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主要从卫星钟差预报、轨道测定精度、伪距波动情况等角度分析了I6卫星与北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)其他现役倾斜地球同步轨道(IGSO)卫星的异同,并从位置精度因子(PDOP)和格网可用性评估了I6卫星入网对BDS的贡献。利用星地双向时频传递设备观测的星地钟差数据,评估了I6卫星星载原子钟的预报性能,结果表明,I6卫星发播的卫星钟参数外推5h预报误差的均方根误差(RMS)为232ns,外推1h预报误差的RMS为073ns,与现役IGSO卫星钟差预报水平相当;对多星联合精密定轨结果分析表明,与北斗现役I3卫星相比,姿态控制方式优化后的I6卫星在地影期间的轨道精度并未发生明显衰减,克服了现有北斗二号卫星在地影期间轨道精度下降,从而影响北斗服务的连续性、可用性问题;利用大口径抛物面天线采集到的数据对I6卫星的伪距波动进行了分析,结果表明I6卫星单个观测弧段内其伪距波动峰峰差约为1m,与其他IGSO卫星一致;进行PDOP仿真计算,结果表明I6卫星的加入使得喀什地区的PDOP最大值由1282下降为726,PDOP大于6的时段所占百分比由2911%下降为1721%;对格网电离层产品实施解算,结果表明I6卫星的加入使得6个电离层格网点的可用度提升至95%以上。  相似文献   

混合星座导航卫星广播星历相关问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
GPS卫星广播星历参数具有参数少、物理意义明确以及精度高等特点,可以考虑将它应用于包含MEO、IGSO和GEO卫星的混合星座卫星导航系统。分析了采用GPs卫星广播星历参数时MEO、IGSO和GEO卫星的广播星历拟合精度,并且比较分析了在一个卫星的轨道周期内,广播星历参数拟合结果的变化规律。仿真结果表明,MEO、IGSO和GEO卫星的广播星历拟合误差最大在分米量级;MEO和IGSO卫星在一个轨道周期内星历参数拟合结果的变化规律相近,但是与GEO卫星的差异较大。  相似文献   

随着第12、13颗北斗卫星成功入轨,北斗卫星首次"落户"中圆轨道(MEO轨道),我国的北斗区域卫星导航系统日趋成型。在此次双星发射之前,太空中已有5颗地球静止轨道(GEO轨道)北斗卫星和5颗倾斜地球同步轨道(IGSO轨道)北斗卫星,按照"5+5+4"的组网计划,会有4颗MEO轨道卫星上天。而此次发射  相似文献   

为评估测量时刻偏差对单星定轨等效测量误差的影响,根据单星定轨处理策略分析了其理论模型,指出测站接收机的测量时刻偏差由测站时钟钟差以及测量时刻不准确度等组成。试验数据分析表明,测站钟差经一阶多项式拟合后的残差可近似为零均值的测量噪声;数值仿真结果表明,卫星信号发射时刻1ms误差导致GEO、IGSO、MEO三种卫星的等效测距误差分别为006cm、40cm、80cm。  相似文献   

风云三号C星GNOS北斗掩星电离层探测初步结果   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用风云三号卫星C星GNOS掩星探测仪电离层数据,分析了2013年10月FY-3C GNOS探测的北斗掩星电离层廓线分布,将2013年10月1日至2015年10月10日期间FY-3C GNOS观测的F2层峰值电子密度(NmF2)与地面电离层测高仪观测结果进行对比,验证了FY-3C GNOS北斗电离层掩星的探测精度.结果表明,FY3-C GNOS北斗电离层掩星与电离层测高仪探测的NmF2数据相关系数为0.96,平均偏差为10.21%,标准差为19.61%.在不同情况下其数据精度有如下特征:白天精度高于夜晚;夏季精度高于分季,分季精度高于冬季;中纬地区精度高于低纬地区,低纬地区精度高于高纬地区; BDS倾斜同步轨道(IGSO)卫星精度高于同步轨道(GEO)卫星和中轨道(MEO)卫星.FY-3C GNOS北斗电离层掩星与国际上其他掩星电离层数据精度的一致性对GNSS掩星探测资料的综合利用具有重大意义.   相似文献   

9月19日凌晨,我国第14、15颗北斗导航卫星在西昌卫星发射中心由长征三号乙改1型运载火箭以"一箭双星"方式成功发射升空,并被准确送入近地点200千米、远地点2万多千米的中圆转移轨道。这是我国第2次采用"一箭双星"方式发射两颗地球中高轨道卫星。北斗卫星导航系统工程总设计师孙家栋表示,"一箭双星"对于加快北斗导航卫星组网进程、完成北斗卫星导航系统工程建设意义重大。此次发射任务的圆满成功,也标志着北斗区域卫星导航系统组网建设顺利进入收官阶段。2007年4月14日第一颗北斗导航试验卫星由长征三号甲运载火箭成功发射,此后,长征三号甲系列运载火箭成功完成了北斗卫星导航系统组网阶段的5颗地球同步静止轨道(GEO)卫星、5颗倾斜地球同步轨道(IGSO)卫星和2颗中圆轨道(MEO)卫星的发射。  相似文献   

