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The status of the US Air Force Space Power Research and Development Program is summarized. Generic issues and requirements affecting the strategic planning of space power advances for the 1990s and beyond are described. The major thrusts of the Air Fore part of the Strategic Defense Initiative Office Space Power Program are highlighted, with emphasis on the ongoing advanced component technology development program. The status of these component technologies in the areas of power sources, energy storage, power management and distribution, and thermal management is described. Technology projections for the full range of envisioned technology options for the foregoing are used as the basis for a series of point designs for deriving the subsystem- and system-level benefits of the technologies. The primary focus is on baseload (CW) power systems operating in the range from 100 W for small satellites to 50 kW for potential large surveillance satellites. The secondary focus is on large, multimegawatt pulsed power systems and related components for potential applications such as directed energy. Potential `trump card' technologies related to energy conversion, storage, power electronics, and thermal management are identified  相似文献   

《Aerospace engineering》1991,11(7):13-16
Future space travel to the moon and Mars will present new challenges in space suit design. This paper examines the impact that working on the surface environment of the moon and Mars will have on the requirements of space suits. In particular, habitat pressures will impact suit weight and design. Potential structural materials are explored, as are the difficulties in designing a suit to withstand the severe dust conditions expected.  相似文献   

The dependence of widespread use of photovoltaics to generate electricity on the cost of competing forms of energy is examined. The likely rise in the cost of fossil fuels and their role in the contamination of the global environment are discussed. The depletion of oil reserves and changes in the global climate are highlighted. The role of photovoltaics in future energy production is forecast  相似文献   

全球制造业的快速发展对机床行业提出了越来越高的要求,高速、高精、绿色制造、复合加工、精密加工、智能化、柔性化……都已成为机床的发展方向。在近几年的国际大型机床展中,越来越多的厂商展示了机床新技术、新概念,未来机床成为业内人士关注的热点。  相似文献   

On the day that Raytheon bought Hughes Electronics, A.N. Chester described how aerospace executives evaluate options for research programs. Their objective is to develop products that have value after the planned work is completed. Big changes are taking place in the environment in which a new commercial product must succeed. By “environment” means the official and unofficial rules created by social pressures, government decisions, industrial activity, and financial activity  相似文献   

The experimental measurements of the neutron flux and energy spectrum in space since 1964 are reviewed and related to the theoretical predictions. A discussion of the neutron sources is presented. The difficulties associated with neutron measurements of both the atmospheric neutron leakage flux and solar neutrons are included. Particular emphasis is placed upon the neutron leakage flux and energy measurements at energies greater than about 1 MeV. The possibilities of CRAND as a source for the energetic trapped protons are discussed in light of recent measurements of the 10–100 MeV neutron flux. The current status of the solar neutron flux observations is also presented.The primary purposes of neutron measurements in space have been to determine the neutron leakage flux from the atmosphere of the Earth and the solar neutron flux. As a consequence of the inefficient methods for neutron detection and the difficulties of conducting the measurements in the presence of the galactic and solar cosmic-ray backgrounds, the experimental results are very conflicting. It is the purpose of this review to interpret and discuss recent neutron measurements. In order to understand these results the theoretical predictions of the neutron fluxes and energy spectra from possible neutron sources will be briefly presented. Since comparisons of the different neutron measurements depend critically upon the experimental techniques, we will briefly discuss neutron detection methods applicable to space measurements. The emphasis will be upon measurements since 1964 made outside the Earth's atmosphere, but considerable reference will be made to high energy neutron experiments conducted within the Earth's atmosphere at < 10g cm-2 altitude. A review of earlier neutron measurements of terrestrial and solar neutrons has been made by Haymes (1965).  相似文献   

"系统仿真"、"虚拟制造"、"无纸化生产"这些信息时代的新型生产制造模式已经逐渐成熟,并在制造企业中得到了越来越广泛的应用,未来工厂的发展将更加趋向于集成化、数字化、虚拟化、全球化、标准化和智能化。  相似文献   

"柔性制造"、"全数字化工厂"、"智能车间"这些全新的制造理念已经逐渐被人们所重视,并逐渐在制造企业中得到应用。未来工厂的发展必将引领制造业又一次新的跨越。  相似文献   

无人工厂、智能生产越来越多地被人们提及。数字化智能化产品和理念的不断涌现为未来工厂制造、装备、生产、管  相似文献   

计算机技术、传感器技术的迅猛发展,使得测量技术更加日新月异。随着航空结构和设备对测量技术要求的不断提  相似文献   

未来无人机的技术发展趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无人机在现代战争中正发挥着越来越重要的作用,其发展越来越受到各国的重视。美国为保持其在无人机领域的技术优势,已经提出了未来无人机的重点研究项目及其涉及的关键技术,值得我们参考  相似文献   

The mission of the SRC is to (1) enhance the competitiveness of the U.S. semiconductor industry through the support of university and institutional research and education, personnel training and the development of skills required by industry, and the identification of key industry/government issues with recommendations for appropriate university research and/or independent industry/government response. Emphasis is on a core program that is directed to (1) the creation and maintenance of a generic research base in integrated circuit technologies in the U.S. university community, (2) ensuring a continuing supply of highly qualified students to support the growth and continuing innovation within the industry (and the faculty required to educate them), and (3) the broadening of the U.S. university base of microelectronics research and education through establishment of centers of excellence, seeding of new efforts, and development of new curricula.  相似文献   

经济全球化和信息化使制造业竞争环境、发展模式及运行效率与规模等发生了深刻变化。未来工厂趋向于集成化、数字化、智能化、敏捷化、网络化和绿色化。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术、传感器技术和自动化技术的蓬勃发展,先进测量技术已经成为工业发展的支柱技术之一。航空领域方面,随着航空结构和设计对测量技术要求的不断提高使得测量精度不断升级,测量手段更加多样化。  相似文献   

本文重点分析了无人作战飞机的主要技战术和性能特点以及在未来战场上的主要用途,并对无人作战飞机的指挥与控制方式进行了说明,对于加强无人作战飞机技术和作战使用的研究有一定的参考价值  相似文献   

介绍了无损检验技术的现状及对未来5~20年发展趋势的分析。无损检验技术用来对零部件进行定量测量,它包括一系列检验方法,如X射线、超声、目视、电磁、声发射、磁粉  相似文献   

近年来,中国民航在航空安全方面取得了明显的进步。近5年的事故率已经低于世界平均水平。这一局面的获得很大程度上得益于民航安全管理模式的转变以及各项法律法规的制订与执行。岁末年初,本刊记者先后采访了民航总局飞行标准司的饶绍武司长,航空安全办公室的刘恩祥副主任和航空安全技术中心李海副主任。通过这篇采访稿,读者可以很客观地了解到我国民用航空安全的现状与不足,机遇与挑战  相似文献   

LMS,A Siemens Business,作为西门子PLM的一个成员,多年来通过其领先的机电一体化仿真解决方案、试验解决方案及工程咨询服务的独特组合,帮助客户将更好的产品更快地投入市场.凭借技术上的不断创新,LMS解决方案持续引领全球CAT、CAE技术的发展.随着国内制造产业技术的日新月异,LMS解决方案已广泛应用于系统动力学、声音品质、舒适性、耐久性、安全性、能量管理、燃油经济性和排放、流体系统、机电系统仿真等关键性能的开发和研究.基于全面和独特的测试和机电系统仿真解决方案,以及专业的工程服务,LMS现已成为航空航天、汽车、船舶、国防、能源、电子、工程机械、机床以及其他领先机电制造业深受欢迎的工程创新合作伙伴.  相似文献   

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