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In July 2016, NASA’s Juno mission becomes the first spacecraft to enter polar orbit of Jupiter and venture deep into unexplored polar territories of the magnetosphere. Focusing on these polar regions, we review current understanding of the structure and dynamics of the magnetosphere and summarize the outstanding issues. The Juno mission profile involves (a) a several-week approach from the dawn side of Jupiter’s magnetosphere, with an orbit-insertion maneuver on July 6, 2016; (b) a 107-day capture orbit, also on the dawn flank; and (c) a series of thirty 11-day science orbits with the spacecraft flying over Jupiter’s poles and ducking under the radiation belts. We show how Juno’s view of the magnetosphere evolves over the year of science orbits. The Juno spacecraft carries a range of instruments that take particles and fields measurements, remote sensing observations of auroral emissions at UV, visible, IR and radio wavelengths, and detect microwave emission from Jupiter’s radiation belts. We summarize how these Juno measurements address issues of auroral processes, microphysical plasma physics, ionosphere-magnetosphere and satellite-magnetosphere coupling, sources and sinks of plasma, the radiation belts, and the dynamics of the outer magnetosphere. To reach Jupiter, the Juno spacecraft passed close to the Earth on October 9, 2013, gaining the necessary energy to get to Jupiter. The Earth flyby provided an opportunity to test Juno’s instrumentation as well as take scientific data in the terrestrial magnetosphere, in conjunction with ground-based and Earth-orbiting assets.  相似文献   

The aurorae are the result of collisions with the atmosphere of energetic particles that have their origin in the solar wind, and reach the atmosphere after having undergone varying degrees of acceleration and redistribution within the Earth's magnetosphere. The global scale phenomenon represented by the aurorae therefore contains considerable information concerning the solar-terrestrial connection. For example, by correctly measuring specific auroral emissions, and with the aid of comprehensive models of the region, we can infer the total energy flux entering the atmosphere and the average energy of the particles causing these emissions. Furthermore, from these auroral emissions we can determine the ionospheric conductances that are part of the closing of the magnetospheric currents through the ionosphere, and from these we can in turn obtain the electric potentials and convective patterns that are an essential element to our understanding of the global magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere-mesosphere. Simultaneously acquired images of the auroral oval and polar cap not only yield the temporal and spatial morphology from which we can infer activity indices, but in conjunction with simultaneous measurements made on spacecraft at other locations within the magnetosphere, allow us to map the various parts of the oval back to their source regions in the magnetosphere. This paper describes the Ultraviolet Imager for the Global Geospace Sciences portion of the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics program. The instrument operates in the far ultraviolet (FUV) and is capable of imaging the auroral oval regardless of whether it is sunlit or in darkness. The instrument has an 8° circular field of view and is located on a despun platform which permits simultaneous imaging of the entire oval for at least 9 hours of every 18 hour orbit. The three mirror, unobscured aperture, optical system (f/2.9) provides excellent imaging over this full field of view, yielding a per pixel angular resolution of 0.6 milliradians. Its FUV filters have been designed to allow accurate spectral separation of the features of interest, thus allowing quantitative interpretation of the images to provide the parameters mentioned above. The system has been designed to provide ten orders of magnitude blocking against longer wavelength (primarily visible) scattered sunlight, thus allowing the first imaging of key, spectrally resolved, FUV diagnostic features in the fully sunlit midday aurorae. The intensified-CCD detector has a nominal frame rate of 37 s, and the fast optical system has a noise equivalent signal within one frame of 10R. The instantaneous dynamic range is >1000 and can be positioned within an overall gain range of 104, allowing measurement of both the very weak polar cap emissions and the very bright aurora. The optical surfaces have been designed to be sufficiently smooth to permit this dynamic range to be utilized without the scattering of light from bright features into the weaker features. Finally, the data product can only be as good as the degree to which the instrument performance is characterized and calibrated. In the VUV, calibration of an an imager intended for quantitative studies is a task requiring some pioneering methods, but it is now possible to calibrate such an instrument over its focal plane to an accuracy of ±10%. In summary, very recent advances in optical, filter and detector technology have been exploited to produce an auroral imager to meet the ISTP objectives.  相似文献   