利用广播星历计算导航卫星的速度向量是GNSS高精度实时测速的必要条件.本文分析了仅以卫星位置向量为观测量的北斗广播星历的速度计算精度.从广播星历拟合过程出发,推导了北斗18参数模型的速度向量计算公式.基于北斗13颗在轨卫星一年的实际轨道数据,分析了全年广播星历计算卫星速度向量的精度.结果表明,利用18参数模型计算的速度误差最大在10-4m·-1量级;在相同拟合时段条件下,地球静止轨道(GEO)和倾斜地球同步轨道(IGSO)卫星的速度精度相当,高于中圆地球轨道(MEO)卫星.通过对位置残差序列分析,得出位置残差误差较小且变化趋势平稳是广播星历计算速度精度较高的原因.分析和计算结果验证了仅用位置观测量拟合北斗广播星历算法的有效性.   相似文献   

第8颗北斗卫星的成功发射入轨后,与在轨的多颗地球静止轨道(GEO)卫星和地球同步轨道(IGSO)卫星组成基本系统,已经具备在星座覆盖范围内提供连续的、稳定的、全天候的基本服务能力。那么北斗卫星导航系统的基本原理、定位精度和未来发展如何呢?北斗卫星导航系统卫星系统总设计师谢军为我们进行了详细的解答。  相似文献   

用户测距误差(URE)与用户设备误差(UEE)是影响定位精度的主要因素.民航是北斗系统的高端用户,监测其对民航机场的覆盖性和服务性能十分必要.本文根据华东、华南、华北、西北地区4个民航机场观测站的北斗实测数据,分析了各机场卫星的可见性.根据URE的解算方法、电离层修正模型、对流层修正模型以及定位精度的评估方法,给出了对应的性能评估结果.研究发现:可见星数均在6~14颗,满足定位要求; 95%置信度下,电离层延迟优于7.50m,对流层延迟优于13.28m,地球静止轨道卫星(GEO)、倾斜地球同步轨道卫星(IGSO)、中圆轨道卫星(MEO)卫星的URE值分别优于2.36m,1.72m,2.59m,满足北斗规范的要求;95%置信度下,定位精度水平方向优于3.63m,垂直方向优于6.98m.结果表明北斗系统在民航机场监测站的覆盖性及服务性能良好.   相似文献   

北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)中GEO卫星频繁的轨道机动对高精度、实时不间断的导 航服务需求提出了更高要求, 如何在短弧跟踪条件下提高GEO卫星轨道快速 恢复能力, 是提升导航系统服务精度的关键因素. 针对该问题, 本文提出了基 于机动力模型的动力学定轨方法, 尝试利用高精度的C波段转发式测距数据, 辅 以机动期间的遥测遥控信息建立机动力模型, 联合轨控前后的观测数据进行动 力学长弧定轨. 利用BDS中GEO卫星实测数据进行了定轨试验与分析, 结果表明, 恢复期间需要采用解算机动推力的定轨方法, 联合机动前、机动期间和机 动后4h数据定轨的轨道位置精度在20m量级, 径向精度优于2.5m. 该方 法克服了短弧跟踪条件下动力学法定轨和单点定位中的诸多问题, 提供了解决 GEO卫星机动后轨道快速恢复问题的技术方法.   相似文献   

To make up for the insufficiency of earth-based TT&C systems, the use of GNSS technology for high-orbit spacecraft navigation and orbit determination has become a new technology. It is of great value to applying Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) and Inclined GeoStationary Orbit (IGSO) navigation satellites for supporting the navigation of high-orbit spacecraft since there are three different types of navigation satellites in BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS): Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), GEO and IGSO. This paper conducts simulation experiments based on Two-Line Orbital Element (TLE) data to analyze and demonstrate the role of these satellites in the navigation of high-orbit spacecraft. Firstly, the spacecraft in GEO was used as the target satellite to conduct navigation experiments. Experiments show that for the spacecraft on the GEO orbit, after adding GEO and IGSO respectively on the basis of receiving MEO navigation satellite signals, the accuracies were improved by 7.22 % and 6.06 % respectively. When adding both GEO and IGSO navigation satellites at the same time, the accuracy can reach 16 m. In the second place, navigation and positioning experiments were carried out on three high elliptical orbit (HEO) satellites with different semimajor axis (32037.2 km, 42385.9 km, 67509.6 km). The experiments show that the number of visible satellites has been improved significantly after adding GEO and IGSO navigation satellites at the same time. The visible satellites in these three orbits were improved by 32.84 %, 41.12 % and 37.68 %, respectively compared with only observing MEO satellites.The RMS values of the navigation positioning errors of these three orbits are 25.59 m, 87.58 m and 712.48 m, respectively.  相似文献   

