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美国航宇局/白宫空间站评审组建议重新设计自由号空间站。众参两院也有类似观点,众院拨款小组要求航宇局在90天内提出修改方案,解决空间站重量和能源问题。评审组组长是马丁·马丽埃塔公司董事会主席奥古斯汀。评审组在评审空间站计划后认为,自由号空间站的费用、它的实用性和过于依赖航天飞机都不太现实,风险太大。评审组注意到,在空间站第一批组件发射前,航天飞机已有三四十次飞行任务,而要完成空间站第一阶段组装,需要28次航天飞机飞行。评审组还担心,若因故推迟制造一架新的  相似文献   

王爱华 《国际太空》1994,(3):27-28,22
1992年11月10日在格林纳达召开的欧空局理事会部长级会议对与俄罗斯进行更大合作给予了特别的强调,因而欧空局加强了与俄罗斯航天局的接触,并与俄达成了一项1993~1995年期间在载人空间基础设施和空间运输系统上合作的协议。在此情况下,欧洲哥伦布空间站计划准备派遣两名欧空局的航天员参加俄和平号空间站的B行;哥伦布空间站先遣飞行除包括参加两次和平号空间站的飞行外,还包括一次“空间实验室”飞行和用于未来飞行的欧洲返回式载荷平台(尤里卡平台)的储备。哥伦布空间站先遣飞行的主要目的是:·为空间站/哥伦布…  相似文献   

1993年5月,俄罗斯控制中心飞行部主任弗拉基米尔·索罗维约夫曾介绍了和平号空间站今后飞行计划的细节。半年后,能源公司又决定把替换现在轨乘员的计划推迟到1994年1月(已实施)。目的是完成美国波音公司的微重力下蛋白质品体生长试验并加紧回收试验样品。这一改变打乱了原来的载人飞行计划。俄罗斯除给波音公司进行的试验以优先权外,还同美国谈判有关美国派宇航员参加和平号空间站的飞行和美国航天飞机访问和平号空间站的问题。将根据谈判结果,最终确定新的和平号载人飞行计划。这一计划将是美俄未来共同载人空间站计划的前…  相似文献   

<正>俄罗斯国家航天集团公司(Roscosmos)网站2019年4月26日报道,俄罗斯能源火箭公司(RSC Energia)专家已经制定出飞船单圈飞行对接方案,可实现约2h内与国际空间站对接。该飞行方案的主要优点是可以缩短航天员在载人飞船上花费的时间,将各种科学实验用生物材料快速运送到国际空间站。此外,飞船与国际空间站对接所需时间越短,可以节省越多的飞行所需燃料和其他资源并方便开展太空救援。  相似文献   

1997年9月25日22时34分,美国阿特兰蒂斯号航天飞机在肯尼迪航天中心发射升空,这次飞行是阿特兰蒂斯号航天飞机的第ZO次飞行。本次为期11天的太空飞行的主要任务是实现与俄和平号空间站的第7次对接,把美航天员戴维·沃尔夫送入和平号空间站,并将已在那儿工作了45个月的美国航天员迈克尔·福勒接回地球。9月27日,阿特兰蒂斯号航天飞机与和平号空间站在太空顺利实现了对接。在这次对接过程中,和平号空间站的电脑主机未浚生故障,始终使和平号空间站保持正确的姿势,从而保证了这两个太空飞行器的顺利对接。阿特兰蒂斯号航天飞机与和平号…  相似文献   

文青 《国际太空》2009,(1):32-32
美国东部时间2008年11月30日16:25,奋进号航天飞机结束了为期16天的任务回到地面。由于天气的影响,奋进号航天飞机未能在肯尼迪航天中心降落,而选择在加利福尼亚州爱德华空军基地实施降落。奋进号原计划应于27日脱离“国际空间站”,29日返回,但为了设法解决空间站上新的水净化系统存在的问题,奋进号飞行任务延长了1天。  相似文献   

美航宇局(NASA)积极研究利用美国、欧洲、日本的一次性使用火箭(ELV)向空间站进行物资运送的方案,这正是日本宇宙开发事业团(NASDA)的H-Ⅱ火箭和阿里安空间公司的阿里安火箭应用方面需要研究的项目。现计划空间站上有8名乘员驻留,用航天飞机每年飞行5次运送总  相似文献   

杭毅 《太空探索》1996,(2):36-38
长期在远离地球的宇宙空间生活,最重要的也是最基本的是保证航天员的生存条件。要连续不断地供给他们氧气、水、食物,并清除废物,净化空气和水。生活必须品完全由地球补给,费用十分昂贵,有些(如火星之行)也难以做到。一个8名航天员生活的空间站,一年内需要食物、水和空气的总量约为64000kg,废物废水的累计量要超过60000kg。为了解决长期载人航天航天员的供给,人们正在研究设计一  相似文献   