The models are examined which are proposed elsewhere for describing the magnetic field dynamics in ring-currentDR during magnetic storms on the basis of the magnetospheric energy balance equation. The equation parameters, the functions of injectionF and decay , are assumed to depend on interplanetary medium parameters (F and during the storm main phase) and on ring-current intensity ( during the recovery phase). The present-day models are shown to be able of describing theDR variations to within a good accuracy (the r.m.s. deviation 5 < < 15 nT, the correlation coefficient 0.85 <r < 1). The models describe a fraction of the geomagnetic field variation during a magnetic storm controlled by the geoeffective characteristic of interplanetary medium and, therefore responds directly to the variation of the latter. The fraction forms the basis of the geomagnetic field variations in low and middle latitudes. The shorter-term variations ofDR are affected by the injections into the inner magnetosphere during substorm intervals.During magnetic storms, the auroral electrojets shift to subauroral latitudes. When determining theAE indices, the data from the auroral-zone stations must be supplemented with the data from subauroral observatories. Otherwise, erratic conclusions may be obtained concerning the character of the relationships ofDR toAE or ofAE to interplanetary medium parameters. Considering this circumstance, the auroral electrojet intensity during the main phase is closely related to the energy flux supplied to the ring current. It is this fact that gives rise simultaneously to the intensification of auroral electrojets and to the large-scale decrease of magnetic field in low latitudes.The longitudinal asymmetry of magnetic field on the Earth's surface is closely associated with the geoeffective parameters of interplanetary medium, thereby making it possible to model-estimate the magnetic field variations during magnetic storms at given observatories. The inclusion of the field asymmetry due to the system of large-scale currents improves significantly the agreement between the predicted and model field variations at subauroral and midlatitude observatories. The first harmonic amplitude of field variation increases with decreasing latitude. This means that the long-period component of theD st -variation asymmetry is due rather to the ring-current asymmetry, while the shorter-term fluctuations are produced by electrojets. The asymmetry correlates better with theAL indices (westward electrojet) than with theAU indices (eastward electrojet).The total ion energy in the inner magnetosphere during the storm main phase is sufficient for the magnetic field observed on the Earth's surface to be generated. The energy flux to the ring current is 15% of the -energy flux into the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

