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载人航天器舱内辐射剂量监测技术综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了美国、苏联/俄罗斯载人航天器舱内辐射剂量监测技术及部分监测结果,分析了我国“神舟3号”和“神舟4号”飞船返回舱内的辐射剂量探测技术及结果,并在此基础上就我国载人航天器的辐射剂量探测方法提出若干建议。  相似文献   

杨彬  唐生勇  李爽  夏陈超 《宇航学报》2018,39(11):1197-1208
针对载人火星探测任务,结合我国现有技术基础,提出我国载人火星探测方案,重点研究载人火星探测任务推进系统的设计。首先,综合考虑载人深空探测任务的约束,采用Pork-Chop图设计了适用于不同任务场景的转移轨迹;然后,参考我国空间站技术,基于核热推进系统设计了我国载人火星探测任务的飞船;最后,对核热推进系统的发动机台数和推力进行了优化,得到了适用于不同任务场景的最优推进系统组合方案。本文所研究内容为我国未来载人火星探测任务提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

黄志澄 《航天》2014,(10):14-19
最近美国国家研究委员会,在对美国航宇局(NASA)的载人火星探索任务的评估报告中,将“进入、下降与着陆(Entry, Descent, and Landing, E D L)”技术,列为载人火星探索任务的第一项关键技术。其余两项分别是空间推进及能源和辐射安全。对于载人火星探索任务,为何EDL 技术会显得如此重要?为了问答这个问题,就让我们首先从“好奇”火星探测器的EDL过程说起。  相似文献   

正随着人类社会和深空探测技术的不断发展,火星探测变得越来越有吸引力。从1960年苏联发射世界上第一个无人火星探测器至今,人类已发射无人火星探测器47次,对火星进行了详细的考察。载人火星探测在探索地外生命、星际移民、推动科技发展、提升国家地位和促进人类社会进步等方面具有重要意义。航天运输系统技术是载人火星探测任务实施的基础技术,其技术水平对载人火星探测任务的风险、复杂度和成本具有重要影响,有必要开展载人火星探测航天运输系统技术研究。  相似文献   

载人月面着陆与上升飞行器是在载人月球探测任务中用于月球轨道与月面之间人员、货物往返的运输工具。针对载人月面着陆与上升飞行器全寿命周期内的辐射环境进行了分析,对近地轨道、地月转移及环月轨道的辐射环境中的高能带电粒子能谱进行了对比,对其辐射环境适应性进行了评估,提出了针对性的辐射防护建议,供月面着陆与上升飞行器设计参考。  相似文献   

针对飞行器进入火星大气时气体辐射加热对防热设计带来不确定性,在简述火星探测和气体辐射研究的发展历程的基础上,对火星进入气体辐射加热研究的进展进行综述。首先,针对火星大气环境描述了气体辐射加热的概念和问题由来。其次,重点综述了近年来火星进入气体辐射加热基础模型的数值和试验研究进展,其中包括:热化学非平衡气体动力学、气体辐射特性和辐射传输的计算模型与方法等数值研究;地面测试设备、试验技术和模拟火星大气环境的气体辐射测量与验证等试验研究。再次,综述了流动辐射耦合和后体气体辐射加热等火星进入器设计方面开展的研究。最后,对未来火星进入气体辐射加热研究进行了展望,提出了研究建议。  相似文献   

朱新波  谢华  徐亮  陆希 《上海航天》2014,31(1):22-28
提出了一种我国2030年代载人火星探测任务实施方案的构想。通过分批式提前部署方式,分别按货运、载人两个阶段实施对我国载人登火并对火星探测。其中,载人阶段在返回地球时可利用金星借力的方式以缩短整个载人任务周期。利用重型运载和长征五号运载火箭,分别在海南文昌和西昌卫星发射中心发射,实现2030年代的我国载人火星探测。  相似文献   

正NASA官员5月9日在载人火星探测峰会上表示,作为30年代送人前往火星计划的一部分,该局可能会在20年代末派宇航员在绕月轨道上飞行一年。NASA助理副局长威廉斯说,NASA最近宣布,其眼下的载人火星探测规划包括在月球周围建设一座"深空门廊",以充当载人火星探测任务所需操作和技术的试验场。他说,这座月球前哨站最终还会作为载人火星探测飞船的发射点。  相似文献   

