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Gravity is the only environmental parameter that has remained constant during the period of evolution of living matter on Earth. Thus, it must have been a major force in shaping livimg things. The influence of gravitational loading on evolution of the vertebrate skeleton is well recognized, and scale effects have been studied. This paper, however, considers in addition four pivotal events in early evolution that would seem to have been significant for the later success and diversification of animal life. These are evolution of the cytoskeleton, cell motility (flagellae and cilia), gravity detecting devices (accelerometers), and biomineralization. All are functionally calcium dependent in eukaryotes and all occurred or were foreshadowed in prokaryotes. A major question is why calcium was selected as an ion of great importance to the structure and function of living matter; another is whether gravity played a role in its selection.  相似文献   

An axis clinostat was constructed to create micro and negative gravity also a rotated flat disk was constructed with different rotation rates to give increased gravity, by centrifugal force up to 48 g. Rice seeds were grown on agar in tubes at the constant air temperature of 20 degrees C under an average light condition of 110 micromol/m2/sec(PPF). Humidity was not controlled but was maintained above 90%. Since the tube containers were not large enough for long cultivation, shoot and root growth were observed every 12 hours until the sixth day from seeding. The lengths of shoots and roots for each individual plant were measured on the last day. The stem lengths were increased by microgravity but the root lengths were not. Under the negative gravity, negative orthogeotropism and under microgravity, diageotropism was observed. No significant effect of increased gravity was observed on shoot and root growth.  相似文献   

The development of animal systems is described in terms of a series of overlapping phases: pattern specification; differentiation; growth; and aging. The extent to which altered (micro) gravity (g) affects those phases is briefly reviewed for several animal systems. As a model, amphibian egg/early embryo is described. Recent data derived from clinostat protocols indicates that microgravity simulation alters early pattern specification (dorsal/ventral polarity) but does not adversely influence subsequent morphogenesis. Possible explanations for the absence of catastrophic microgravity effects on amphibian embryogenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

从地基研究植物向重性和在神舟八号卫星微重力条件下培养植物细胞出发,探讨重力变化对植物细胞发生作用时产生的生物学效应.已有结果显示,在植物向重性反应和处于失重状态时,重力方向和大小变化对细胞壁代谢具有一定影响.推断细胞形状的维持是由细胞壁的刚性与细胞内膨压平衡所致,当细胞膨压大于细胞壁刚性导致上述平衡打破时就会引起细胞体积增大.因此,重力的变化可能会通过影响植物细胞壁刚性与细胞内膨压的平衡影响细胞生长.  相似文献   

To clarify the effects of gravity on heat/gas exchange between plant leaves and the ambient air, the leaf temperatures and net photosynthetic rates of plant leaves were evaluated at 0.01, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 G of 20 seconds each during a parabolic airplane flight. Thermal images of leaves were captured using infrared thermography at an air temperature of 26 degrees C, a relative humidity of 15% and an irradiance of 260 W m-2. The net photosynthetic rates were determined by using a chamber method with an infrared gas analyzer at an air temperature of 20 degrees C, a relative humidity of 50% and a photosynthetic photon flux of 0.5 mmol m-2 s-1. The mean leaf temperature increased by 1 degree C and the net photosynthetic rate decreased by 13% with decreasing gravity levels from 1.0 to 0.01 G. The leaf temperature decreased by 0.5 degree C and the net photosynthetic rate increased by 7% with increasing gravity levels from 1.0 to 2.0 G. Heat/gas exchanges between leaves and the ambient air were more retarded at lower gravity levels. A restricted free air convection under microgravity conditions in space would limit plant growth by retarding heat and gas exchanges between leaves and the ambient air.  相似文献   

The debate about whether gravity sensing relies upon statoliths (amyloplasts that sediment) has intensified with recent findings of gravitropism in starchless mutants and of claims of hydrostatic gravity sensing. Starch and significant plastid sedimentation are not necessary for reduced sensing in mutant roots, but plastids might function here if there were a specialized receptor for plastid mass e.g. in the ER. Alternatively, components in addition to amyloplasts might provide mass for sensing. The nucleus is dense and its position is regulated, but no direct data exist for its role in sensing. If the weight of the protoplast functioned in sensing, why would there be specific cytological specializations favoring sedimentation rather than cell mass? Gravity has multiple effects on plants in addition to gravitropism. There may be more than one mechanism of gravity sensing.  相似文献   

