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Inspired by the three-dimensional design of flow passages in turbomachinery, this study proposes the concept of integrated passage design. The capability of adjoint method for efficient optimization and the flexibility of the parameterization method based on extended free-form deformation have been considered to develop a feasible approach to design an integrated passage. This concept was applied to redesign a typical transonic fan, Rotor 67, and the results were analyzed by CFX. It is shown that the passage was adequately adjusted in all three dimensions and reduced the strength of shock wave and wake-induced flow. In particular, the secondary flow was appropriately reorganized and the corner separation was well controlled in the end wall region, leading to significant improvements in adiabatic efficiency and diffusion.  相似文献   

为提高拦截机动目标的精度,基于滤波扩张状态观测器提出了一种考虑自动驾驶动态特性的有限时间收敛制导律.通过滤波扩张状态观测器对制导律中目标机动信息进行补偿,使导弹在拦截目标时具有更高的拦截精度.仿真结果表明,在目标机动情况下,设计的制导律能保证视线角速度在有限时间内收敛到零,拦截弹过载较小,具有较好的动态特性和鲁棒性.同时与普通的扩张观测器的估计结果相比,滤波扩张状态观测器对机动目标的跟踪效果较佳.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and implementation of a three-axis acceleration control autopilot for an asymmetric tail-controlled, skid-to-turn tactical missile. In an earlier flight test,degraded autopilot performance was attributed to multiple disturbances and uncertainties and the presence of hidden coupling terms, giving rise to a miss distance of greater than 20 m. To address these issues, the missile dynamics are decomposed into the angular rate dynamics as fast and the acceleration dyna...  相似文献   

The AM Her type object E2003+225 was observed with EXOSAT, IUE and ground-based telescopes on 1983 Oct. 12. The brightness of the ultrasoft X-ray component allowed the Objective Grating Spectrometer (OGS) to be used, which gave a model-independent determination of the temperature of the blackbody spectrum. The star was observed again on 1984 July 24 by IUE with simultaneous optical spectrophotometry. The high resolution of this observation revealed complex line profiles, and a systematic velocity much smaller than previously reported. The composite energy distribution is presented.  相似文献   

代明光  齐蓉 《航空学报》2020,41(5):323683-323683
针对电动负载模拟器中存在的强位置扰动、摩擦、间隙非线性以及参数时变等不确定干扰,提出了一种基于扩展状态观测器的反演滑模控制策略。基于反演设计的思想,将电动负载模拟器分解为负载力矩子系统和永磁同步电机驱动子系统。对负载力矩子系统,利用带有滤波器的扩展状态观测器,消除量测噪声对系统的影响,同时估计出系统中存在的干扰,而后采用比例趋近滑模控制律,得出负载力矩子系统所对应的虚拟控制量;对永磁同步电机驱动子系统,利用常规扩展状态观测器估计出子系统中的复合扰动,采用非奇异终端滑模控制律,消除观测误差以及干扰对系统的影响,并得出系统所需的最终控制量。最后,利用李雅普诺夫方法证明了电动负载模拟器的稳定性,并通过实验验证了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于X射线成像的焊缝缺陷自动检测技术对提高工业射线检测的自动化水平具有重要意义。焊缝缺陷在线连续检测的实时性要求较高,随着工件厚度的增加,其焊缝X射线实时图像的信噪比变得很低,使得已有的处理算法难以满足实时性以及有效处理缺陷误检与漏检之间的矛盾。针对这些问题,在分析了传统方法在厚壁工件X射线图像焊缝缺陷自动检测中存在的问题基础上,对传统方法进行了改进,提出了双阈值背景消除法和平行焊接方向波形分析法,然后利用所提出算法之间的冗余性和互补性,融合多种分割结果以解决缺陷误检与漏检之间的矛盾。试验结果表明,所提出的缺陷自动检测方法能够在满足实时性要求的同时,实现缺陷检出,有效避免误检。  相似文献   

