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V M Petrov V S Mahkmtov N A Panova V A Shurshakov J V Dachev TsPSemkova 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1994,14(10):645-650
Flux and dose rate dynamics of solar cosmic rays were measured by the Lyulin dosimeter during the events 19 October 1989 and 23 March 1991. The maximum dose rate registered was 0.4, 0.12 and 0.01 cGy/hour, respectively. Based on the latitude distribution of particle flux a power law form for the energy spectra of solar protons in the anisotropic phase of the events on 19 October 1989 and 23 March 1991 was determined. It was obtained that after the development of geomagnetic storm protons with energies more than 1 GeV were registered. 相似文献
Partha Chowdhury Manoranjan Khan P.C. Ray 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2009
In this paper, we have investigated the intermediate-term periodicities of the relativistic (E > 10 MeV) solar electron flares measured by IMP-8 satellite of NASA for the time period of 1986–2001. This period of investigation includes the entire solar cycle 22; ascending, maximum and a part of descending phase of the current solar cycle 23. To determine accurately the occurrence rate of electron flux, we have employed three different spectral decomposition techniques, viz. fast Fourier transformation (FFT); maximum entropy method (MEM) and Lomb–Scargle periodogram analysis method. For solar cycle 22, in the low frequency range, power spectrum analysis exhibits statistically significant periodicities at ∼706, ∼504 and ∼392 days. In the intermediate frequency range, we have found a series of significant periodicities ∼294, ∼221, ∼153, ∼86, ∼73 and ∼66 days. For short term, periodicities of ∼21–23, ∼31 and ∼37 days were found in power spectrum. When solar cycle 23 is considered the significant periodicities are ∼20, ∼23, ∼29, ∼39, ∼54, ∼63, ∼118, ∼133 and ∼154 days. These results provide evidence that the best known Rieger period (∼153 days), appeared in the high energetic electron flux data for cycle 22 and also likely during maxima of cycle 23. The existence of these periodicities has been discussed in the light of earlier results. 相似文献
A. Krivolutsky A. Ondraskova J. Lastovicka 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2001,27(12):1975-1981
One of the strongest solar proton events (SPE) occurred in October 1989. Its forcing of the middle atmosphere chemistry including ionized components in the D-region is examined. The ionization rate, and ozone, NO and OH density temporal and spatial (vertical) deviations induced by the SPE, calculated by a 1-D time-dependent photochemical model separately for daytime and nighttime (not shown here), are used in a 1-D model of the lower ionosphere to calculate the response of ionized components to combined forcing by ionization rate and neutral chemical composition disturbances. The radio wave absorption caused by electron density disturbances after the SPE is calculated and compared with observations. The computed ozone values are compared with observations, as well. 相似文献
D F Smart M A Shea N G Dachev TsPBankov V M Petrov V V Bengin 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1994,14(10):651-654
The Liulin dosimeter-radiometer on the MIR space station detected the 19 October 1989 high energy solar proton event. These results show that the main particle increase contains protons with energies up to about 9 GeV. After the main particle onset the Liulin dosimeter observed a typical geomagnetic cutoff modulation of the dose rate from the solar particles as the MIR space station traversed magnetic latitudes. When the interplanetary shock and associated solar plasma enveloped the earth on 20 October between 14 and 17 UT the radiation exposure increased significantly due to the lowering of the geomagnetic cutoff. The analysis of this event shows how various geophysical phenomena can significantly modulate the dose rate encountered by earth-orbiting spacecraft. 相似文献
R.R. Rosa M. Karlický T.B. Veronese N.L. Vijaykumar H.S. Sawant A.I. Borgazzi M.S. Dantas E.B.M. Barbosa R.A. Sych O. Mendes 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008
We analyze the weak component of the localized temporal pattern variability of 3 GHz solar burst observed by the Ondrejov radiospectrograph. A complex, short and weak impulsive sample from the time series was analyzed by applying a method based on the gradient pattern analysis and discrete wavelet decomposition. By analyzing canonical temporal variability patterns we show that the new method can reliably characterize the phenomenological dynamical process of short time series (N ? 103 measurements) as the radio burst addressed here. In the narrowest sense, by estimating the mutual information distance in the gradient spectra, we show that the fluctuation pattern of the short and weak 3 GHz impulsive solar burst, with energetic amplitudes <350 SFU, is closer to the intermittent and strong MHD turbulent variability pattern. 相似文献
《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2007,39(9):1415-1420
The 2D MHD model of the flare magnetic reconnection shows that a reconnection activity, changes of the magnetic field topology and generation of waves are connected. It is found that after the phase of a quasi-stationary reconnection in the extended current sheet above the flare arcade the tearing mode instability produces the plasmoids which then can interact and generate MHD waves. Results of particle-in-cell simulations of the tearing processes, which accelerate electrons, are mentioned. Then all these processes are discussed from the point of view of possible radio emissions. While shocks can contribute to the type II radio burst, the superthermal electrons trapped in plasmoids can generate so called drifting pulsating structures. Furthermore, regions with the MHD turbulence may manifest themselves as the lace or dm-spike bursts. 相似文献