At the ionospheric level, the substorm onset (expansion phase) is marked by the initial brightening and subsequent breakup of a pre-existing auroral arc. According to the field line resonance (FLR) wave model, the substorm-related auroral arc is caused by the field-aligned current carried by FLRs. The FLRs are standing shear Alfvén wave structures that are excited along the dipole/quasi-dipole lines of the geomagnetic field. The FLRs (that can cause auroral arc) thread from the Earthward edge of the plasma sheet and link the auroral arc to the plasma sheet region of 6–15 R E. The region is associated with magnetic fluctuations that result from the nonlinear wave-wave interactions of the cross-field current-instability. The instability (excited at the substorm onset) disrupts the cross-tail current which is built up during the growth phase of the substorms and results in magnetic fluctuations. The diversion of the current to polar regions can lead to auroral arc intensification. The current FLR model is based on the amplitude equations that describe the nonlinear space-time evolution of FLRs in the presence of ponderomotive forces exerted by large amplitude FLRs (excited during substorms). The present work will modify the FLR wave model to include the effects arising from magnetic fluctuations that result from current disruption near the plasma sheet (6–15 R E). The nonlinear evolution of FLRs is coupled with the dynamics of plasma sheet through a momentum exchange term (resulting from magnetic fluctuations due to current disruption) in the generalized Ohm's law. The resulting amplitude equations including the effects arising from magnetic fluctuations can be used to study the structure of the auroral arcs formed during substorms. We have also studied the role of feedback mechanism (in a dipole geometry of the geomagnetic field) in the formation of the discrete auroral arc observed on the nightside magnetosphere. The present nonlinear dispersive model (NDM) is extended to include effects arising from the low energy electrons originating from the plasma sheet boundary layer. These electrons increase the ionospheric conductivity in a localized patch and enhance the field-aligned current through a feedback mechanism. The feedback effects were studied numerically in a dipole geometry using the the NDM. The numerical studies yield the magnitude of the field-aligned current that is large enough to form a discrete auroral arc. Our studies provide theoretical support to the observational work of Newell et al. that the feedback instability plays a major role in the formation of the discrete auroral arcs observed on the nightside magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The magnetospheric imaging instrument (MIMI) is a neutral and charged particle detection system on the Cassini orbiter spacecraft designed to perform both global imaging and in-situ measurements to study the overall configuration and dynamics of Saturn’s magnetosphere and its interactions with the solar wind, Saturn’s atmosphere, Titan, and the icy satellites. The processes responsible for Saturn’s aurora will be investigated; a search will be performed for substorms at Saturn; and the origins of magnetospheric hot plasmas will be determined. Further, the Jovian magnetosphere and Io torus will be imaged during Jupiter flyby. The investigative approach is twofold. (1) Perform remote sensing of the magnetospheric energetic (E > 7 keV) ion plasmas by detecting and imaging charge-exchange neutrals, created when magnetospheric ions capture electrons from ambient neutral gas. Such escaping neutrals were detected by the Voyager l spacecraft outside Saturn’s magnetosphere and can be used like photons to form images of the emitting regions, as has been demonstrated at Earth. (2) Determine through in-situ measurements the 3-D particle distribution functions including ion composition and charge states (E > 3 keV/e). The combination of in-situ measurements with global images, together with analysis and interpretation techniques that include direct “forward modeling’’ and deconvolution by tomography, is expected to yield a global assessment of magnetospheric structure and dynamics, including (a) magnetospheric ring currents and hot plasma populations, (b) magnetic field distortions, (c) electric field configuration, (d) particle injection boundaries associated with magnetic storms and substorms, and (e) the connection of the magnetosphere to ionospheric altitudes. Titan and its torus will stand out in energetic neutral images throughout the Cassini orbit, and thus serve as a continuous remote probe of ion flux variations near 20R S (e.g., magnetopause crossings and substorm plasma injections). The Titan exosphere and its cometary interaction with magnetospheric plasmas will be imaged in detail on each flyby. The three principal sensors of MIMI consists of an ion and neutral camera (INCA), a charge–energy–mass-spectrometer (CHEMS) essentially identical to our instrument flown on the ISTP/Geotail spacecraft, and the low energy magnetospheric measurements system (LEMMS), an advanced design of one of our sensors flown on the Galileo spacecraft. The INCA head is a large geometry factor (G ∼ 2.4 cm2 sr) foil time-of-flight (TOF) camera that separately registers the incident direction of either energetic neutral atoms (ENA) or ion species (≥5 full width half maximum) over the range 7 keV/nuc < E < 3 MeV/nuc. CHEMS uses electrostatic deflection, TOF, and energy measurement to determine ion energy, charge state, mass, and 3-D anisotropy in the range 3 ≤ E ≤ 220 keV/e with good (∼0.05 cm2 sr) sensitivity. LEMMS is a two-ended telescope that measures ions in the range 0.03 ≤ E ≤ 18 MeV and electrons 0.015 ≤ E≤ 0.884 MeV in the forward direction (G ∼ 0.02 cm2 sr), while high energy electrons (0.1–5 MeV) and ions (1.6–160 MeV) are measured from the back direction (G ∼ 0.4 cm2 sr). The latter are relevant to inner magnetosphere studies of diffusion processes and satellite microsignatures as well as cosmic ray albedo neutron decay (CRAND). Our analyses of Voyager energetic neutral particle and Lyman-α measurements show that INCA will provide statistically significant global magnetospheric images from a distance of ∼60 R S every 2–3 h (every ∼10 min from ∼20 R S). Moreover, during Titan flybys, INCA will provide images of the interaction of the Titan exosphere with the Saturn magnetosphere every 1.5 min. Time resolution for charged particle measurements can be < 0.1 s, which is more than adequate for microsignature studies. Data obtained during Venus-2 flyby and Earth swingby in June and August 1999, respectively, and Jupiter flyby in December 2000 to January 2001 show that the instrument is performing well, has made important and heretofore unobtainable measurements in interplanetary space at Jupiter, and will likely obtain high-quality data throughout each orbit of the Cassini mission at Saturn. Sample data from each of the three sensors during the August 18 Earth swingby are shown, including the first ENA image of part of the ring current obtained by an instrument specifically designed for this purpose. Similarily, measurements in cis-Jovian space include the first detailed charge state determination of Iogenic ions and several ENA images of that planet’s magnetosphere.This revised version was published online in July 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) — a space observatory to be placed, in 1995, 1.5 Gm sunward from the Earth in a halo orbit around the L1 Lagrange point — will investigate:
  • the solar corona, its heating and expansion into the solar wind, by both studying the radiation emerging from the outer solar atmosphere and in-situ solar wind measurements near 1 AU, and
  • the structure and dynamics of the solar interior by the method of helioseismology.
  • The science policy evolution leading to this comprehensive observatory concept is described. SOHO's link to the space-plasma-physics mission CLUSTER — devoted to the three-dimensional study of small structures in the magnetosphere — within the Solar Terrestrial Science Programme (STSP) and the embedding of STSP in the much larger International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Programme are cited as well. The scientific subjects to be addressed by SOHO are introduced, and their current status assessed. Subsequently, the measurements required to advance these subjects are stated quantitatively and the payload, which will actually perform these measurements, is presented. The mission design, comprising spacecraft, orbit, operations and the data and ground systems are described. The special efforts made to obtain a reliable radiometric calibration of the instruments observing the Sun in the extreme-ultraviolet and to achieve a stable sensitivity through extreme cleanliness of spacecraft and instruments are emphasized and substantiated.  相似文献   

