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新型紧固件用高温合金美国SPS公司最近研制出一种高温合金专利产品AEREX ̄(TM)350,旨在用于燃气涡轮发动机的螺栓。在730℃下,与UDIMET720,WASPALOY,MULTI-PHASE159以及718合金等紧固件用合金相比,该合金表现出...  相似文献   

SIMULATIONOFACTIVECONTROLOFROTATINGSTALLINAXIALCOMPRESSORXuGang(ThermalEngineringDepartment,TsinghuaUniversity,Beijing,100084...  相似文献   

两种新型航空航天结构胶剑桥Duxford公司的CIBA─GEIGY聚合物分公司推出两种特殊配制的新型结构胶,用于航空航天工业。第一种Redux420-A/B结构胶是一种高强度、高韧性的环氧胶,可广泛应用于航空航天工业的金属、木材、橡胶、纤维增强复合材...  相似文献   

ANALYSISOFTHERETURNEDSIGNALMODELINBISTATICRADARSYSTEMSYinChengyou,XuShanjia,WangDongjin,ZhouLinyun(DepartmentofElectronicEngi...  相似文献   

NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF VORTEX BREAKDOWN ON A DELTA WING AT LOW SPEEDZhuZiqiang;JiaJianbo(InstituteofFluidMechanics,BeijingUn...  相似文献   




欧洲航空航天工业多年来一直强调的“质量体系方法”,现已通过ISO9000族标准,提供给该行业的各部门使用。为配合ISO9000的应用,欧洲航空航天协会(AECMA,法文缩写)补充制定了EN2000和EN3042两个标准,其内容包括本地区航空航天工业的一些特殊要求。AECMA还设立了一个认证机构(AECMA-CERT),来负责管理按EN2000对制造商质量体系进行认可(Approval),以及按EN3042对航空航天产品进行鉴定(Qualification)等工作。对欧洲标准中规定的所有航空航天产品来说,AECMA-CERT的认证是强制的…  相似文献   


Access control system with hand geometry verification and smartcards   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An access control system that joins the uniqueness of biometric verification, as well as the storage security and processing capabilities of smart cards, is defined here. The biometric technique chosen has been hand geometry, which is considered to provide low/medium security (there are other much more secure, as fingerprint, iris or retina), to be easy to use, to achieve high acceptance by users, and which performance is given throughout fast processing and medium cost. Also, the small template size needed for each user is positive for storage and processing capabilities required in the system. But the innovation in the system proposed is that the smart card not only stores the user's template, but also performs the verification process with the features set by the terminal to the card. With this improvement, the security of the system has risen because the template is never extracted from the card, avoiding duplication of such sensible data. The specifications for the enrolment process will be presented as well as the applications where this new system is recommended  相似文献   

This discusses the implementation issues of installing a commercially available hand geometry system in the current infrastructure of Purdue University's Recreational Sports Center. In addition to a performance analysis of the system, a pre- and post-data collection survey was distributed to the 129 test subjects gathering information on perceptions of biometrics, in particular hand geometry, as well as participants' thoughts and feelings during their interaction with the hand geometry device. The results of the survey suggest that participants were accepting of hand geometry. Additionally, analyses of the participants' survey responses revealed that 93% liked using hand geometry, 98% thought it was easy to use, and 87% preferred it to the existing card-based system, while nobody thought the device invaded their personal privacy. System performance achieved a 3-try match rate of 99.02% (FRR 0.98%) when "gaming"/potential impostor attempts were removed from analysis. The failure to enroll rate was zero. Statistical analyses exposed a significant difference in the scores of attempts made by users with prior hand geometry usage, and subjects that could not straighten out their hand on the device. However, there were no statistical difference in the effects of rings/no rings, improper hand placements/proper hand placements, or gender on hand geometry score.  相似文献   

2020年春运,注定是一段不平凡的记忆。新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,机场工作人员坚守一线,奋力投身疫情防控阻击战!每天有数十万名乘客在虹桥枢纽抵离,在作为虹桥枢纽重要组成部分的虹桥机场,有一群消防急救保障部的医护人员,守护着这个城市空中门户,守护着市民健康和城市安全。  相似文献   

In space operation, flexible manipulators and gripper mechanisms have been widely used because of light weight and flexibility. However, the vibration caused by slender structures in manipulators and the parameter perturbation caused by the uncertainty derived from grasping mass variation cannot be ignored. The existence of vibration and parameter perturbation makes the rotation control of flexible manipulators difficult, which seriously affects the operation accuracy of manipulators. What’s mor...  相似文献   

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