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杜甫一生创作了大量诗歌,今存一千四百余首。仅漂泊西南十一年间所创作的诗篇即占其作品总数的百分之七十以上。其西南诗不仅数量多,而且所表现出的深邃思想内涵和炉火纯青的艺术技巧,为我们展现了一位老而弥坚、不断追求的"诗圣"形象。在杜甫研究的领域内,本文第一次较为全面、深入地探讨了西南漂泊生涯与客寓意识对杜甫人生追求的影响,推动其后期乡国君民诗登上一个新的高度。  相似文献   

There are many different approaches to inertial instruments-to be useful a concept has to be sound, but success is the fruition of solving myriads of design details. The concept of the electrostatically suspended gyro has been proven to be sound, but the Rockwell and Honeywell designs are quite different. The floated instrument concept is sound, but design details of the North American (now Rockwell) inertial navigator on the Nautilus arctic patrol were quite different from those of the M. I. T. Instrumentation Laboratory (now Draper Laboratory). These are but examples illustrating the many useful inertial instrument technologies in being and point up that not only do different concepts have a place in time and application, but different designs of the same concept often fulfill a need. The future will be no different. A number of leading experts provide short surveys of the principal inertial technologies of today and what is to be expected in the next 25 years. Not all predictions are congruent-like stock market predictions, you are left to decide for yourself.  相似文献   

Fowler's Seventh Law for military systems [1] states: "Be wary of proposals for synergistic systems. Most of the time when you try to make 2 + 2 = 5, you end up with 3-and sometimes 1.9." We attempt to approach the broad issues of IFFN (identification, friend, foe, neutral) of military targets via the techniques of NCTR (noncooperative target recognition), coupled with the systems approach called "sensor fusion." Although the overall style of the paper is that of a tutorial, many of the results presented are original. In all cases where we make political obsrvations, they represent our personal opinions.  相似文献   

察颜观色,通过对方一个不经意的小表情、小动作破解其深藏的内心奥秘,是行走于百态人问人们的一个普遍心愿。世界太复杂,准不想拥有一双火眼金睛,探知动作、表情背后潜藏的危机呢?美国电视剧《Lie to Me》(别对我说谎)的热播,更是点燃了人们破解微动作、微表情的热情火药。一时间各路"神仙"纷纷著书立说,鱼龙混杂,那么究竟人们的表情、动作能否透露内心深藏的秘密?中国"应激心理微反应"学科带头人姜振宇,在《姜振宇教你察言观色》一书中破除了诸多不靠谱的"读心"神话,带领读者从科学的角度出发,一步步破解人类的丛林基因密码,帮助读者分析  相似文献   

When you're going to give the first talk in the morning on the third day of a three-day conference, and the banquet, followed by the traditional partying, takes place the night before, you take unusual measures to get and keep the attention of the audience (such as it is). If the serious reader will skim through the various attempts at humor, he will find some thoughts that I believe are important and that might be of interest to him. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not in any way purport to represent those of The MITRE Corporation or the Department of Defense.  相似文献   

The realities of a system's development process are described by the cliche: "Pay me now or pay me later." Everything costs something - there is no free lunch. However, there are less costly lunches. We are driven to lessen the cost, while still trying to garner the same or greater value. AU decisions have a relative cost associated with them, in both the short- and long-term. Further, this cost is seen differently by those who pay it, than by those who make the decisions that incur it - they are often not the same people. Yet it should always be our charge to manage the reduction of those costs over the life cycle, not just under our watch.  相似文献   

社会资本是一种无形的资源,其强调的"信任、网络和规范"对农民政治参与具有普遍的促进作用。"信任"为政治参与提供精神支持,"网络"为政治参与提供载体支持,"规范"为政治参与提供保障。目前我国欠发达地区农村的这些社会资本存在严重缺失的现象。文章通过对苏北地区农村的实地调查,指出这种社会资本缺失对农民政治参与在选举、决策、管理、监督方面的制约,认为只有促进农村社会资本的发育,才能提高农民政治参与的愿望与行为。具体的途径包括:提高农民文化素质,增加个人可用资源,进而增强集体可用的社会资本;乡村干部在执行上级决策时还应兼顾村民意志,以此增加"信任"资本;充分发挥农村合作组织在社会资本建设中的作用,使农民的"私权"加以整合,使其面对"公权力"时获得平等话语权,同时增强农民的凝聚力;加强法制建设,通过发展"规范",引导、完善农民的政治参与,促进农民的民主决策、民主管理、民主监督。  相似文献   

从描述测量系统的微分方程出发,用系统的输入输出数据辨识系统的离散传递函数,弥补在加速度计灵敏度校准中不能给出加速度计动态特性的缺陷,再应用系统的离散传递函数将加速度计输出信号恢复为一定的动态特性范围内“真实”的现场冲击加速度-时间历程。  相似文献   

能否对教学效果给出合理的、科学的评价,直接关系到教学改革工作能否顺利进行,也是教学改革工作成败的关键,传统意义上的算数平均的评估法,由于它体现的仅仅是对教学整体效果的评价,没能很好的体现对优秀学生培养的认可,因此,已不能适应现阶段高校教学工作的要求,基于算术平均与加权平均的思想,通过实例提出了一种兼顾整体平均与适当提升优秀个体贡献的教学效果评估方法,体现了如何确定一种适度的测度的思想,并且具有一定的合理性和应用价值。  相似文献   

顾仲权 《航空学报》1990,11(3):188-193
 <正> I_B 桨叶绕垂直铰的转动惯量I_(?),I_(?),I_(?) 机身绕过其重心O的x,y,z 轴的转动惯量ι 桨叶长度m_B 单片桨叶的质量  相似文献   

