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The application of importance sampling to the efficient simulation of low-probability events is discussed. Several examples are given to illustrate how the technique works for processes involving single and multiple statistical inputs. A procedure is also given for handling the case of multiple inputs where each is from a different statistical process.  相似文献   

Under the assumption that the non-independent range samples fed into the rank quantizer form a first-order Markov sequence, the first threshold false alarm probability Pn is written in the form of a multiple integral, the multiplicity being equal to the number of samples or quantizer taps. The Rice model for narrow-band noise (clutter) is used to check the effect of correlation on Pn using the derived formula. For the limited case examined, correlation be tween samples decreases Pn as compared with the independent samples case.  相似文献   

提出了一种限定虚警概率的PN码捕获的自适应门限估计算法,首先在对判决变量的统计特性分析的基础上,计算出了判决门限的有偏估计量;然后分析了估计偏差对捕获系统检测概率和虚警概率的影响;最后,计算机仿真表明,在限定虚警概率的前提下,捕获系统在高斯白噪声信道和瑞利衰落信道下具有较高的检测概率,自适应门限的估计方法易于实现,且适合工程应用。  相似文献   

吕克洪  邱静  刘冠军 《航空学报》2008,29(4):1002-1006
 虚警率高是困扰机内测试(BIT)系统得到广泛应用的主要原因。针对该问题,从机电系统所承受时间应力的角度构建了机内测试系统综合降低虚警技术的总体模型。首先采用双支持向量机(SVM)的方法将实时应力信息与机内测试诊断结果相互关联。在此基础上,提出了基于核主元模糊聚类的虚警识别方法将机电系统多源信息进行综合分析,并通过优化决策实现多级降低机内测试系统虚警的目的。最后,针对某型直升机航空地平仪的机内测试系统进行了试验验证与分析。  相似文献   

现代飞行器广泛采用机内测试(Built-intest,BIT)技术,以便对其内部故障进行自动检测、诊断和隔离,但是常规BIT面临诊断能力不足和诊断模糊性等问题,导致BIT虚警率高,难以有效发挥其应有的作用.本文论述了BIT虚警的基本理论、虚警的危害及现状,并从BIT虚警产生的原因分析入手,提出了解决虚警问题的一些方法和措施.  相似文献   

针对只有10^-8~10^-9量级的末制导雷达虚警概率难以检验的问题,研究虚警概率与发现概率、虚警时间的关系,论证了将虚警概率转化为虚警时间的检验方法,利用定时截尾统计检验理论,研究了不同鉴别比、不同试验时间、不同接收故障数时研制方与使用方的风险,提出了新型末制导雷达虚警概率的检验方法,解决了该项指标检验的难题。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术和微电子技术的迅艋发展,如机载雷达、飞控系统等航空电子系统可利用自身的机载计算机进行机内测试(BIT).但如液压系统,起落架系统等非航空电子系统本身没有计算机,无法对自身的故障进行检测、诊断和隔离.  相似文献   

分析了外场试飞过程中某机载设备BIT虚警产生的原因及引起的后果,并提出了一套较为全面的BIT虚警解决方案,最后结合实际应用给出了便捷有效的软件算法实例。经过外场试飞验证,该算法大大降低了BIT虚警率,提高了设备的可靠性,并为同类型的机载设备产生的BIT虚警提供了可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

汪节  曲志刚  柏长帅  何健 《飞机设计》2020,40(2):1-5,22
舰载机着舰对控制系统的响应能力、鲁棒性能等要求很高。已有文献未考虑着舰控制的离散采样等问题,而实际上离散采样对系统的控制性能影响较大。本文对离散线性系统进行了误差状态量的扩张,建立误差系统,并用于离散采样下的着舰最优控制器设计。仿真结果显示,系统在初始高度偏差纠正、舰尾流抑制、抗模型摄动等方面的控制效果很好,并且其稳态精度、动态特性和鲁棒性能都远强于PID控制。着舰反区效应和升降舵直接力效应,会各自让舰载机动力学有2个非最小相位零点,最优控制方法能消除这2个零点,而PID控制只能消除前一个零点。  相似文献   

Global positioning by means of satellites requires simultaneous observation by at least four satellites. The problem is to determine the minimum number of satellites and the corresponding orbital geometry necessary to satisfy this requirement on a continuous basis. To model the problem, a fixed number of users are assumed uniformly distributed in a known manner over the surface of the earth, and the satellites are restricted to exist in either three or four orbital planes. However, the orbit radius and inclination angle are left as variables. Under these assumptions, and starting with a small number of satellites which will be increased afterwards, an algorithm is developed to determine the visibility of satellites at each surface location. In this way it is possible to specify the minimum number of satellites needed by any desired orbital geometry. It is found that the number of satellites required for three-dimensional continuous worldwide coverage decreases as the orbit radius is increased. There appears to be no general trend regarding the effect of the inclination angle on the minimum number of satellites.  相似文献   