N.S. Meshalkina A.T. Altyntsev Yan Yihua 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008,41(6):936-942
The goal is to study parameters of drifting type III bursts, and find out the emission mechanism of these bursts and understand what factors affect instantaneous spectral bandwidth of these bursts. 相似文献
P R Boberg A J Tylka J H Adams L P Beahm E O Fluckiger T Kleis E Kobel 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1996,17(2):121-125
The large solar energetic particle (SEP) events and simultaneous large geomagnetic disturbances observed during October 1989 posed a significant, rapidly evolving space radiation hazard. Using data from the GOES-7, NOAA-10, IMP-8 and LDEF satellites, we determined the geomagnetic transmission, heavy ion fluences, mean Fe ionic charge state, and effective radiation hazard observed in low Earth orbit (LEO) for these SEPs. We modeled the geomagnetic transmission by tracing particles through the combination of the internal International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) and the Tsyganenko (1989) magnetospheric field models, extending the modeling to large geomagnetic disturbances. We used our results to assess the radiation hazard such very large SEP events would pose in the anticipated 52 degrees inclination space station orbit. 相似文献
G A Bazilevskaya M B Krainev A K Stozhkov YuISvirzhevskaya N S Svirzhevsky 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1994,14(10):779-782
Balloon measurements of cosmic rays were made practically every day at several locations of the former USSR and in Antarctica over a period of more than 30 years. These measurements provide a means for assessment and control of ionizing radiation at the altitudes from ground level up to 30-35 km. 相似文献
《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2007,39(9):1432-1438
The process of generation of upper-hybrid waves by electron beam with loss-cone distribution is considered. The necessary conditions of the double plasma resonance effect, which is considered to be one of the most probable formation mechanisms of the zebra patterns in the spectra of solar radio emission, are investigated. It is shown that this effect considerably affects excitation of waves by electrons with power-law energetic spectrum. Interpretation of observations and diagnostics of plasma for the April 21, 2002 event are performed. It is found that the zebra stripes consist of separate short pulses; there is a good correlation between the separate stripes (with a certain temporal shift). The conclusion about the impulsive mode of injection of energetic particles into the coronal loop is made. 相似文献
M.R. Kundu R.G. Stone 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1984,4(7):261-270
Using the Clark Lake Radioheliograph data we present direct evidence that type III electron streams propagate in dense coronal streamers. We also present imaging observations of meter-decameter microbursts, which appear to be similar to those observed in hard X-rays. At meter-decameter wavelengths, these microbursts appear to be due to plasma radiation. From observations made with ISSE-3, we discuss the characteristics of hectometer and kilometer wavelength radio bursts. In particular, we show that from studies of type III storms that the exciter electrons propagate along spiral structures, where the density is enhanced and that there is an acceleration of the solar wind. We discuss type II bursts at kilometer wavelengths, compare them with meter type II bursts and discuss their association with interplanetary shocks. We show that the interaction between type III electron streams and shocks at kilometer wavelengths can provide information on the interplanetary shock geometry. Finally, we discuss the possibility that some shock associated (SA) events may be emissions caused by electrons accelerated lower in the atmosphere rather than high in the corona in type II shocks.Recent advances in solar research have resulted from new work on plasma radiation theory, new observations of active regions and flares across the electromagnetic spectrum and the availability of spacecraft in situ measurements of solar ejecta. In this paper, we review some results obtained with the Clark Lake multifrequency radioheliograph at meter-decameter wavelengths and from satellite multifrequency directive observations at hectometer and kilometer wavelengths. We present evidence that type III electrons propagate in dense coronal streamers, and that frequently observed microbursts (presumably of type III) at meter-decameter wavelengths are due to plasma radiation. We discuss observations of hectometer and kilometer type III radio storms which reveal information about active region structures, interplanetary magnetic field configuration, and solar wind acceleration. We also discuss kilometer type II bursts, interactions between type III electrons and interplanetary shocks, and present some new results on shock associated (SA) events. 相似文献
H.S. Sawant P. Kaufmann E. Correia J.E.R. Costa P. Zlobec M. Messerotti L. Fornasari 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1984,4(7):251-254
