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A mathematical algorithm using the method of invariant imbedding is developed which generates a best £2 estimate of range and range rate from pulse Doppler data.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates and tests a new algorithm for extracting velocity information from a pulse Doppler radar signal. The system is adaptive and performs weil in the presence of target scintillation. This paper also shows a special steady-state version of the adaptive algorithm. lt is computationally attractive and produces near optimal velocity estimates.  相似文献   

The implementation of satellite-based Doppler positioning systems frequently requires the recovery of transmitter position from a single pass of Doppler data. The least-squares approach to the problem yieds conjugate solutions on either side of the satellite subtrack. It is important to develop a procedure for choosing the proper solution which is correct in a high percentage of cases. A test for ambiguity resolution which is the most powerful in the sense that it maximizes the probability of a correct decision is derived. When systematic error sources are properly included in the least-squares reduction process to yield an optimal solution the test reduces to choosing the solution which provides the smaller valuation of the least-squares loss function. When systematic error sources are ignored in the least-squares reduction, the most powerful test is a quadratic form compasison with the weighting matrix of the quadratic form obtained by computing the pseudoinverse of a reduced-rank square matrix. A formula for computing the power of the most powerful test is provided. Numerical examples are included in which the power of the test is computed for situations that are relevant to the design of a satellite-aided search and rescue system.  相似文献   

Physical modeling of the Doppler centroid (DC) can be used to predict synthetic aperture radar (SAR) Doppler ambiguity when antenna attitude is controlled or measured precisely enough. It is shown that the same model proves useful even in the cases of higher attitude uncertainty, if it is combined with suitable adaptive techniques. In this paper, Doppler ambiguity resolution is formulated as a hypothesis testing problem over a domain of integer values that are directly related to the attitude uncertainty. A test statistic is derived from the entire SAR scene using data adaptive processing. A broad class of such adaptive algorithms is analyzed in a unified way, starting from the range-azimuth coupling in the frequency domain and multilook techniques. The analysis includes two well-known and two new multilook methods for Doppler ambiguity resolution. A suitable test statistic is proposed for each of these methods and its dependency on the scene spatial correlation is discussed. Experimental results confirm the robustness of the combined scheme.  相似文献   

Two Methods of Ambiguity Resolution in Pulse Doppler Weather Radars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comparison is made of the performance of a weather Doppler radar with a staggered pulse repetition time and a radar with a random (but known) phase. As a standard for this comparison, the specifications of the forthcoming next generation weather radar (NEXRAD) are used. A statistical analysis of the spectral moment estimates for the staggered scheme is developed, and a theoretical expression for the signal-to-noise ratio due to recohering-filtering-recohering for the random phase radar is obtained. Algorithms for assignment of correct ranges to pertinent spectral moments for both techniques are presented.  相似文献   

Ambiguity Resolution in Interferometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A comprehensive theory of interferometry from a system viewpoint with particular emphasis on the ambiguity resolution problem is developed. The derived error equations include contributions from all system uncertainties, i.e., phase measurement, frequency, and element phase center position errors in three dimensions. The direction-of-arrival errors are inversely proportional to the interferometer baseline and it is customary to make the baseline large enough to meet the accuracy requirements. A system with a baseline greater than a half-wavelength results in the well known direction-of-arrival ambiguity problem with the addition of a third element to each baseline being a common method for resolving the ambiguity. It is shown that contrary to previous thinking there are many equally optimal positions for adding the third element to resolve the ambiguity. In addition, it is shown how the measurement made to resolve the ambiguity can also be applied to increase the accuracy of the angle-of-arrival measurement. A central result is the derivation of expressions specifying the probability of correct resolution of ambiguities as a function of system parameters and system errors. Moreover the concept of an acceptance criterion designed to reduce processing of erroneous measurements is developed. Narrowing the criterion reduces the percentage of data accepted for processing, but increases the probability of correct ambiguity resolution. This is analogous to the relationship between the probability of detection and the probability of false alarm in radar theory.  相似文献   

一种GPS整周模糊度的解算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
初始整周模糊度的求解是利用GPS载波相位进行测量的关键问题,文中提出了一种GPS整周模糊度快速解算方法。该方法:首先,对双差观测方程中指向卫星的方向阵进行QR分解;然后,通过比较估计出的基线长度和真实的基线长度建立起整周模糊度初始搜索范围;最后,综合利用快速剔除不合理模糊度解的检验方法以得到最终的模糊度解。文中对所提出的算法进行了理论推导,并进行了基于实测数据的实验与分析。实验结果表明,该算法计算量小,快速准确,适合整周模糊度的快速动态求解。  相似文献   

Radio direction finders based on the principles of interference measurement provide increased angular resolution as the number of bearing ambiguities increase. In spite of the diversity of interference direction finder design, the resolution of bearing ambiguities reduces to a simple relative phase measurement on crossed baselines less than ?/2 long. This principle is applied in a review of current interference direction finder (DF) designs from the Adcock to the multiwavelength interferometer including both analog and digital bearing computation and display. Analysis shows that simple digital logic circuits may be used to resolve bearing ambiguities in multichannel DF rather than the "sense" displays of conventional analog design. This technique has the advantage of keeping direction finding and sense finding functions simultaneous but separate so that the DF information is not degraded by the injection of the ambiguity resolving sense signal.  相似文献   