    We review generation mechanisms of Birkeland currents (field-aligned currents) in the magnetosphere and the ionosphere. Comparing Birkeland currents predicted theoretically with those studied observationally by spacecraft experiments, we present a model for driving mechanism, which is unified by the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction that allows the coexistence of steady viscous interaction and unsteady magnetic reconnection. The model predicts the following: (1) the Region 1 Birkeland currents (which are located at poleward part of the auroral Birkeland-current belt, and constitute quasi-permanently and stably a primary part of the overall system of Birkeland currents) would be fed by vorticity-induced space charges at the core of two-cell magnetospheric convection arisen as a result of viscous interaction between the solar wind and the magnetospheric plasma, (2) the Region 2 Birkeland currents (which are located at equatorward part of the auroral Birkeland-current belt, and exhibit more variable and localized behavior) would orginate from regions of plasma pressure inhomogeneities in the magnetosphere caused by the coupling between two-cell magnetospheric convection and the hot ring current, where the gradient-B current and/or the curvature current (presumably the hot plasma sheet-ring current) are forced to divert to the ionosphere, (3) the Cusp Birkeland currents (which are located poleward of and adjacent to the Region 1 currents and are strongly controlled by the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF)) might be a diversion of the inertia current which is newly and locally produced in the velocity-decelerated region of earthward solar wind where the magnetosphere is eroded by dayside magnetic reconnection, (4) the nightside Birkeland currents which are connected to a part of the westward auroral electrojet in the Harang discontinuity sector might be a diversion of the dusk-to-dawn tail current resulting from localized magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail plasma sheet where plasma density and pressure are reduced.  相似文献   

    In this paper we present an initial survey of results from the plasma wave experiments on the ISEE-1 and -2 spacecraft which are in nearly identical orbits passing through the Earth's magnetosphere at radial distances out to about 22.5R e . Essentially every crossing of the Earth's bow shock can be associated with an intense burst of electrostatic and whistler-mode turbulence at the shock, with substantial wave intensities in both the upstream and downstream regions. Usually the electric and magnetic field spectrum at the shock are quite similar for both spacecraft, although small differences in the detailed structure are sometimes apparent upstream and downstream of the shock, probably due to changes in the motion of the shock or propagation effects. Upstream of the shock emissions are often observed at both the fundamental, f - p , and second harmonic, 2f p - , of the electron plasma frequency. In the magnetosphere high resolution spectrograms of the electric field show an extremely complex distribution of plasma and radio emissions, with numerous resonance and cutoff effects. Electron density profiles can be obtained from emissions near the local electron plasma frequency. Comparisons of high resolution spectrograms of whistler-mode emissions such as chorus detected by the two spacecraft usually show a good overall similarity but marked differences in detailed structure on time scales less than one minute. Other types of locally generated waves, such as the (n+1/2)f - g electron cyclotron waves, show a better correspondence between the two spacecraft. High resolution spectrograms of kilometric radio emissions are also presented which show an extremely complex frequency-time structure with many closely spaced narrow-band emissions.  相似文献   