<正>2015年10月8日,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)发布《NASA火星征程:制定太空探索的后续步骤》,阐述本世纪30年代人类到达火星空间、最终登陆火星并开展可持续探测的战略目标,提出以载人登陆火星为总目标的空间探测实施战略、原则和挑战,循序渐进地迈上"依赖地球"、"试验场"、"独立于地球"三个台阶,指导未来载人火星探测活动。载人火星探测是迄今人类历史上提出的规模最为宏大的航天工  相似文献   

NASA莫斯科办事处负责人鲍曼8月25日在一次国际航空航天会议上说.NASA已邀请俄方联合开展一项载人火星探测飞行。俄眼下打算在未来某个时间开展自己的载人火星探测任务。鲍曼说,载人火星探测任务应利用国际空间站项目所取得的成就,机组人员应来自多国。  相似文献   

Lett JT  Lee AC  Cox AB 《Acta Astronautica》1994,32(11):739-748
Recognition of the human risks from radiation exposure during manned missions in deep space has been fostered by international co-operation; interagency collaboration is facilitating their evaluation. Further co-operation can lead, perhaps by the end of this decade, to an evaluation of one of the three major risks, namely radiation cataractogenesis, sufficient for use in the planning of the manned mission to Mars.  相似文献   

载人深空探测任务航天医学工程问题研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
航天医学工程问题关系到载人深空探测任务中的人员生存及健康。文章从人员长期生存的生命保障、变重力生理效应及防护、地外环境效应与防护、人员生理健康监测与维护、人员心理健康等方面的问题入手,分析了问题产生的原因及解决的必要性,并提出了解决思路,为后续深入开展相关关键技术的攻关提供参考。最后,以载人月球基地任务为案例,提出了生命保障、变重力防护、辐射及月尘防护、生理及心理健康监测及维护等问题的解决方案。  相似文献   

模拟载人探月中航天员空间辐射风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间辐射是长期载人航天飞行任务中影响航天员健康的重要风险因素。为了探求载人探月过程中对空间辐射的合理防护方式,文章借助空间辐射场模型对"嫦娥三号"飞行任务在不同质量厚度材料屏蔽下的舱内空间辐射环境进行了仿真计算,并确定了航天员各器官接受的空间辐射剂量、剂量当量以及有效剂量等辐射防护量以进行辐射风险评估。结果表明,随着屏蔽厚度的增加,航天员的各组织或器官的吸收剂量和剂量当量以及有效剂量均明显降低;采用质量屏蔽的方法对低于100 Me V的质子具有很好的防护效果,但对高能质子或重离子的防护效果不明显。计算和分析显示,载人探月过程中,只要采取适当的防护措施,航天员的空间辐射风险是可控的。  相似文献   

Accurate estimations of the health risks to astronauts due to space radiation exposure are necessary for future lunar and Mars missions. Space radiation consists of solar particle events (SPEs), comprised largely of medium energy protons (less than several hundred MeV); and galactic cosmic rays (GCR), which include high-energy protons and heavy ions. While the frequency distribution of SPEs depends strongly upon the phase within the solar activity cycle, the individual SPE occurrences themselves are random in nature. A solar modulation model has been developed for the temporal characterization of the GCR environment, which is represented by the deceleration potential, ?. The risk of radiation exposure to astronauts as well as to hardware from SPEs during extra-vehicular activities (EVAs) or in lightly shielded vehicles is a major concern for radiation protection. To support the probabilistic risk assessment for EVAs, which could be up to 15% of crew time2 on lunar missions, we estimated the probability of SPE occurrence as a function of solar cycle phase using a non-homogeneous Poisson model [1] to fit the historical database of measurements of protons with energy>30 MeV, Φ30. The resultant organ doses and dose equivalents, as well as effective whole body doses, for acute and cancer risk estimations are analyzed for a conceptual habitat module and for a lunar rover during space missions of defined durations. This probabilistic approach to radiation risk assessment from SPE and GCR is in support of mission design and operational planning for future manned space exploration missions.  相似文献   

