in the methods used to analyze the data. The classifications of magnetic storms by the K p and D st indices, the solar flare classifications by optical and X-ray observations, and the classifications of different geoeffective interplanetary events are compared and discussed. It is demonstrated that quantitative estimations of the relationships between two types of events often depend on the direction in which the events are compared. In particular, it was demonstrated that the geoeffectiveness of halo CMEs (that is, the percentage of Earth-directed coronal mass ejections that result in geomagnetic storms) is 40–50%. Higher values given in some papers were obtained by another method, in which they were defined as the probability of finding candidates for a source of geomagnetic storms among CMEs, and, strictly speaking, these values are not true estimates of the geoeffectiveness. The latter results are also in contrast with the results of the two-stage tracing of the events: first a storm—an interplanetary disturbance, and then an interplanetary disturbance—a CME.  相似文献   

Based on the comparison of solar activity indices (annual average values of the relative number of sunspots Rz12 and solar radio emission flux at a wavelength of 10.7 cm F12) with the ionospheric index of solar activity IG12 for 1954–2013, we have found that the index F12 is a more accurate (than Rz12) indicator of solar activity for the long-term forecast of foF2 (the critical frequency of the F2-layer). This advantage of the F12 index becomes especially significant after 2000 if the specific features of extreme ultraviolet radiation of the Sun are additionally taken into account in the minima of solar cycles, using an appropriate correction to F12. Qualitative arguments are given in favor of the use of F12 for the long-term forecast of both foF2 and other ionospheric parameters.  相似文献   

We consider a relationship between the difference in spectral indices of the spectra of single hadrons and all hadrons (snglh) and the difference in the indices of the spectra of galactic cosmic ray (GCR) protons and nuclei. It is demonstrated that at the mountain level the ratio (pZ)/(snglh) is always larger than unity, if (snglh) > 0.1. From the experimental value snglh = 0.4 ± 0.05 we derive that, in the vicinity of E = 10 TeV, pZ 0.49 ± 0.06 , i.e., p 3.09 ± 0.06.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2005, pp. 83–87.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Grigorov, Tolstaya.  相似文献   

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