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胡朝德 《飞行力学》1994,12(3):59-66
主要介绍K-8飞机在鉴定试飞中的操纵性,稳定性试飞方法和结果,其中包括起飞,着陆,速度稳定性,过载稳定性,机动点,中性点的确定,同时还对纵向模态特性,横侧静稳定性,操纵性,滚转效率,横侧动态特性进行了测定,并在各特性的测定中谈了飞行体会。  相似文献   

建设一流的机场,必须有一流的设计,机场跑道确定后旅客航站楼的规划设计历来都是机场设计的核心,其中值得研究,探讨的问题颇多,国内外部在不断地探索和实践,文章根据近几年来在进行旅客航站楼的规划设计中,对一次规划,分期建设,滚动发展之间的衔接,功能性与民族形式,国内设计航站楼的安全等级与国外相同规范的差距,以及旅客站楼工艺流程的设计等问题,进行了有益的思考,并提出一些新的看法,供研究与探讨。  相似文献   

世界经济全球化所催生的产业全球化,加速了各国产业结构的调整、优化、升级。对中国而言,在全球化新的国际分工格局下,立足于比较优势的劳动密集型产业,曼然有较大的发展空间,但其技术含量低,附加值低,处于全球化的劣势地位,继续发展必然使产业固化,难以升级,也无法在激烈的全球竞争中获胜,最终将拉大我们与发达国家的差距,显然不能作为我国产业调整的方向;相反,放眼于发展战略的资本、技术密集的前景产业,虽然面临巨大的冲击,但它具有广阔的发展前景,有无限发展潜力和长久竞争优势,发展它们本身就是产业结构的提升,不仅可以缩小我们与发达国家的差距,而且有助于促进全面小康目标的实现。  相似文献   

基于神经网络的稳M数非线性控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍风洞稳M数神经网络的非线性控制,包括预测模型,动态优化和反馈校正原理,以实现速度快,精度高,低耗油的优化控制目标,试验表明,该系统不仅稳M数控制精度高,响应速度快,而且鲁棒性好,节省燃油。  相似文献   

由于航空事业的发展,对试飞提出了更高的要求,试飞工作量也在不断增加,新机种,新设备的试飞,又要求试飞机场具备相应的地面保证功能,因此对试飞机场原有的设备,也提出了更新,改造的问题,同进也提出了新的管理问题,这些问题在我们试飞院机场尤为突出,本文通过试飞院机场在使用中表现的问题,作一些分析,对如何搞好试飞机场的管理工作,谈一些个人的体会和意见。  相似文献   

近期我们对我校560名学生进行了问卷抽样调查,调查共发出问卷560份,回收560份,回收率为 100%,全部为有效问卷。为确保调查的客观性、科学性,在抽样过程中,我们充分考虑了专业特色、学制特色,其中中专生175人,占31.3%,高大专178人,占31.8%,五年制大专207人,占37%;电气系207人,占36.96%,机械系178人,占31.78%,计算机系84人,占15%,动力系50人,占8.9%;从家庭来源看,大中城市61人,占10.8%,城镇130人,占23.21%,农村368人,占65…  相似文献   

人发样品是生物类有机样品,用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定人发中Ca,Mg,Cu,Pb,Fe,Zn元素时,采用硝酸:高氯酸=4:1消解体系,电热板加热常压消解大约2小时,样品呈湿盐态,以去离子水稀释定容,测定溶液为无色,透明,分别上机测定以上各元素,本测定方法技术关键在于消解温度不得超过250℃消解完全后要赶尽高氯酸,测定Ca,Mg时,用0.1%SrCl2水溶液定容,以消除共存物的干扰,对各元素的仪器测定  相似文献   