Due to the lack of simultaneous high sensitivity/time resolution observations at mm- cm-λ and m-λ a program on such investigations has been carried out with data obtained by INPE at Itapetinga and by the Astronomical Observatory of Trieste. Preliminary results obtained by comparing mm-wave burst structures with 408, 327 and 237 MHz indicate that i) for majority of major time structures (time scales of the order of 1 sec) observed at 22 GHz bursts, corresponding type III bursts have been observed at 237 MHz, however ii) start times at mm-λ and m-λ are not often coincident at two wavelengths. These observations favour the hypothesis of (a) time dependent acceleration of energetic electrons and (b) burst emission is the response to a multiple injection of energetic electrons. 相似文献
J. M. Pap M. Turmon L. Floyd C. Frhlich Ch. Wehrli 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2002,29(12):277-1932
Total solar and UV irradiances have been measured from various space platforms for more than two decades. More recently, observations of the “Variability of solar IRradiance and Gravity Oscillations” (VIRGO) experiment on SOHO provided information about spectral irradiance variations in the near-UV at 402 nm, visible at 500 nm, and near-IR at 862 nm. Analyses based on these space-borne irradiance measurements have convinced the skeptics that solar irradiance at various wavelengths and in the entire spectrum is changing with the waxing and waning solar activity. The main goal of this paper is to review the short- and long-term variations in total solar and spectral irradiances and their relation to the evolution of magnetic fields from solar cycles 21 to 23. 相似文献
M.C. Rabello-Soares Sylvain G. Korzennik J. Schou 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008,41(6):861-867
Using full-disk observations obtained with the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft, we present variations of the solar acoustic mode frequencies caused by the solar activity cycle. High-degree (100 < ? < 900) solar acoustic modes were analyzed using global helioseismology analysis techniques over most of solar cycle 23. We followed the methodology described in details in [Korzennik, S.G., Rabello-Soares, M.C., Schou, J. On the determination of Michelson Doppler Imager high-degree mode frequencies. ApJ 602, 481–515, 2004] to infer unbiased estimates of high-degree mode parameters ([see also Rabello-Soares, M.C., Korzennik, S.G., Schou, J. High-degree mode frequencies: changes with solar cycle. ESA SP-624, 2006]). We have removed most of the known instrumental and observational effects that affect specifically high-degree modes. We show that the high-degree changes are in good agreement with the medium-degree results, except for years when the instrument was highly defocused. We analyzed and discuss the effect of defocusing on high-degree estimation. Our results for high-degree modes confirm that the frequency shift scaled by the relative mode inertia is a function of frequency and it is independent of degree. 相似文献
Ruiguang Wang 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2007,40(12):1835-1841
During extreme solar events such as big flares or/and energetic coronal mass ejections (CMEs) high energy particles are accelerated by the shocks formed in front of fast interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). The ICMEs (and their sheaths) also give rise to large geomagnetic storms which have significant effects on the Earth’s environment and human life. Around 14 solar cosmic ray ground level enhancement (GLE) events in solar cycle 23 we examined the cosmic ray variation, solar wind speed, ions density, interplanetary magnetic field, and geomagnetic disturbance storm time index (Dst). We found that all but one of GLEs are always followed by a geomagnetic storm with Dst −50 nT within 1–5 days later. Most(10/14) geomagnetic storms have Dst index −100 nT therefore generally belong to strong geomagnetic storms. This suggests that GLE event prediction of geomagnetic storms is 93% for moderate storms and 71% for large storms when geomagnetic storms preceded by GLEs. All Dst depressions are associated with cosmic ray decreases which occur nearly simultaneously with geomagnetic storms. We also investigated the interplanetary plasma features. Most geomagnetic storm correspond significant periods of southward Bz and in close to 80% of the cases that the Bz was first northward then turning southward after storm sudden commencement (SSC). Plasma flow speed, ion number density and interplanetary plasma temperature near 1 AU also have a peak at interplanetary shock arrival. Solar cause and energetic particle signatures of large geomagnetic storms and a possible prediction scheme are discussed. 相似文献
L. E. Floyd D. K. Prinz P. C. Crane L. C. Herring 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2002,29(12):296-1962
The Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SUSIM) aboard the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) has been measuring solar UV irradiances since October 1991, a period which includes the decline of solar cycle 22 followed by the rise of cycle 23. Daily solar measurements include scans over the wavelength range 115–410 nm at 1.1 nm resolution. As expected, the measured time series of UV irradiances exhibit strong periodicities in solar cycle and solar rotation. For all wavelengths, the UV irradiance time series are similar to that of the Mg II core-to-wing ratio. During solar cycle 22, the irradiance of the strong Ly- line varied by more than a factor of two. The peak-to-peak irradiance variation declined with increasing wavelength, reaching 10% just below the Al edge at 208 nm. Between the Al edge and 250 nm the variation was 6–7%. Above 250 nm, the variation declines further until none is observed above 290 nm. Preliminary results for the first portion of cycle 23 indicate that the far UV below the Al edge is rising at about the same rate as the Mg II index while the irradiances in the Ly- emission line and for wavelengths longer than the Al edge are rising more slowly — even after accounting for the lower level of activity of cycle 23. 相似文献