    HYDRA is an experimental hot plasma investigation for the POLAR spacecraft of the GGS program. A consortium of institutions has designed a suite of particle analyzers that sample the velocity space of electron and ions between 2 keV/q – 35 keV/q in three dimensions, with a routine time resolution of 0.5 s. Routine coverage of velocity space will be accomplished with an angular homogeneity assumption of 16°, appropriate for subsonic plasmas, but with special 1.5° resolution for electrons with energies between 100 eV and 10 keV along and opposed to the local magnetic field. This instrument produces 4.9 kilobits s–1 to the telemetry, consumes on average 14 W and requires 18.7 kg for deployment including its internal shielding. The scientific objectives for the polar magnetosphere fall into four broad categories: (1) those to define the ambient kinetic regimes of ions and electrons; (2) those to elucidate the magnetohydrodynamic responses in these regimes; (3) those to assess the particle populations with high time resolution; and (4) those to determine the global topology of the magnetic field. In thefirst group are issues of identifying the origins of particles at high magnetic latitudes, their energization, the altitude dependence of the forces, including parallel electric fields they have traversed. In thesecond group are the physics of the fluid flows, regimes of current, and plasma depletion zones during quiescent and disturbed magnetic conditions. In thethird group is the exploration of the processes that accompany the rapid time variations known to occur in the auroral zone, cusp and entry layers as they affect the flow of mass, momentum and energy in the auroral region. In thefourth class of objectives are studies in conjunction with the SWE measurements of the Strahl in the solar wind that exploit the small gyroradius of thermal electrons to detect those magnetic field lines that penetrate the auroral region that are directly open to interplanetary space where, for example, the Polar Rain is observed.  相似文献   

    Different models of the magnetosphere are discussed critically. It is pointed out that there is a principal difference between the case when the impinging interplanetary plasma has no initial magnetization, B 0 = 0, (as in the Chapman-Ferraro theory), and the case when the plasma is initially magnetized, B 0 0, even if B 0 is very small.In the former case the plasma remains unmagnetized (like a superconductor) and cannot penetrate into the magnetosphere. Therefore the plasma is separated by a sharp boundary from the magnetosphere, (closed magnetosphere model).In the latter case when the plasma is magnetized (which is more realistic) there is a possibility that field lines run from the earth to infinity (open magnetosphere model). Particles from the interplanetary space may penetrate into the magnetosphere. At the same time there may be a number of discontinuity surfaces of different character, such as the Cahill discontinuity.It is important to make terrella experiments in order to study the complicated phenomena occurring when a magnetized plasma penetrates into a dipole field.  相似文献   

    The observations of hot ions in the high altitude ionosphere, at IR e along the auroral zone magnetic field lines, near the equatorial plane in the inner magnetosphere, in the distant tail, and in the magnetospheric boundary regions are reviewed with particular regard to the relations of the ions to the electrons. The physical knowledge obtained from the observations is summarized.  相似文献   

    The plasma instrumentation (PLS) for the Galileo Mission comprises a nested set of four spherical-plate electrostatic analyzers and three miniature, magnetic mass spectrometers. The three-dimensional velocity distributions of positive ions and electrons, separately, are determined for the energy-per-unit charge (E/Q) range of 0.9 V to 52 kV. A large fraction of the 4-steradian solid angle for charged particle velocity vectors is sampled by means of the fan-shaped field-of-view of 160°, multiple sensors, and the rotation of the spacecraft spinning section. The fields-of-view of the three mass spectrometers are respectively directed perpendicular and nearly parallel and anti-parallel to the spin axis of the spacecraft. These mass spectrometers are used to identify the composition of the positive ion plasmas, e.g., H+, O+, Na+, and S+, in the Jovian magnetosphere. The energy range of these three mass spectrometers is dependent upon the species. The maximum temporal resolutions of the instrument for determining the energy (E/Q) spectra of charged particles and mass (M/Q) composition of positive ion plasmas are 0.5 s. Three-dimensional velocity distributions of electrons and positive ions require a minimum sampling time of 20 s, which is slightly longer than the spacecraft rotation period. The two instrument microprocessors provide the capability of inflight implementation of operational modes by ground-command that are tailored for specific plasma regimes, e.g., magnetosheath, plasma sheet, cold and hot tori, and satellite wakes, and that can be improved upon as acquired knowledge increases during the tour of the Jovian magnetosphere. Because the instrument is specifically designed for measurements in the environs of Jupiter with the advantages of previous surveys with the Voyager spacecraft, first determinations of many plasma phenomena can be expected. These observational objectives include field-aligned currents, three-dimensional ion bulk flows, pickup ions from the Galilean satellites, the spatial distribution of plasmas throughout most of the magnetosphere and including the magnetotail, and ion and electron flows to and from the Jovian ionosphere.  相似文献   