黄强 《国际航空》2001,(11):32-34
我国民用飞机工业的发展又到了生死存亡的关键时刻,如果 再不能抓住机遇,后果将不堪设想,所以我们必须立即停止争论,踏踏实实地进行结构调整,实现强强联合,充分利用现有的资源和体系,调动各方面的积极性,坚持以自力更生为主,尽快发展出我国的新支线飞机,同时也必须强化军用飞机的发展因为只有有了强大的军机工业,才能有强大的民机工业,才能真正实现我国航空工业的腾飞  相似文献   

中国航空运输业:出路何在   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用航空运输经济分析方法,对中国民航与世界民航运输收入、成本、市场需求进行比较分析,透析中国航空运输业亏损的原因,指出要使中国航空运输业摆脱困境,必须遵循市场经济规律,从内外入手,通过国家、行业主管部门、空运企业及其相关行业共同努力,采取积极的措施,降低运输成本,提高效率,共同开拓和培育市场,是中国航空运输业发展的根本出路。而要开拓和培育航空运输市场,必须扩大航空运输的“相对需求”,因此,除要在根本上提高国民经济的发展水平外,一是要在价格上做文章,二是要提高运输服务质量,三是定价最终要以市场为取向,四是政府要加强宏观管理。为此,发展中国航空运输业的对策,归纳起来,一是要给航空运输业在中国准确定位;二是国家应有更为积极的扶持航空运输业发展的产业政策;三是要加大改革力度,真正做到政企分开,充分发挥企业的主体作用。  相似文献   

1952年暑假结束,我们清华大学航空学院二年级学生120多人从上海、太原工厂实习结束,回到清华园气象台下、梁思诚教授新设计建成的大玻璃窗宿舍内,老师宣布院系调整,成立北京航空学院,抽调我们班各30人组成苏联学制的飞机工艺和发动机工艺两个班进城住钱粮胡同,到原中法大学,现属北京工业学院的亮果厂一个小院上课。其中还有从北京工业学院进城的一个三年级,一个四年级飞机设计专业的两个班。我们清华大二班余下留在清华的人,按照第一个五年计划需要于1953年学满3年提前毕业,按本科分配工作。很快,我们60人就搬进城,开始了三年级的苏联课程学习。从课程表上看到,有一门“流体力学和流体机械”,我有点纳闷,这个课和我们飞机工艺专业有什么关系呢?上课了,老师是一位中年人,敦实的体型,他自我介绍叫凌云沛,由四川大学合并而来。北京的秋天,降温时,已可戴棉帽。进教室后,他打开遮耳片,往上拉,但没有系好带子,随着讲课,头一摆动,耳片也跟着左右摇动,像个官帽似的,同学们不禁暗暗发笑,他也不觉得。他讲课认真,清楚,很吸引我们。一学期很快过去,北航第一次实行苏式五分制口试,这门课首当其冲,而我又不知为何成为第一个接受考试的人,只好听天由命了。考场设在亮果厂这4个班的小饭厅,一张大圆桌,差不多放了两圈椅子凳子。苏联专家,沈元院长都在,教师们都坐满了来学习苏联考试经验。抽题准备一下后就开始考试,我感到凌老师比我还要紧张似的。最后,他对我讲:对你的口试,我觉得可以,给你4分,你有什么意见?我想都没有想过还要征求我的意见,我表示同意,就退出到图书馆去复习下一门功课。没有多久,教务处张女士来找我,叫我跟她到考场去。  相似文献   

Abnormal Shape Mould Winding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决网格化芯模的缠绕问题,本文提出了复合材料面片缠绕机理;接着详细分析了面片缠绕过程中的芯模凹曲面上纤维滑线和架空现象,应用微分几何曲面理论和空间几何理论,提出判据及其解决方案;最后,针对飞机发动机进气道的缠绕成型,编制缠绕控制程序并进行相应的实验,验证了面片缠绕方法的可行性。  相似文献   