Extended review of selected papers which deal with the problem of flare heating in solar coronal loops is presented. Discussed methods of the analysis of flare heating based on the X-ray observations have been worked out using the Palermo-Harvard hydrodynamic code. The case is presented when the assumption of the uniform heating across the loop is made. The existence of multiple elementary heating episodes is postulated as well. Next the possibility of the non-uniform heating across the loop is assumed and its manifestation in the X-ray observations is investigated. The application of proposed methods of the analysis to the observations of solar flares in X-rays is presented.  相似文献   

X-ray pulsar-based navigation (XPNAV) is an attractive method for autonomous deep-space navigation in the future. The pulse phase estimation is a key task in XPNAV and its accuracy directly determines the navigation accuracy. State-of-the-art pulse phase estimation techniques either suffer from poor estimation accuracy, or involve the maximization of generally non-convex object function, thus resulting in a large computational cost. In this paper, a fast pulse phase estimation method based on epoch folding is presented. The statistical properties of the observed profile obtained through epoch folding are developed. Based on this, we recognize the joint prob-ability distribution of the observed profile as the likelihood function and utilize a fast Fourier transform-based procedure to estimate the pulse phase. Computational complexity of the proposed estimator is analyzed as well. Experimental results show that the proposed estimator significantly outperforms the currently used cross-correlation (CC) and nonlinear least squares (NLS) estima-tors, while significantly reduces the computational complexity compared with NLS and maximum likelihood (ML) estimators.  相似文献   

The two-dimensional electron spectrometer onFreja consists of a top-hat-type electrostatic analyzer with the addition of entrance aperture deflection plates. The field of view of the concentric-hemisphere analyzer is modified from a plane to a cone up to 25° from this plane by application of bipolar high voltages to the deflection plates. Fast high-voltage sweeps allow full 10 eV–25 KeV, 500-point distribution function measurements in 32 ms. Constant-energy or limited energy-sweep modes allow time resolutions down to 1 ms.A set of electronics combines the electron data with F4 wave data to allow on-board calculations of cross-correlations between electron fluxes and wave electric fields. Additionally, a fast signal processor is capable of searching the electron pulse sequence from one or several channeltrons for high-frequency modulations in the electron flux.  相似文献   

通过应用回归分析方法,对西安市某水厂的出水、管网中间水和管网末梢水的TOC、UV254和浊度的监测数据进行了相关性分析。结果表明:随着供水管网的延长,浊度和UV254的线性相关系数明显增加;随着供水管网的延长,浊度和TOC的线性相关系数明显降低。  相似文献   

采用磁控溅射方法,通过不同工艺的退火处理,制备了光电性能优良的TiO2基紫外探测器.通过紫外光电性能测试、扫描电子显微镜( SEM)观察及X射线衍射(XRD)分析,研究了退火工艺对探测器光电性能的影响规律.结果表明:随着退火温度的增加,TiO2晶粒尺寸显著增大,晶界和缺陷数量的变化是导致TiO2基紫外探测器的光电性能随退火工艺变化的根本原因.经500℃/2h退火后,紫外探测器的光电流高出暗电流近2.5个数量级,紫外波段的光响应高出可见光波段近2个数量级,所制备紫外探测器达到了高辐射灵敏度和可见盲特性的要求.  相似文献   

基于分区域自适应中值滤波的X射线图像缺陷提取   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周正干  赵胜  安振刚 《航空学报》2004,25(4):420-424
为了实现X射线数字图像的计算机智能分析和处理,研究了射线数字图像缺陷自动提取技术。以航空发动机叶片为研究对象,介绍了基于分区域自适应中值滤波的图像处理方法。根据图像不同区域内灰度变化特点进行不同方向的基于扫描线的一维中值滤波,并使滤波器的长度能随着缺陷尺寸自动调整,快速、准确地提取出被测试件的缺陷。试验结果表明,运用该方法进行X射线数字图像的缺陷提取,能有效避免缺陷的变形和失真,为缺陷的自动识别打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