In the primary roots of lettuce shoots grown under altered gravitational conditions--180 degrees inversion on the centrifuged clinostat, horizontal clinostat and in dynamic weightlessness--localization of the cellular organelles, cell morphology and peculiarities of growth have been studied. Significant changes took place in the localization of amyloplasts on the horizontal clinostat. The changes of amyloplast position in the cap cells on the horizontal clinostat and under weightlessness are similar. A change of the normal shoot position (180 degrees inversion and horizontal clinostat) causes an inhibition of growth. Weightlessness increases the length of axial organs and cells in the zone of elongation, but decreases the nitotic index in comparison to the centrifuged control. The anlysis of the formation of generative organs has been carried out for Arabidopsis plants grown on board the orbital station Salyut-6. The ability of plants to undergo vegetative growth and to pass through early phases of generative development under weightlessness was confirmed.  相似文献   

Calcium ions may play a key role in linking graviperception by the root cap to the asymmetric growth which occurs in the elongation zone of gravistimulated roots. Application of calcium-chelating agents to the root cap inhibits gravitropic curvature without affecting growth. Asymmetric application of calcium to one side of the root cap induces curvature toward the calcium source, and gravistimulation induces polar movement of applied 45Ca2+ across the root cap toward the lower side. The action of calcium may be linked to auxin movement in roots since 1) auxin transport inhibitors interfere both with gravitropic curvature and gravi-induced polar calcium movement and 2) asymmetric application of calcium enhances auxin movement across the elongation zone of gravistimulated roots. Indirect evidence indicates that the calcium-modulated regulator protein, calmodulin, may be involved in either the transport or action of calcium in the gravitropic response mechanism of roots.  相似文献   

A ring-like mass exerts a well computable gravitational attraction on a material point located along a straight line, being perpendicular to the plane of the ring in its centre. In the state of weightlessness, an oscillatory movement will develop owing to this effect. The period, T, of oscillation depends on the gravity constant, on the density and dimensions of the ring, as well as on the amplitude of the oscillation. Its exact computation can be based on the determination of the gravity potential function of the ring. The oscillation has the following form:
where f is the gravitational constant.
is the density of the ring, r and R are the radii of the ring, z is the distance of the turning point of the oscillation from the centre of the ring, while I/r,R,z/ is an improper integral which can be computed with any desired accuracy owing to the favourable function-theoretical character of the potential. We computed the oscillation period for various possible values of the parameters and obtained time data of an order of magnitude which falls into a well observable interval.The outlined conceptual experiment for the improved determination of the gravitational constant may present, of course, many technical difficulties and error sources /e.g. the path of the oscillating point is quite unstable owing to the extremely small acting forces, electric charges and also radiation pressure might be present, the gravity field would show a gradient on the spot of the experiment, etc./. Nevertheless, it seems to be worthwhile to consider carrying out such an experiment, using the possibilities offered by modern techniques in observing distances and time. For the path distortions caused by errors, we give a few estimates, but in case of realization of the experiment, a more detailed error analysis must be made.  相似文献   

The gravity field model AIUB-CHAMP02S, which is based on six years of CHAMP GPS data, is presented here. The gravity field parameters were derived using a two step procedure: In a first step a kinematic trajectory of a low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellite is computed using the GPS data from the on-board receiver. In this step the orbits and clock corrections of the GPS satellites as well as the Earth rotation parameters (ERPs) are introduced as known. In the second step this kinematic orbit is represented by a gravitational force model and orbit parameters.  相似文献   