    The AE-C spacecraft skimmed through the southern polar cusp at a 400 km altitude during a large geomagnetic storm on September 21, 1977. This period has been designated as a special IMS period, and the AE-C data were acquired close to the times that data were acquired by the DMSP satellite at nearly the same location over the southern polar cap, and by the GEOS satellite located near the noon-meridian in the northern hemisphere. Low energy electrons (1-500 eV) were measured with the photoelectron spectrometer experiment experiment onboard AE-C. This instrument was operated in the mode which measured precipitating electron fluxes and backscattered electron fluxes in alternating 4s intervals with two sensors. A region of intense precipitating electron fluxes was observed near 0924 UT on September 21, 1977 extending from 69 degree invariant latitude at 1100 MLT to 72 degree invariant latitude at 1152 MLT. From the spectra of the precipitating electrons, this region is identified as the southern polar cusp. Since the K p equals 7- during this time, the displacement of the cusp down to these low latitudes is not unreasonable. Particle data obtained from the DMSP satellite on orbits close to AE-C, confirm that the position of the cusp was rapidly changing during this period, and was displaced to latitudes equatorward of the quiet time position. A second region of intense fluxes of precipitating electron was observed by AE-C at approximately 0933 UT from 69 degree invariant latitude near 1700 MLT to 66 degree invariant latitude near 1730 MLT. This region of low energy electron fluxes is characterized by slightly harder energy spectra and is interpreted as being the afternoon auroral zone. The remarkable and fortunate location of the AE-C, DMSP, and GEOS spacecraft during this special IMS period will allow future correlative studies aimed at the determination of the shape of the magnetosphere during very disturbed conditions.  相似文献   

    Following earlier suggestions of Edmond Halley and Anders Celsius for the magnetic behavior of auroral phenomena, Kristian Birkeland discovered in his polar expeditions of 1902–03 that large-scale electric currents were associated with the aurora. He was also the first to suggest that these currents originated far from earth and that they flowed into the upper polar atmosphere and out of it along magnetic field lines; the existence of such field-aligned currents was widely disputed until satellite and rocket-borne instruments confirmed their permanent existence. The importance of these Birkeland currents to the coupling between the magnetosphere and the polar ionosphere is emphasized by their intensity, which ranges between 106 and 107 amperes, and by the energy which they dissipate in the upper atmosphere, which can exceed by a considerable factor the energy dissipated there by auroral particles. The large- and small-scale average properties of field-aligned currents, determined from spacecraft observations, are reviewed here.  相似文献   

    The Earth's magnetopause is the boundary between a hot tenuous plasma in the magnetosphere and a cooler denser plasma in the magnetosheath. Both of these plasmas contain magnetic fields whose directions are usually different but whose magnitudes are often comparable. Efforts to understand the structure of the magnetosphere have been hampered by the variability and complexity of this boundary. Waves on the magnetopause surface propagate toward the magnetotail and produce the multiple boundary crossings frequently seen by spacecraft. Boundary velocities are poorly known and range anywhere within an order of magnitude of 10 km s–1. Typical thicknesses are probably on the order of a few hundred km which is a few times the gyroradius of a thermal proton. Although conclusive direct evidence for a field component, B n , across the magnetopause has not been found, this lack of evidence may reflect the difficulty in determining B n in the presence of magnetopause waves rather than the real absence of this component. Considerable indirect evidence exists for an open magnetosphere, but the importance of the reconnection process thought to produce open field lines has recently been questioned.Proceedings of the Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics held in Innsbruck, May–June 1978.  相似文献   

    Recent theoretical developments in auroral research are reviewed. In spite of the great complexity involved, a unified theory begins to emerge. The framework of this unified theory is provided by the imperfect magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling due to enhanced magnetospheric convection. The auroral potential structures in the imperfect coupling state result from the loss cone constriction on enhanced upward field-aligned currents following enhanced magnetospheric convections. Field-aligned potential drops for the inverted V precipitations are supported by a combination of the double layer process, the pitch-angle anisotropy process, the wave-particle interaction (anomalous resistivity) process, the electrostatic shock and the thermoelectric process in descending order of importance. Quasineutrality along inverted V field lines is maintained primarily by the trapped and back-scattered electrons produced respectively by wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere and electron-neutral collisions in the ionosphere. Additional electron energization due to the ion cyclotron turbulence may lead to striations along the inverted V field lines to produce thin auroral arcs imbedded in the inverted V precipitation. The formation of discrete auroras can now be understood as a manifestation of the imperfect magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling due to enhanced magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction.  相似文献   

