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Current planetary quarantine considerations focus on robotic missions and attempt a policy of no biological contamination. The presence of humans on Mars, however, will inevitably result in biological contamination and physical alteration of the local environment. The focus of planetary quarantine must therefore shift toward defining and minimizing the inevitable contamination associated with humans. This will involve first determining those areas that will be affected by the presence of a human base, then verifying that these environments do not harbor indigenous life nor provide sites for Earth bacteria to grow. Precursor missions can provide salient information that can make more efficient the planning and design of human exploration missions. In particular, a robotic sample return mission can help to eliminate the concern about returning samples with humans or the return of humans themselves from a planetary quarantine perspective. Without a robotic return the cost of quarantine that would have to be added to a human mission may well exceed the cost of a robotic return mission. Even if the preponderance of scientific evidence argues against the presence of indigenous life, it must be considered as part of any serious planetary quarantine analysis for missions to Mars. If there is life on Mars, the question of human exploration assumes an ethical dimension.  相似文献   

Four future missions for deep space exploration and future space-based exoplanet surveys on habitable planets by 2030 are scheduled to be launched. Two Mars exploration missions are designed to investigate geological structure, the material on Martian surface, and retrieve returned samples. The asteroids and main belt comet exploration is expected to explore two objects within 10 years. The small-body mission will aim to land on the asteroid and get samples return to Earth. The basic physical characteristics of the two objects will be obtained through the mission. The exploration of Jupiter system will characterize the environment of Jupiter and the four largest Moons and understand the atmosphere of Jupiter. In addition, we further introduce two space-based exoplanet survey by 2030, Miyin Program and Closeby Habitable Exoplanet Survey (CHES Mission). Miyin program aims to detect habitable exoplanets using interferometry, while CHES mission expects to discover habitable exoplanets orbiting FGK stars within 10 pc through astrometry. The above-mentioned missions are positively to achieve breakthroughs in the field of planetary science.   相似文献   

Human exploration of the solar system will include missions lasting years at a time. Such missions mandate extensive regeneration of life support consumables with efficient utilization of local planetary resources. As mission durations extend beyond one or two years, regenerable human life support systems which supply food and recycle air, water, and wastes become feasible; resupply of large volumes and masses of food, water, and atmospheric gases become unrealistic. Additionally, reduced dependency on resupply or self sufficiency can be an added benefit to human crews in hostile environments far from the security of Earth. Comparisons of resupply and regeneration will be discussed along with possible scenarios for developing and implementing human life support systems on the Moon and Mars.  相似文献   

Planned future exploration missions to the Jovian satellite Europa have a strong astrobiological motivation. Characterization of the potential habitability of the liquid water environments, and searching for life signals are the main astrobiological objectives of these missions. To meet these objectives specific strategies and instrumentation are required. Here we discuss some scenarios for the development of Europa potential biospheres. These scenarios are based on assumptions of the life similarity concept and knowledge about terrestrial life in extreme environments. Since the potential habitable environments on Europa are in the interior of the satellite it is not possibly to directly detect life. However, there are processes that link aqueous sub-surface environments with the near-surface environment, such as tectonism or magmatism. Therefore, by analysing endogenous materials that arise from the interior it is possible to make predictions about what is in the sub-surface. We propose some measurements and instrumentation for future missions to detect biosignatures on the upper layers of Europa, including the simple physico-chemical traces of metabolism to complex biomolecules or biostructures. Raman spectroscopy or biosensor technologies are the future for in situ exploration of the Solar System.  相似文献   

While the Viking mission yielded a wealth of scientific information about Mars, many intriguing new questions were raised about its chemical and physical environment. For many reasons, Mars thus continues to be an object of intense scientific interest. In addition, many scenarios for the further exploration of that planet have been advanced in recent years, and there is also keen public interest in future Mars missions. In looking ahead, one important aspect in planning a strategy for the exploration of Mars is whether or not to assume that Mars is a dead planet and also whether it is capable of supporting the growth of terrestrial organisms. Three very different mission strategies are presented here, depending upon how these assumptions are made.  相似文献   