There are code biases on the pseudo-range observations of the Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) that range in size from several decimeters to larger than one meter. These biases can be divided into two categories, which are the code biases in the pseudo-range observations of Inclined Geo-Synchronous Orbit (IGSO) satellites and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites and the code biases in the pseudo-range observations of Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites. In view of the code bias of the IGSO/MEO satellites, the code bias correction model is established using the weighted least square curve fitting method. After the correction, the code biases of the IGSO and MEO satellites are clearly mitigated. A methodology of correcting GEO code bias is proposed based on the empirical mode decomposition (EMD)-wavelet transform (WT) coupled model. The accuracies of the GEO multipath combination of the B1, B2 and B3 frequencies are improved by 39.9%, 17.9%, and 29.4%, respectively. Based on the corrections above, the ten days observations of three Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) stations are processed. The results indicate that the convergence time of the precise point positioning (PPP) can be improved remarkably by applying a code bias. The mean convergence time can be improved by 14.67% after the IGSO/MEO code bias correction. By applying the GEO code bias, the mean convergence time can be further improved by 17.42%.  相似文献   

The BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) comprises geostationary earth orbit (GEO) satellites as well as inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) and medium earth orbit (MEO) satellites. Owing to their special orbital characteristics, GEO satellites require frequent orbital maneuvers to ensure that they operate in a specific orbital window. The availability of the entire system is affected during the maneuver period because service cannot be provided before the ephemeris is restored. In this study, based on the conventional dynamic orbit determination method for navigation satellites, multiple sets of instantaneous velocity pulses parameters which belong to one of pseudo-stochastic parameters were used to simulate the orbital maneuver process in the orbital maneuver arc and establish the observed and predicted orbits of the maneuvered and non-maneuvered satellites of BeiDou regional navigation satellite system (BDS-2) and BeiDou global navigation satellite system (BDS-3). Finally, the single point positioning (SPP) technology was used to verify the accuracy of the observed and predicted orbits. The orbit determination accuracy of maneuvered satellites can be greatly improved by using the orbit determination method proposed in this paper. The overlapping orbit determination accuracy of maneuvered GEO satellites of BDS-2 and BDS-3 can improve 2–3 orders of magnitude. Among them, the radial orbit determination accuracy of each maneuvered satellite is basically better than 1 m. simultaneously, the combined orbit determination of the maneuvered and non-maneuvered satellites does not have a great impact on the orbit determination accuracy of the non-maneuvered satellites. Compared with the multi GNSS products (indicated by GBM) from the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), the impact of adding the maneuvered satellites on the orbit determination accuracy of BDS-2 satellites is less than 9 %. Furthermore, the orbital recovery time and the service availability period are significantly improved. When the node of the predicted orbit is traversed approximately 3 h after the maneuver, the accuracy of the predicted orbit of the maneuvered satellite can reach that of the observed orbit. The SPP results for the BDS reached a normal level when the node of the predicted orbit was 2 h after the maneuver.  相似文献   

Autonomous satellite navigation is based on the ability of a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), such as Beidou, to estimate orbits and clock parameters onboard satellites using Inter-Satellite Link (ISL) measurements instead of tracking data from a ground monitoring network. This paper focuses on the time synchronization of new-generation Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) satellites equipped with an ISL payload. Two modes of Ka-band ISL measurements, Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) mode and the continuous link mode, were used onboard these BDS satellites. Using a mathematical formulation for each measurement mode along with a derivation of the satellite clock offsets, geometric ranges from the dual one-way measurements were introduced. Then, pseudoranges and clock offsets were evaluated for the new-generation BDS satellites. The evaluation shows that the ranging accuracies of TDMA ISL and the continuous link are approximately 4?cm and 1?cm (root mean square, RMS), respectively. Both lead to ISL clock offset residuals of less than 0.3?ns (RMS). For further validation, time synchronization between these satellites to a ground control station keeping the systematic time in BDT was conducted using L-band Two-way Satellite Time Frequency Transfer (TWSTFT). System errors in the ISL measurements were calibrated by comparing the derived clock offsets with the TWSTFT. The standard deviations of the estimated ISL system errors are less than 0.3?ns, and the calibrated ISL clock parameters are consistent with that of the L-band TWSTFT. For the regional BDS network, the addition of ISL measurements for medium orbit (MEO) BDS satellites increased the clock tracking coverage by more than 40% for each orbital revolution. As a result, the clock predicting error for the satellite M1S was improved from 3.59 to 0.86?ns (RMS), and the predicting error of the satellite M2S was improved from 1.94 to 0.57?ns (RMS), which is a significant improvement by a factor of 3–4.  相似文献   