Analytical expressions are given for the steady-state solution to a continuous time Kalman filter for a two-state model where both states are measured. The solution is obtained by a limiting operation on the known solution for the corresponding discrete time case. The solution is visualized in two graphs. The filter transfer function is also given.  相似文献   

取样长度和采样点数对分维值的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在研究分形几何理论的基础上,以不同的取样长度和采样点数,对大量的机加工粗糙表面进行了测量。结果表明;传统的粗糙度评定参数Rα依赖于取样长度;而分形维数D则是表征表面的固有参数,与取样长度无关,虽然受采样点数的影响,但当采样点数足够多时,D值将趋于稳定。  相似文献   

提出了一种离散系统的优化鲁棒滤波方法。为了得到滤波的逼近计算式,通过优化加权矩阵得到了上界不等式逼近和等效系统矩阵,得到了鲁棒滤波的时间更新算法;通过优化加权矩阵得到了下界不等式逼近和等效观测矩阵,得到了鲁棒滤波的测量更新算珐,并且给出了鲁棒滤波算法收敛的条件。飞行试验数据处理的结果表明,提出的方法是有效的。  相似文献   

The past two decades have witnessed significant changes in our knowledge of long-term solar and solar wind activity. The sunspot number time series (1700-present) developed by Rudolf Wolf during the second half of the 19th century was revised and extended by the group sunspot number series (1610–1995) of Hoyt and Schatten during the 1990s. The group sunspot number is significantly lower than the Wolf series before ~1885. An effort from 2011–2015 to understand and remove differences between these two series via a series of workshops had the unintended consequence of prompting several alternative constructions of the sunspot number. Thus it has been necessary to expand and extend the sunspot number reconciliation process. On the solar wind side, after a decade of controversy, an ISSI International Team used geomagnetic and sunspot data to obtain a high-confidence time series of the solar wind magnetic field strength (\(B\)) from 1750-present that can be compared with two independent long-term (> ~600 year) series of annual \(B\)-values based on cosmogenic nuclides. In this paper, we trace the twists and turns leading to our current understanding of long-term solar and solar wind activity.  相似文献   

The analytical expression for the steady-state solution to acontinuous-time Kalman filter with two state variables consideredby Ekstrand is found by directly solving the continuous-timealgebraic Ricatti equation.  相似文献   

刘军  潘文瀚 《飞机设计》2011,31(5):64-67
地空靶场实时GPS差分高精度测量系统是当代飞机飞行试验中解决火控系统标校、测控系统校飞或导弹武器系统精度试验等问题的有效手段,是地空靶场测控系统的重要组成部分。本文基于伪距观测量的GPS实时差分定位的原理以及对数学模型的分析,论述了将GPS实时定位技术应用于地空靶场中机载或弹载导航系统的实现方法。文中详细的规划了基准站...  相似文献   

对DD3单晶合金进行1250℃保温不同时间的TLP扩散连接研究。降温过程采取了随炉冷却和充氩快冷两种方式,随后对接头进行了870℃/32h/空冷的时效处理。分析了不同规范下的焊缝及母材的组织,同时测定了接头的980℃持久性能。结果发现:炉冷并时效处理试样的焊缝及母材中的γ'相的尺寸随着保温时间增加而增加,且形状趋于不规则。而充氩冷却并时效处理试样的焊缝及母材中的γ'相的尺寸和形状基本一致,随保温时间的增加没有明显变化,立方化较好。低的冷却速率使焊缝和母材中的γ'相粗化从而降低了接头和母材的性能,而高的冷却速率促使焊缝及母材中形成细小立方化的γ'相,不仅使接头性能明显提高,同时母材性能也没有降低。  相似文献   

在常规摩擦焊接参数确定的条件下,研究了顶刹时差和顶锻速度对NiCr20TiAl/4Cr10Si2Mo摩擦焊接面形变的影响。发现当顶刹时差为0.3s,顶锻速度为30 mm/s时,能形成交织状的摩擦焊接面,从而找到了提高异种高强金属摩擦焊接头强韧性能的新途径。  相似文献   

An explicit closed-form formula of a discrete guidance law for a linear time-invariant, acceleration commanded, arbitrary-order missile and a linear, time-invariant arbitrary-order, maneuvering target is derived. The formula is given in terms of the missile and target transfer functions and responses to initial conditions. Examples are explicitly solved for zero-lag and a first-order missile. As an example, it is shown that the discrete proportional navigation ratio is higher than 3 and time varying in contrast to the continuous case.<>  相似文献   

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