利用原位拉伸机进行单轴连续加载,对X射线法测量钛合金残余应力的应力增量进行验证;依据JJF 1059.1-2012标准,对钛合金高应力标样(-659±35)MPa的测量不确定度进行评定。结果表明,X射线衍射法测得残余应力的增量与理论计算应力增量有较好的一致性,随着应力水平的增加,应力增量的相对误差保持在11%以内。以测量重复性、应力常数K、应力因子M为不确定度分量对测量不确定度进行了评定,所得扩展不确定度为±32 MPa。  相似文献   

<正>北京易通电加工技术研究所(北京易通)是一家集科工贸为一体的高科技企业。致力于在各种难加工材料上利用特种加工方法加工各种深小孔、微小孔、群孔、弯曲孔、竹节孔等难加工孔型,而且还提供成套技术工艺设备的研发、生产配套服务。  相似文献   

为了提高二阶精度有限体积算法的湍流数值模拟能力,在原始Roe格式基础上建立了与脱体涡模拟(DES)方法相匹配的二阶混合耗散自适应格式,根据流场信息自动调节格式耗散,并分别基于Spalart-Allmaras一方程湍流模型和k-ω剪切应力输运(SST)两方程湍流模型,发展了基于非结构/混合网格的DES方法。采用该方法计算了雷诺数为3 900的圆柱绕流和NACA 0021翼型60°大迎角分离流两个典型算例,通过与试验数据以及其他数值结果的对比验证了该方法的可行性。同时开展了不同数值格式、湍流模型的对比分析,研究结果表明:采用混合格式的DES算法能够解析更小尺度的湍流涡结构、计算数据更接近试验值;本文的DES类算法受其基准湍流模型影响较小。  相似文献   

This work presents a single-scan-processing approach to the problem of detecting and preclassifying a radar target that may belong to different target classes. The proposed method is based on a hybrid of the maximum a posteriori (MAP) and Neyman-Pearson (NP) criteria and guarantees the desired constant false alarm rate (CFAR) behavior. The targets are modeled as subspace random signals having zero mean and given covariance matrix. Different target classes are discriminated based on their different signal subspaces, which are specified by their corresponding projection matrices. Performance is investigated by means of numerical analysis and Monte Carlo simulation in terms of probability of false alarm, detection and classification; the extra signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) necessary to classify once target detection has occurred is also derived.  相似文献   

韦北余  朱岱寅  吴迪 《航空学报》2015,36(5):1585-1595
对超高频(UHF)波段多通道合成孔径雷达(SAR)动目标检测技术进行研究,解决了长相干积累时间导致动目标在方位向散焦严重的问题。采用分块自聚焦技术对多通道SAR地面移动目标指示(GMTI)系统自适应杂波抑制后的SAR图像进行处理,改善杂波抑制后的SAR图像中动目标的聚焦情况,增强动目标与周围剩余杂波的对比度,进而提高恒虚警率(CFAR)检测的性能。与传统杂波抑制后直接进行CFAR检测方法相比较,该方法降低了检测虚警概率。实测数据处理结果显示动目标的信杂比明显提高,动目标方位向聚焦成功,证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于多层优化策略的涡轮盘叶设计研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
针对涡轮多学科优化设计,将多层优化策略中的重要原则学科自治扩展到组件自治;并结合目前的多学科优化策略BLISS(bi-level integrated system synthesis)2000和CO(collaborative optimization)以及ATC(analytical target cascading),设计出新的多学科优化框架.利用BLISS2000建立了涡轮盘叶的两层双子系统优化框架和两层三子系统的优化框架;结合BLISS2000和CO各自的优点构建了三层三子系统优化框架;从定性的分析角度排除了ATC在涡轮多学科多层优化设计上的应用.通过对比分析,三子系统的多层优化策略的优势主要体现在优化效率方面;层与层之间存在复杂的交互迭代过程导致三层系统往往比双层系统表现出差的精度和效率.   相似文献   

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