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Physical and chemical processes which affect the equilibrium distribution of ionization in the atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are reviewed. Current models imply readily detectable ionospheres for all four planets and suggest that protons should represent the dominant positive ion. Attention is directed to the probable importance of dissociative ionization of H2 as a source of H+. A number of potentially important loss mechanisms for H+ are discussed including a possible reaction of H+ with vibrationally excited H2. Protons may be removed efficiently at lower altitudes by reaction with CH4 and this process may offer a simple remote means for location of the turbopause.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   

Summary Ultraviolet observations of comets from above the Earth's atmosphere have provided excellent new results and improved older ground based observations (OH) by an order of magnitude. Satellites are especially suitable because long integration times and observations during extended time intervals are possible.The existing cometary L observations have confirmed the relatively high overall gas production rates on the order of 1030 molecule s–1. The results strongly support the concept of an icy conglomerate solid cometary nucleus. Additional observations of hydroxyl and oxygen favor water to be one of the most abundant molecules in comets. The observations are in agreement with the predominent role of water in the evaporation process of the nuclear ices but are not proof in themselves.Water did not outnumber other consitutents by orders of magnitude in comets Bennett and Kohoutek. At least in these comets, carbon-containing molecules were possibly as numerous as water. Determination of the carbon scale length is necessary for a more quantitative statement.A hydrogen velocity of 7–9 km s–1 was observed in comet Bennett as well as in comet Kohoutek for a variety of heliocentric distances and varying production rates. Determinations of the outflow velocity from L isophotes agree with line profile observations of L and H. Hydroxyl may constitute the main source for the hydrogen atoms with v H - 8 km s–1. The decay process, however, leading to this particular velocity is not yet known. Possibly a large portion of the OH radicals do not decay into hydrogen atoms or at least not into slow ones. If the high velocity component of 20 km s–1 or more comprises a larger amount (up to 50%), most of the quoted hydrogen production rates must be revised upward.The intrinsic cometary brightness is only a very crude indicator of a comet's actual gas production rate as shown by comparison of comets Bennett and TSK. Comets can be successfully used as (extra ecliptic) space probes to measure interplanetary quantities, e.g., the curvature of the extended hydrogen clouds can be used for the absolute determination of the solar emission independent of instrumental calibration. Generally time dependent hydrogen density models must be used for the interpretation. The strength of the ultraviolet L emission favors its measurement as a standard procedure for the observation of comets (possibly together with OH (3090 Å)). These observations provide the most accurate results on the total cometary gas production rate and its variation with heliocentric distance.Dedicated to Professor L. Biermann in recognition of his inspiring guidance.On leave of absence from Max-Planck-Institut für Physik und Astrophysik, Munich.  相似文献   

Current observational data base on the motion of comets and asteroids is reviewed. Particular attention is paid to the absolute and relative abundances of different dynamical types of objects, and to the time intervals between their first and last observations. The latter quantity, ranging from two days to two milliennia for individual objects, is the dominant measure of the accuracy of the orbit determination. Distribution of the tracking times of comets (distinguished by dynamical age: new, long-period, Halley type, Jupiter family) and asteroids (distinguished by stability: Apollos, Amors, main-belt asteroids, outer librators, outer unstable objects) are reconstructed. The peculiar shapes of individual distributions can be explained by the complex mechanisms of discoveries, rediscoveries, orbit computations, follow-up observations and backward identifications. A comparison is also made with the dynamical data base on meteoroids, as regards the accuracy of their orbits.The cumulative tracking times (170000 yr for all 7600 objects with known orbits taken together) are compared with the lifetimes and occurrence rates of different events of evolutionary significance. Only in the case of short-period comets the evolution is rapid enough to render observable a variety of important changes, ranging from drastic transformations of orbits to disruption or total outgassing. For asteroids, only minor cratering collisions which do not result in detectable changes of their orbits are covered by the whole observational history.Expected future improvements of observing and data-handling techniques are outlined. With these in view, the size and character of the data to become available by the end of this century are predicted. Dynamical types of objects, which are currently known in only one or a few examples, are pointed out. Apparently, other types of rare occurrence and short survival time still escape detection. A list of easiest targets of short-duration spacecraft missions is presented.The deficiencies of current statistics due to observational selection; the broad variety of regimes of motion occupied by widely differing proportional representations of the known objects; and demands for suitable targets of future spacecraft missions make it highly desirable to maintain the present rapid rate of augmentation of the data base for the years to come.Recent passages of two comets — 1983d IRAS-Araki-Alcock and 1983e Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa — near the Earth indicate that both the collision rate given in Table VIII and the contribution of long-period comets to it may have been slightly underestimated. The appropriate adjustment of the log-t values by less than — 0.10 has no effect of the general conclusions, however.The success of the orbiting observatory IRAS in detecting faint interplanetary objects lends better promises for the increase of the number of known objects (in particular comets) than anticipated in Section 6 and estimated in Table IX. Obviously, the outcome will largely depend on the implementation, time coverage and degree of exploitation of similar projects in the near future.  相似文献   