空间站微重力流体实验设备需求分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对国际空间站和中国科学实验卫星及载人飞行器上开展的微重力流体实验情况进行论述和分析,重点分析了国际空间站(ISS)微重力流体科学实验设备情况.根据中国空间微重力流体物理科学发展需求,结合国际空间站微重力流体科学实验对设备的需求,提出了未来在中国空间站开展微重力流体实验时空间实验设备需要重点考虑和解决的问题,同时提出相关设计建议.   相似文献   

舟云 《国际太空》1996,(5):12-13
美航宇局已暂定增加两次航天飞机(于1998年1月15日和5月21日发射)与和平号空间站的联合飞行。这两次新飞行使原定的对接总数增加到9次,并使和平号空间站能一直保持运行至1999年底。美航宇局原定的7次对接飞行任务的头两次已于1995年完成。这些任务...  相似文献   

生物再生生命保障系统(Bioregenerative Life Support System,BLSS)是人类进行深空探测活动,实现长期载人空间飞行必需的关键技术,对于太空的探索开发具有重要意义。在BLSS系统内,航天员尿液废水的处理回收是非常重要的一部分。将尿液中所含有的大量的水分和丰富的营养物质回收用于系统内植物生长所需营养液的配制,既可以保证植物的正常生长,也有助于实现系统内物质的循环利用进而提高BLSS的闭合度。尿液中所含的大量盐分会威胁植物生长,所以需通过一定的技术手段处理尿液废水并回收其中的水分和营养。为了探索适用于BLSS中的尿液处理回收技术,首先分析了几种面向空间站应用的尿液处理技术,如蒸馏技术等;然后基于回收营养物质的需求,分析了面向民用的、发展较为成熟的尿液处理回收技术,如离子交换吸附技术、氨气吹脱技术和鸟粪石沉淀技术,并讨论了这些尿液处理回收技术在BLSS中的应用前景。最后基于BLSS的实际需求,提出了有望用于BLSS中的尿液处理回收技术流程。  相似文献   

The amount of water consumed in space station operations is very large. In order to reduce the amount of water which must be resupplied from Earth, the space station needs to resolve the problems of water supply. For this reason, the recovery, regeneration and utilization of urine of astronauts are of key importance. Many investigations on this subject have been reported. Our research is based on biological absorption and, purification using UV photocatalytic oxidation techniques to achieve comprehensive treatment for urine. In the treatment apparatus we created, the urine solution is used as part of the nutrient solution for the biological components in our bioregenerative life support system. After being absorbed, the nutrients from the urine were then decomposed, metabolized and purified which creates a favorable condition for the follow-up oxidation treatment by UV photocatalytic oxidation. After these two processes, the treated urine solution reached Chinese national standards for drinking water quality (GB5749-1985).  相似文献   

数字空间站作为真实空间站的数字化映像,将能源、信息、环热控、动力学与控制等多专业模型进行综合集成,建立舱段级、整站级多学科仿真系统,为空间站长期飞控任务提供技术支持.基于Modelica建模语言,结合采用FMI接口标准,完成了数字空间站动力学与控制仿真模型的集成,并成功在空间站飞控中进行了应用.  相似文献   

Two experiments with Drosophila melanogaster males were performed aboard the Salyut 6 orbital station. Mutagenic effects of a 8 day space flight on sex chromosome nondisjunction and intergene recombination in chromosome II were studied. The space flight factors (SFF) increased the frequency of chromosome nondisjunction and recombination. The model experiments showed that the combined effects of vibration and acceleration do not cover the whole spectrum of space flight mutagenic factors. These data suggest that heavy space ions are mainly responsible for the observed effect.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the medical operations performed on six European astronauts during seven space missions on board the space station Mir. These missions took place between November 1988 and August 1999, and their duration ranged from 14 days to 189 days. Steps of pre-flight medical selection and flight certification are presented. Countermeasures program used during the flight, as well as rehabilitation program following short and long-duration missions are described. Also reviewed are medical problems encountered during the flight, post-flight physiological changes such as orthostatic intolerance, exercise capacity, blood composition, muscle atrophy, bone density, and radiation exposure.  相似文献   

A plant growth system for crop production under microgravity is part of a life supporting system designed for long-duration space missions. A plant growth in soil in space requires the understanding of water movement in soil void spaces under microgravity. Under 1G-force condition, on earth, water movement in porous media is driven by gradients of matric and gravitational potentials. Under microgravity condition, water movement in porous media is supposed to be driven only by a matric potential gradient, but it is still not well understood. We hypothesized that under microgravity water in void spaces of porous media hardly moved comparing in void spaces without obstacles because the concave surfaces of the porous media hindered water movement. The objective of this study was to investigate water movement on the convex surfaces of porous media under microgravity. We conducted parabolic flight experiments that provided 20–25?s of microgravity at the top of a parabolic flight. We observed water movement in void spaces in soil-like porous media made by glass beads and glass spheres (round-bottomed glass flasks) in the different conditions of water injection under microgravity. Without water injection, water did not move much in neither glass beads nor glass spheres. When water was injected during microgravity, water accumulated in contacts between the particles, and the water made thick fluid films on the particles surface. When the water injection was stopped under microgravity, water was held in the contacts between the particles. This study showed that water did not move upward in the void spaces with or without the water injection. In addition, our results suggested that the difficulty of water movement on the convex (i.e. particle surfaces) might result in slower water move in porous media under microgravity than at 1G-force.  相似文献   