In order to make an assessment of radiation risk during manned missions in space, it is necessary first to have as accurate an estimation as possible of the radiation environment within the spacecraft to which the astronauts will be exposed. Then, with this knowledge and the inclusion of body self-shielding, estimations can be made of absorbed doses for various body organs (skin, eye, blood-forming organs, etc.). A review is presented of our present knowledge of the radiation environments and absorbed doses expected for several space mission scenarios selected for our development of the new radiation protection guidelines. The scenarios selected are a 90-day mission at an altitude (450 km) and orbital inclinations (28.5 degrees, 57 degrees and 90 degrees) appropriate for NASA's Space Station, a 15-day sortie to geosynchronous orbit and a 90-day lunar mission. All scenarios chosen yielded dose equivalents between five and ten rem to the blood forming organs if no large solar particle event were encountered. Such particle events could add considerable exposure particularly to the skin and eye for all scenarios except the one at 28.5 degrees orbital inclination.  相似文献   

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) administrator has identified protection from radiation hazards as one of the two biggest problems of the agency with respect to human deep space missions. The intensity and strength of cosmic radiation in deep space makes this a 'must solve' problem for space missions. The Moon and two Earth-Moon Lagrange points near Moon are being proposed as hubs for deep space missions. The focus of this study is to identify approaches to protecting astronauts and habitats from adverse effects from space radiation both for single missions and multiple missions for career astronauts to these destinations. As the great cost of added radiation shielding is a potential limiting factor in deep space missions, reduction of mass, without compromising safety, is of paramount importance. The choice of material and selection of the crew profile play major roles in design and mission operations. Material trade studies in shield design over multi-segmented missions involving multiple work and living areas in the transport and duty phase of space mission's to two Earth-Moon co-linear Lagrange points (L1) between Earth and the Moon and (L2) on back side of the moon as seen from Earth, and to the Moon have been studied. It is found that, for single missions, current state-of-the-art knowledge of material provides adequate shielding. On the other hand, the choice of shield material is absolutely critical for career astronauts and revolutionary materials need to be developed for these missions. This study also provides a guide to the effectiveness of multifunctional materials in preparation for more detailed geometry studies in progress.  相似文献   

日地L1点是太阳观测任务的理想观测点,对于中国后续太阳观测任务具有重要意义,因此在嫦娥五号的拓展任务阶段设计并实施了中国首次日地L1点探测任务,通过在轨飞行验证了日地L1点转移轨道、环绕轨道设计的正确性,对日地L1点的测控链路环境、太阳辐照环境、三体动力学环境、空间辐射环境等飞行环境进行了探测和验证。轨道飞行和各项环境探测的结果与设计模型的预示结果之间比对一致性较好,通过在轨飞行数据验证了设计模型的正确性。各项试验获得了预期的技术成果,进一步丰富了嫦娥五号任务的成果产出,对中国后续深空探测任务和产品的设计具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In reviewing discussions of future directions for space activity, it becomes obvious that there are a large number of groups formulating a wide diversity of plans for the future use of space. These plan alternatives are being made to account for user needs, technology development constraints, economic constraints, and launch support, and each of the plans will have direct or indirect effects on the orbital debris environment in terms of mass to orbit, deposition of operational debris, and control of accidental breakups. Thus it is important to develop the ability to project future debris states for a range of possible space traffic scenarios. The impact that these possible traffic environments would have on space operations forms the basis for studies of alternative options for the usage of space. In this paper, the effects on the orbital debris environment of a base-line mission model and two alternatives are investigated, using a numerical debris environment simulation code under development at JSC.  相似文献   

Asteroid exploration provides a new approach to study the formation of the solar system and the planetary evolution. Choosing a suitable target and designing of feasible profile for asteroid mission are challenging due to constraints such as scientific value and technical feasibility. This paper investigates a feasible mission scenario among the potential candidates of multiple flybys and sample return missions. First, a group of potential candidates are selected by considering the physical properties and accessibility of asteroids, for the sample return missions. Second, the feasible mission scenarios for multiple flybys and sample return missions to various spectral-type asteroids are investigated. We present the optimized design of preliminary interplanetary transfer trajectory for two kinds of missions. One is the single sample return mission to asteroids with various spectral types. The other is the multiple flybys and sample return mission to several asteroids. In order to find the optimal profiles, the planetary swing-by technique and Differential Evolution algorithm are used.  相似文献   