There is significant progress in the observations, theory, and understanding of the x-ray and EUV emissions from comets since their discovery in 1996. That discovery was so puzzling because comets appear to be more efficient emitters of x-rays than the Moon by a factor of 80000. The detected emissions are general properties of comets and have been currently detected and analyzed in thirteen comets from five orbiting observatories. The observational studies before 2000 were based on x-ray cameras and low resolution (E/E1.5–3) instruments and focused on the morphology of x-rays, their correlations with gas and dust productions in comets and with the solar x-rays and the solar wind. Even those observations made it possible to choose uniquely charge exchange between the solar wind heavy ions and cometary neutrals as the main excitation process. The recently published spectra are of much better quality and result in the identification of the emissions of the multiply charged ions of O, C, Ne, Mg, and Si which are brought to comets by the solar wind. The observed spectra have been used to study the solar wind composition and its variations. Theoretical analyses of x-ray and EUV photon excitation in comets by charge exchange, scattering of the solar photons by attogram dust particles, energetic electron impact and bremsstrahlung, collisions between cometary and interplanetary dust, and solar x-ray scattering and fluorescence in comets have been made. These analyses confirm charge exchange as the main excitation mechanism, which is responsible for more than 90% of the observed emission, while each of the other processes is limited to a few percent or less. The theory of charge exchange and different methods of calculation for charge exchange are considered. Laboratory studies of charge exchange relevant to the conditions in comets are reviewed. Total and state-selective cross sections of charge exchange measured in the laboratory are tabulated. Simulations of synthetic spectra of charge exchange in comets are discussed. X-ray and EUV emissions from comets are related to different disciplines and fields such as cometary physics, fundamental physics, x-rays spectroscopy, and space physics.  相似文献   

There is significant progress in the observations, theory, and understanding of the x-ray and EUV emissions from comets since their discovery in 1996. That discovery was so puzzling because comets appear to be more efficient emitters of x-rays than the Moon by a factor of 80 000. The detected emissions are general properties of comets and have been currently detected and analyzed in thirteen comets from five orbiting observatories. The observational studies before 2000 were based on x-ray cameras and low resolution (E/δE ≈ 1.5-3) instruments and focused on the morphology of xrays, their correlations with gas and dust productions in comets and with the solar x-rays and the solar wind. Even those observations made it possible to choose uniquely charge exchange between the solar wind heavy ions and cometary neutrals as the main excitation process. The recently published spectra are of much better quality and result in the identification of the emissions of the multiply charged ions of O, C, Ne, Mg, and Si which are brought to comets by the solar wind. The observed spectra have been used to study the solar wind composition and its variations. Theoretical analyses of x-ray and EUV photon excitation in comets by charge exchange, scattering of the solar photons by attogram dust particles, energetic electron impact and bremsstrahlung, collisions between cometary and interplanetary dust, and solar x-ray scattering and fluorescence in comets have been made. These analyses confirm charge exchange as the main excitation mechanism, which is responsible for more than 90% of the observed emission, while each of the other processes is limited to a few percent or less. The theory of charge exchange and different methods of calculation for charge exchange are considered. Laboratory studies of charge exchange relevant to the conditions in comets are reviewed. Total and state-selective cross sections of charge exchange measured in the laboratory are tabulated. Simulations of synthetic spectra of charge exchange in comets are discussed. X-ray and EUV emissions from comets are related to different disciplines and fields such as cometary physics, fundamental physics, x-rays spectroscopy, and space physics.This revised version was published online in July 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

At least 6 extraterrestrial environments may have contributed organic compounds to meteorites and comets: solar nebula, giant-planet subnebulae, asteroid interiors containing liquid water, carbon star atmospheres, and diffuse or dark interstellar clouds. The record in meteorites is partly obscured by pervasive reheating that transformed much of the organic matter to kerogen; nonetheless, it seems that all 6 formation sites contributed. For comets, the large abundance of HCHO, HCN, and unsaturated hydrocarbons suggests an interstellar component of 50%, but the contributions of various interstellar processes, and of a solar-nebula component, are hard to quantify. A research program is outlined that may help reduce these uncertainties.  相似文献   

A brief discussion is given of the physical processes that may lead to a differentiation of the nucleus of short period comets. It is concluded that samples from the near-surface layers of such comets may give us important information on the initial state of cometary organics and refractories. Cometary ices are more likely to be indicators of the recent evolution of the comet.  相似文献   

