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The evolution of massive stars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The evolution of stars with masses between 15 M 0 and 100M 0 is considered. Stars in this mass range lose a considerable fraction of their matter during their evolution.The treatment of convection, semi-convection and the influence of mass loss by stellar winds at different evolutionary phases are analysed as well as the adopted opacities.Evolutionary sequences computed by various groups are examined and compared with observations, and the advanced evolution of a 15M 0 and a 25M 0 star from zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) through iron collapse is discussed.The effect of centrifugal forces on stellar wind mass loss and the influence of rotation on evolutionary models is examined. As a consequence of the outflow of matter deeper layers show up and when the mass loss rates are large enough layers with changed composition, due to interior nuclear reactions, appear on the surface.The evolution of massive close binaries as well during the phase of mass loss by stellar wind as during the mass exchange and mass loss phase due to Roche lobe overflow is treated in detail, and the value of the parameters governing mass and angular momentum losses are discussed.The problem of the Wolf-Rayet stars, their origin and the possibilities of their production either as single stars or as massive binaries is examined.Finally, the origin of X-ray binaries is discussed and the scenario for the formation of these objects (starting from massive ZAMS close binaries, through Wolf-Rayet binaries leading to OB-stars with a compact companion after a supernova explosion) is reviewed and completed, including stellar wind mass loss.  相似文献   

It is argued that multidimensional hydrodynamics is the key to a robust supernova explosion mechanism.  相似文献   

A newly formed neutron star in a supernova finds itself in a dense environment, in which the gravitational energy of accreting matter can be lost to neutrinos. For the conditions in SN 1987A, 0.1M may have fallen back onto the central neutron star on a timescale of hours after the explosion, after which the accretion rate is expected to drop sharply. Radiation is trapped in the flow until the mass accretion rate drops to 2×10–4 M yr–1 at which point radiation can begin to escape from the shocked envelope at an Eddington limit luminosity. Between this neutrino limit and the Eddington limit, 3×10–8 M yr–1, there are no steady, spherical solutions for neutron star accretion. SN 1987A should have reached the neutrino limit within a year of the explosion; the current lack of an Eddington luminosity can be attributed to black hole formation or to a clearing of the neutron star envelope. There is no evidence for newly formed neutron stars in supernovae. Radio supernovae, which were initially interpreted as pulsar activity, probably involve circumstellar interaction; SN 1993J shows especially good evidence for outer shock phenomena.  相似文献   

The review is a discussion of observationally deduced values of the masses, mass-loss rates, temperatures, luminosities and element abundances for the most massive stars. The comparison of these quantities with theoretical calculations is also discussed, in terms of our present understanding of their evolution.  相似文献   

Taking as example a 60M star of solar metallicity, the state of the art of model calculations for very massive, from the main sequence to the supernova stage, is reviewed. It is argued that — due to the simple internal structure of Wolf-Rayet stars — the post main sequence evolutionary phases are currently those which are better understood. A brief discussion of the supernova outcome from very massive stars is given. Then, the more uncertain main sequence evolution is discussed. A first attempt to incorporate results about pulsational instabilities of very massive stars in stellar evolutionary calculations is performed. On its basis, a new type of evolutionary sequence for very massive stars is obtained, namely O-star → Of-star → H-rich WNL → LBV → H-poor WNL → WNE → WC → SN. This scenario is shown to correspond better to many observed properties of very massive stars than the standard one. It includes a model for the prototype LBV P Cygni.  相似文献   

We present relative carbon and oxygen abundances derived via an optically thin recombination line analysis for five WO stars, and compare the derived abundances to recent evolutionary models. New recombination coefficients for O4+, O5+ and O6+ ions have allowed total oxygen abundances to be derived. The final C/He values range between 0.4 and 0.8 by number, consistent with C/He ratios previously derived for WC stars. O/He values range between 0.1–0.4, with C/O ratios between 2.1–4.8.A comparison of the derived abundances with the evolutionary models of Maeder (1990) and Schaller et al. (1992) shows promising agreement. We find reasonably tight agreement between the abundances derived for the WO stars. The degree of enhancement for the oxygen abundances in regions of low metallicity predicted by Maeder (1990) is not corroborated by our results.Additionally we present a revised, quantified classification scheme for WO subtypes. We extend the class to lower excitation, WO5, and place MS 4 (=WR 30a) in this class. Equivalent widths of the strongest lines of MS 4 are also presented. Finally, we present new observations of DR 1, a WO3 star located in the dwarf irregular galaxy IC 1613.  相似文献   