Water scarcity in hot deserts, which cover about one-fifth of the Earth’s land area, along with rapid expansion of hot deserts into arable lands is one of the key global environmental problems. As hot deserts are extreme habitats characterized by the availability of solar energy with a nearly complete absence of organic life and water, space technology achievements in designing closed ecological systems may be applicable to the design of sustainable settlements in the deserts. This review discusses the key space technology findings for closed biogenerative life support systems (CBLSS), which can simultaneously produce food, water, nutrients, fertilizers, process wastes, and revitalize air, that can be applied to hot deserts. Among them are the closed cycle of water and the acceleration of the cycling times of carbon, biogenic compounds, and nutrients by adjusting the levels of light intensity, temperature, carbon dioxide, and air velocity over plant canopies. Enhanced growth of algae and duckweed at higher levels of carbon dioxide and light intensity can be important to provide complete water recycling and augment biomass production. The production of fertilizers and nutrients can be enhanced by applying the subsurface flow wetland technology and hyper-thermophilic aerobic bacteria for treating liquid and solid wastes. The mathematical models, optimization techniques, and non-invasive measuring techniques developed for CBLSS make it possible to monitor and optimize the performance of such closed ecological systems. The results of long-duration experiments performed in BIOS-3, Biosphere 2, Laboratory Biosphere, and other ground-based closed test facilities suggest that closed water cycle can be achieved in hot-desert bioregenerative systems using the pathways of evapotranspiration, condensation, and biological wastewater treatment technologies. We suggest that the state of the art in the CBLSS design along with the possibility of using direct sunlight for photosynthesis and recent advances in photovoltaic engineering can be used as a basis for building sustainable settlements producing food, water, and energy in hot deserts.  相似文献   

This paper gives the results of investigations performed on the first container (A) of the Biobloc III experiment, flown aboard the orbital station Salyut 7 for 40 days. The space flight resulted in a decreased developmental capacity of Arterlia cysts, hit or not hit by the HZE particles. No effect was observed in cysts in bulk. A synergetic effect of microgravity and gamma pre irradiation is described. The germination of in-flight lettuce seeds was decreased. The space flight resulted also in a higher percentage of cells with chromosomal aberrations. Relations between biological response, TEL and location of HZE particles are discussed.  相似文献   

The responses of endocrine system to the exposure to stress-work load and hormonal changes during oral glucose tolerance tests were studied in the Slovak astronaut before (three weeks before flight), during (on the 4th and the 6th days of space flight), and after space flight (1-3 days and 15-17 days after space flight) on board of space station MIR. Blood samples during the tests were collected via cannula inserted into cubital vein, centrifuged in the special appliance Plasma-03, frozen in Kryogem-03, and at the end of the 8-day space flight transferred to Earth in special container for hormonal analysis. Preflight workload produced an increase of plasma norepinephrine and a moderate elevation of epinephrine levels. Plasma levels of insulin, growth hormone, prolactin and cortisol were not markedly changed immediately or 10 min after the end of work load. The higher increases of plasma growth hormone, prolactin and catecholamine levels were noted after workload during space flight as compared to preflight response. The higher plasma glucose and insulin levels were noted during the oral glucose tolerance test in space flight and also in the post flight period. Plasma epinephrine levels were slightly decreasing during glucose tolerance test; however, plasma norepinephrine levels were not changed. The similar patterns of catecholamine levels during glucose tolerance test were found when compared the preflight, in-flight and post flight values. These data demonstrate the changes of the dynamic responses of endocrine system to stress-work and metabolic loads during space flight in human subject.  相似文献   

Biological dosimetry in Russian and Italian astronauts.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large uncertainties are associated with estimates of equivalent dose and cancer risk for crews of long-term space missions. Biological dosimetry in astronauts is emerging as a useful technique to compare predictions based on quality factors and risk coefficients with actual measurements of biological damage in-flight. In the present study, chromosomal aberrations were analyzed in one Italian and eight Russian cosmonauts following missions of different duration on the MIR and the international space station (ISS). We used the technique of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to visualize translocations in chromosomes 1 and 2. In some cases, an increase in chromosome damage was observed after flight, but no correlation could be found between chromosome damage and flight history, in terms of number of flights at the time of sampling, duration in space and extra-vehicular activity. Blood samples from one of the cosmonauts were exposed in vitro to 6 MeV X-rays both before and after the flight. An enhancement in radiosensitivity induced by the spaceflight was observed.  相似文献   

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