    This review will not merely be a précis of the literature in this field though a partial survey is attempted. A critical stand will be taken and a point of view put forward. Experiments to test this point of view and others will be suggested. Several new ideas are introduced.Two broad conditions of the magnetosphere are discussed, the quiet and the disturbed. During the quiet condition, the polar cap F region either glows red or is filled with a family of red auroral arcs parallel roughly to L-contours. Auroras near the auroral zone have an increasing amount of green (5577) coloration. The ionospheric F region exists even in winter over the polar caps despite the absence of solar ionizing radiation or obvious corpuscular bombardment. The red polar glow and the maintenance of the quiet polar winter F region are suggested to be accounted for by the cooling of plasma in the geomagnetic tail. These phenomena consume less than 0.01 of the energy and flux of the solar wind impinging on the magnetosphere. The relevance of dynamo theory to this quiet condition is discussed.During the disturbed condition, many phenomena such as polar magnetic substorms, auroral substorms, the sudden appearance of islands of energetic particles in the magnetosphere, and the rapid acceleration of auroral particles appear to call for the operation of an instability deep in the magnetosphere.The energetics of various facets of geomagnetic disturbance are discussed, and joule dissipation of ionospheric current is found to be a major sink of energy during storms. This causes significant heating of the ionosphere particularly at the site of auroral electrojets. Corpuscular bombardment may consume as much energy, but its heating effect is likely to be less.The stable auroral red arc (SAR-arc) observed equatorwards of normal active aurora during magnetic storms is a major sink of energy of a magnetospheric ring current. It is contended that the ring current generally consists of particles of energy of less than a few keV. It is suggested that the ring current is caused by the irreversible pumping and energisation of plasma from the outer to the inner magnetosphere. This pumping is achieved by the random electrostatic fields associated with the noisy component of geomagnetic disturbance. The SAR-arc must be a major feature of ring current theory.The consumption of energy in polar magnetic and auroral substorms, during a complete storm, is tentatively concluded to be far greater than that of the ring current. The ring current is considered to be a byproduct of magnetic disturbance on higher L-shells.The main phase of a storm should be considered, in storm analysis, as a separate entity from the initial phase, for physically they bear a tenuous and unpredictable relationship to one another. A new system of analysis is proposed in which the onset of geomagnetic noise rather than sudden commencement is taken as the origin of time, both for magnetic and ionospheric storms. This will enable analysis of storms with both gradual and sudden commencements to be made on a common basis.No reliable evidence is found to support the contention that magnetic storms are caused dominantly by neutral H-atoms ejected from the sun. In fact much evidence can be amassed to deny this hypothesis.  相似文献   

    The Thermal Ion Dynamics Experiment (TIDE) and the Plasma Source Instrument (PSI) have been developed in response to the requirements of the ISTP Program for three-dimensional (3D) plasma composition measurements capable of tracking the circulation of low-energy (0–500 eV) plasma through the polar magnetosphere. This plasma is composed of penetrating magnetosheath and escaping ionospheric components. It is in part lost to the downstream solar wind and in part recirculated within the magnetosphere, participating in the formation of the diamagnetic hot plasma sheet and ring current plasma populations. Significant obstacles which have previously made this task impossible include the low density and energy of the outflowing ionospheric plasma plume and the positive spacecraft floating potentials which exclude the lowest-energy plasma from detection on ordinary spacecraft. Based on a unique combination of focusing electrostatic ion optics and time of flight detection and mass analysis, TIDE provides the sensitivity (seven apertures of 1 cm2 effective area each) and angular resolution (6°×18°) required for this purpose. PSI produces a low energy plasma locally at the POLAR spacecraft that provides the ion current required to balance the photoelectron current, along with a low temperature electron population, regulating the spacecraft potential slightly positive relative to the space plasma. TIDE/PSI will: (a) measure the density and flow fields of the solar and terrestrial plasmas within the high polar cap and magnetospheric lobes; (b) quantify the extent to which ionospheric and solar ions are recirculated within the distant magnetotail neutral sheet or lost to the distant tail and solar wind; (c) investigate the mass-dependent degree energization of these plasmas by measuring their thermodynamic properties; (d) investigate the relative roles of ionosphere and solar wind as sources of plasma to the plasma sheet and ring current.Deceased.  相似文献   

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