One of the most powerful tests of the stellar evolution theory is analysis of stars' atmospheric chemical composition. It has shown that some non-standard mixing different from ordinary convection, semiconvection and convective overshooting seems to occur in stellar interiors. In the present study Zahn's rotationally induced turbulent diffusion is assumed to be responsible for such kind of mixing. We compare results of our evolutionary calculations with available observational data for massive main-sequence stars and red giants in globular clusters.  相似文献   

In a paper submitted to A&A we present the first line blanketed hydrodynamic models of spherically expanding atmospheres of hot stars. This paper is complementary to the submitted paper. Here, we emphasize the advantages and the weak points of our approach and we present additional technical aspects.The models are characterised by a simultaneous solution of the equation of motion, the non-LTE populations of H and He, and radiation transfer in a line blanketed atmosphere. The entire domain from the optically thick photosphere out to the terminal velocity of the wind is treated. The radiative forces are evaluated consistently with the depth-dependent radiation field, taking into account multiple scattering by metal lines and line overlap.  相似文献   

Let us suppose that it is possible observationally to determine the number ratio of WR to O stars in a starburst galaxy (cf. e. g. Vacca &; Conti 1992) and that one can also have some information on the way the different WR subtypes are distributed (number ratios as WN/WR, WNL/WR etc ...), the question is, what can we deduce from these values on the burst of star formation which gave birth to these WR stars? Is it possible for instance to constrain the age of the burst (i.e. the time elapsed since the beginning of the burst of star formation), its intensity (i.e. the ratio of the star formation rate during the burst to that before the burst) or the metallicity of the cloud from which the stars formed? We present here models of starbursts based on the most recent models for single stars computed by the Geneva group and show that the study of the WR population in a starburst provides very useful insights on the age of the burst and on the metallicity of the star forming zone.  相似文献   

We describe work that has recently been completed on deriving the fundamental parameters of eight WR stars through the photoionization modelling of their surrounding nebulae using non-LTE WR flux distributions. The resulting effective temperatures range from 57 000–71 000 K for the WN4-5 stars and <30 000–42 000 K for the WN6-8 stars. The derived stellar parameters are compared with those obtained from stellar emission line modelling. We find good agreement for the hot early WN stars, indicating that the non-LTE WR flux distributions have essentially the correct shape in the crucial far-UV region. We find lower temperatures for the four cooler late WN stars, particularly for the two WN6 stars. For the nebulae surrounding these stars, we find that the model flux distributions produce too much nebular ionization. We suggest that these discrepancies arise because of the lack of line-blanketing in the WR atmospheres. For the WO1 central star of G2.4+1.4, with strong nebular He II 4686 A emission, we derive a temperature of 105 000 K, somewhat less than previous estimates. The positions of our eight WR stars on the H-R diagram are compared with the evolutionary tracks of Maeder (1990) for solar metallicity. In common with previous workers, we find that our derived luminosities are too low, giving an initial mass range of 25–40 M, below that expected for the majority of WR stars.  相似文献   

We are in the process of surveying the linear polarization in luminous, early-type stars. We here report on new observations of the B [e] stars S 18 and R 50, and of the Luminous Blue Variables HR Car, R 143, and HD 160529. Together with previously published data, these observations provide clear evidence for the presence of intrinsic polarization in 1 B[e] star (HD 34664) and in 5 LBVs ( Car, P Cyg, R 127, AG Car, and HR Car). The data indicate that anisotropic stellar winds are a common occurrence among massive stars in these particular evolutionary stages. For such stars, mass-loss rates estimated using the assumption of a spherical, homogeneous and stationary outflow may be in error.  相似文献   

We present the results of our observations of stars of type O5 and earlier and show that inclusion of the line blocking between 228 and 912 A solves the problem found by Herrero et al. (1992) in the determination of their stellar parameters. We study the influence of the line blocking and other effects on the mass and helium discrepancies and show that the first one is reduced by the use of spherical, non hydrostatic model atmospheres and that the second one is probably due to exposure of CNO material.The INT is operated on the island of La Palma by the RGO in the Spanish Observatorio de El Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofsica de Canarias  相似文献   