The feasibility was investigated to substitute chrome-free passivation treatment of electrodeposited zinc in a titanium bath for chromate passivation treatment. The formation mechanism of the chrome-free passivation film was further analyzed. The surface mor- phologies and the elemental compositions of the treated samples with varied immersion times were observed by scanning electron mi- croscopy (SEM) and determined by energy dispersion spectrometry (EDS), respectively. The electrode potential of the sample surface was recorded in the film formation process. The changes of the electrode potential are in accordance with that of SEM and EDS of the sample surface. The results of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) show the chrome-free passivation film composed of ZnO, SiO2, TiO2, Zn4Si2O7(OH)2, and SrF2. The anode zinc dissolution and the local pH value increase due to the cathode hydrogen ion reduction process result in the formation of the chrome-free passivation film. The macro-images of the chrome-free passivation films formed on electrodeposited zinc show that the color of the film changes from blue to iridescence with the increase of the immersion times.  相似文献   

As a main difficult problem encountered in electrochemical machining (ECM), the cathode design is tackled, at present, with various numerical analysis methods such as finite difference, finite element and boundary element methods. Among them, the finite element method presents more flexibility to deal with the irregularly shaped workpieces. However, it is very difficult to ensure the convergence of finite element numerical approach. This paper proposes an accurate model and a finite element numerical approach of cathode design based on the potential distribution in inter-electrode gap. In order to ensure the convergence of finite element numerical approach and increase the accuracy in cathode design, the cathode shape should be iterated to eliminate the design errors in computational process. Several experiments are conducted to verify the machining accuracy of the designed cathode. The experimental results have proven perfect convergence and good computing accuracy of the proposed finite element numerical approach by the high surface quality and dimensional accuracy of the machined blades.  相似文献   

高超声速飞行器模型不确定性影响分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
郁嘉  杨鹏飞  严德 《航空学报》2015,36(1):192-200
吸气式高超声速飞行器具有严重的弹性机体和推进系统耦合的典型特征,其分析模型存在较大的不确定性,标称系统和真实系统之间存在偏差,因此研究不确定性对稳定性的影响对于控制器设计具有重要意义。针对典型的乘波体构型高超声速飞行器,建立了气动/结构/推进相互耦合的动力学模型,总结了建模中的不确定因素并将其以加性不确定模型的形式表示出来。以不确定性矩阵的最大奇异值为边界模型,以不确定性矩阵的H∞范数来表示不确定性因素对稳定性影响的大小,并通过不确定性矩阵的边界曲线分析不确定因素对模态特性的影响。结果表明,惯性因素的不确定性对稳定性的影响最大,而且其对飞行器的短周期模态和弹性模态均有较大的影响;同时,对于这一类飞行器的控制器设计必须考虑飞行器的弹性自由度。  相似文献   

The effects of Mo on the microstructure evolution, porosity and hydrogen sorption properties of Ti-Mo getters are investigated in this work. The results show that the addition of Mo prolongs the densification process of Ti-Mo getters and results in a significant amount of sintered pores. With the Mo content increasing, the porosity of getters firstly increases reaching the maximum value as it at- tains about 7.5wt.%, and then drops. At the room temperature, the hydrogen sorption property of getters increases progressively with the Mo content increasing, but the tendency is not very clear before its content lies below 2.5wt.%. When the Mo content achieves about 7.5wt.%, the hydrogen sorption property proves to be the best. The discussion is made about the above mentioned phenomena inclusive of hydrogen sorption properties of getters under different activation conditions (from 500-750 ℃).  相似文献   