 鉴于遗传算法(GA)所具有的全局搜索特性,也为了更快速准确地解算差分全球定位系统(DGPS)整周模糊度,将自适应遗传算法(AGA)引入DGPS整周模糊度的搜索中。首先根据全球定位系统(GPS)载波相位双差方程求解出双差整周模糊度的浮点解,并以基线长度作为约束条件确定整周模糊度的搜索范围;然后利用白化滤波的方法对整周模糊度进行降相关处理,降低整周模糊度各分量之间的相关性;最后将自适应遗传算法应用在整周模糊度的解算过程中,搜索整周模糊度的最优解。仿真计算结果表明,与LAMBDA算法和简单遗传算法相比,自适应遗传算法能够快速地求解整周模糊度,也具有较好的可靠性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Lane ambiguity is an inherent problem of navigation systems using phase measurements. A lane ambiguity resolution technique combining methods of hyperbolic and range-range modes of navigation has been developed. The basis of this approach is that the ensemble of received phases at any location forms a unique set and therefore the lane resolution problem reduces to finding a position such that the expected set of phases (or the phase predicted for the position of the navigator) matches the received set. This method of lane resolution is not constrained by lane widths and using the phase data of 10.2, 13.6, and 11? kHz; lane resolution has been accomplished for distances of up to 120 nmi. This method of lane resolution requires phase data from at least four stations at any frequency and is very sensitive to uncompensated propagation phase shifts.  相似文献   

数字射线成像空间分辨率的增强   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成像空间分辨率是工业数字射线成像系统的重要技术指标,通过分析成像的物理过程,给出了成像过程的数学模型,进而得出影响数字射线成像空间分辨率的主要因素,并针对各种因素研究了相应的提高空间分辨率的方法.建立了成像系统的点扩展函数模型,给出了优化投影放大比的方法,提出了一种提高探测器采样频率和光电管采样孔径的硬件方法;采用了一种简便的方法抑制了散射对空间分辨率的影响;计算机模拟及实验结果验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Research in numerous areas is directed toward the resolution of multiple overlapping signals in a noisy environment. These areas include radar, sonar, speech, seismology, and electrophysiology. Sometimes matched filters are used; other times inverse filters are employed. This paper discusses one approach to the analysis of the resolution of inverse filters. Our method is to compromise the trade-off between signal resolution and the output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). A performance measure for the inverse or deconvolution filter is defined as a quantity proportional to the harmonic mean of the resolution and the SNR. An optimum output pulse duration is obtained using this criterion, where the pulse shape has been previously selected and the input signal waveform is known. In addition, upper and lower bounds for the output pulse duration are presented. Graphs are given which allow the designer to select the optimum inverse filter output pulse duration for a desired signal resolution and an estimated SNR.  相似文献   

针对动态环境下GNSS/INS导航定位模糊度固定难的问题,提出了一种基于部分模糊度固定的GNSS/INS紧组合导航定位算法,通过选择模糊度的最优子集进行固定,并利用实测车载实验进行了算法验证.实验结果表明:在开阔环境下,基于部分模糊度固定的GNSS/INS紧组合与基于全模糊度固定的GNSS/INS紧组合算法的定位精度相...  相似文献   

The resolution properties and clutter performance of a simultaneous Doppler and acceleration measurement are investigated in detail with particular emphasis given to coherent pulse trains. The analysis is based on the concept of a matched-filter receiver, although receiver weighting of the type that reduces Doppler sidelobes is also analyzed in detail. Near the main lobe of the acceleration response is a pedestal-ike sidelobe region, the height of which is about 1/N of the main response lobe power where N is the number of pulses in the train. The extent of this pedestal along the acceleration axis is proportional to N. The acceleration measurement in a clutter environment is best performed when both targets and clutter are confined to this pedestal region, since some response sidelobes outside of this region are extremely large.  相似文献   

An offset-frequency (heterodyne) direction sensitive coherentpulsed Doppler detection method requiring a single digitally synthesized phase-shiftable oscillator and a single mixer is described. Less stringent demands are imposed on hardware in obtaining offset-frequency stability and rejection of internally generated electrical clutter, as compared with the conventional offset method employing two oscillators. Simplification of hardware and postdetector signal processing as compared with the quadrature method (two parallel homodyne detectors) is anticipated. This technique has direct application in medical ultrasonics and is generally applicable to sonar and radar systems.  相似文献   

激光多普勒测量技术及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
洪昕 《航空计测技术》1998,18(3):3-5,35
从光学结构、信号处理、方向辨别三个方面综述了激光多普勒测量技术的研究,最后讲述了激光多普勒测量技术在散射体位移测量中的一个实际应用──空间滤波的仿光栅散射体多普勒测量。  相似文献   

自20世纪以来,飞机装配过程中的测量检测技术经历了从“定性检测、事后检验”到“定量测量、实时跟踪”的转变.随着飞机装配向智能化迈进,数字化测量技术已经成为飞机装配过程的重要因素,并不断向“智能测量、反馈控制”的目标发展.本文首先回顾了飞机装配过程中测量检测方法从模拟量到数字量演变的4个阶段.随后,根据数字化测量技术的基本原理和测量目标,从点位坐标测量、形状特征测量和曲面外形测量3大类对当前飞机产品装配过程中主要应用的数字化测量技术进行了归纳总结.  相似文献   

 基于全球定位系统(GPS)快速定位中观测矩阵的病态性特点和Tikhonov正则化原理,研究了单频整周模糊度快速解算的改进方法.基于奇异值扰动理论,研究了改进型UDVT分解算法,即利用病态观测矩阵构造新的矩阵,然后化为上Hessenberg形式的三对角矩阵,利用移位QR算法得到精确的奇异值,避免了因较小奇异值发生较大抖动而使正则化矩阵出现不稳定的情况;在分析法矩阵病态性特点的基础上,设计了改善正则化矩阵的构造方法.实验结果表明,与传统最小二乘降相关平差(LAMBDA)算法和Tikhonov正则化-LAMBDA法相比,新算法能更有效地改善法矩阵的病态性,只利用3~5个历元即能实现模糊度浮点解的快速解算及其固定,且结果可靠,浮点值更加接近真实值.  相似文献   

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