Growing plants to facilitate life in outer space, for example on the International Space Station (ISS) or at planned deep-space human outposts on the Moon or Mars, has received much attention with regard to NASA’s advanced life support system research. With the objective of in situ resource utilization to conserve energy and to limit transport costs, native materials mined on Moon or Mars are of primary interest for plant growth media in a future outpost, while terrestrial porous substrates with optimal growth media characteristics will be useful for onboard plant growth during space missions. Due to limited experimental opportunities and prohibitive costs, liquid and gas behavior in porous substrates under reduced gravity conditions has been less studied and hence remains poorly understood. Based on ground-based measurements, this study examined water retention, oxygen diffusivity and air permeability characteristics of six plant growth substrates for potential applications in space, including two terrestrial analogs for lunar and Martian soils and four particulate substrates widely used in reduced gravity experiments. To simulate reduced gravity water characteristics, the predictions for ground-based measurements (1 − g) were scaled to two reduced gravity conditions, Martian gravity (0.38 − g) and lunar gravity (0.16 − g), following the observations in previous reduced gravity studies. We described the observed gas diffusivity with a recently developed model combined with a new approach that estimates the gas percolation threshold based on the pore size distribution. The model successfully captured measured data for all investigated media and demonstrated the implications of the poorly-understood shift in gas percolation threshold with improved gas percolation in reduced gravity. Finally, using a substrate-structure parameter related to the gaseous phase, we adequately described the air permeability under reduced gravity conditions.  相似文献   

Quantitative data are presented on the influences of hyper-gravity (3 +/- 1g) and of simulated weightlessness (approximately 0g) during early ontogeny of cichlid fish (Oreochromis mossambicus) and clawed toad (Xenopus laevis, Daudin) demonstrating changes in the swimming behaviour and the brain energy and plasma membrane metabolism. After return to 1g conditions, hyper-g reared fish and toads express the well known "loop-swimming" behaviour. By means of a computer based video analyzing system different types of swimming movements and velocities were quantitatively determined. Analyses of the brain energy and plasma-membrane metabolism of hyper-g fish larvae demonstrated an increase in energy availability (glucose 6Pi dehydrogenase, G-6P-DH), a decrease of cellular energy transformation (creatine kinase activity, CK) but no changes in energy consumptive processes (e.g. ATPases) and cytochrome oxidase activity (Cyt.-Ox). In contrast hypo-g fish larvae showed a slight increase in brain CK activity. In addition, unlike 1g controls, hyper-g fish larvae showed pronounced variations in the composition (=polarity) of sialoglycosphingolipids (=gangliosides), typical constituents of the nerve cell membranes, and a slight increase in the activity of sialidase, the enzyme responsible for ganglioside degradation.  相似文献   

Space and clinostatic experiments revealed that plant cell structure and metabolism rearrangements depend on taxonomical position and physiological state of objects, growth phase and real or simulated microgravity influence duration. It was shown that clinostat conditions reproduce only a part of microgravity biological effects. It is established that various responses occur in microgravity: 1) rearrangements of cytoplasmic organelles ultrastructure and calcium balance; 2) physical-chemical properties of the plasmalemma are changed; 3) enzymes activity is often enhanced. These events provoke the acceleration of growth and differentiation of cells and their aging as a result; at the same time some responses can be considered as cell adaptation to microgravity.  相似文献   

The following hierarchical levels can be recognised in plant systems: cells, organs, organisms and gamodemes (interbreeding members of a community). Each level in this ‘living hierarchy’ is both defined and supported by a similar set of sub-systems. Within this framework of plant organization, two complementary questions are relevant for interpreting plant-oriented space experiments: 1) What role, if any, does gravity play in enabling the development of each organizational level? and 2) Does abnormal development in an altered gravity environment indicate sub-system inefficiency? Although a few representatives of the various organizational levels in plant systems have already been the subject of microgravity experiments in space laboratories—from cells in culture to gamodemes, the latter being found in some Closed Environment Life Support Systems—it would be of interest to investigate additional systems with respect to their response to microgravity. Recognition of the sub-systems at each level might be relevant not only for a more complete understanding of plant development but also for the successful cultivation and propagation of plants during long-term space flights and the establishment of plants in extra-terrestrial environments.  相似文献   