激光能够照射到的区域受到限制,飞行器只能在这个范围飞行并尽可能获得较大的速度.考虑两种不同的加速方式:竖直平面内直接加速和螺旋加速,使用程序调参飞行控制技术确定操纵面偏转角度,控制飞行器轨迹,并且给出了相应的仿真结果.结果表明,操纵控制下的飞行器能够按照预定轨迹飞行;使用螺旋加速方式,可以延长激光加速的时间,但是这两种加速方式最后得到的速度差不多, 而螺旋加速的操纵复杂,因此竖直平面内直接加速有一定的优势.  相似文献   

微飞行器技术的最新发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来由于军事发展需要,微飞行器发展迅速。微飞行器实际上是一套可在空中飞行的复杂多功能微机电系统,正日趋微型化。本文扼要介绍了微飞行器技术的最新发展。  相似文献   

Runway incursion is defined by the FAA as "any occurrence at an airport involving an aircraft, vehicle, person or object on the ground that creates collision hazard or results in a loss of separation with an aircraft taking off, intending to take off, landing or intending to land." A summary of how severe this problem is can be found in a 2001 hearing before the Subcommittee on Aviation. Surface movement radar (SMR) technology has evolved over the years as part of an effort to mitigate runway incursion risks and enhance airport capacity. Surface movement surveillance systems of various types have been installed in major airports as early as the 1960s, and have kept evolving. The most recent system currently being deployed in the US by the FAA is the airport surface movement detection equipment model X (ASDE-X) system. In this system, unlike previous systems, the surface movement radar is just one of several sensors that are used in addition to transponder multilateration and GPS-based position reports, referred to as automatic dependent surveillance - broadcast or ADS-B; however, the SMR is a key subsystem. This paper contains an overview of the state-of-the-art SMR technology and provides an introduction on the use of radar technology for this commercial application. It focuses on the architecture, characteristics and technology of the radar sensor, the characteristics of the clutter and how it affects the performance, effects of multipath, automatic detection and comparison of several sensor architectures. Sensis Corporation has recently completed the testing of a new, improved SMR, which is now part of ASDE-X system. This paper summarizes the main features of this radar  相似文献   

三次样条最佳地形跟随系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖顺达  丁全心 《航空学报》1989,10(5):259-266
 本文用线性规划法取代二次规划法以实现三次样条最佳航迹的计算,简化了约束条件,且能在原有飞行自动控制系统基础上设计航迹自动跟踪系统,从而大大地减少计算工作量,使得原来无法实现的Funk及Kelly等人的三次样条最佳地形跟随方案十分接近于实时实现条件。混合仿真结果表明。6370m长的最佳航迹可于14.6 s内算完,而飞机飞过这段航迹要用20 s,且这种算法可以保证飞过高度变化范围达1000 m的地形,地形跟随系统的实际高度与参考值的误差不超过10 m,最大法向过载在0~3 g之闻,满足了当前地形跟随系统的基本技术要求。  相似文献   

利率模型主要用来描述利率的动态行为,迄今为止大多数利率模型都是在CKLS框架之下进行的实证研究。这一模型主要表现为两点不足:一是模型漂移假定为利率水平的线性形式,二是短期利率的波动性假定为利率水平的函数,这两个假定都与实际不符,直接在这一框架下描述我国利率的变动显然是不合适的。文章尝试提出一个新的利率模型,这一模型既考虑了利率变动的非线性特征,又考虑了波动率,结果表明该模型能够较好地描述我国利率变动特征,对我国市场利率的动态行为具有较好的解释力。  相似文献   

The distant shores of Mars were reached by numerous U.S. and Russian spacecraft throughout the 1960s to mid 1970s. Nearly 20 years have passed since those successful missions which orbited and landed on the Martian surface. Two Soviet probes headed for the planet in July, 1988, but later failed. In August 1993, the U.S. Mars Observer suddenly went silent just three days before it was to enter orbit around the planet and was never heard from again. In late 1996, there will be renewed activity on the launch pads with three probes departing for the red planet: 1) The U.S. Mars Global Surveyor will be launched in November on a Delta II rocket and will orbit the planet for global mapping purposes; 2) Russia's Mars '96 mission, scheduled to fly in November on a Proton launcher, consists of an orbiter, two small stations which will land on the Martian surface, and two penetrators that will plow into the terrain; and finally, 3) a U.S. Discovery-class spacecraft, the Mars Pathfinder, has a December launch date atop a Delta II booster. The mission features a lander and a microrover that will travel short distances over Martian territory. These missions usher in a new phase of Mars exploration, setting the stage for an unprecedented volley of spacecraft that will orbit around, land on, drive across, and perhaps fly at low altitudes over the planet.  相似文献   

我国高校固定资产管理模式研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中国高等教育的发展面临着经费紧缺的问题,而高校内部又存在着极大的浪费现象,其中固定资产管理不善是很重要的原因之一.当前,高校固定资产管理归结起来主要有两种模式,即总账控制模式和明细账控制模式,这两种模式都未解决固定资产管理混乱的局面.实行"统一领导,三级管理"管理模式,加强组织机构和制度建设,规范账簿设置和日常核算等措施,将可以有效整肃高校内部固定资产管理的混乱局面,最终有效提高资金的使用效果.  相似文献   

freddy 《航空港》2012,(6):46-49
在很多北方人看来,上海男人的个性中夹杂的是怯懦、娘、小家子气。有人说上海男人缺乏阳刚美,所以被人看不起。但他们似乎忘记了一个人——刘翔!刘翔,这个上海爷们,用自己的实力与霸气,登上了钻石联赛上海站之巅,让那些质疑上海男人的都闭了嘴。"因为我有实力,因为我是刘翔!"  相似文献   

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