Madeeha Talha Nabeel Ahmed Ghulam Murtaza 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2019,63(6):1905-1913
The behavior of critical frequencies of ionospheric E and F2 layers (foE & foF2) along with minimum ionospheric frequency (fmin) is studied for solar minima of cycle 21 (1986), 22 (1996) and 23 (2008) over Karachi (24.95N, 67.13E), Pakistan. The station is located at the crest of equatorial ionization anomaly region. Beside seasonal differences, pronounced change in the values of frequencies is noted from one solar minimum to another solar minimum. A strong and direct correlation of foF2 with Smoothed Sunspot Number (SSN) and F10.7?cm solar flux is observed. In the minimum of cycle 23, reduction in foF2 is noted due to reduction of solar EUV as compared to other minima. Also disappearance of semi-annual variations in foF2 is noted in cycle 23 minimum. Unexpectedly higher values of foE and fmin are observed in minimum of cycle 23 as compared to other minima. It is difficult to explain this unusual behavior of fmin and foE along with disappearance of semi-annual variation in foF2. It is possible that during very low solar activity, thermospheric conditions are changed which in turn altered the ionosphere. Further investigation of atmosphere-ionosphere coupling is required to understand this complex behavior. On comparison of observed values with IRI-2016, higher deviations are observed in foE before noon hours while in case of foF2, large deviations are noted during daytime. The absence of foF2 semi-annual variation in cycle 23 is not reproduced by IRI-2016. It is suggested that IRI-2016 need some modification for extremely low solar activity condition. 相似文献
D F Smart M A Shea 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2002,30(4):1033-1044
Solar cycle 22 had significant, large fluence, energetic particle events on a scale reminiscent of the 19th solar cycle. Examination of the characteristics of these large events suggests that some of the old concepts of spectral form, intensity-time envelope and energy extrapolations, used to estimate the dose from large events that occurred during previous solar cycles should be re-evaluated. There has also been a dramatic change in perspective regarding the source of solar protons observed in interplanetary space. Very large fluence events are associated with powerful fast interplanetary shocks. The elemental composition and charge state of these events is suggestive of a dominate source in the solar corona and not from a very hot plasma. Furthermore, there is a strong suggestion that the intensity-time profile observed in space is dominated by the connection of the observer to an interplanetary shock source rather than to a unique location near the surface of the sun. These concepts will be examined from the perspective of energetic particles contributing to the dose experienced by an astronaut on an interplanetary space mission. 相似文献
O.V. Dudnik M.L. Kaiser 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2013
The analysis of observations of very high frequency radio noise intensity at the middle latitude on a frequency f = 500 MHz from 14th till 26th of October, 2003 is presented. These data are compared with the solar radio bursts in the range of frequencies 1–14 MHz registered by RAD2 receiver of the WAVES device installed on board the WIND spacecraft. 相似文献
J. Uwamahoro L.-A. McKinnell 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2013
Estimating the magnetic storm effectiveness of solar and associated interplanetary phenomena is of practical importance for space weather modelling and prediction. This article presents results of a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the probable causes of geomagnetic storms during the 11-year period of solar cycle 23: 1996–2006. Potential solar causes of 229 magnetic storms (Dst ? −50 nT) were investigated with a particular focus on halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs). A 5-day time window prior to the storm onset was considered to track backward the Sun’s eruptions of halo CMEs using the SOHO/LASCO CMEs catalogue list. Solar and interplanetary (IP) properties associated with halo CMEs were investigated and correlated to the resulting geomagnetic storms (GMS). In addition, a comparative analysis between full and partial halo CME-driven storms is established. The results obtained show that about 83% of intense storms (Dst ? −100 nT) were associated with halo CMEs. For moderate storms (−100 nT < Dst ? −50 nT), only 54% had halo CME background, while the remaining 46% were assumed to be associated with corotating interaction regions (CIRs) or undetected frontside CMEs. It was observed in this study that intense storms were mostly associated with full halo CMEs, while partial halo CMEs were generally followed by moderate storms. This analysis indicates that up to 86% of intense storms were associated with interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) at 1 AU, as compared to moderate storms with only 44% of ICME association. Many other quantitative results are presented in this paper, providing an estimate of solar and IP precursor properties of GMS within an average 11-year solar activity cycle. The results of this study constitute a key step towards improving space weather modelling and prediction. 相似文献