Life support approaches for Mars missions are evaluated using an equivalent system mass (ESM) approach, in which all significant costs are converted into mass units. The best approach, as defined by the lowest mission ESM, depends on several mission parameters, notably duration, environment and consequent infrastructure costs, and crew size, as well as the characteristics of the technologies which are available. Generally, for the missions under consideration, physicochemical regeneration is most cost effective. However, bioregeneration is likely to be of use for producing salad crops for any mission, for producing staple crops for medium duration missions, and for most food, air and water regeneration for long missions (durations of a decade). Potential applications of in situ resource utilization need to be considered further.  相似文献   

Sample return missions from a comet nucleus and the Mars surface are currently under study in the US, USSR, and by ESA. Guidance on Planetary Protection (PP) issues is needed by mission scientists and engineers for incorporation into various elements of mission design studies. Although COSPAR has promulgated international policy on PP for various classes of solar system exploration missions, the applicability of this policy to sample return missions, in particular, remains vague. In this paper, we propose a set of implementing procedures to maintain the scientific integrity of these samples. We also propose that these same procedures will automatically assure that COSPAR-derived PP guidelines are achieved. The recommendations discussed here are the first step toward development of official COSPAR implementation requirements for sample return missions.  相似文献   

The pace of scientific exploration of our solar system provides ever-increasing insights into potentially habitable environments, and associated concerns for their contamination by Earth organisms. Biological and organic-chemical contamination has been extensively considered by the COSPAR Panel on Planetary Protection (PPP) and has resulted in the internationally recognized regulations to which spacefaring nations adhere, and which have been in place for 40 years. The only successful Mars lander missions with system-level “sterilization” were the Viking landers in the 1970s. Since then different cleanliness requirements have been applied to spacecraft based on their destination, mission type, and scientific objectives. The Planetary Protection Subcommittee of the NASA Advisory Council has noted that a strategic Research & Technology Development (R&TD) roadmap would be very beneficial to encourage the timely availability of effective tools and methodologies to implement planetary protection requirements. New research avenues in planetary protection for ambitious future exploration missions can best be served by developing an over-arching program that integrates capability-driven developments with mission-driven implementation efforts. This paper analyzes the current status concerning microbial reduction and cleaning methods, recontamination control and bio-barriers, operational analysis methods, and addresses concepts for human exploration. Crosscutting research and support activities are discussed and a rationale for a Strategic Planetary Protection R&TD Roadmap is outlined. Such a roadmap for planetary protection provides a forum for strategic planning and will help to enable the next phases of solar system exploration.  相似文献   

嫦娥四号着陆于月球背面南极 艾特肯盆地内,着陆区周围复杂地形导致测控和通信遮挡风险。针对这一问题,开展了着陆区的测控、光照遮挡分析,提出利用轨道控制策略的精细化设计来提高着陆点精度、优化月面工作程序和增加自主控制功能的设计方法,全方面降低嫦娥四号着陆器在月球背面着陆区的生存风险。该方法已通过嫦娥四号着陆器在轨验证,可以为其他深空探测任务提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The European Space Agency has recently initiated a study of the human responses, limits and needs with regard to the stress environments of interplanetary and planetary missions. Emphasis has been laid on human health and performance care as well as advanced life support developments including bioregenerative life support systems and environmental monitoring. The overall study goals were as follows: (i) to define reference scenarios for a European participation in human exploration and to estimate their influence on the life sciences and life support requirements; (ii) for selected mission scenarios, to critically assess the limiting factors for human health, wellbeing, and performance and to recommend relevant countermeasures; (iii) for selected mission scenarios, to critically assess the potential of advanced life support developments and to propose a European strategy including terrestrial applications; (iv) to critically assess the feasibility of existing facilities and technologies on ground and in space as testbeds in preparation for human exploratory missions and to develop a test plan for ground and space campaigns; (v) to develop a roadmap for a future European strategy towards human exploratory missions, including preparatory activities and terrestrial applications and benefits. This paper covers the part of the HUMEX study dealing with lunar missions. A lunar base at the south pole where long-time sunlight and potential water ice deposits could be assumed was selected as the Moon reference scenario. The impact on human health, performance and well being has been investigated from the view point of the effects of microgravity (during space travel), reduced gravity (on the Moon) and abrupt gravity changes (during launch and landing), of the effects of cosmic radiation including solar particle events, of psychological issues as well as general health care. Countermeasures as well as necessary research using ground-based test beds and/or the International Space Station have been defined. Likewise advanced life support systems with a high degree of autonomy and regenerative capacity and synergy effects were considered where bioregenerative life support systems and biodiagnostic systems become essential. Finally, a European strategy leading to a potential European participation in future human exploratory missions has been recommended.  相似文献   