This paper discusses experimental results from two different build configurations of a heated multiple rotating cavity test rig.Measurements of heat transfer from the discs and tangential velocities are presented.The test rig is a 70% full scale version of a high pressure compressor stack of an axial gas turbine engine.Of particular interest are the internal cylindrical cavities formed by adjacent discs and the interaction of these with a central axial throughflow of cooling air.Tests were carried out for a range of non-dimensional parameters representative of high pressure compressor internal air system flows(Re up to 5×106 and Rez up to 2×105).Two different builds have been tested.The most significant difference between these two build configurations is the size of the annular gap between the(non-rotating) drive shaft and the bores of the discs.The heat transfer data were obtained from thermocouple measurements of surface temperature and a conduction solution method.The velocity measurements were made using a two component,LDA system.The heat transfer results from the discs show differences between the two builds.This is attributed to the wider annular gap allowing more of the throughflow to penetrate into the cavity.There are also significant differences between the radial distributions of tangential velocity in the two builds of the test rig.For the narrow annular gap,there is an increase of non-dimensional tangential velocity V/Ωr with radial location to solid body rotation V/Ωr=1.For the wider annular gap,the non-dimensional velocities show a decrease with radial location to solid body rotation.   相似文献   

航天器返回地球的气动特性综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
方方  周璐  李志辉 《航空学报》2015,36(1):24-38
航天器返回地球的飞行过程中,气动特性是实现将宇宙飞行速度减到落地前速度、保证再入飞行得到有效控制以及再入防热安全可靠的关键因素。针对简单旋成体气动外形、半弹道式再入控制、烧蚀防热类返回航天器,综述了返回地球过程中变化的空气流域特性、航天器周围的气体绕流环境、空气与航天器作用产生的动力学与热效应等。系统地给出了该类航天器的再入气动特性参数与飞行性能的共性规律,包括:气动阻力与再入减速、气动升力与再入轨迹控制、配平攻角与飞行稳定性、气动加热与防热,以及再入过程中不同气动特性航天器、气象条件变化等对再入飞行性能的影响规律。为航天器开展返回飞行过程的跨流域气动性能工程研制提供设计参考。  相似文献   

A new mechanistic cutting force model for flat end milling using the instantaneous cutting force coefficients is proposed. An in-depth analysis shows that the total cutting forces can be separated into two terms: a nominal component independent of the runout and a perturbation component induced by the runout. The instantaneous value of the nominal component is used to calibrate the cutting force coefficients. With the help of the perturbation component and the cutting force coefficients obtained above, the cutter runout is identified. Based on simulation and experimental results, the validity of the identification approach is demonstrated. The advantage of the proposed method lies in that the calibration performed with data of one cutting test under a specific regime can be applied for a great range of cutting conditions.  相似文献   

基于自由尾迹方法的自转旋翼气动特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王俊超  谭剑锋  李建波  徐明 《航空学报》2015,36(11):3540-3548
为研究自转旋翼的气动特性,建立了自转旋翼的自由尾迹方法计算模型,并耦合桨叶挥舞运动模型和自转旋翼配平模型,建立了一种分析自转旋翼气动特性的方法。以某试验自转旋翼为算例对该方法进行了验证并运用该方法研究了自转旋翼的尾迹几何形状和桨盘诱导入流分布特性。研究结果表明:建立的自由尾迹方法计算模型可以满足自转旋翼气动特性分析的需求,相比传统的近似入流模型,该自由尾迹方法模型精度更高;前飞时自转旋翼尾迹随时间推移自桨盘处向桨盘后上方运动,水平面内自转旋翼尾迹畸变略小于驱转旋翼;自转旋翼桨盘诱导入流呈非均匀分布,从桨盘前缘到后缘,下洗入流大致呈不断增加趋势,在相同拉力水平下,自转旋翼90°方位角附近及桨盘后缘的诱导入流小于驱转旋翼。  相似文献   

Based on study of strain distribution in whisker reinforced metal matrix composites, an explicit precise stiffness tensor is derived. In the present theory, the effect of whisker orientation on the macro property of composites is considered, but the effect of random whisker position and the complicated strain field at whisker ends are averaged. The derived formula is able to predict the stiffness modulus of composites with arbitrary whisker orientation under any loading condition. Compared with the models of micro-mechanics, the present theory is competent for modulus prediction of actual engineering composites. The verification and application of the present theory are given in a subsequent paper published in the same issue.  相似文献   

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