Analogies between interstellar and cometary matter can be found in their chemical compositions, both in the gaseous and solid phases, but also in the physical processes involved like evidence for ion-molecules reactions at low temperature and for ice irradiation processes. Such analogies can be observed from 3 types of measurements: interstellar spectra, cometary observations, and analyses of interplanetary dust particles, with the help of laboratory simulation experiments. Taking into account all the present available information, a compilation of the elemental abundances in interstellar matter and in comet Halley is derived, without any assumption about the dust to gas ratio. It is found that there is a significant apparent depletion of nitrogen, presently unexplained, in both interstellar and cometary materials.  相似文献   

The plasma Environment of Mars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nagy  A.F.  Winterhalter  D.  Sauer  K.  Cravens  T.E.  Brecht  S.  Mazelle  C.  Crider  D.  Kallio  E.  Zakharov  A.  Dubinin  E.  Verigin  M.  Kotova  G.  Axford  W.I.  Bertucci  C.  Trotignon  J.G. 《Space Science Reviews》2004,111(1-2):33-114
Space Science Reviews -  相似文献   

The Wave Experiment, F4, on the Swedish/German satelliteFreja, is designed to measure the electric wave fields up to 4 MHz, the magnetic wave fields up to 16 kHz and the plasma density and its relative variations up to 2 kHz. Six wave signals and four density probe signals can be measured simultaneously. The wave forms of all signals are transmitted to ground without any analysis onboard. The limited TM allocation does not allow continuous sampling of the wave signals, so normally the measurements are made in snapshots of various lengths dependent on sampling frequency, etc. Continuous sampling can be made for shorter time periods by using a 6 Mbyte memory as a buffer.  相似文献   

为了研究鸭式布局远程弹尾翼对气动特性的影响,设计了无尾翼,“T”型尾8翼,栅格尾翼三种尾翼布局,通过风洞测力实验研究不同布局在不同马赫数及迎角状态下对远程弹气动特性尤其是滚转特性的影响。实验结果显示:安装“T”型尾翼的模型和安装栅格尾翼的模型相比,在跨声速阶段,其升力特性优于栅格尾翼,也更利于滚转控制,但在超声速区域,栅格尾翼模型具有明显的升力特性优势,同时也容易进行滚转控制,而减小阻力是栅格翼将来需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

Sounding rockets and satellites have discovered a large variety of plasma waves within the Earth's magnetosphere—geospace. These waves are found over a frequency range of millihertz to megahertz. The frequency ranges are generally associated with characteristic frequencies such as the plasma frequency and gyrofrequency. Most waves are generated by hot or streaming magnetospheric plasma; some waves are due to lightning discharges, to intentional man-made transmitters or to incidental radiation from power transmission systems. Propagation of waves from the observation region back to a probable source region can be modelled using ray tracing techniques in a model magnetosphere where the electron number density, ion composition and magnetic field vector is specified. Information in addition to the common amplitude-frequency-time spectrograms can be obtained from the received waves using multiple antennas and receivers. Cross-correlation of the wave electric and magnetic components can provide information on the wave polarization and direction of propagation and on the wave distribution function.  相似文献   

The plasma physics of shock acceleration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The notion that plasma shocks in astrophysical settings can and do accelerate charged particles to high energies is not a new one. However, in recent years considerable progress has been achieved in understanding the role particle acceleration plays both in astrophysics and in the shock process itself. In this paper we briefly review the history and theory of shock acceleration, paying particular attention to theories of parallel shocks which include the backreaction of accelerated particles on the shock structure. We discuss in detail the work that computer simulations, both plasma and Monte Carlo, are playing in revealing how thermal ions interact with shocks and how particle acceleration appears to be an inevitable and necessary part of the basic plasma physics that governs collisionless shocks. We briefly describe some of the outstanding problems that still confront theorists and observers in this field.  相似文献   

Space plasma simulation is a subject which is in its infancy, but which is already having an important impact on space science. Its growth is being spurred onward by the continuing increase in capacity (speed and memory) of computers and by advances in the sophistication of numerical models. These advances are making it possible to simulate more realistic situations using more complex models. Already significant three-dimensional MHD calculations of the magnetosphere and its interaction with the solar wind have been carried out. In addition multi-dimensional particle simulations are illuminating many of the microscopic physics processes which go on (instabilities, saturation levels and wave nonlinearity, shock structure, etc.). Notwithstanding these advances, the surface has only been scratched; many challenges and opportunities are provided by simulation both for the space physicist and the model builders (also for computer designers). In MHD models more physics need to be included (Hall effect, gyroviscosity, accurate models of boundaries, how do we put microscopic physics effects into macroscopic codes, etc.). For model builders correct treatments of systems containing a large range of important space and time scales, magnetic field strengths, Alfven wave velocity, etc. present real challenges. What are the best ways to diagnose these complex models and obtain meaningful information? What quantities should be looked at? How should they be displayed? A discussion of the promises, the prospects, and the challenges of the above topics will be given with examples taken from recent work.  相似文献   

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