The planning and execution of manned and robotic missions to Mars present a wide range of jurisprudential issues. Provisions to prevent the disruption of natural celestial environments, as well as damage to the environment of Earth by the return of extraterrestrial materials, are important components of the law applicable to mankind's activities in outer space, and have been supplemented by scientifically instituted planetary protection policies. However, divergent legal regimes may exist, as the space treaties in force are neither uniform in their provisions, nor identical as to the states which have signed, ratified, or adopted the international agreements. The legal requirements applicable to a specific mission will vary depending on the entities conducting the program and specific mission profile. This article analyzes the divergent international legal regimes together with the factors which will influence the determination of the standards of conduct which will govern manned and robotic missions to Mars.  相似文献   

Extended manned space missions will require regenerative life support techniques. Past U.S. manned missions used nonregenerative expendables, except for a molecular sieve-based carbon dioxide removal system aboard Skylab. The resupply penalties associated with expendables becomes prohibitive as crew size and mission duration increase. The U.S. Space Station, scheduled to be operational in the 1990's, is based on a crew of four to sixteen and a resupply period of 90 days or greater. It will be the first major spacecraft to employ regenerable techniques for life support. The paper uses the requirements for the Space Station to address these techniques.  相似文献   

Electrostatic space radiation shielding   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For the success of NASA’s new vision for space exploration to Moon, Mars and beyond, exposures from the hazards of severe space radiation in deep space long duration missions is ‘a must solve’ problem. The payload penalty demands a very stringent requirement on the design of the spacecrafts for human deep space missions. The exploration beyond low Earth orbit (LEO) to enable routine access of space will require protection from the hazards of the accumulated exposures of space radiation, Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) and Solar Particle Events (SPE), and minimizing the production of secondary radiation is a great advantage. There is a need to look to new horizons for newer technologies. The present investigation revisits electrostatic active radiation shielding and explores the feasibility of using the electrostatic shielding in concert with the state-of-the-art materials shielding and protection technologies. The full space radiation environment has been used, for the first time, to explore the feasibility of electrostatic shielding. The goal is to repel enough positive charge ions so that they miss the spacecraft without attracting thermal electrons. Conclusions are drawn for the future directions of space radiation protection.  相似文献   

The operational period of the first generation of dedicated Space VLBI (SVLBI) missions commenced in 1997 with the launch of the Japan-led mission VSOP/HALCA and is coming to closure in 2019 with the completion of in-flight operations of the Russia-led mission RadioAstron. They were preceded by the SVLBI demonstration experiment with the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) in 1986–1988. While the comprehensive lessons learned from the first demonstration experiment and two dedicated SVLBI missions are still awaiting thorough attention, several preliminary conclusions can be made. This paper addresses some issues of implementation of these missions as they progressed over four decades from the original SVLBI concepts to the operational status.  相似文献   

A novel concept is presented in this paper for a human mission to the lunar L2 (Lagrange) point that would be a proving ground for future exploration missions to deep space while also overseeing scientifically important investigations. In an L2 halo orbit above the lunar farside, the astronauts aboard the Orion Crew Vehicle would travel 15% farther from Earth than did the Apollo astronauts and spend almost three times longer in deep space. Such a mission would serve as a first step beyond low Earth orbit and prove out operational spaceflight capabilities such as life support, communication, high speed re-entry, and radiation protection prior to more difficult human exploration missions. On this proposed mission, the crew would teleoperate landers/rovers on the unexplored lunar farside, which would obtain samples from the geologically interesting farside and deploy a low radio frequency telescope. Sampling the South Pole-Aitken basin, one of the oldest impact basins in the solar system, is a key science objective of the 2011 Planetary Science Decadal Survey. Observations at low radio frequencies to track the effects of the Universe’s first stars/galaxies on the intergalactic medium are a priority of the 2010 Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey. Such telerobotic oversight would also demonstrate capability for human and robotic cooperation on future, more complex deep space missions such as exploring Mars.  相似文献   

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