The information of the satellite clock switching and performance variations on-orbit of Chinese BeiDou-2 Navigation System (BDS) is not available for the public. In order to detect the BDS satellite clock switching and performances variation, we analyzed the precise clock offset products with a total duration of 5?years every BDS satellite equipped four atomic clocks from four different manufactures from January 2013 to October 2017. Three important contributions are concluded as follows. (1) It is found that the average time of on-orbit operation for BDS satellite clocks is about 1–2?years. There have been 22 times of clock switching for BDS satellites, of which the C05 and C08 satellites have been switched to the fourth (last) atomic clock. (2) There are frequent phase adjustments for BDS on-orbit satellite clocks, and the frequency series is relatively stable. Furthermore, there are semi-annual sinusoid cycles in the frequency drift series of C06 and C09 satellites. (3) The performances of MEO satellite clocks perform better than the IGSO and GEO satellite clocks. The average ten-thousand frequency stability of BDS satellite clocks is about 1E-13, which is worse than that of GPS and Galileo but better than that of GLONASS.  相似文献   

The Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellite is a crucial part of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) constellation. However, due to various perturbation forces acting on the GEO satellite, it drifts gradually over time. Thus, frequent orbit maneuvers are required to maintain the satellite at its designed position. During the orbit maneuver and recovery periods, the orbit quality of the maneuvered satellite computed with broadcast navigation ephemeris will be significantly degraded. Furthermore, the conventional dynamic Precise Orbit Determination (POD) approach may not work well, because of a lack of publicly available satellite information for modeling the thrust forces. In this paper, a near real-time approach free of thrust forces modeling is proposed for BDS GEO satellite orbit determination and maneuver analysis based on the Reversed Point Positioning (RPP). First, the station coordinates and receiver clock offsets are estimated by GPS/BDS combined Single Point Positioning (SPP) with single-frequency phase-smoothed pseudorange observations. Then, with the fixed station coordinates and receiver clock offsets, the RPP method can be conducted to determine the GEO satellite orbits. When no orbit maneuvers occur, the proposed method can obtain orbit accuracies of 0.92, 2.74, and 8.30?m in the radial, along-track, and cross-track directions, respectively. The average orbit-only Signal-In-Space Range Error (SISRE) is 1.23?m, which is slightly poorer than that of the broadcast navigation ephemeris. Using four days of GEO maneuvered datasets, it is further demonstrated that the derived orbits can be employed to characterize the behaviors of GEO satellite maneuvers, such as the time span of the maneuver as well as the satellite thrusting accelerations. These results prove the efficiency of the proposed method for near real-time GEO satellite orbit determination during maneuvers.  相似文献   

Beidou is the regional satellite navigation system in China, consisting of three kinds of orbiting satellites, MEO, GEO and IGSO, with the orbital altitudes of 21500–36000 km. For improving the accuracy of satellites orbit determination, calibrating microwave measuring techniques and providing better navigation service, all Beidou satellites are equipped with laser retro-reflector arrays (LRAs) to implement high precision laser ranging. The paper presents the design of LRAs for Beidou navigation satellites and the method of inclined installation of LRAs for GEO satellites to increase the effective reflective areas for the regional ground stations. By using the SLR system, the observations for Beidou satellites demonstrated a precision of centimeters. The performances of these LRAs on Beidou satellites are very excellent.  相似文献   

连线端站干涉测量(connected element interferometry,CEI)是高精度测角技术,在中高轨卫星、月球及深空航天器定轨定位中有良好的应用前景。基于CEI技术特点,提出了一种新的测量方法,即在相干测距模式下利用测距音和载波信号作为信号源进行连线端站干涉测量。构建了CEI试验系统对北斗GEO卫星进行观测,利用相干测距模式下的下行信号解算群时延、相时延。利用北斗GEO卫星精密星历计算的时延理论值,对北斗GEO卫星CEI群时延和相时延结果进行评估。结果表明,相干测距模式下CEI群时延和相时延残差均值分别为0.47ns、0.08ns,标准差(3σ)分别4.2ns、0.13ns。该项研究验证了相干测距模式下CEI相时延解算的可行性,可为共位地球同步卫星精密相对定位、月球探测器CEI测量提供技术参考。  相似文献   

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