M Reichert 《Acta Astronautica》2001,49(3-10):495-522
After the Apollo Moon program, the international space station represents a further milestone of humankind in space, International follow-on programs like a manned return to the Moon and a first manned Mars Mission can be considered as the next logical step. More and more attention is also paid to the topic of future space tourism in Earth orbit, which is currently under investigation in the USA, Japan and Europe due to its multibillion dollar market potential and high acceptance in society. The wide variety of experience, gained within the space station program, should be used in order to achieve time and cost savings for future manned programs. Different strategies and roadmaps are investigated for space tourism and human missions to the Moon and Mars, based on a comprehensive systems analysis approach. By using DLR's software tool FAST (Fast Assessment of Space Technologies), different scenarios will be defined, optimised and finally evaluated with respect to mission architecture, required technologies, total costs and program duration. This includes trajectory analysis, spacecraft design on subsystem level, operations and life cycle cost analysis. For space tourism, an expected evolutionary roadmap will be described which is initiated by short suborbital tourism and ends with visionary designs like the Space Hotel Berlin and the Space Hotel Europe concept. Furthermore the potential space tourism market, its economic meaning as well as the expected range of the costs of a space ticket (e.g. $50,000 for a suborbital flight) will be analysed and quantified. For human missions to the Moon and Mars, an international 20 year program for the first decades of the next millennium is proposed, which requires about $2.5 Billion per year for a manned return to the Moon program and about $2.6 Billion per year for the first 3 manned Mars missions. This is about the annual budget, which is currently spend by the USA only for the operations of its Space Shuttle fleet which generally proofs the affordability of such ambitious programs after the build-up of the International Space Station, when corresponding budget might become again available.  相似文献   

俄罗斯火星载人探测技术现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火星探测是人类探索太空的重要组成部分。俄罗斯在火星探测方面具有丰富的经验和大量技术储备。文章扼要介绍了俄罗斯火星载人探测技术的发展过程,重点阐述了俄罗斯现阶段火星探测方案和关键部件的研制现状和技术能力,对该方案的可行性进行了分析,并对火星探测技术可能的国际合作方式提出建议。  相似文献   

Current projects of manned missions to Mars are aimed to their realization in the second-third decades of this century. The purpose of this paper is to determine and review the main biomedical problems, that require a first and foremost decision for safety support of extravehicular activity (EVA) carried out by crewmembers of the Mars expedition. To a number of such problems the authors of the paper attribute a creation of adequate EVA equipment intended, first, for assembly of interplanetary spacecraft on the Earth orbit, performance of maintenance operations and scientific researches on the external surface of spacecraft during interplanetary flight and, secondly, for work on the Mars surface. New generation of space suits with low weight, high mobility and acceptable risk of decompression sickness must be as a central component of EVA equipment. The program for preparation to a Mars expedition also has to include special investigations in order to design the means and methods for a reliable protection of crew against space radiation, to elaborate the approach to medical monitoring and primary medical care during autonomous space mission, to maintain good health condition of crewmembers during EVA under the Mars gravity (0.38 g) after super long-term flight in weightlessness.  相似文献   

The potential benefits to humankind of space exploration are tremendous. Space is not only the final frontier but is also the next marketplace. The orbital space above Earth offers tremendous opportunities for both strategic assets and commercial development. The critical obstacle retarding the use of the space around the Earth is the lack of low cost access to orbit. Further out, the next giant leap for mankind will be the human exploration of Mars. Almost certainly within the next 30 years, a human crew will brave the isolation, the radiation, and the lack of gravity to walk on and explore the Red planet. Both of these missions will change the outlook and perspective of every human being on the planet. However, these missions are expensive and extremely difficult. Chemical propulsion has demonstrated an inability to achieve orbit cheaply and is a very high-risk option to accomplish the Mars mission. An alternative solution is to develop a high performance propulsion system. Nuclear propulsion has the potential to be such a system. The question will be whether humanity is willing to take on the challenge.  相似文献   

NASA's plans for future human exploration of the Solar System describe only missions to Mars. Before such missions can be initiated, much study remains to be done in technology development, mission operations and human performance. While, for example, technology validation and operational experience could be gained in the context of lunar exploration missions, a NASA lunar program is seen as a competitor to a Mars mission rather than a step towards it. The recently characterized weak stability boundary in the Earth–Moon gravitational field may provide an operational approach to all types of planetary exploration, and infrastructure developed for a gateway to the Solar System may be a programmatic solution for exploration that avoids the fractious bickering between Mars and Moon advocates. This viewpoint proposes utilizing the concept of Greater Earth to educate policy makers, opinion makers and the public about these subtle attributes of our space neighborhood.  相似文献   

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