The differences between the composition of Galactic cosmic rays and that of the interstellar medium are manifold, and they contain a wealth of information about the varying processes that created them. These differences reveal much about the initial mixing of freshly synthesized matter, the chemistry and differentiation of the interstellar medium, and the mechanisms and environment of ion injection and acceleration. Here we briefly explore these processes and show how they combine to create the peculiar, but potentially universal, composition of the cosmic rays and how measurements of the composition can provide a unique measure of the mixing ratio of the fresh supernova ejecta and the old interstellar medium in this initial phase of interstellar mixing. In particular, we show that the major abundance differences between the cosmic rays and the average interstellar medium can all result from cosmic ray ion injection by sputtering and scattering from fast refractory oxide grains in a mix of fresh supernova ejecta and old interstellar material. Since the bulk of the Galactic supernovae occur in the cores of superbubbles, the bulk of the cosmic rays are accelerated there out of such a mix. We show that the major abundance differences all imply a mixing ratio of the total masses of fresh supernova ejecta and old interstellar material in such cores is roughly 1 to 4. That means that the metallicity of ∼3 times solar, since the ejecta has a metallicity of ∼8 times that of the present interstellar medium.  相似文献   

We present helium and CNO isotopic yields for massive mass-losing stars in the initial mass range 15M M i 50M . We investigate their dependence on assumptions about mass loss rates, internal mixing processes, and metallicity, and specify the contributions from stellar winds and from supernova ejecta.  相似文献   

Good-quality empirical results on 62 short-period binary stars recently summarised by Hilditch & Bell (1987) and Hilditch, King & McFarlane (1988) are discussed in terms of evolutionary paths from detached to semi-detached and contact states. These data suggest two evolutionary paths to the contact binaries — from detached systems directly into contact to form initially shallow-contact systems, and via case A mass transfer to semi-detached states, thence to contact systems. These empirical results support previous arguments based on evolutionary models and less detailed observational data. Concern is expressed about the paucity of high-quality spectroscopic data, particularly for low-mass systems displaying EB-type light curves and the resultant limitations on analyses of those light curves. Such systems provide tests of evolution into contact for the first time, or of broken-contact phases for WUMa-type binaries. The crucial importance of long-term monitoring (decades) of times of minima as indicators of mass transfer rates amongst these interacting binaries is also noted.  相似文献   

Good-quality empirical results on 62 short-period binary stars recently summarised by Hilditch & Bell (1987) and Hilditch, King & McFarlane (1988) are discussed in terms of evolutionary paths from detached to semi-detached and contact states. These data suggest two evolutionary paths to the contact binaries — from detached systems directly into contact to form initially shallow-contact systems, and via case A mass transfer to semi-detached states, thence to contact systems. These empirical results support previous arguments based on evolutionary models and less detailed observational data.Concern is expressed about the paucity of high-quality spectroscopic data, particularly for low-mass systems displaying EB-type light curves and the resultant limitations on analyses of those light curves. Such systems provide tests of evolution into contact for the first time, or of broken-contact phases for WUMa-type binaries. The crucial importance of long-term monitoring (decades) of times of minima as indicators of mass transfer rates amongst these interacting binaries is also noted.  相似文献   

We have obtained the first UV high resolution spectra of hot luminous stars in M31 with the FOS onHubble Space Telescope. The spectra, combined with optical spectroscopic and photometric observations, enable us to study their stellar winds and photospheric parameters. We derive mass-loss rates and velocity laws from the wind line profiles, with the SEI method, as well as information on abundances. The wind lines and photospheric spectra are compared with galactic stars of the same spectral type.The spectra analyzed so far indicate that the stars have mass-loss rates comparable or slightly lower than galactic stars of the same spectral type, but possibly different velocity laws in their winds. The spectra of two stars are discussed here.  相似文献   

We discuss the common envelope phase in the evolution of binary systems. The problem of the efficiency of energy deposition into envelope ejection is treated in some detail. We describe the implications of common envelope evolution for the shaping of planetary nebulae with close binary nuclei and for double white dwarf systems, considered to be the progenitors of Type I supernovae.  相似文献   

We discuss the common envelope phase in the evolution of binary systems. The problem of the efficiency of energy deposition into envelope ejection is treated in some detail. We describe the implications of common envelope evolution for the shaping of planetary nebulae with close binary nuclei and for double white dwarf systems, considered to be the progenitors of Type I supernovae.  相似文献   

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