The present paper is a review of the experimental investigations published in the literature and performed by the authors on space vehicles. The paper also gives an analysis of theoretical concepts concerning gravitational effects on the cell. Taking this into account, the authors put forth a hypothesis that free-living unicellular organisms are indifferent to variations in the magnitude and direction of the gravitational field.  相似文献   

为研究近地卫星自旋运动规律,建立了近地卫星在受摄动影响的轨道上运行并受重力梯度力矩作用下的姿态运动模型,推导了自旋角速率满足一定条件下自旋运动的进动角、章动角、自旋角的解析解,对重力梯度作用下的自旋姿态运动规律进行了仿真分析,并用仿真计算结果验证了解析解的正确性。在轨道面缓慢进动情况下,当卫星绕最大主惯量轴自旋时,给出了自旋角速率取值范围表达式,在该取值范围内卫星自旋运动能够跟随轨道面一起进动,自旋轴以恒定的平均角速率进动,章动角在小范围内波动。建立的自旋姿态运动模型和分析结论可用于近地卫星姿态失控后的姿态确定和预测、在轨姿态设计及在轨备份等。  相似文献   

Effects of simulated microgravity and hypergravity on the senescence of oat leaf segments excised from the primary leaves of 8-d-old green seedlings were studied using a 3-dimensional (D) clinostat as a simulator of weightlessness and a centrifuge, respectively. During the incubation with water under 1-g conditions at 25 degrees C in the dark, the loss of chlorophyll of the segments was found dramatically immediately after leaf excision, and leaf color completely turned to yellow after 3-d to 4-d incubation. In this case kinetin (10 micromolar) was effective in retarding senescence. The application of simulated microgravity conditions on a 3-D clinostat enhanced chlorophyll loss in the presence or absence of kinetin. The loss of chlorophyll was also enhanced by hypergravity conditions (ca. 8 to 16 g), but the effect was smaller than that of simulated microgravity conditions on the clinostat. Jasmonates (JAs) and abscisic acid (ABA) promoted senescence under simulated microgravity conditions on the clinostat as well as under 1-g conditions. After 2-d incubation with water or 5-d incubation with kinetin, the endogenous levels of JAs and ABA of the segments kept under simulated microgravity conditions on the clinostat remained higher than those kept under 1-g conditions. These findings suggest that physiological processes of leaf senescence and the dynamics of endogenous plant hormone levels are substantially affected by gravity.  相似文献   

基于威布尔分布的C-T曲线通用性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究载荷谱、恒幅应力水平及裂纹尺寸对疲劳寿命预腐蚀影响系数C(T)的影响,建立了基于疲劳寿命服从威布尔分布的C(T)对比法.地面停放预腐蚀对结构疲劳寿命的影响规律可以用C-T曲线表示,当预腐蚀疲劳寿命位于长寿命段,常假定其服从威布尔分布,C(T)为预腐蚀后和未腐蚀结构特征寿命的比值.取预腐蚀疲劳寿命分布函数的形状参数为材料常数,采用极大似然方法估计特征寿命,得到其分布特性,从而建立了C(T)估计量的分布特性,构造了不同环境下的C(T)统计对比法,用于C-T曲线通用性分析. 试验数据分析表明,当取疲劳寿命服从威布尔分布时,C-T曲线与载荷谱、应力水平及裂纹尺寸基本无关.  相似文献   

VHF radar observations of the mesosphere generally reveal that the structure of turbulence is intermittent in space and time. Some examples of such turbulence layers and the concurrent gravity wave oscillations, observed in the low latitude mesosphere over the Arecibo Observatory/Puerto Rico are discussed. This turbulence structures which are intermittent on short time scales but persistently recur over periods of many hours at almost the same height are evidently not related to the simultaneously occurring short period gravity waves. These kinds of persistent turbulence structures are assumed to be related to very long period (inertia-) gravity waves, where instability takes place only by the wave induced shear in a narrow critical level. However, the short period gravity waves occasionally break into turbulence by overturning and convective instability. These interpretations offer a way to understand the generation mechanisms of the different kinds of turbulence structures, namely blobs, sheets and layers, which were reported in the early days of mesospheric VHF radar observations.  相似文献   

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